How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (2024)

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (1)

How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

Whether you have a blog or you’re thinking about starting a blog, you’ll want to know…How can I Make Money Blogging.

You’re in the right place and I hope you’re sitting down because this article is JAM PACKED with information you probably won’t find anywhere else.

I know there are skeptics out there that ask, Can you really make money blogging? The answer is a resounding YES!

It took some time, but I have found the right formula to make money blogging and make it CONSISTENTLY without selling an ebook or course. Most people don’t have the patience to blog because it requires a lot of work and it can take a while before you make any money.

I started my blog at the end of January 2018 with zero traffic and only made $5,000 the ENTIRE YEAR.

Fast forward to now, I get well over 100,000 page views per month consistently and I earn over $10,000+ per month!

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (2)

Quick question:Are you on ouremail list? If you want the exact strategies I use to build my 6-figure blog, click here.

I did a video on how I would start a six-figure blog today from scratch that I think will really help you. Click here or below to watch.

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (3)

I take blogging seriously. This is a business and it allows me to stay home with my kids and contribute to the family income.

Let’s get started by defining the different ways you can make money blogging and THEN we’ll get to the part that’s going to change the game for you.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

Here’s How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

1. Advertising

Many people monetize their websites through display ads. When you are just starting out most people join the ad network Google Adsense because there are no traffic requirements.

There is no magic number of articles you’ll need to write to get accepted to Google Adsense but you do have to have enough quality content to make your site a valuable addition to the web before they will approve your site. Once you feel you have that, then you can apply.

I will leave applying to Google Adsense up to you, I only made $147 for the 3 months I was with them. Technically I still have $41 in my account and unfortunately, it will stay there because in order to get paid out it has to be $100 or more.

I switched to another Ad network called Mediavine which pays 5-10X more than Google Adsense! You’ll need a minimum of 25,000 sessions within the last 30 days to apply. Update: They recently changed their requirements to 50,000 sessions within the last 30 days before you can apply.

This will take some time to accomplish, that’s why I really like to push Affiliate Marketing because for many programs it doesn’t matter how much traffic you have to start earning and I earn WAYYY more through Affiliate Marketing than ads, which we’ll talk about next.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing (my favorite) is when you refer someone to a product or service online using a unique link and if they make a purchase through your link, you earn a commission.

You know how you recommend different products or places to friends? Well, now you can get paid for it!

Affiliate Marketing is great BUT don’t think you’ll get paid right away. For most of the programs I’m with I don’t get paid until the next month. I go more in-depth about Affiliate Marketing here and did a more in-depth video on how I use it here

3. Sponsorships

Once you start building an audience, companies will pay you to promote their brand or service. Sometimes they’ll reach out to you but you can also reach out to them with a proposal of exposure you can get them for a fee.

I had a company approach me to help promote their work from home opportunity. I checked it out and it was relevant to my audience so I accepted and charged a $250 one time fee.They accepted my price and I wrote the article in about 2 hours on my way home from a family vacation. I sent it for their approval and posted it. You can see that article on making money doing laundry from home here.

For any other sponsored posts I do I charge $1,000 because my value has increased because of the volume of traffic I get and engaged audience.

4. Services

I’ve had pretty good traffic to my blog in a short amount of time so I found a job on Upwork to help another blogger increase his traffic for $250 for a month. I should have charged WAYYY more BUT this was a great learning experience AND case study to show others how I helped this person grow traffic from nothing to XX, XXX monthly views.

You learn so much from starting a blog; you can become a Virtual Assistant to help other bloggers, Social Media Manager, Proofreader, Editor, or Freelance Writer. You need a platform to show your capabilities, and that’s how you can make money blogging from home through services. Your blog is a way to show the work you’ve done and can do.

If you want to start a blog, check out my step-by-step guide on blog starting here.

5. Digital Products

Many many bloggers make a lot of their money from digital products in the form of ebooks or courses. They use their blog as a platform to promote their products and do very well. It makes so much sense if you have a product to sell to havea blog support it.

Now that you have an understanding of how to monetize your blog, let’s talk about the next most important thing. How to get traffic to your website so you can make money BUT first you have to decide on something.

What’s Your Niche? Here are some of the Types of Blogs that Make Money

Scrivs from Obstacle says the 7 types of blogs that make the most money and gain the most traffic are:

  • How to Make Money
  • Personal Finance
  • Health and Fitness
  • Food
  • Beauty and Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Personal Development

If you need help defining your niche or finding out if it’s profitable, watch this.

Once you know what niche you’re in then comes the next step…

Create Useful Content

Now that you’ve picked your niche, you need to find out what to write about. Remember, this is a business if you want to make money blogging you need to be intentional about what you write.

Don’t think you know what people want to read, do your research so you’ll know.

No matter what niche you’re in, people have questions, and your job is to give the BEST possible answer to those questions.

But how do you find out what questions or topics people are interested in?

Use your competition for a guide, everyone has competitors and you’ll need to know who they are. Jeff Bullus said it best, “Competitive analysis is perhaps the strongest indicator of what works. By observing what resonates with the audience of competing businesses, you can better predict what your audience will appreciate.”

Join their mailing lists, stay in the know of what they’re doing.

I’ve found my competitors by doing Google and Pinterest searches on articles I want to write about. I see what bloggers come up in the search results, I record their sites and study them. I use them as a guide for what articles I can write about and see what Affiliate Programs they use (You can see how they use affiliate programs to make money here).

There are a number of ways to get topic ideas from your competition but here is one of the most important:

  • Keyword Research – I could and really should write a whole article about this but due to my limited time, I’m going to jam it all in this article.

If you’re more visual like me, I did a video to literally show you how I do this here

I go more in-depth in the video, but here is a snippet of how I do it.

If you’re not using Google Chrome, please download it. Then once you have Google Chrome download Keywords Everywhere. (Starting Oct 2019 you’ll have to pay for this, only $10 but WELL worth it) Keyword Surfer is a great alternative if you don’t want to pay. I haven’t personally used it, but I’ve heard great things and it works similarly to the Keywords Everywhere tool.

Once you sign up they will send you an API key, copy and paste that code in the Keywords EveryWhere icon at the top right of your screen under Settings

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (4)

Once you do that then the magic happens. Now, go to Google Chrome and type in anything in the search bar, you will now see something like this,

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (5)

I literally typed the word “anything” in lol and you can see that 135,000 people search for that word per month. I don’t pay attention to CPC or Competition, I only care about the monthly search volume of a keyword.

Isn’t this awesome? You can now see how often people search for different queries.

But I don’t care about the keyword “anything” because I can’t write about this. People go to Google because they have a problem and typically write questions in the search bar.

As content creators, our job is to solve those problems within our niche and give the BEST possible answer.

So when trying to find topic ideas I use 3 words or more. You won’t find many questions in two words or less. These are known as Long tail keywords and their more targeted keywords or queries.

Before we go any further let me explain something. The monthly search volume is only based on statistical data from searches in the past, it’s not totally accurate. I use this tool to just give me a sense of how often a long-tail keyword is searched for each month.

If I want to write about something and I find that no one searches for it, I probably won’t write about it.

Google’s job is to find users the best possible answer to their query, so I consider myself working for Google because I want my article to be the first article that shows up for the long-tail keyword I’m targeting.

Yes, there are other search engines out there, but I really care about the one that gets 1.17 BILLION daily users looking for answers to questions I’m hoping to solve in the Personal Finance niche.

I now have a number of articles ranking #1 on Google for my targeted long-tail keywords. This is how I consistently get traffic to my website because people are consistently using Google.

So when I’m out with my kids or doing whatever, people are continuously coming to my site, reading my articles and I’m making money from the ads on my articles and if anyone makes a purchase using one of my affiliate links.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than doing the dishes or whatever and seeing an email pop-up that says “Congratulations you’ve made an affiliate sale.”

Right now I get over 100,000 people per month coming to my website from Google (Organic Search).

It took time to start ranking on Google, so I suggest not to expect your articles to start ranking on Google for 6-months to a year IF you’re writing your articles in a specific way.

You want traffic from Google because it’s targeted traffic which is better for conversions. I even make more in my ad revenue because users spend more time on my articles from Google.

Let me show you a little exercise I go through when I’m writing an article.

We’ll use this article for an example…

When I first wanted to write this article I wanted it to be about how to get traffic to your website. I searched for that question (long-tail keywords) in Google, and the Keywords Everywhere tool told me only 1,900 people search for this question per month (estimated).

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I was hoping more people searched for that question so I kept searching for different questions that had a higher search volume. After playing around I landed on this one,

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I much rather spend my time writing an epic article on How to Make Money Blogging with a chance of 27,100 people reading it per month than 1,900.

So I changed my focus on this article, even though I’m still talking about how to get traffic to your website right now. I’m very intentional about what I write.

With two kids and only mornings and nap time to write, I have to focus on what will get me the best bang for my buck.

I took a look at the top 10 articles that are ranking for this long-tail keyword on Google, and I’ve got some big competition.

I use KWfinder to find out how competitive a keyword is (I LOVE this tool, try out the 10-day free trial for KWfinder),

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (8)

You see the Long-tail keywords “how to make money blogging” in orange at 38? Well, that means that the competition for this long-tail keyword is kind of hard, meaning it will be tough to rank on the first page of Google. It’s 38 out of 100, 1 is easy 100 is hard.

The first page of Google is the only place you want to be for your targeted keyword and in the first or second position. I mean, who really goes to the second page of Google and most people don’t go past the first two articles that show up.

I love KWfinder because it gives me ideas for other articles to write that are easier to rank for like, “How to make money with a blog for beginners.” Moz is also a good tool I use to see how competitive a keyword is.

I know the keyword “How to Make Money Blogging” will be difficult BUT since I know what I’m doing, I already talk about blogging on my blog (relevant niche) and I’m providing A LOT of value to my reader, Google will probably rank this in due time. Especially if I can get some bloggers/website owners to link this article to one of their articles.

You see, bloggers like to recommend good content to their readers.So when you write, try and make it the most comprehensive and helpful article that exists on the internet for that topic and bloggers may naturally link to your article to help their readers.

Feel free to include this article on your site if you find it helpful :-).

Please note, I normally go after long-tail keywords with high search volume and low keyword difficulty because it’s easier to rank for a fairly new blog like mine.

Ok, so now that I have chosen the Long-tail keyword “How to Make Money Blogging” I’m going to start writing my article (this article).

Once I’m done with that, I have my mom review my articles. I love my mom, I’m really not a great writer so she always does a read over and makes edits to make me look good. If you can, it’s always good to have a second pair of eyes read your article before publishing.

I also use Grammarly to check for grammar mistakes, even though they are wrong sometimes.

Once the article is published, I send to my email list.

It’s really important for new bloggers to know that there are more factors to ranking on Google than just writing great optimized articles such as;

  • Domain longevity – Google needs to be able to trust your website before they start ranking your articles and just like any other relationship, trust takes time.
  • Backlinks – Here’s how Moz explains it, In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. If many sites link to the same webpage or website, search engines can infer that content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a search engine results page. So, earning these backlinks can have a positive effect on a site’s ranking position or search visibility.

Guest posting to get backlinks is now frowned upon in Google’s eyes, so don’t waste your time doing any of those if the only goal was to get a backlink.

  • Mobile-friendly pages – Your site MUST be mobile-friendly, and that’s all I have to say to that.

Do you see how much is involved? Do you see why most people don’t succeed? It’s a heck of a lot of work, but it’s OH so worth it.

So, are you ready? Do you have what it takes to make money blogging?

If you’re ready and you want to build a 6-Figure Blog, subscribe to my email list here and I’ll show you how. Click here to subscribe.

It’s important to write your articles for Google now, so as time goes on and you gain more traction and Domain Authority your articles will start to rank.

This is my Formula:

  • Find high volume Long-tail keywords within my niche
  • Write in a way that Google will pick up my articles using keywords aka on-page SEO
  • Work to get Backlinks
  • Find ways to monetize my articles with affiliate links

You don’t have to do like I do searching for high volume long-tail keywords, the more articles you write following the steps above will start to accumulate and get you a nice consistent flow of traffic each month.

If you’d like me to teach you how to build a six-figure blog, sign up for our email list here.

How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (9)

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How to Make Money Blogging CONSISTENTLY in 2024 (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.