How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (2024)

Introduction to how to improve agriculture in the Philippines: In an agricultural country like the Philippines, agricultural mechanization is necessary to increase land, labor, and crop productivity. The mechanization of farm work offers many advantages, including the timely performance of operations, efficiency in performing farm work, reduction of labor hours, and increase in land and labor productivity. Agriculture is still a major factor in the Philippine economy, although its relative share in the gross domestic product (GDP) has been declining for many years.

One of the important roles of agriculture is the source of employment. While agriculture accounts for only 10% of the country’s GDP, it still employs about 30% of the country’s labor force. This shows that the productivity of labor in agriculture is lower than in other sectors and the structural change taking place in the Philippine economy is slow and weak. Due to limited diversity and low productivity, Philippine agriculture may stand out among others. Traditional crops such as rice, maize, and coconut account for more than 50% of the total area already harvested, and more attention has recently been paid to higher-value crops.

The agricultural productivity is depending on them;

  • Use of high yielding varieties (HYV)
  • Better management methods
  • Efficient use of irrigation water
  • Pest management
  • Soil health management
  • and other related factors

Agricultural production is distributed throughout the country, approximately 32%, or 9.67 million hectares, the total land area of ​​the Philippines is classified as agricultural land, of which 51% is arable and 44% is a permanent crop.

Guide on how to improve agriculture in the Philippines, the role of government, factors that affect the agriculture productivity and ways to improve

How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (1)

Different priority sectors that can enhance agriculture sector stability

Priority sectors that can enhance sector stability are;

1. Encourage investment in agriculture that promotes area-based development. Ensuring that every region in the Philippines is given priority through specific development programs will no longer be a problem. Every aspect will be tapped, which will lead to comprehensive agricultural development and ultimately economic development.

2. Give priority to investments that can increase and sustain productivity.

If the productive capacity of those working in the agricultural sector is developed, many opportunities will open up which can ensure growth. However, productivity growth should not be limited to one or two aspects – it should cover the entire supply chain, from production to marketing.

3. Ensure effective irrigation systems and an efficient transport infrastructure

Irrigation systems have been a constant problem for the average Filipino farmer. It will make a big difference if investment in advanced irrigation systems is given priority. Highlighting its key implications, he noted that an improved irrigation system in any part of the Philippines could increase productivity by 15% to 20%.

4. Invest in some programs that will decrease climate risks and disasters, and decrease pests and diseases

Farmers have been exposed to pests and diseases and periodic typhoons, but as the years go by, climate change has added to the burden that hinders the sector’s growth. According to the DA, farmers are most affected by storms and other effects of climate change. Restoration also takes time, so it’s best to build flexibility. Farmers should be taught different ways in which they can reduce and mitigate climate risks. If possible, make climate-resilient crops available.

5. Promote more private sector investment and support

The private sector can be linked through agribusiness schemes such as contract farming. It is the agricultural production under an agreement between a buyer and a farmer. The two parties then set conditions for certain aspects, such as the amount of crop production. The FAO added that both farmers and private entities can benefit from contract farming. Farmers are guaranteed to buy a certain amount of their crops. Meanwhile, the private sector will have an adequate supply at an agreed price.

The role of government to improve agriculture in the Philippines

In the Philippines, high poverty rates can be attributed to low employment for the farmers. About 70% of low-income Filipinos work in agriculture, forestry, or fishing. While many farmers and agricultural workers are looking for employment, it seems that the Philippine government is shifting its focus from local farmers to imports.


In the Philippines, for example, the IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) has developed a variety of rice that can withstand natural disasters, especially floods. With funding from the Gates Foundation, IRRI expects to increase rice production by 50% over the next 10 years.The Philippine government implemented the Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness (IPAC) project by working for agricultural development.

Partially funded by the World Bank, the project aims to increase the livelihoods of small farmers. Small farmers can increase their income and gradually become more self-reliant. In rural farming lands, developing an irrigation system makes farming more efficient for the people of the Philippines. The scheme plays an important role in reducing poverty from which 20% of the beneficiaries are poor farmers.

Factors that affect the agriculture productivity in the Philippines

Numerous different factors can cause an increase or decrease in agricultural production. It is important to note that productivity is not an absolute measure, but rather reflects the ratio between input and output. Factors that affect the productivity of a fieldare:


Some extreme weather patterns like drought, prolonged rainy season, early or late frosts, and other factors ruin crops and bring productivity down.

Pest occurrence

In addition to spoiling crops, pests can increase crop production costs. Measures such as fencing, chemical or biological treatment, companion planting, or crop rotation may be required to control them, all of which change the ratio of input to output.

Innovation is a key factor in agricultural productivity – Farmers who can develop creative ways to cultivate better, as it were, will experience an increase in productivity. Because of this, many agricultural companies and nations invest in developing new farming techniques and researching new farming methods. Studying ancient methods for learning from previous generations can also play a role in agricultural innovation.

Available equiapment

In some areas where access to machine farm equipment is limited, agricultural productivity may be reduced as people primarily handle their crops by hand. This involves a huge investment of time, energy, and money and also limits the total capacity of the earth.

Market Supply and Demand Farmers will adjust their activities to meet the needs of consumers and this may affect agricultural production. In some cases, governments also provide subsidies to farmers to compensate for not growing crops, which can reduce productivity measures.

Innovation is an important factor in agricultural production. If farmers want to increase their productivity, they need to cultivate more carefully using the Farm Management System. It helps them track all farm activities, from fertilizer consumption, pesticides, workers’ working hours, and mechanization to financing and managing the entire production from complete farm analysis and reports.

Ways to improve agricultural productivity in the Philippines

The Philippines, as an agricultural country, needs to invest in promoting inclusive growth and building more sustainable agriculture and food systems that are resilient to disasters. Its main objective is to develop the agricultural sector so that food self-sufficiency can be achieved, rural communities can be developed and farmers’ income can be increased. The share of agriculture in the economy is about 40% of GDP and two-thirds of jobs are created by agriculture.

However, the agricultural sector is constantly surrounded by challenges that result in low agricultural income, low rural employment, lack of food security, and low agricultural competitiveness. Of the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals, the Philippines must specifically achieve its goals of eliminating/minimizing hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Implementing land reform

Land reform is the first and most important point for improving productivity. Machines, tractors, and implements make ground improvements. These machines have the advantage of smoothing uneven farming areas to work efficiently on the field. It is easy to work in the field and then improve productivity. Therefore, this is the best way to increase agriculture productivity.

Plant more densely

This is the easiest method to improve productivity in agriculture, the crops come close to each other in this plant. Growers keep their vegetables too far away, leaving large areas to grow well.

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How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (2)

Irrigation facilities

The productivity of the crop depends not only on the quality of input but also on the irrigation facilities. Therefore, canals and tube wells should be constructed to provide better irrigation facilities for crop protection. Extensive flood control measures should be taken to prevent flood damage. Strategic irrigation plants need water to survive. In some regions, they get all the water they need from the rain. Though, this is not always the case, especially in arid regions of the world. In such areas, farmers can use an irrigation system to keep their land sufficiently moist. Overall, farmers irrigate about 18% of the world’s crops.

In the agriculture sector, water management is the best way to improve productivity. You can increase yields by up to 50% by using a sprinkler irrigation system. Also, manufacturing canals provide better irrigation to protect crops from tube wells. Some systems using irrigation in crops at the lower end of the efficiency spectrum have field flooding, canal irrigation, and sprinkler-based irrigation.

And, at the higher end are targeted irrigation systems such as drip irrigation. Compared to previous methods, drip irrigation provides water to plants in a way that reduces evaporation and generally does not provide plants with too much water. Under these circ*mstances, farmers can use advanced sensors to find the amount of moisture in their fields, and their irrigation efforts accordingly.

High-quality seeds

Recent research shows that small farmers (who grow about 80% of the world’s total food) have very limited access to high-quality seeds. This is an easy problem to solve, as it is easy to get high-quality seeds. After a farmer receives this type of seed, generally continue to reap the benefits of high-yielding varieties for many years to come, by saving and replanting the seeds he harvests in each season.

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How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (3)

Green methods of pest control

Spraying conventional pesticides and herbicides on crops can destroy local and remote ecosystems. After prolonged use of pesticides, resistant grasses and insects often begin to develop and spread. Alternative pest control methods can help prevent these problems.

The most common use of biological methods to control insect populations. Such methods are used for the introduction of predatory species like praying mantises, ladybugs, green lacewings, and certain wasps, which prey upon pests. Farmers should take special care not to introduce varieties that cause more harm than good while using this method. Farmers can use green forms of liquid pesticides such as essential oils to keep unwanted organisms at bay in cases where biological control is not an option.

Core cropping

Core cropping serves two main purposes. The first step is to prevent soil erosion from the fields. This problem often arises when the fields are left bare after harvesting. Holding the soil without roots together is a risk of erosion due to wind and water. However, if farmers plant the core crop after harvesting the basic cash crop, the problem is greatly reduced. The second main purpose of the core crop is to reintroduce important nutrients into the soil. The most important of these nutrients is nitrogen, which plants like beans can get from the environment through a symbolic relationship with bacteria.

Better monitoring technology

Especially in developing countries, farmers do not know how much water and nutrients their plants need. Scientists have developed sensors that can easily detect soil water and nutrients, thus facilitating the efficient use of agricultural resources. Especially such technology is useful in areas where significant resources are scarce.

Any technology capable of reducing resource loss, therefore, can improve relationships as well as profits. Some other promising monitoring technologies are drones and remote sensors mounted on satellites. These sensors can help farmers to find the right parts of their fields that are prone to pests, diseases, and malnutrition, and thus allow the implementation of targeted intervention measures.

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How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (4)

Improved seeds

Seeds play an important role in better seed fields and are better for increasing the productivity of a better seed farm. Better seeds are suitable for increasing yields.

Heat-tolerant varieties

These are allowing the plant to maintain its productivity at high temperatures. This increases crop yields by up to 23% by improving heat-tolerant varieties.

Proper marketing facilities

Marketing infrastructure needs to be broadened and strengthened to help farmers sell their produce at better prices. Proper arrangements should be made for the unloading of produce in the markets. In addition, a price support policy should be adopted and farmers should be guaranteed minimum prices.

Organic fertilizer

Continuous cultivation removes some of the nutrients from the soil that cover crops that are unable to regenerate. When this happens, farmers can safely restore their nutrient levels by using organic fertilizers such as kelp, animal manure, oyster shells, and bone meal. Although these substances are often more expensive than their artificial counterparts, they are also much better for the environment.

In case if you miss this: Biofertilizers In Agriculture, Types, Advantages

How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (5)

Plant many crops

In agriculture, the next method to increase productivity is to plant more crops.

Raised beds

In the traditional farming system, the crops are placed in separate rows from the tractor trails, in permanent beds, multiple rows of crops are planted within the same width beds. It creates short paths, dense gardens, and active growing areas. In general, raised beds are a symbol of improving crop productivity.

Supply of quality inputs

Provide quality goods to the farmers in the country at reasonable times and control prices. Effective measures need to be taken to curb the sale of adulterated fertilizers to prevent the exploitation of farmers.

Transportation facilities

Villages should be connected to the markets to facilitate the farmers in producing new agricultural products and enable them to sell their produce in the markets. This will help in increasing their income which will make the farmers interested in adopting better farm technology with sufficient income. In this way, the farmer can invest more in improving the land.

Key policy recommendations to improve agriculture in the Philippines

1. Improve agricultural policy performance to increase long-term productivity growth of the sector

  • Refocus the policy package to improve food security.
  • Focus on agricultural land policies, from land distribution to protection of property rights through land governance reforms.
  • Budget support for long-term structural reforms.
  • Reorganize the agricultural knowledge system.

2. Focus on agricultural education and extension services to improve farm management skills.

  • Take a holistic approach to risk management with a policy focus on catastrophic risks.
  • Evaluate insurance and cash transfer schemes that may encourage adaptive decisions.

3. Improve the capacity of the agricultural sector to adapt to climate change

  • Make climate-adaptation policy objectives
  • Develop clear guidelines on “adaptation” to climate adaptation
  • Make new infrastructure projects “climate-free” and provide farmers with reliable climate information.
  • Encourage more efficient use of water.
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How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips (2024)


How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips? ›

The Philippines' key agricultural policy objectives focus on food security and poverty alleviation through guaranteeing a stable supply of staple food (rice) at affordable prices.

How can we protect agriculture in the Philippines? ›

The strategies include:
  1. adopting integrated landscape approaches;
  2. empowering farmers and farmer organizations;
  3. digitalizing the agriculture sector;
  4. mainstreaming low-emission development;
  5. improving access to financial platforms;
  6. enhancing social inclusion; and.
  7. educating consumers and producers.
May 23, 2019

What is the biggest problem in agriculture in the Philippines? ›

  • Small farm size; 78 percent farms are less than 3 hectares. ...
  • Land Conversions. ...
  • Lack or absence irrigation systems. ...
  • Inadequate management programs on soil, pests and diseases. ...
  • Reduced farm labor. ...
  • Expensive and inappropriate agricultural and farming equipment.
Apr 20, 2023

What is the agriculture strategy in the Philippines? ›

The Philippines' key agricultural policy objectives focus on food security and poverty alleviation through guaranteeing a stable supply of staple food (rice) at affordable prices.

What are three improvements to agriculture? ›

Higher crop productivity. Decreased use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which in turn keeps food prices down. Reduced impact on natural ecosystems. Less runoff of chemicals into rivers and groundwater.

What is the importance of agriculture in the Philippines? ›

Agriculture in the Philippines is an important sector in the economy with crops like bananas, coconuts, pineapples, rice and sugarcanes are being mass-produced for exportation but the challenge remains as it steadily running into deficit amid growing population.

What are the solutions to the loss of agricultural land in the Philippines? ›

Government agencies have proposed solutions including agroforestry, crop programming and organic farming aimed at limiting the heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides and preventing encroachment into forested areas.

What is sustainable agriculture in the Philippines? ›

Sustainable agriculture means replenishing the soil while minimizing the use of non-renewable resources, such as natural gas or mineral ores. We engage in concrete steps to ensure that our farm produces flowers indefinitely, without causing irreversible damage to the health of an ecosystem.

What are the weaknesses of Philippine agriculture? ›

Despite favorable climate conditions, the Philippine agriculture has a number of weaknesses, highlighted by the excessive number of Filipinos suffering from insufficient and imbalanced food intakes, leading to a higher-than-average (within southeast Asia) incidence of disease, malnutrition and infant mortality.

Why is Philippine agriculture dying? ›

The reason is that massive subsidization has what experts have describes as the “pernicious” effect of promoting overproduction in the US and the European Union, and this leads to dumping of excess produce in world markets, leading to lower world prices for agricultural commodities.

What is one of the major future problem in Philippine agriculture? ›

Limited diversification and low productivity are two of the most important challenges which constrain agricultural transformation in the country.

Why is agriculture poor in the Philippines? ›

Intense quarantine restrictions and natural disasters in 2020 led to an increase in poverty. The inability to transport goods and items has disrupted the farming sector. It continues to stall the stabilization of the economy. Farmers in rural areas have remained among the poorest group in the Philippines since 2006.

What are the current issues in agriculture in the Philippines? ›

However, agricultural sector has been beset with persistent challenges resulting in low farm incomes, low rural employment, lack of food security, and meager agricultural competitiveness.

What is the current situation of agriculture in the Philippines? ›

The Philippine food and beverage sector has grown significantly over the past decade. While the usual consumption patterns have been forced to accommodate pandemic restrictions in recent years, the sector has been resilient. The United States saw a record year in 2021 for agricultural exports to the Philippines.

What is the most important agricultural product in the Philippines? ›

Crop Production

Irrigated farm areas mainly grow rice and sugarcane whereas rainfed areas are planted with coconut, corn and cassava. The Philippines' major agricultural products include rice, coconuts, corn, sugarcane, bananas, pineapples, and mangoes.

What are the three most important issues facing agriculture today? ›

What kind of problems do farmers face? Farmers need to deal with many problems, including how to: Cope with climate change, soil erosion and biodiversity loss.

What are 3 improvements in agricultural that lead to increased food production? ›

Seed, irrigation, and fertilizers also have vastly improved, helping farmers increase yields.

What are 5 advancements in agriculture? ›

Farmers now use automated harvesters, drones, autonomous tractors, seeding, and weeding to transform how they cultivate their crops. The technology takes care of menial and recurring tasks, allowing them to focus on more critical functions.

What is the agricultural development plan in the Philippines? ›

The DA envisions a food-secured and resilient Philippines with empowered and prosperous farmers and fishers. As such, it shall collectively empower them and the private sector to increase agricultural productivity and profitability, taking into account sustainable, competitive, and resilient technologies and practices.

What is the top agricultural import of the Philippines? ›

In 2022, imports of cereals into the Philippines amounted to approximately four billion U.S. dollars, making it the leading agricultural import. The second leading commodity group in terms of import value was residues and waste from the food industries, which amounted to about 2.5 billion U.S. dollars.

What makes the Philippines rich in agricultural land? ›

Due to its terrain and tropical climate condition, farming and fisheries have been the largest agricultural sub-sectors in the Philippines. Crop production, particularly of sugarcane, palay or rice, coconut, and bananas were among the highest nationwide and were also among the top export products.

What is the main problem of land in the Philippines? ›

Land in the Philippines is overexploited due to two simultaneous trends: population growth and land degradation. Falling from roughly 3% in the 1960s, the population growth rate in the Philippines is still high, as it has remained consistently above 1.5% every year since 2000 (World Bank, n.d.).

What is the agricultural problem in the Philippines during pandemic? ›

Gregorio said the Covid-19 pandemic reduced the volume of agricultural production by 3.11 percent or 17.03 million tons because of a decline in agricultural farm labor affecting about 100.77 million people.

How does agriculture help the economy of the Philippines essay? ›

Agriculture dominates Philippine economy. It furnishes employment to about 3 million persons or about 60 per cent of the gainfully employed workers. Agricultural operations provide 40 to 45 per cent of the total national income and about 75 to 80 per cent of the country's exports.

What are the natural farming practices used in the Philippines? ›

In the Philippines, organic farmers use various methods to manage their soils, including traditional methods such as mulching and crop rotation and modern techniques such as vermicomposting. Mulching is a common organic soil management practice in the Philippines.

What organization supports farmers in the Philippines? ›

FAO is the lead agency ensuring that agriculture cooperatives and community-based organizations (CBOs) are recognized and remain in the international agenda.

What is the common problem in the Philippines? ›

Air pollution causes significant health and economic problems in the Philippines. Due to industrial waste and automobiles, Manila suffers from air pollution, affecting 98% of the population. Annually, the air pollution causes more than 4,000 deaths.

What is the biggest problem in agriculture? ›

Environmental Issues

Many environmental issues affect whether farmers have a good year or not. Soil quality, water quality, climate, and terrain are just a few of the environmental issues that may impact profits and productivity for farmers in any given growing season.

Why the agriculture sector in the Philippines is not improving? ›

The government has recognized the declining contribution of the agricultural sector in the country's GDP and this drop in its performance is attributed to its vulnerability towards extreme weather events (drought and typhoons), infestations (coconut scale insects), and poor adoption of high-yielding varieties at the ...

What is the current status of Philippine agriculture 2023? ›

Value of Production in Agriculture and Fisheries Increased by 2.1 Percent in the First Quarter of 2023. The value of production in agriculture and fisheries at constant 2018 prices in the first quarter of 2023 was registered at PhP 428.69 billion,...

Are farmers still poor in the Philippines? ›

Farmers had a poverty incidence rate of 30% in 2021, a slight decrease from the 31.6% in 2018. "These sectors had the highest proportion of individuals belonging to families with income below the official poverty thresholds compared to the other basic sectors," the PSA explained.

What are the main crops planted in the Philippines? ›

The country's major agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, banana, cassava, pineapple, and vegetables. The major livestock products are hog, cattle, carabao, goat, and dairy products.

Is Philippines good in agriculture? ›

The Philippines is an agricultural country with a land area of 30 million hectares, 47% of which is agricultural land. We have rich land, natural resources, hardworking farmers and agri-research institutions.

What are high value crops in the Philippines? ›

HVCs are crops other than traditional crops which include but are not limited to: coffee and cacao, fruit crops (e.g., citrus, cashew, guyabano, papaya, mango, pineapple, strawberry, jackfruit, rambutan, durian, mangosteen, guava, lanzones, and watermelon), root crops (e.g., potato and ubi), vegetable crops (e.g., ...

How can agriculture improve the environment? ›

Pasture and cropland occupy around 50 percent of the Earth's habitable land and provide habitat and food for a multitude of species. When agricultural operations are sustainably managed, they can preserve and restore critical habitats, help protect watersheds, and improve soil health and water quality.

How can we reduce the impact of agriculture? ›

Implementing Conservation Tillage: Farmers can reduce how often and how intensely the fields are tilled. Doing so can help to improve soil health, and reduce erosion, runoff and soil compaction, and therefore the chance of nutrients reaching waterways through runoff.

What is the goal of agriculture? ›

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society's food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Why did agricultural production improve? ›

agricultural production improved because of better plows, and increased acreage to farm three field system. How and why did medieval towns and cities grow? medieval towns grew because of increased trade, the growth of trade fairs, the increased use of money and the decline of serfdom.

What are the five main environmental impacts of agriculture? ›

Five environmental effects of agriculture are soil fertility loss, eutrophication of water bodies, deforestation, climate change and pesticide pollution.

Why should we protect agriculture? ›

By implementing sustainable agricultural practices such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and alternative food options, we can improve food security, conserve our resources, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and promote a healthy planet for future generations.

Which form of agriculture is better for the environment? ›

1. Organic Farming. Also known as ecological farming or biological farming, this agricultural system restricts the use of synthetic chemicals. Instead, it uses organic fertilizers to produce healthy food and restore the soil's nutrients.

How can we save agriculture from climate change? ›

These techniques will also build resilience on our farms and in our food supply as we face the challenges ahead.
  1. Efficient Irrigation Management. ...
  2. Renewable Energy. ...
  3. Organic Practices. ...
  4. Increasing Soil Health. ...
  5. Keeping Agriculture Green. ...
  6. Reducing Livestock Methane Emissions. ...
  7. Pasture-Based Livestock Management. ...
  8. Protecting Farmland.
Sep 23, 2021

Which of the following is ideal for agriculture? ›

Loam is considered to be the ideal garden soil.

What steps are farmers using to improve soil health? ›

Increasing diversity across your operation can break disease cycles, stimulate plant growth, and provide habitat for pollinators and organisms living in your soil.
  • Plant diverse cover crops.
  • Use diverse crop rotations.
  • Integrate livestock.

What is a smart goal in agriculture? ›

Goals should be "SMART": Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

What is an example of a goal for a farm? ›

Examples of long-term goals:

Have a succession plan in place. Attain organic certification. Increase calving or lambing rates. Improve herd genetics.

What is the goal of most agricultural policies? ›

Governments usually implement agricultural policies with the goal of achieving a specific outcome in the domestic agricultural product markets for the benefit of farming community and the nations' economy at large.

How did agriculture improve society? ›

More abundant food supplies could support denser populations, and farming tied people to their land. Small settlements grew into towns, and towns grew into cities. Agriculture produced enough food that people became free to pursue interests other than worrying about what they were going to eat that day.

What is a current issue with agriculture? ›

Rising input costs

The high cost of fuel severely impacted farmers and ranchers, especially as they navigated the fall harvest season. The cost of fertilizer increased by more than 60% from 2021 to 2022.

Which country has best agriculture system? ›

Worth – China is a world leader in agriculture production and supplies about 50% of the world's vegetables, producing 500 million tons. A large population is associated with agriculture in this country.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.