How to Determine Consulting Fees (2024)

Table of contents

What are consultancy fees?What kind of fee structure should I use?How do I determine my consultancy fees?How do I take my client payments?

Below we’ll review what influences consultancy fees, how to determine yours, and how to take payments once you’ve started working with clients.

What are consultancy fees?

Your consulting fees should be based on the value of your work. A number of factors influence that, including the scope of your work, your experience, and the competitive landscape.


The type of consulting work you specialize in will affect your consulting fees, and there are two general buckets you can fall into:

  • Strategy consultants focus on high-level business objectives and growth strategies, and channel their efforts on beating the competition.
  • Management consultants hone in on improving specific business strategies and specialize in disciplines or industries such as HR, IT, or health care.


How much experience you have in your industry influences how much you can charge. You want to do research to make sure that you aren’t overvaluing or undervaluing your level of experience. Different industries have different rates for projects, so your area of expertise and the scope of the project will influence your pricing model and consultant arrangement.


The competitive landscape and your physical location are the final components that will influence your consulting fees. While you don’t need to mirror your competition’s prices, it’s important to weigh in how much others are charging to remain competitive. Your general location will also play a part in your pricing — consultants living in coastal or urban cities can often charge higher consulting fees.

What kind of fee structure should I use?

Consultants usually choose a pricing model or fee structure for their work in order to remain transparent. There are a few different structures that most consultants use:

  • An hourly rate: In this time-based arrangement, you bill by the number of hours worked.
  • A project-based rate: Before the project begins, you and your client agree on a fixed rate based on the project.
  • A combination fee: You and your client set a fixed rate based on the project as well as time spent on the project.
  • A performance-based rate: You charge the client based on the performance or results of your work.

While you may want to use the same fee structure across all clients, you don’t have too. The goals of a fee structure are to make sure that you are compensated fairly for your work and that your clients feel comfortable paying you for that work, so it’s okay to adjust structures based on client or by project. Just make sure that you are clear about your fees before beginning any work.

How do I determine my consultancy fees?

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you create your consulting rate. It can be tricky to balance all of the factors we’ve outlined above, but there are a few steps you can follow to ensure an optimal pricing structure for you and your client.

  • Determine your hourly rate based on your experience and industry standards.
    If you’re just starting a consulting business, the best way to determine your rate is to divide your former salary by 52 work weeks and then divide that number by 40 (the number of work hours in a week). This will give you the hourly rate you were making before. Then do your research and look at competitor prices to see how you stack up. You usually don’t want to surpass a 25-30 percent markup (according to the SBA).
  • Estimate the time that will be spent on the project.
    Do some real thinking on how much time you will spend on a project. Make sure to estimate your hours for every stage of the project, including client analysis, research, and interviews, as well as drafting, editing, and creating any type of proposal or report.
  • Factor in additional consulting costs.
    On top of what you will charge for your time, you’ll want to factor in additional costs that may arise while you are working for your client. If you are spending any money on materials or transport for the project, you’ll want to include those in your fees. Think through logistical costs, the cost of business disruptions, and other hidden costs that might pop up along the way.
  • Decide on a pricing model.
    After you’ve estimated the time you’ll spend and any additional costs, you need to decide how to translate that into a pricing model. Will you charge by the hour, per project, by performance, or will it be a combination? Make sure you make this decision based on the project you’ve been asked to work on, how your client works, and the structure that you think will get you fairly compensated.
  • Consider retainers.
    Another way to consider charging your client is to propose a retainer. A retainer is a fee paid in advance in order to secure or keep services whenever they’re required.
    Retainers are often used with attorneys because their services are needed on an ongoing basis. Depending on what kind of projects a management consultant is asked to work on, a retainer may be appropriate.

Once you’ve put together consulting fees for one client, you should be able to easily adapt the fee and fee structure for new clients.

How do I take my client payments?

Once you’ve figured out what to charge for your consulting services, you should think about how you’ll take payments.

A contract allows consultants to adopt a professional face, set expectation with their clients, and get paid. In a contract, you can lay out the scope of your work and describe payment details so all parties are satisfied throughout the course of a particular job. While you can write a contract on your own, Square has created a suite of contract templates that you can utilize for free. Once you’ve prepared a customized template, you can attach it to an invoice and send it off to your client for review.

Invoices are a popular payment option many consulting businesses use to charge their clients, and it can help you get paid faster for your services. With online invoicing software, you can send invoices via email and clients can pay via card online. Then you can track all of your invoices and payments through that software. Square’s invoicing app can help you to create invoices, send estimates, and take payments all in one app.

How to Determine Consulting Fees (3)

How to Determine Consulting Fees (2024)


How do you determine consulting fees? ›

Determine your hourly rate based on your experience and industry standards. If you're just starting a consulting business, the best way to determine your rate is to divide your former salary by 52 work weeks and then divide that number by 40 (the number of work hours in a week).

How much should you charge for a consulting fee? ›

Keep in mind, if the average consulting fees are around $100 per hour, your experience and track record will need to be taken into account. If you are a brand new consultant, you may be charging closer to $50 or $75 per hour. With 20 years of experience under your belt, you may be charging $150 or even $200 per hour.

What is the rule of thirds in consulting fees? ›

Many then use the “rule of thirds” when pricing consulting fees -- tripling this hourly rate with the logic that one-third is devoted to real wages, one-third goes to expenses and the final third covers administrative costs.

What is ROI based consulting fees? ›

ROI-based contracts use a hybrid fee-and-incentive structure to peg a consulting firm's fees to achievement of the client's goals. These contracts might call for a smaller flat fee up front, and a larger fee down the line if the engagement is successful.

How do you negotiate a consultation fee? ›

When negotiating your consultant rates with your clients, it's important to be honest and upfront with them. However, this honesty doesn't just pertain to money. You also should be transparent about the process and the amount of work required. Once you and the client agree on a price, then stick to it.

How do you calculate consulting margin? ›

To calculate gross margin, we simply divide the gross profit by the services revenue. In our example above, the $75,000 in gross profit would be divided by the $200,000 in services revenue to yield a gross margin figure of 37.5%.

What is the average billable hours for a consultant? ›

The number of hours you billed for divided by number of hours out of the week (generally 40). Most consultancies will expect you to bill 70-95% of your 40 hours per week, depending upon the industry and your level of seniority.

Why are consulting fees so high? ›

Consultants don't get paid for time spent bookkeeping, networking, marketing, and a variety of other non-billable activities that need handling when you run a business. Consulting fees must take this downtime into account. Everything from professional memberships to paperclips – a self-employed consultant buys it all.

How much does the Big 4 charge out? ›

Big 4 Firms

These are gigantic firms that have deep knowledge and skillsets, global footprints, and charge accordingly. Although Big 4 fees in the $90 to $160/hr range aren't unheard of, it's important to proceed with caution and be aware of the circ*mstances.

Is consulting considered a professional fee? ›

Financial consulting fees are typically classified as 'Professional Services'. This expense category covers a broad range of financial consulting services, including financial planning, investment advice, and tax preparation.

What is the golden rule of consulting? ›

A good consultant never runs out of questions. Be Pedantic about Detail. How you structure and represent information depends on your purposes and will reflect your views and argument. Write simply, without cliché, without repetition, without exaggeration, without the use of jargon.

How do you structure a consulting deal? ›

What To Include In Your Consulting Agreement
  1. Parties: who the agreement is made by and between.
  2. Services Provided: the services you'll be providing the client.
  3. Term: when the agreement begins, and when the project is completed.
  4. Services Provided: the services you'll be providing the client.
Sep 8, 2022

Is 3.6 enough for consulting? ›

McKinsey, Bain, and BCG don't have a strict GPA cutoff, but they do typically consider anything from 3.6 up as a strong GPA. However, it's not quite that simple. For instance, you may have a 3.4 GPA but have top scores on your SAT or GRE, so all of these academic results will be reviewed.

What is the average revenue per consultant? ›

The average annual revenue per consultant of professional services organizations worldwide increased overall between 2013 and 2021. During the 2021 survey, respondents reported an average revenue per consultant of 206,000 U.S. dollars.

What are success based fees in consulting? ›

Success fee

This is based on setting a realistic objective for cost reductions based on either the financial objective (ie. Budget reduction) or an initial assessment. Both the client and consultant agree on the objective and the way it will be determined or measured and an agreed bonus for achieving this objective.

Can a business write off consulting fees? ›

All of these items used for your business are deductible. Legal and professional services: You can deduct fees that you pay to attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals if the fees are paid for work related to your consulting business.

What is a reasonable amount to negotiate? ›

Consider negotiating lower if 10-20% places you above the average. Is the pay in-line with average pay, but still believe you can negotiate based on your skills? Consider a range between 5-7% above. You don't want to risk your chances with a company that is genuinely interested in your financial well-being.

Should consultants charge for travel time? ›

Travel time is always an issue.

This is especially important when traveling for a half-hour or more. Consultants will typically charge one-half to one-third of their hourly rate for travel time outside their local area.

What is a good margin for consulting? ›

The typical profit margin for a professional services organization is in the range from 15% to 25%, while a particular project margin could be from 25% to 50%, and the profit margin for a particular consultant could be from 50% to 400%.

What is the average profit margin for consulting? ›

Research shows that gross profit margins above 60% are possible when consulting firms have visibility and the proper project management tools in place. Having one source of truth allows consulting firms to deliver higher quality projects and more satisfied clients while better supporting strategic and revenue goals.

What is 25% profit margin? ›

So if the ratio is 25%, that means that the company's gross profit margin is 25 cents for every dollar in sales. Higher gross profit margin ratios generally mean that businesses do well at managing their sales costs. But there's no good way to determine what constitutes a good gross profit margin ratio.

What should my billable rate be? ›

We typically factor in 20% as a good point to pay the business owner(s) and keep the business moving forward in a healthy fashion. In the example below, you can see the variations in what your billable rate should be based on the profit margin in the columns to the right.

Is 40 billable hours a week a lot? ›

As a general rule, if you bill between 36 and 40 hours in a week, you're likely going to be okay. Over the long run, the expectation is that you should be averaging 40 billable hours a week - assuming you have productive work to do.

How much of your billable rate should be your salary? ›

Not 50%. Not 40%. Only 33.3% of all billing should go to payroll – and that includes non-billable employees, like receptionists. If you're spending more than 33% of your payroll, your payroll needs to change.

Should I negotiate consulting salary? ›

You can negotiate but with carefulness and expecting that you will not get more than 5% of what they currently offer you. Usually, boutiques do not have fixed salaries for each level, so you can just ask for a higher one.

How do you discuss fees with clients? ›

When you talk about fees with clients, there are five priorities to focus on:
  1. Fairness and clarity are more important than the actual amount. ...
  2. You need to be proactive and raise the topic BEFORE clients ask. ...
  3. The discussion should be specific about what you offer and what it costs.

What is the typical markup on consulting services? ›

A markup between 25-30 percent and 30 percent is acceptable but not excessive. Add that rate to the estimated hours your client will require. This way, you will be able to determine how much you should charge per project or retainer. You want your clients to be happy with your work.

Which Big 4 is most prestigious? ›

A quick overview of the firms

PwC is the largest by revenue and the most prestigious of the Big Four with a strong and established audit client base. Deloitte is just a fraction smaller than PwC.

Is Big 4 consulting prestigious? ›

Big 4 Consulting

Consulting jobs are considered more prestigious and offer a higher average starting salary. You also enjoy better exit opportunities and a broad exposure to business strategy. Consulting opportunities are also the hardest to come by and have the lowest acceptance rate amongst Big 4 jobs.

Which Big 4 is best for consulting? ›

The Big 4 Consulting Firms are PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG. They are the top 4 Consulting firms in the world. They are well known for being the top audit firms in the world.

What is the difference between consulting fee and professional fee? ›

The key difference between Professional Services and consulting is that Professional Services is a broad term covering several services while consulting is an aspect of Professional Services.

Do consulting fees go on income statement? ›

Because consulting is a service, the revenue generated will be recorded on the income statement.

What is the difference between consulting fee and commission? ›

A fee-based advisor charged with actively managing a portfolio would likely charge a percentage of the assets under management. A commission-based advisor's income is earned entirely from the products they sell or the accounts that are opened.

What are the 80 20 rules in consulting? ›

80/20 Rule Graph

It's that 20% of your effort, your products, your services, or your ideas, result in 80% of the results. The profit, or the overall volume that you do inside your business.

What are the three 3 fundamental rules of consulting? ›

One of the most simple tools of communicating a message among consultants is the often shared three step approach: Tell them what you will tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them.

What is the Mckinsey 3 rule? ›

In simple terms, 3x3x3 encourages you to define three development goals, over a three-month period, engaging three other people to support you in those goals and hold you accountable. It's a framework that we use in varying forms to help ourselves put intentional learning into practice.

What are the 3 P's of consulting? ›

But you can always rely on the fact that any project will encompass these three basic principles: Process, People, and Prerequisites.

What are the five phases of consulting? ›

Contact, Discussion, Negotiation, Implementation and Evaluation, these are the active stages of the consulting process as I experience it.

What is 7 steps of consulting process? ›

The slide covers 7 step framework of consulting process. It includes, defining a problem, structure problem, prioritize issues, develop issue analysis and analysis plan, conduct analyses, synthesis findings and develop recommendations.

How much should I ask for as a consultant? ›

Tax consultants charge around $200 per hour. Web designers charge around $30 to $80 per hour, with $75 being the average. Alternately, they might charge a flat project rate of $500 to $5,000 per website. Management consultants charge between $100 to $350 per hour.

Can consultants make 7 figures? ›

However, if you become a consultant guru, start making speeches, and are requested by big companies, your salary can grow exponentially and reach the 7 figures.

Which Big 3 consulting pays the most? ›

While they earned the least in 2022, Bain MBA consultants now have the highest overall compensation with salaries and bonuses amounting to $285,000, a 16% increase on last year.

How many clients does the average consultant have? ›

How many clients do consultants work with each year? 30% of consultants work with between 6-12 clients per year. 24% work with between 3-6 clients per year. 21% work with between 12-20 clients per year.

Can you make millions in consulting? ›

Is a consulting business profitable? Of course! Many successful entrepreneurs have been able to work as a consultant and grow their business to a million-dollar enterprise. It takes hard work, determination and some help along the way, but it's certainly possible.

How much do the best consultants make? ›

Top 15 highest-paying consulting jobs
  • Software consultant. ...
  • Business consultant. ...
  • Consultant. ...
  • Security consultant. ...
  • Management consultant. ...
  • Financial consultant. National average salary: $88,497 per year. ...
  • Systems consultant. National average salary: $93,956 per year. ...
  • Senior consultant. National average salary: $98,468 per year.
Mar 10, 2023

How do I calculate my consulting fees? ›

Determine your hourly rate based on your experience and industry standards. If you're just starting a consulting business, the best way to determine your rate is to divide your former salary by 52 work weeks and then divide that number by 40 (the number of work hours in a week).

What are ROI based fees for consultants? ›

ROI-based contracts use a hybrid fee-and-incentive structure to peg a consulting firm's fees to achievement of the client's goals. These contracts might call for a smaller flat fee up front, and a larger fee down the line if the engagement is successful.

When can you capitalize consulting fees? ›

Fees should be expensed until the project is probable. Once the project is probable, directly identifiable costs should be capitalized.

What counts as professional fees? ›

However, some common expense categories for professional fees include:
  • Legal Fees: These can include fees for attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals.
  • Accounting Fees: These can include fees for certified public accountants (CPAs), bookkeepers, and other financial professionals.

What does the IRS consider professional services? ›

Legal and Professional Service - Amounts paid for services related to your business that were not paid to contractors or employees. This can include services such as tax advice, business related consultation fees, branding services, etc.

What is the 70 30 rule in negotiation? ›

Follow the 70/30 Rule: Listen 70% of the time and speak only 30% of the time. The less you talk, the more information you'll get, and the better they will feel about you. We all like people who listen to us. Let the employer talk themselves into giving you what you want.

What is the 3 second rule to negotiate? ›

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, sitting silently for at least three seconds during a difficult moment in a negotiation, confrontation, or even conversation makes both people more deliberative -- and leads to better outcomes.

How do consultants bill for time? ›

For the billable hours model, the consultant bills the client hourly, or the client has to pay for the billable work. Generally, management consultant companies charge their clients at the end of every month or after achieving a particular milestone.

How do consultants bill for overnight travel? ›

Bigger corporations may have a documented policy. Most consultants who travel more than I do bill for travel time. Some bill at their full hourly rate and some bill at half their hourly rate. There is usually a cap of 8-10 hours a day even if your travel takes longer.

Do consultants charge by the day or hour? ›

Some clients will prefer to pay consultants per hour, while others may want to pay per project or retainer. Rather than putting your foot down on one single method, it's best to flexibly price yourself so that you're earning what you're worth—regardless of the systems and processes.

How much do IT consultants charge per hour in 2023? ›

How much does an IT Consultant make? As of Apr 24, 2023, the average hourly pay for an IT Consultant in the United States is $35.50 an hour.

Are consulting fees capitalized or expensed? ›

The fees you paid the consultant to determine the amount of the credit are operating expenses and should be recorded as expense, just like any other accounting services fee or temporary service.

Are consulting fees fixed or variable? ›

Variable Costs Specific to Consulting

Consulting incurs its own industry-specific expenses. For example, if you must travel to see a client periodically, that travel expense is a variable cost. Likewise, if you must pay for research for a client's project, the costs of that research are variable.

What is the hourly consulting rate for a CEO? ›

Generally, there will be a blend of resources who vary in rates. For a smaller, boutique firm, rates decrease considerably and will typically range from $250–$400/hour. Working directly with an independent consultant, the rates will come down slightly from there, starting at $100–$350/hour.

What is the highest hourly rate for IT consulting? ›

IT Consulting Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job TitleRangeAverage
Job Title:Information Technology (IT) ConsultantRange:$16 - $101Average:$34
Technical ConsultantRange:$16 - $95Average:$35
Senior Technical ConsultantRange:$26 - $126Average:$65
Solutions ArchitectRange:$36 - $145Average:$83
3 more rows

What is the average tech consulting fee? ›

According to, tech consultants in the US make an average of $36 per hour and more than $68.51 at the high end. The median hourly rate for IT consultants as reported by is $54, with $40 at the low end of their scale, and $68 at the high end.

How much does Accenture charge per hour? ›

Hourly pay at Accenture ranges from an average of $19.02 to $50.64 an hour. Accenture employees with the job title Senior Business Analyst make the most with an average hourly rate of $38.54, while employees with the title Business Operations Analyst make the least with an average hourly rate of $23.27.

Can I write off consulting fees? ›

You can deduct the cost of these services as business expenses. This includes the cost of hiring an accountant or bookkeeper to help you estimate income tax, as well as the cost of legal services related to your business.

Can consulting fees be written off on taxes? ›

Legal and professional services: You can deduct fees that you pay to attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals if the fees are paid for work related to your consulting business.

Can I write off consulting expenses? ›

Many consultants are independent contractors or business owners. As such, they don't have an employer covering their costs or reimbursing work expenses. Instead, they can use those costs to offset their income and lower their tax bill.

What is a typical overhead rate for consulting firm? ›

This overhead rate can be anywhere from 30% to 100%. In the tables below, we've provided figures for an overhead rate of 40% and 60% to give a fairly typical range. Another factor that must be considered is benefits. Consultants do not get benefits packages in addition to their salary.

What are the five major phases of a consulting engagement? ›

Engagement management has five major phases: proposal, kickoff, delivery, closure, and archive. The proposal has a project charter with three key components. A statement of work with background, scope, approach, and assumptions.

What is an example of consulting expense? ›

The consulting expenses definition can refer to a variety of typical business expenses such as your travel, home office, insurance policies and supplies. Long before tax time arrives, talk with your accountant to learn how the tax law applies to your practice and develop a method to track these expenses as they occur.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.