How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills 2022 (15 Easy Gigs!) (2024)

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills 2022 (15 Easy Gigs!) (1)

Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Katie

The internet has opened up the world to multiple money-making opportunities. Fiverr is just one place freelancers and hustlers get paid for various tasks. While it helps to be a good writer or have expert knowledge in web design, you can learn how to make money on Fiverr without skills.

This article is going to share with you multiple Fiverr gig ideas you can start cashing in within an afternoon.

And the good thing is, you won’t have to slave away for hours to make a few measly dollars. All the Fiverr gigs I’ll share can be done in around 10 minutes and make you $50 or more.

Table of Contents show

Summary of How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills

  1. Resume/CV designing
  2. Create Intro Videos
  3. Be a video spokesperson
  4. Travel planning
  5. Transcribing audio and subtitling videos
  6. Set up social media accounts
  7. Make Whiteboard animation videos
  8. Writing blog comments
  9. Design favicons for websites
  10. Data entry
  11. Create photo collages
  12. Sell Pinterest templates
  13. Web research
  14. Remove image backgrounds
  15. Link sharing

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How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills – Easy Gig Ideas

Posting your first Fiverr gig is a nerve-wracking time.

I’m sure you have many questions and doubts racing through your mind! Know that anything new is tough in the beginning. But once you start, you’ll realise it’s not as bad as you think.

Let’s check out 15 simple ways to make money on Fiverr without skills:

1. Resume/CV Designing

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Many people need help designing or re-designing their resumes.

Whether they’re applying online or offline, a professional resume is needed for success.

This is where you can help by offering a resume design and re-design gig on Fiverr. But, how do you do that with zero skills in this area?

What you’ll be surprised to realise is that most Fiverr freelancers who offer this service, don’t actually create the resumes themselves!

What they do is use ready-made resume designs that they buy off someone else.

When someone purchases their resume design gig, they offer a selection and the buyer chooses one.

The freelancer then edits the resume with the buyer’s details, exports it to PDF and delivers it to the customer.

Voila, you just made $50 – $60 in under 30 minutes! This makes money because you buy the resume design once and can sell it thousands of times.

2. Create Intro Videos

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Businesses and entrepreneurs need intro videos for their YouTube channels and websites.

An intro video usually contains a text overlay, the company logo and a call to action at the end. Of course, this will vary depending on who orders the gig.

Once someone purchases this service, ask the buyer for their logo, brand colours and anything else they want in the video.

Use FlixExpress to make your intro video in a few minutes, even with no experience.

3. Be a Video Spokesperson

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Are you great at talking on camera? Businesses need your help on Fiverr as a video spokesperson.

A video spokesperson creates video content promoting a product, service or brand. All you need for this gig is:

  • A clear-talking voice
  • A quiet room to record the video in
  • White background for the video
  • Studio lighting (will help but is not essential)
  • A camera that shoots in high quality
  • The ability to edit the video with a logo and music on request

You can charge different rates depending on how long the video is or how many words it contains.

While it might take practice to hone your video presentation skills, this is an easy way to make money on Fiverr as a beginner.

4. Travel Planning

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One of the easiest gigs on this list of how to make money on Fiverr without skills.

If you love to travel and are good at researching, planning travel itineraries for busy people is an ideal way to make extra money.

Fiverr travel planners charge anywhere between $15 to $94.99 per gig from what I’ve seen!

You can increase your earnings by charging different rates depending on the number of travel destinations needing research.

Include add-ons for a price like accommodation, where to eat, activities and transportation and you’ll be onto a nice little earner.

5. Transcribing Audio and Subtitling Videos

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If you have a good ear for listening and decent typing skills, you can offer transcription and video subtitling services on Fiverr.

Use a free tool like oTranscribe which allows you to pause, rewind and fast-forward audio without taking your hands off the keyboard.

It will seriously cut your transcribing time down allowing you to make more money in a shorter time.

For subtitling, you can actually get the work done for you. Did you know YouTube and Facebook automatically create subtitles when you upload a video?

No need to publish it, just upload and download it again with subtitles for editing.

6. Set Up Social Media Accounts

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Turn scrolling on social media into money by offering to set up accounts for businesses and solopreneurs.

Accounts people need help with include Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Clients may ask you to set up profiles, create posts, reply to followers and design graphics.

If you love being on social media, this is a great Fiverr gig to make money with.

Charge for a one-off service like account creation or sell a monthly retainer to manage an account.

7. Make Whiteboard Animation Videos

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Creating whiteboard animation videos isn’t as hard as you think.

There are lots of free software programs to use that make the video for you.

Savvy Fiverr sellers are charging between $41 up to $200 plus to create whiteboard animation videos, so you can see how lucrative this can be.

When selling this gig on Fiverr, you can charge various rates. Ask the client for script and voiceover content for your base fee and charge extra if they want you to create this.

Animaker is a free whiteboard animation video maker and walks you through step-by-step how to create your own, professional videos.

8. Writing Blog Comments

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When learning how to make money on Fiverr without skills, it’s good to start with a simple job to get your confidence up.

And, you can’t get easier than blog commenting.

Bloggers will pay for blog comments to build up backlinks and social proof.

Only take on this gig if you have great spelling and grammatical skills. For every 20 comments, you can charge $10 or even charge an hourly rate.

9. Design Favicons for Websites

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What the hell is a favicon you might be asking!?

If you look in your search bar to the left side of a website page you’ve opened, you’ll see a small image. This is the favicon.

Established businesses want a favicon related to their brand, not just the WordPress image that automatically shows up.

You can be the person who offers a favicon design service on Fiverr. And, don’t panic if you have no idea how – you can make them easily on a free site like Dynamic Drive.

Charge between $10 – $30 per favicon.

10. Data Entry

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Data entry is a simple task to get paid for on Fiverr.

Many businesses now hire freelancers instead of having an in-house secretary.

Data entry tasks may include filling out spreadsheets, copying and pasting, data collection, data mining, web research, email inbox organising and content research.

All these jobs are easy to do without any specialist skills. You can make more money by specialising in certain tasks and charge monthly retainers when someone likes your work.

Data entry isn’t the most exciting job, but it’s a simple job to make money on Fiverr with just a laptop, Microsoft Excel and a spreadsheet.

11. Create Photo Collages

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If you love organising your own photos, why not make money by offering the service to others?

People will purchase theme-based photo collages for celebrations like Valentine’s Day, a birthday or an anniversary for example. Theme collages can be created for free on Photovisi and sold on Fiverr for $10 – $15.

Shape collages are another great way to make money. Upload your client’s photos to Ribbet, choose the shape and get a beautiful shape collage.

You can even add effects, stickers and text to customise the collage further.

12. Sell Pinterest Templates

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Pinterest is the 14th largest social network in the world and has over 431 million monthly active users.

Many businesses get a huge amount of leads and sales by posting pins on the platform.

You can offer to create pins and sell Pinterest templates that’ll save people time and money creating their own.

It’s easy to create Pinterest pins for free on Canva. Just sign up for a free account and you can even use the handy Pinterest templates that already align with the required dimensions.

Use different colours, fonts and photos to further make your pin templates pop.

Bundle them together and sell them on Fiverr. You can even set up a service to manage Pinterest accounts or for a monthly delivery of Pinterest pin templates so you earn a recurring fee.

Charge $30 – $50 per bundle of 50 Pinterest pins or $250 – $500/month for monthly account management.

13. Web Research

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When learning how to make money on Fiverr without skills, web research is worth checking out.

It involves you being given a task to find information and searching the web to find that information.

This is a simple Fiverr gig anyone can do. Many business owners have little free time and will pay someone to research for them.

Tasks may include gathering email addresses, making a list of competitors or keyword research for bloggers. As long as you have a computer and internet connection, you can make money with this Fiverr gig.

Pay for this type of work will depend on how much information you’re asked to gather. But, typically you could charge $15 – $30 if the task takes you 1 – 2 hours.

14. Remove Image Backgrounds

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People often want to remove the background from an image, so they can use it elsewhere.

An example might be cutting the bar scene away from an image and replacing it with a beach scene.

There are no special skills needed to do this work. But business owners will pay someone else to do these time-consuming tasks, to free up their own time.

You can even use free background remover tools such as:

Price your image removal gig in bulk to get the most interest. A good place to start would be 50 background image removals for $50.

15. Link Sharing

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One of the simplest ways to make money on Fiverr without any skills is to share links.

All the gig requires is for you to share links on your social media accounts to get them extra exposure.

Bloggers and business owners will pay for this service. Because, more link shares mean more traffic, leads and sales for them.

To be successful with this, you will need a decent-sized following on one or several of the major social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.

How much you charge for link sharing will depend on the size of your audience. If you only have a few thousand followers, $10 – $15 per share is realistic.

However, if you have 10 thousand – 100 thousand followers plus, you can charge hundreds per share or charge a monthly rate.

What is Fiverr and How Does It Work?

Fiverr is a virtual platform where people buy and sell services such as copywriting, web design and development, logo design, e-book covers, social media management, voice-overs and other unique services.

Gigs sell from as little as $5 right up to hundreds of dollars, depending on the expertise of the seller.

Many Fiverr freelancers make side hustle cash and some make a full-time living with the platform. Although, it’s good to remember this takes time.

To get started on Fiverr you need to sign up, post a gig offering a specific service and set your prices.

Businesses and entrepreneurs will search a keyword like ‘’logo design’’, browse through the freelancer profiles and contact the ones with the best offer.

Benefits of Using Fiverr to Make Extra Money Online

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By learning how to make money on Fiverr without skills, you’re creating a second income stream.

Whether you need to pay a few bills or have extra cash for a rainy day, more money is always helpful.

Here are the many pros of using Fiverr to make extra money:

  • Anyone can set up a profile
  • It’s easy to post a gig quickly
  • Can sell simple services even without any skills
  • Fiverr has a huge amount of buyer traffic
  • Can make money alongside other side hustles
  • Only need a laptop, WIFI and basic computer skills to get started

How to Create a Gig on Fiverr?

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Now you know how to make money on Fiverr without skills!

Choose one of the simple services to sell above and create your gig on Fiverr.

After setting up your profile, click on selling, gigs and create a new gig. Follow these simple steps to get set up:

1. Gig Overview

You have 80 characters to sell your service in the gig overview so make it powerful.

Make sure to describe what you offer in a clear and concise manner.

This is the first thing a potential customer sees and could be the deciding factor in whether they buy your gig.

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills 2022 (15 Easy Gigs!) (19)

2. Categories and Tags

Next, you need to decide on the right categories and tags for your new gig. These help you get found when someone types in the Fiverr search box.

Decide on two categories and two subcategories that closely relate to what you do. So if you offer data entry, good tags would be data entry typing work, data entry excel and data scraping.

Type your main keyword into the Fiverr box and you’ll be suggested many related tags if you get stuck.

3. Gig Pricing and Packages

Each Fiverr freelancer offers packages usually called basic, standard and premium. This is where you have a chance to make more money, upselling products onto the main offering.

Decide what you want in your packages and add in estimated delivery times, price and the amount of revisions available.

Fiverr takes 20% off whatever you earn, so always keep this in mind when pricing your gig. But remember – it’s a good idea to start at a lower rate to gain experience and get clients.

Prices can be lifted after the good reviews start coming in.

4. Gig Description, Requirements and FAQs

The gig description is where you describe what you offer in detail.

Try to be as helpful as possible here, describing in-depth what the customer can expect.

Write a blurb about what you need from the client, what you don’t do and any other important information.

An FAQ section is a nice way to finish, aiming to answer any possible question the prospect has. This makes your life easier, minimising the number of times you answer the same question.

5. Create a Clickable Gig Image

An eye-catching gig image is essential to stop the Fiverr scroll.

If you’ve checked out the platform you’ll see there are thousands of gigs advertised so you need to make yours grab attention.

Some ideas are to use a video describing your gig. This works well as it creates authenticity and trust.

Otherwise, use a free graphic design platform like Canva.

Image size needs to be 550 pixels wide by 370 pixels tall. Keep it simple, and relevant to your gig, add a few brand colours and be professional.

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6. Fiver Seller Description

Once you have your gig set up, write an engaging seller description. People will check you out to see if you’re a real human!

Talk a little about your past experience, and any qualifications you have and add a call to action at the end to encourage people to contact you. Pair this with a professional profile photo and you’ll be onto a winner.

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills – FAQs

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How much can I earn on Fiverr as a beginner?

Even as a beginner, you can start making money on Fiverr by choosing a simple gig listed above and creating a strong profile.

Set yourself up for success by designing a profile that stands out.

What you earn will depend on the type of gig and how in-demand the gig is. As you gain more experience, you’ll also start to get more reviews which will lead to more orders.

A new Fiverr freelancer may only earn $50 – $100 in their first month. But, with experience, you can make hundreds or even thousands on Fiverr each month.

How quickly can I make money on Fiverr?

There is no way to guarantee the amount of time it takes to start earning with Fiverr.

It really does depend on the person and whether their gig is in demand.

Don’t worry about when you’ll make money initially, just focus on offering great service at a competitive rate.

What gigs sell best on Fiverr?

Some of the best-selling gigs on Fiverr are social media management, logo design, resume writing, illustration, content writing and web development.

But don’t let it get you down if you don’t have these skills.

Many creatives make money on Fiverr with unusual gigs like creating videos dressed as Jesus and teaching people to telepathically communicate with their pets (yes, really!).

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills 2022 (15 Easy Gigs!) (22)

What is the highest-paying Fiverr gig?

The most profitable Fiverr gigs include article writing, digital marketing, setting up ad campaigns and graphic design to name a few.

How else can I make money without any skills?

There are many ways to make side hustle cash in your spare time even with no skills.

Check out the articles I’ve written below on how to make money with easy side hustles.

  • Affiliate Marketing on Twitter: Make Money Tweeting
  • How to Write eBooks for Money (Complete Beginner Guide)
  • 11 Legit Places to Make Money Watching Videos
  • 11 Websites to Earn Money Browsing the Web
  • Get Paid to Text: 20 Best Platforms 2022 (Up to $60/Hour)

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills – Final Thoughts

Now you know how to make money on Fiverr without skills. Which gig are you going to start?

You’ll never know if a gig is a money maker until you try it out. Because what works for one might not work for the other.

Remember – you can set up multiple gigs on Fiverr to increase your monthly income. As you gain clients and good reviews, your Fiverr gig will get pushed closer to the top of the search by AI.

So, hang in there if you don’t get hundreds of offers immediately! Like with any new career, you have to do your time before you start getting noticed.

Have you tried any of the Fiverr gigs mentioned? Let me know in the comments section.

How to Make Money On Fiverr Without Skills

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliatelinks that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

How to Make Money on Fiverr Without Skills 2022 (15 Easy Gigs!) (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.