How To Get A Job At Deloitte - Zippia (2024)

Find a Job You Really Want In

Deloitte jobs are some of the most sought-after positions in the finance or business industry. Unfortunately, this also means that it can be difficult to get one of these positions.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to get a job at Deloitte, from what the hiring process looks like to common interview questions.

Key Takeaways

  • After you apply for a job at Deloitte, you will need to complete an online assessment and go through a series of three interviews before receiving a job offer.

  • Before applying for a job, complete Deloitte’s “explore your fit” assessment.

  • You can find Deloitte job openings through Deloitte’s career page, financial groups on LinkedIn, and your professional network.

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In This Article

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  • Deloitte Company Overview
  • The Deloitte Hiring Process
  • Tips for Applying to Deloitte
  • Top 5 Questions in a Deloitte Interview
  • Qualities That Attract Applicants to Deloitte
  • The Types of Jobs that Deloitte Offers
  • Where to Find a Job at Deloitte
  • Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs

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Deloitte Company Overview

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited is a multi-billion dollar U.K company that’s been providing financial professionals to clients around the world for nearly two hundred years. The company, usually dubbed as Deloitte for simplicity, employs over 300,000 people who specialize in various subjects.

Some of the financial services that Deloitte employees provide include:

  • Consulting

  • Auditing

  • Advising

  • Risk assessment and council

  • Tax support

  • Legal assistance

Since the organization functions globally with thousands of employees, there are often many financial career opportunities with Deloitte. If you’re in the market for a new job working in finance or business, then Deloitte might be a perfect fit wherever you live.

The Deloitte Hiring Process

Every company adheres to a unique hiring process that provides the most qualified candidates for the open job at the end of it. The hiring process that Deloitte uses to assess applicants includes the following steps.

  1. Find the ideal open job listing. Much like any other corporation, the first step to securing a job with Deloitte is finding the perfect job listing to apply for. This requires taking stock of your experience, education, and skills while reviewing the jobs available at Deloitte.

    Avoid applying to positions that you’re objectively not qualified for. While it’s okay to put yourself out there for a slightly advanced role, make sure you’re submitting applications logically. Applying for jobs that you’re unqualified for wastes your time and that of the Deloitte hiring managers.

  2. Submit perfected application materials. Once you’ve discovered the ideal open job listing that matches your background, gather all your application materials that will present the Deloitte hiring manager with who you are.

    These application materials include:

    Before submitting these documents, make little revisions to tailor the materials to a Deloitte position. Top finance service companies receive many applications. Updating your resume or cover letter makes you stand out from the competition.

  3. Complete an online assessment. After submitting your application materials and having them pass through an applicant tracking system (ATS), the next step in the Deloitte hiring process is completing an online skills assessment.

    This test quantifies your foundational skills in the job that you’re applying for. It helps weed through many applicants to find the ones who genuinely can fulfill the job responsibilities.

  4. The interview process. After completing an online assessment with a suitable score, a Deloitte recruiter invites you to talk more during an interview. Making it to the interview stage of the hiring process is a huge accomplishment, but it’s not nearly over.

    The Deloitte interview process usually occurs in a series of three steps.

    These interview phases include:

    The first two interviews are conducted to evaluate a candidate on a general scale and usually take place remotely. The hiring manager asks a candidate about their relevant former experience and why they want to join the Deloitte team. These interviews are used as an introduction.

    By the third round interview, Deloitte is extremely interested in hiring a candidate. This interview is more about testing the skills that have been discussed in former meetings. It also usually occurs in person to get more familiarized with candidates face-to-face.

  5. Job offer. After wooing a Deloitte hiring manager during the lengthy interview process, you’ll receive word of a job offer. This means that you’ve been chosen to fill an open position, and Deloitte wants to continue with the onboarding process.

    Alternatively, if you didn’t end up getting picked for the open position, you’ll still hear from the company promptly about their decision.

    After accepting a job offer, the onboarding process can involve a few checkpoints, like:

    • Completing employee documentation

    • Background check

    • Getting acquainted with your professional team

    • Clarifying details of the new role

    After making it through this exhaustive process, they’ll welcome you with open arms onto the Deloitte team.

Tips for Applying to Deloitte

  1. Complete a “explore your fit” assessment on Deloitte. Deloitte tries to make the job application process productive for hopeful candidates. One of the tools they have to help applicants is their “Explore Your Fit” assessment.

    This is a web tool available that is available on the Deloitte website. It allows candidates to input their professional background, skills, and interests to receive a customized guide for job opportunities at the company.

    The “Explore Your Fit” tool on Deloitte can help you find the perfect open position that matches your experience.

  2. Understand the basic Deloitte employee requirements. While the requirements for each job title at Deloitte differ slightly, there are some qualities that the company looks for in any candidate that they hire. Familiarize yourself with the Deloitte values and emphasize these attributes while you’re interviewing.

    Some of the qualities that Deloitte looks for in their employees include:

    • Honesty

    • Integrity

    • Ethical decision-making

    • Respect

  3. Prepare adequately for a case interview. When applying for a position with Deloitte, one of the main aspects to prepare for is the case interview. A case interview acts as a mock scenario that allows candidates to demonstrate their relevant skills. It shows Deloitte how you’d behave in a particular position on the job.

    Luckily, you can find lots of resources on the Deloitte company website to help you prepare for a case interview. They even have practice tests online.

  4. Be yourself. Yes, it’s important to put your best foot forward during your Deloitte interviews, but makes sure it’s still your foot. In other words, don’t pretend to be something you’re not just to make a good impression.

    This means not stretching the truth about your skills and accomplishments, but it also means being truthful about who you are, what you value, and what you’re passionate about.

    Don’t be completely inflexible and close-minded, but realize that interviewers want to see what makes you tick. They’re trying to find out what unique skills and ideas you’d add to the company, not your rendition of what you think the company wants you to be.

Top 5 Questions in a Deloitte Interview

The interview process is the main obstacle standing between you and a new job at Deloitte. The best way to hurdle over this task is by preparing for it properly.

Start by reviewing the following top 5 questions commonly asked during a Deloitte interview.

  1. What does your ideal job opportunity look like? While the goal of a Deloitte hiring manager is to find the best person to hire, they also want to know about your ideal job opportunity.

    The best placement for an open position is a person who also views the job as an excellent opportunity for themselves. It means that they’re willing to work hard to succeed in the role.

    When answering this question, be sure to bring your response back to the ideals of Deloitte. Be both honest and strategic when describing your ideal job opening.

    Example Answer:

    My ideal job opportunity is a position that allows me ample room for career growth over time. I want to find a position in which the responsibilities match my background and skills as a financial advisor. Over time, I hope to learn more and grow into a supervisory position. After reading through the requirements for being a financial analyst with Deloitte, I believe this position is exactly what I’m looking for.

  2. What were your title and responsibilities in your former position? A potential employer almost always asks about your responsibilities in former positions. They’re curious to know if you have experienced the typical duties of the role or if you’ll need some extra training.

    Answer by listing out only the most relevant past jobs you’ve had and breaking down the daily tasks they entailed.

    Example Answer:

    In my last position, my job title was as a tax consultant. I worked in this role for about seven years. My main responsibilities involved preparing taxes for clients, providing tax return estimates, recommending business tax strategies, and explaining financial data to higher-ups within the organization.

  3. Why did you decide to go into finance and business? You’ll likely be asked about your motivations for going into the finance and business field during an interview for Deloitte. Since these industries are where most of their business takes place, they want to know why you became interested in the industry.

    In addition to stating why you went into the industry, also try to mention what you like about it.

    Example Answer:

    I initially went into college unsure of the career that I wanted to pursue. In my first semester, I took a few courses to sort out what subjects I preferred to study and work in. One of those classes was a business management course, and it quickly became my absolute favorite. After completing the semester, I decided to pursue business management as my career, eventually becoming a project manager. I’ve been working in the field for five years now.

  4. Tell me about a challenge that you faced while working on a team and how you overcame it. The topics that are discussed during an interview aren’t only positivity and accomplishments. A Deloitte hiring manager also wants to know how you handle potentially difficult situations too.

    Since teamwork is important to working at Deloitte, they’ll usually ask about how you’ve overcome challenges in this department.

    Example Answer:

    In my last job, I was working on a team of five business analysts to provide a comprehensive evaluation for a large client. I’d worked with everyone on the team before except for one individual who was a new hire.

    This person was consistently showing up late for meetings and slacking off on their work. I didn’t want to jeopardize their brand new job, but the project depended on our team to do well. I decided to converse with the individual about the problem, and they did not receive me well. I spoke with my supervisor regarding the issue, and the employee was moved to a new team. The project ended up being completed without another hitch. I believe I made the right call in this challenging team situation.

  5. Why should we hire you to work for Deloitte? A common question to receive towards the end of an interview is why you believe Deloitte should hire you. After all, the organization receives a stockpile of applications every day. What are the qualities that make you distinct as an impressive candidate?

    To answer this question, give a basic elevator pitch that highlights your strengths in the field and tying them with the position’s requirements. Paint yourself as the ideal person for the role.

    Example Answer:

    When reviewing the values that the Deloitte team treasures, I found a common theme of hardworking and honest employees. I believe that emphasizing these qualities in the Deloitte employees is what makes your organization’s financial services so trustworthy for clients. My professional track record has proven me to exemplify both of these important qualities. This is why I think that Deloitte should hire me as a business analyst.

Qualities That Attract Applicants to Deloitte

Working in the financial industry comes with the perk of having many enticing employer options who need skilled candidates to fill positions. While there are many potential companies out there, there are many reasons why Deloitte easily attracts an overwhelming number of skilled finance professionals to work for them.

  1. Inclusive work environment. Everyone wants to feel comfortable and included in their work environment. Deloitte actively fosters this type of company culture. The organization advocates for including all points of view to form a professional community that functions cohesively and respectfully.

    Both the employees and customers of Deloitte appreciate their inclusive environment.

  2. Strong benefits package. An employee’s salary isn’t the only aspect of a job offer that’s of concern. The benefits package on the table is also crucial, so Deloitte attracts some of the top financial applicants in the job market. Deloitte emphasizes a focus on the employee themselves when it comes to the benefits that they’re extended.

    A Deloitte benefits plan could include:

    • Paid time off for vacation, sick days, and holidays

    • 401(k) Plan

    • 529 College savings plan

    • Home and automobile insurance

    • Disability, life, and health insurance

    • Adoption and surrogacy reimbursem*nt

    • Flexible schedule options

    While the Deloitte benefits differ depending on your job title, the organization generally offers an impressive package for their entire workforce.

  3. Career opportunities for all. There are a lot of job titles working together in the financial field. Deloitte provides positions ranging in seniority for nearly every specialty of the financial field.

    Individuals who have recently graduated with a degree in business or finance often have luck finding excellent entry-level roles at Deloitte because of their need for various types of professionals.

The Types of Jobs that Deloitte Offers

The 300,000 employees that work diligently as financial professionals for Deloitte have very different titles and responsibilities. These positions require varying backgrounds and daily tasks. Some of the many job titles at Deloitte include the following.

  1. Audit Assistant

    Average Salary: $57,739

    Job Growth Rate: -4%

    Properly handling financial reports of individuals and businesses is important for ensuring that all financial laws are followed. One of the professionals who manage these documents within tax regulations for clients is an audit assistant.

    Audit assistants work under the guidance of a more senior assessor to evaluate and record the businesses’ finances. Much of their responsibilities include overseeing accounting accuracy.

    The position is a fantastic opportunity for recent finance or accounting graduates who are seeking an entry-level job. In addition to the necessary accounting knowledge, an audit assistant must work effectively with a team to provide financial services. Soft skills in communication and attention to detail are crucial to success as an audit assistant.

  2. Tax Consultant

    Average Salary: $63,384

    Job Growth Rate: +6%

    Most people groan at the idea of doing their taxes once again when the season rolls around. A finance professional who assists people and corporations with handling their tax documents is a tax consultant. This is a position that’s routinely hired to work with Deloitte.

    Consultants have a strong background in all aspects of the taxation process and regulating laws. They use this experience to assist individuals and businesses in this endeavor.

    A tax consultant’s knowledge maximizes a taxpayer’s deductions and keeps their documents in line with relevant laws. Their goal is to prepare a client’s taxes in a way that reduces the chances of an audit for any reason.

    The role of a tax consultant is a little more in-depth than that of a preparer. They’re trusted to advise on more intense taxation situations rather than simply putting together taxes. Consultants need to communicate complex situations to individuals who don’t specialize in tax code.

  3. Business Analyst

    Average Salary: $71,730

    Job Growth Rate: +9%

    Before committing to a particular strategy, companies turn to the expertise of a business analyst to provide an insightful evaluation.

    These professionals are often well-versed in how successful businesses and products function. Their job is to conduct a business analysis and communicate their strategic recommendations to their clientele for improvements.

    Their responsibilities often include:

    • Establishing a budget

    • Providing business forecasting

    • Creating a business plan

    • Fair product pricing

    • Building financial models

    Professional business analysis is one of the many financial services that Deloitte provides. They hire business analysts around the world to fill these needs.

  4. Project Manager

    Average Salary: $85,365

    Job Growth Rate: +10%

    Deloitte project managers focus on various important topics to the company, such as IT and business. They act as a supervisor in their sanction to guide teams towards successful project completion. The role usually requires at least a bachelor’s degree in a subject related to business management, plus a few years of experience in the field.

    Since being a project manager is a supervisory role that directly impacts Deloitte’s undertakings, the position requires some leadership abilities.

    Some of the soft skills that Deloitte advertises as a necessity for a project manager position with them include:

    • Self-motivation

    • Planning and organization

    • Multi-tasking

    • Adaptability

    Under their belt, candidates with these qualifications can expect tempting career growth from working with Deloitte as a project manager.

  5. Solutions Manager

    Average Salary: $108,636

    Job Growth Rate: +11%

    A solutions manager’s job combines the responsibilities of a business analyst and a project manager. They have the skills to supervise a Deloitte project successfully, but they also have a fair amount of experience with analysis and strategy. They devise and implement solutions according to the specific needs as they arise.

    Solutions managers do whatever it takes to make sure that a project gets done by its deadline. As their job title suggests, their role demands exceptional problem-solving and leadership skills.

    It also requires a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a similar field. If you can meet these expectations, Deloitte has a lot of available solutions manager positions.

Where to Find a Job at Deloitte

  1. The Deloitte career page. One of the best places to find open positions with Deloitte is its own website’s careers page.

    Applicants of any skill level can come here to find out what job opportunities Deloitte has open at any given time. The Deloitte careers page also provides a lot of great information about what it’s like to work for the organization.

    Some of the relevant topics that you can find on the Deloitte career page include:

    • Student recruiting

    • Experienced hires

    • The Deloitte values

    • Assistance for disabled applicants

    • Women at Deloitte

    The Deloitte career page also includes a job search tool to help you find vacancies relevant to your background.

  2. Financial groups on LinkedIn. While many people are familiar with the professional networking website LinkedIn, few people utilize the tool to its full potential. A great method for finding a job at Deloitte is joining relevant financial groups on LinkedIn. This makes you aware of opportunities within the community as they arise.

    Additionally, follow Deloitte and the core CEOs of the organization on LinkedIn to stay updated on company news that could improve your chances of coming across an open position.

  3. Your professional network. You’ve likely built up a valuable professional network throughout your career in business and finance. No matter how limited your professional experience has been.

    Even if you’re a recent graduate, prior professors, classmates, and acquaintances can all potentially contribute positively to your job search.

    Consulting the people you know who work in the business industry is a great way to unearth relevant job opportunities with target companies, like Deloitte.

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Sky AriellaHow To Get A Job At Deloitte - Zippia (3)

Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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