How to Invest in Farming Without Owning a Farm (2024)

Investing in farming can seem like a good strategic move. After all, whether the overall economy's in a recession or booming, people still have to eat. Because of this, many investors regard agriculture and farming investments as being recession-proof. Further, as the world's population increases, farming will play an increasingly important role in sustaining global societies.

That said, literally buying a farm isn't a feasible strategy for the average investor. Buying a farm can require a large capital commitment and the time and costs of operating or leasing a farm are often substantial. Fortunately, investors have many other means to gain exposure to the sector beyond sinking money into a farm.

Key Takeaways

  • Investing in agriculture means putting your money behind food and crop production, processing, and distribution.
  • As the world needs to feed a growing population and with less land, interest in agriculture production as an investment has grown right along with the world population.
  • There are several ways to invest indirectly in agriculture, from farm REITs to agricultural ETFs to the commodities markets.

Farm REITs

The closest that an investor can get to owning a farm without actually doing so is by investing in a farming-focused real estate investment trust (REIT). Some examples include Farmland Partners Inc. (FPI) and Gladstone Land Corporation (LAND).

These REITs typically purchase farmland and then lease it to farmers. Farmland REITs offer many benefits. For one thing, they provide much more diversification than buying a single farm, as they allow an investor to have interests in multiple farms across a wide geographic area.

Farmland REITs also offer greater liquidity than does owning physical farmland, as shares in most of these REITs can be quickly sold on stock exchanges. And farmland REITs also decrease the amount of capital needed to invest in farmland, as a minimum investment is just the price of one REIT share.

Agriculture Stocks

Investors also have access to an assortment of publicly-traded companies that operate in the farming sector. These companies range from those that directly grow and produce crops to those working in a variety of industries that support farmers.

Crop Production

One potential investment opportunity is in firms that plant, grow, and harvest crops. Many of these firms also engage in such supporting activities as distribution, processing, and packaging. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of publicly-traded crop production firms, which include Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (FDP), Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO), and Cresud (CRESY).

Supporting Industries

Investors can also buy shares in a variety of industries that support farming. Three of the largest industries are companies that sell fertilizer and seeds, farm equipment manufacturers, and crop distributors and processors.

  1. Fertilizer and seeds. Many firms are involved in the production and sale of fertilizer and seeds, and investors will want to determine how much of each firm's revenue is actually derived from agriculture, as some also service a number of other sectors. Among the publicly-traded companies selling fertilizer or seeds are Nutrien Limited (NTR) and The Mosaic Co. (MOS).
  2. Equipment. Farming's an equipment-intensive activity, so investors can gain exposure to the sector by making investments in equipment manufacturers with an agricultural focus. Two firms heavily involved in farming equipment are Deere & Co. (DE) and AGCO Corp. (AGCO).
  3. Distribution and processing. Many companies provide the infrastructure that moves crops from the farm to the local grocery store. Among those that transport, process, and distribute crops are Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM) and Bunge Limited (BG). As with equipment manufacturers, some of these distributors only derive a portion of their revenues from agriculture-related activities.


Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a good tool for investors to gain diversified exposure to the agriculture sector. The VanEck Agribusiness ETF (MOO), for example, offers access to a diversified set of businesses, investing in companies that derive at least 50% of their revenues from agriculture. The best-performing agricultural commodity ETF, based on performance over the 2020 performance is the Teucrium Soybean ETF (SOYB).

Like investing in any type of ETF, investors should carefully consider each ETF's management fees and the performance of the index that the fund tracks.

Ag Mutual Funds

There are also mutual funds that invest in the farming and agriculture industries. If this sounds appealing, you should first determine whether the fund invests in agriculture-related firms or invests in commodities. Also, keep in mind that many of these funds have exposure to other sectors along with agriculture. So if you're more interested in making a pure farming or agriculture investment, you're likely better off going with other types of asset classes.

When investing in mutual funds, investors need to consider fees and past performance, and compare these to those of ETFs, for example. An example of a mutual fund with exposure to agricultural firms or commodities is the Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund (FFGCX).

Soft Commodities

More speculative investors may be intrigued by the idea of directly investing in commodities, hoping to take advantage of price changes in the marketplace. While you can gain exposure to commodities just by purchasing futures contracts, there are also a number of ETFs and exchange traded notes (ETNs) that provide more diverse access to commodities.

While some ETFs and ETNs give investors exposure to a specific commodity (such as corn (CORN), livestock (COW), coffee (JO), grains (GRU), cocoa (NIB), and sugar (SGG)), others offer a basket of commodities. As an example of the latter, the Invesco DB Agriculture ETF (DBA) invests in corn, wheat, soybeans, and sugar futures contracts.

There's also the iPath Bloomberg Agriculture Subindex ETN (JJA), which invests in corn, wheat, soybeans, sugar, coffee, and cotton futures contracts, and the Rogers International Commodity Agriculture ETN (RJA), which invests in a basket of 20 agricultural commodity futures contracts.

The Bottom Line

Investors looking to invest in the farming sector have plenty of alternatives to actually purchasing a farm. Investors who hope to most closely replicate the returns of owning farmland can purchase a farmland REIT. For those looking for wider exposure to the agriculture sector, making equity investments in crop producers, supporting firms or ETFs could be their best option. And those looking to profit from price changes in agricultural commodities have a range of futures contracts, ETFs, and ETNs at their disposal. With all of these options, investors should be able to find an investment vehicle and strategy that fits their needs.

Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circ*mstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.

How to Invest in Farming Without Owning a Farm (2024)


How to Invest in Farming Without Owning a Farm? ›

The closest that an investor can get to owning a farm without actually doing so is by investing in a farming-focused real estate investment trust (REIT). Some examples include Farmland Partners Inc. (FPI) and Gladstone Land Corporation (LAND). These REITs typically purchase farmland and then lease it to farmers.

How do I invest in farming? ›

How to invest in farmland: 5 ways to get started
  1. Owning land directly. Opportunity: If you want to invest in farmland, it's still possible to own land directly. ...
  2. Farmland REITs. ...
  3. Agricultural stocks. ...
  4. Farmland mutual funds and ETFs. ...
  5. Crowdfunding platforms.
Jan 30, 2023

Is investing in farming a good idea? ›

Role of farmland in your portfolio

Farmland can serve as a cornerstone of a balanced investment portfolio. Commodity prices, including the cost of food, tend to rise with inflation. This strong correlation allows agricultural investing to protect against inflation, especially compared to high-volatility assets.

How to invest in farming without owning a farm in India? ›

ETFs & Mutual Funds

Rather than buying individual stocks, you can buy shares of mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETF) that invest in the farming sector. With a low investment minimum, mutual funds and ETFs help you diversify into different aspects of the farming process without buying individual stocks.

How to invest in farmland without being an accredited investor? ›

Farmland investing for non-accredited investors can be accomplished via a “real estate investment trust” or REIT. It is a company created to acquire and hold farmland. Although farmland REITs are not a perfect method, they are an option for non-accredited investors to invest in farmland.

How much money do you need for farming? ›

If you're looking to get into farming, you can get started for as little as $600 up to $10,000 or even more.

What farming makes the most money? ›

Dairy Farming: Dairy farming is one of the most profitable agricultural business ideas. Aside from milk, it also produces manure. There is a high demand for organic dairy products all year round such as milk, cheese, curd, cream and so much more.

Why are rich people buying farmland? ›

But farmland still provides real diversification benefits, and best of all, investors don't have to sacrifice long-term returns to lower the risk of their portfolio. Historically, farmland has actually outperformed stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate, generating 10.5% average annual returns since 1992.

Can farming make you money? ›

Using Livestock to Make Money Farming. Livestock is probably the most common way farmers make money from their land. And while animals have a few more expenses and a higher overhead, they usually bring in top dollar in terms of net income. Here are just some of the ways you can make money with livestock.

How can I raise money to start a farm? ›

Seek Grants and Loans

If you need serious cash for your farm, your two main options are agricultural grants and loans. Grants generally are for very specific purposes such as converting some of your farm to wind or solar power, repairing farm buildings or buying a set number of livestock.

How do I start farming for a living? ›

8 Steps to Launching a Farm Business
  1. Step 1: Understand the Hydroponic & Local Food Market. ...
  2. Step 2: Research and Write a Business Plan. ...
  3. Step 3: Get Farm Financing. ...
  4. Step 4: Find a Farm Site. ...
  5. Step 5: Make Your Farm Purchase. ...
  6. Step 6: Container Farmer Training. ...
  7. Step 7: Launch Your Farm. ...
  8. Step 8: Grow Your Business.
Aug 29, 2022

How much do you need to be an accredited investor? ›

Accredited Investor Definition

The SEC defines an accredited investor as someone who meets one of following three requirements: Income. Has an annual income of at least $200,000, or $300,000 if combined with a spouse's income. This level of income should be sustained from year to year.

How do land investors make money? ›

Subdivide Land and Resale

Subdividing land for resale is common. It's the fastest way to make money from raw land investment. Investors with large land parcels can increase the overall value of property by dividing it into lots and selling them separately.

Why are investors buying farmland? ›

It's simple: land values rise, and the land produces crops, which provides you with income. The higher the income, the more valuable the farmland. In addition, the land could appreciate due to its beauty or location for a vacation property.

What is the easiest farm to start? ›

  1. Tree Nursery. A tree nursery can be a great investment when done right. ...
  2. Fish Farming. Fish farming is an ideal business idea for investors with available land, and it doesn't always require a body of water. ...
  3. Dual Crop Farming. ...
  4. Dairy Farming. ...
  5. Herb Gardening. ...
  6. Bee Farming. ...
  7. Aquaponics. ...
  8. Microgreens Farming.
Aug 1, 2019

Why is farming no longer profitable? ›

Rising input costs, shrinking production values, commodity specialization, and challenges to land access all appear to be connected to declining farm operator livelihoods, the new study in Frontiers of Sustainable Food Systems concludes.

Where is the cheapest place to start a farm? ›

Oklahoma. Oklahoma currently sits at the lowest cost per acre among the best states for farmland in the US, so this is another state to consider when looking to buy land for agricultural purposes.

How many acres is a small farm? ›

Acreage is another way to assess farm size. According to the USDA , small family farms average 231 acres; large family farms average 1,421 acres and the very large farm average acreage is 2,086. It may be surprising to note that small family farms make up 88 percent of the farms in America.

Is the average farmer a millionaire? ›

Farm Household Wealth and Income

In 2021, the average U.S. farm household had $2,100,879 in wealth.

What is the best state to start a farm in? ›

The best states for farmland in the US include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

What is the cheapest farm animal to raise? ›

Chickens are generally a low-cost farm animal; the feed is cheap, and they love to eat all of your scraps. It only takes a few minutes per day to take care of chickens. You have to feed and water them, and you will need to make sure they're protected at night.

What is a small farm called? ›

Most urban farms are small scale or micro-farms due to the availability of land in urban areas, but occasionally urban farms can constitute several acres within city limits.

What is the easiest farm animal to raise? ›

Poultry, without a doubt, are the easiest animals to raise on the homestead. Starting with this small livestock will give you the confidence to explore other livestock options. Chickens are the quintessential livestock for every farm and homestead.

Where are billionaires buying land? ›

The billionaires of Silicon Valley and other rich Americans are reported to be buying extensive areas of land in New Zealand in preparation for a feared apocalyptic event such as a nuclear war or an outbreak of a global virus that would end our civilisation as we know it.

Can farmland pay for itself? ›

Land pays for itself over the long term through the cash flow generated from rent or crops and asset appreciation over time.

Is farmland a better investment than stocks? ›

There are several advantages that farmland investments have over stock market investments. As an alternative asset, farmland investing gives you access to an opportunity to make a return that's not tied to market performance.

How to make money on a 10 acre farm? ›

Check them out below!
  1. How To Make Money On 10 Acres: Grow Small Acreage Crops. ...
  2. Raise Animals For Food. ...
  3. Sell Your Own Products From Your Plants or Animals. ...
  4. Set Up Structures or Rent Out The Land. ...
  5. Create Classes To Teach People About The Outdoors. ...
  6. Less Common Ways For How To Make Money On 10 Acres Of Land.
Dec 7, 2022

Is farming a real job? ›

Working as a farmer has many potential benefits, including: Ability to work outside: Farmers spend most of their workday outside. They often wake early to feed animals, inspect crops and perform other agricultural duties. Farming can be a great profession for people who enjoy being outside.

Who is the richest farmer in the world? ›

Most Richest Farmers in the World

Qin Yinglin is a Chinese businessman who founded the Muyuan Foodstuff Company, which is one of China's largest pig breeding and pork processing firms. As of 2021, Qin's net worth is estimated at over $20 billion, making him one of the wealthiest farmers in the world.

Can a hobby farm make money? ›

These tips for making money on your hobby farm can help farmers can make extra income from their farms. From selling produce at farmers markets to renting out farm animals for petting zoos, there are plenty of options available for those who want to generate income from their hobby farms.

Which livestock is most profitable? ›

Beef cattle are considered the most profitable livestock and easiest to raise for profit, but homesteaders with small acreage won't be able to raise cattle. Cattle, whether you want beef or dairy cattle, require plenty of good-quality pasture, supplemental hay, fresh water, room to roam, and veterinarian care.

Can you make a living on a small farm? ›

While farming is indeed profitable, making money from a small farm isn't always a walk in the park for everyone. Nonetheless, it is possible and can be done with proper planning and a decent level of hard work. It also involves getting your priorities right and understanding your market well.

Is it too late to become a farmer? ›

The act of farming can be for people of any age—all that matters is how you approach it. No one will contest that farming can be a difficult job. Farming can start early in the morning and keep you busy until late at night, seven days a week, if you want it to. But farming can also be whatever you make it.

How do I start a beginner farm? ›

Here are eight actionable steps that will walk you through how to start farming like a pro.
  1. Choose Something to Produce. ...
  2. Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Product. ...
  3. Figure Out Your Finances. ...
  4. Purchase Your Property. ...
  5. Strategize and Prepare. ...
  6. Implement Your Farming Business Plan. ...
  7. Develop Your Product. ...
  8. Market Your Products.
Jul 15, 2020

Can you run a farm by yourself? ›

For someone who isn't farming as their full-time source of income, even one to three acres may be plenty of growing space for one person to maintain. This is particularly true if they do most of the work by hand and aren't using large mechanized equipment like tractors and combine harvesters.

How to live on a farm and make money? ›

Sources of Income from Livestock
  1. Offer Breeding Services.
  2. Raise Extra Meat & Sell It.
  3. Start a Herdshare.
  4. Raise Bottle Babies & Sell Tame Livestock.
  5. Rent Out Your Goats for Land Management.
  6. Rent Out Your Pasture.
  7. Raise Heifers to Sell as Halter Trained Family Milk Cows.
Dec 9, 2021

How much do you have to pay investors? ›

Our advice is to stick to the general rule of 20 to 25% of businesses income. If your investor is more interested in cashing in on equity growth, you can offer 15% of the business or more, depending on how much money the investor provides.

What is the easiest way to become an accredited investor? ›

Individuals who want to become accredited investors must fall into one of three categories: have a net worth exceeding $1 million on your own or with a spouse or its equivalent; have earned an income surpassing $200,000 ($300,000 if combined with a spouse or its equivalent) during the last two years and prove an ...

Do you have to file to become an accredited investor? ›

There is no formal process for becoming an accredited investor. Rather, it is the responsibility of the sellers of such securities to take a number of different steps in order to verify the status of entities or individuals who wish to be treated as accredited investors.

What is the best type of land to invest in? ›

For small investors to truly enjoy the more traditional sense of land ownership, perhaps the best options are timber farms, mineral development lands, vegetable gardens, orchards, vineyards, and recreational land.

What is investing in land called? ›

Real estate investing involves the purchase, management and sale or rental of real estate for profit. Someone who actively or passively invests in real estate is called a real estate entrepreneur or a real estate investor.

What is the average return on farmland? ›

Altogether, investments in American farmland have returned about 11% per year, on average, for the last four decades. That's comparable with the long-term returns of the stock market.

How to invest in small farms? ›

How to invest in farmland: 5 ways to get started
  1. Owning land directly. Opportunity: If you want to invest in farmland, it's still possible to own land directly. ...
  2. Farmland REITs. ...
  3. Agricultural stocks. ...
  4. Farmland mutual funds and ETFs. ...
  5. Crowdfunding platforms.
Jan 30, 2023

Is it smart to invest in farmland? ›

Farmland can serve as a cornerstone of a balanced investment portfolio. Commodity prices, including the cost of food, tend to rise with inflation. This strong correlation allows agricultural investing to protect against inflation, especially compared to high-volatility assets.

Is farmland a good investment 2023? ›

Investing in farmland is becoming an increasingly popular option in 2023 for those looking to diversify their portfolio and generate passive income. Not only does farmland provide a steady source of returns, but it also has the potential for long-term appreciation.

Which farming is most profitable? ›

Some Best Profitable Farming In India 2022
  • Garlic Farming. The payoff on growing garlic can be enormous for those who prefer to grow “gourmet” garlic. ...
  • Lavender Farming. Lavender farming produces above-average gain for small growers, as it is such a varied crop. ...
  • Gourmet Mushrooms Farming. ...
  • Bamboo Farming. ...
  • Willows Farming.
Jan 31, 2023

How do I start farming for profit? ›

8 Steps to Launching a Farm Business
  1. Step 1: Understand the Hydroponic & Local Food Market. ...
  2. Step 2: Research and Write a Business Plan. ...
  3. Step 3: Get Farm Financing. ...
  4. Step 4: Find a Farm Site. ...
  5. Step 5: Make Your Farm Purchase. ...
  6. Step 6: Container Farmer Training. ...
  7. Step 7: Launch Your Farm. ...
  8. Step 8: Grow Your Business.
Aug 29, 2022

Can you actually make money farming? ›

Grow and Sell High-Value Crops. To make a good living from farming, it's best to focus on growing the most profitable crops. Growing niche products in demand and un-catered for by larger farmers can be very lucrative. Here are some options to consider.

What is the most successful crop? ›

Aside from sugar cane in first place, the next the top three most produced crops in the world are all classified as grains. Grains include cereals and legumes and are such a widespread crop because they can grow in almost any climate.

How many acres can one person farm? ›

For someone who isn't farming as their full-time source of income, even one to three acres may be plenty of growing space for one person to maintain. This is particularly true if they do most of the work by hand and aren't using large mechanized equipment like tractors and combine harvesters.

Why is farming not profitable? ›

Rising input costs, shrinking production values, commodity specialization, and challenges to land access all appear to be connected to declining farm operator livelihoods, the new study in Frontiers of Sustainable Food Systems concludes.

Can you make a living off a small farm? ›

These consumers can even become return customers for your business, thus creating a stable income. While farming is indeed profitable, making money from a small farm isn't always a walk in the park for everyone. Nonetheless, it is possible and can be done with proper planning and a decent level of hard work.

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