How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (2024)

In a nutshell: Transcription is essential to good PR and podcast accessibility. This article covers three means of creating a podcast transcript.

  • You can do it yourself, with some simple tools
  • You can hire a freelancer
  • You can use a tool or service
  • This article will also discuss the pros and cons, whys and hows, of a few different transcription services
  • We’ll also help you decide how to use your podcast transcript, once it’s created
  • Read on for the full lowdown…

We think of podcasting as a purely aural medium, but we ignore podcast transcription at our peril (not to sound like a character from I, Claudius). In all seriousness, if your podcast doesn’t have transcripts, that’s an awful lot of audience you’re missing. Or even, excluding.

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (1)

“Wait a minute!” you say. “Transcripts are more time and money. How much do you expect me to invest in this podcasting thing? What’s in it for me?”

We’ve already talked about why you should use transcripts. It bears repeating, however:

  • 11 million people in the UK and 10 million people in the US are d/Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Many folks have auditory processing disorders
  • Podcast episode transcripts can boost your search engine optimization
  • Transcripts are another avenue for more people to understand and engage with your content

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (2)

Editor’s Note

Our podcast transcription guide was originally written in 2019. We update this post periodically to reflect changes in technology, our recommendations, and because we’re always learning new things!

In this article, we’re not going to talk about why you want to invest the additional work or money into podcast transcription. We’re going to talk about different methods or companies that you can use to get your podcasts transcribed, and make them available to your audience. Let’s get started.

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (3)

Want Podcast Transcription, Recording, Editing, & Publishing All in One Tool?

Podcasting is full of nifty tools and apps that can make your life easier. There’s recording software, remote call software, editing software, podcast transcription software, and then there’s your podcast hosting account to upload your finished work.

Some podcasters love working with multiple platforms and systems. Many others get frustrated with the long list of logins though, and long for a “one ring to rule them all”. Does such a ring exist, though?

Actually, yes. It’s called Alitu. And after seeing it in action, you might even start to refer to it as “my precious”.

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (4)

Alitu began as a solution to the most common podcaster problem of all – editing and production. The aim was to make cleaning up your audio, chopping out mistakes, and building your episodes as simple as humanly possible.

In time, new features were added to Alitu, from call recording to hosting. And now, podcast transcription has been added to the mix. Here’s the lowdown on how to transcribe your podcast episodes with Alitu.

You’ll get access to this feature as standard with your account, giving you up to 10 hours of transcription per month. Why not sign up for a 7-day free trial and test it all out for yourself?

DIY Methods for Podcast Transcription

If your podcast is a scripted audio drama, you can certainly use that script. You can also sit down and type out your podcast’s recording, word for word. If you’re already a professional stenographer, this won’t bother you too much. However, not many people have that skill set or patience.

Google Docs Dictation Software Hack

Another option for podcast transcription (recommended in a livestream by our friends at Music Radio Creative) is to use Google Docs voice typing. Here’s how it works:

  • Open up Chrome (you have to use Google’s Chrome browser, otherwise the tool isn’t available)
  • Go to Google Docs and open a fresh document
  • Click on Tools and select Voice Typing from the drop-down menu. A nifty little icon of a microphone will appear. At the top of the microphone, select your language.
  • Open up your DAW and start playing the sound file you want transcribed.
  • Click the little microphone icon. It’ll change colors. As the microphone picks up the dialogue, the text will appear on screen.

When you try this, make sure that the audio is cued up at the point where you want it transcribed. if you let it run through a minute of intro music or so, the voice typing tool won’t recognize the music as anything useful, and will shut itself off.

Google’s Voice Typing was pretty good at recognizing what I said when I tried it. To test its accuracy, I selected UK English, US English, and Nigerian English, to see if there would be differences in the resulting text. There wasn’t.

You’ll end up with pages and pages of unpunctuated text. It’s very stream-of-consciousness. You will have to go through it and format it, put in punctuation and check for errors. However, it saves you a lot of time over typing the audio word for word.

There’s a quality control issue here, as well. You may notice as you’re making this podcast transcript, that you notice the dialogue as an outsider. Transcribing the podcast yourself will help you see the details of what you talk about, and how.

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (5)

Video Captions

Another DIY method is to use your podcast audio to make a video file, upload it to YouTube, and use its closed captioning to provide a transcript. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of YouTube’s closed captioning. Joe Rogan uses this exclusively, and it works for him. Your mileage may vary.

Headliner is a free app which can be used to make audiograms (and it’s fun to use). It’s 100% worth your time to try it out, and see how its captioning system fits your podcast. These can also work great as social media posts, and help encourage your guests to share your episodes.

Think about your SEO for a second. Google’s Product Manager for Google, Brad Ellis, spoke about automatic captioning and SEO at the Streaming Media Conference in 2016. He said that when a YouTube user uploads their own captions, Google does index them. But, because the automatic transcriptions are error-prone, they are not indexed. Granted, this was a few years ago, and the technology may have changed. For now, if your SEO is your most important reason for having transcripts, it’s best not to rely on YouTube’s automatic captioning only.

Many people consume their video podcasts via YouTube. It’s not a bad idea to make them available there with captions. But it shouldn’t be your only way of publishing those transcripts.

Options for Outsourcing Podcast Transcription

If you don’t want to do the transcription yourself, you have a few options. They are:

  • Humans (having someone else do it for you)
  • Artificial Intelligence (a software does it)
  • A combination of both

A heads up that we use the odd affiliate link here when pointing to products and services we think you’ll find useful. We’d earn a small commission should you choose to buy through them, at no extra cost to yourself.

Human Transcription: Best for Accuracy

Manual transcription is the most accurate version of podcast transcription that you can use. Humans can understand context and spoken sound in a way that machines can’t. If your podcast uses the sentence, “Let’s eat Grandma,” a human would know where to put the comma, while a machine might not. It’s also not cheap. Some transcribers charge by how long it takes them to do the work, others by how much audio you supply. In most cases, it’s between $1-$2 per minute of transcribed audio. If you look at a site like Upwork or, you can find a fair number of freelance transcribers.

GoTranscript offers “100% Human-Generated Transcription Services,” and offer a minimum of 6-hour turnaround time. Their prices vary by how soon you need your podcast transcript finished, and how long your audio files are. Expect to spend around 80 cents to $2 per minute.

If you have a loyal fan or close friend who loves your podcast, you may be able to get them to volunteer to transcribe your podcast in a skill swap. Ask them if they would transcribe an episode or two of your podcast in exchange for helping them move house.

Artificial Intelligence: Lower Cost

If you’ve ever asked Siri to send a text message for you, or if you’ve asked Google to look something up, you’ve used something like one of these services.

Audext is a machine learning transcription service. You can drag and drop files of various formats (MP3s, WAVs, M4As, WMAs, etc) into the Audext interface and it’ll quickly transcribe them. There’s a speaker identification feature that’s handy for podcast interviews. You can edit your transcriptions easily within Audext before downloading them. Cost-wise, a one-off hour of transcription is priced at $12, but you can save on their subscription packages. A free trial is available if you’d like to test the water with Audext.

Trint offers monthly or annual subscription packages ($60-$85), with a 7-day free trial. They range by the amount of files you can upload per month, and how many users you can have on the account. However, since a file can be any duration, the starter package would fit most indie podcasters, if you organize your audio files well. Trint also has an iPhone app.

Temi is very similar, with one price tier: 25 cents a minute. Their free trial provides one transcript, of a 45 minute audio file. Their free demo not only shows you how it transcribes a news piece with multiple speakers and accents, but also will let you practice editing the piece to test the interface. This free demo is 100% worth your time to look at, because it can show you good transcript layout.

Descript offers a free trial for the first 3 hours of speech uploaded. After that, the service is $14-18 a month. They say that they can turn around a 60-minute sound file in about three minutes.

Sonix is another quick and inexpensive podcast transcription service. The Standard package is $10 per hour of uploaded audio. The Premium tier is $5 per hour and $22 per user, per month. Sonix provides transcription in multiple languages, even at the Standard level. Their free trial includes 30 minutes of transcription service.

Artificial and Human Intelligence

These services use a combination of AI transcription, with a human checking for accuracy and consistency.

Scribie offers a pay-as-you-go system, either fully automated for ten cents a minute, or eighty cents a minute for automated transcription with a human editor. They add on an extra fifty cents if your audio is poor, noisy (speaker isn’t distinct from the background), or for “accented speakers.” They say that it’s fifty cents a minute for American speakers. This makes me want to send them a sound file in an accent so Philly, it sounds like I live underneath the Market Frankford El. An integrated editor lets you make changes if necessary. might be the most well-known podcast transcription service; it was included on Forbes’ AI 50 list. Its automated transcription costs 25 cents a minute, with a 5-minute turnaround time. Their human transcription service is $1.25 a minute, with a 12-hour turnaround time. They can even create foreign subtitles for video, for $3-$7 per minute. Some podcast hosting services (such as Castos) include transcriptions using for an additional fee.

Where Do I Put My Podcast Transcript?

This is the final part of the podcast transcription process. Where does it go?

In the past, a lot of advice was given around copying your transcripts directly into your episode shownotes or blog post. It was said that this would add in more keywords, and so, be good for SEO and searchability.

However, as we don’t talk like we write, a transcript can look and read messy. Google prioritises well-written content, so it’s unlikely a podcast transcript is going to rank well in search. At least, without some additional content to bolster it.

It’s a better idea to clearly make downloadable transcripts available via a link in your shownotes. These could be in PDF, SRT, or any other appropriate file format.

Some podcast hosting providers have features where you can copy in or upload transcripts to, too. Others, like Alitu’s beta hosting, will generate your transcripts for you.

One final idea is that you might offer to deliver transcripts to your listeners by email, after each episode is published. There are loads of benefits to running an email list for your podcast, and we dive into that topic fully in the article linked to, there.

Podcast Transcription Summary: Accessibility for Your Audience

Your podcast transcript can build and sustain your audience. It can make your content more accessible and more meaningful to others.

There are no shortage of options out there when it comes to getting your podcast transcribed. and GoTranscript are two great human options, whilst Temi and Trint offer good value on a budget, too.

Of course, you might want to do your recording, editing, production, publishing, and transcription all in one place, and if so, ‘Podcast Maker’ tool Alitu is the place to go. Remember, you can get a 7-day free trial to test it all out for yourself!

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (6)

Need More Help?

Behind every accessible podcast is a podcaster who cares about their audience. This approach can lead to more reach, impact, and growth.

Providing good podcast transcripts is just one part of the bigger puzzle, though. The Podcast Academy has courses and resources to help you with everything from mic technique to unlocking the secrets of DAWs. Plus, the weekly Live Q&As provide an opportunity for you to get specific assistance on any aspect of podcast creation!

How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters (2024)


How to Create a Podcast Transcript, & Why Transcription Matters? ›

A podcast transcript increases your chances of getting quoted in a tweet, blog, or article, which improves page authority and SEO. If you don't have a transcript and someone hears something they want to quote on your podcast, they would have to transcribe the quote themselves to share the content.

Is there a way to create transcript of a podcast? ›

How to Auto Generate Podcast Transcripts
  1. Upload your audio file. Upload your podcast audio file to VEED. ...
  2. Click 'Auto Transcribe' Go to Elements from the left menu and click on 'Auto Transcribe' under Subtitles. ...
  3. Download the transcript. While you're on the Subtitles page, click on 'Options'.

Why is podcast transcription important? ›

A podcast transcript increases your chances of getting quoted in a tweet, blog, or article, which improves page authority and SEO. If you don't have a transcript and someone hears something they want to quote on your podcast, they would have to transcribe the quote themselves to share the content.

What should a podcast transcript look like? ›

A podcast transcript references your podcast. It creates a word for word information on every word said on your podcast and also adds timestamps to let listeners know when it was mentioned. If you do not want to go through the trouble of transcribing your podcast show manual… this can be automated.

What are the basic rules that a transcriptionist has to follow when transcribing an audio? ›

Guidelines for Transcriptions
  • Transcripts should be at least 99% accurate.
  • Grammar and punctuation are important for providing maximum clarity.
  • Speaker identification helps users identify who is speaking.
  • Essential to communicate non-speech sounds.
  • Transcribe content as close to verbatim as possible.
Aug 21, 2018

Are podcast transcripts worth it? ›

If your podcast is audio only, the transcript can significantly benefit your audience by allowing them to follow along as they listen. If you have a video podcast, your audience can peek at the transcript for greater context while watching your broadcast.

Is there an app that will transcribe a podcast? ›

Castle is a really straightforward podcast player. If you're already comfortable with searching for podcasts that you want to hear, and need transcripts to aid listening (rather than replace it), it does the job.

What is the most important feature of a podcast script? ›

The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. If you aren't careful, reading a podcast script can lead to a flat, monotone delivery.

How long does it take to transcribe a podcast? ›

Now that you know what factors contribute to transcription time, here is how the speed breaks down for the average person and the professional. The average person can transcribe one audio hour in about 4 hours. It takes most people about one hour to transcribe 15 minutes of a clear, slow audio file.

What are the benefits of transcribing? ›

Learn more and check out the top 8 benefits of transcription and captioning:
  • Accessibility for d/Deaf or hard of hearing viewers. ...
  • Compliance with legal requirements. ...
  • Improved audience comprehension. ...
  • Flexible viewing in sound-sensitive environments. ...
  • Increased SEO and video views. ...
  • Enhanced video search and user experience.
Mar 3, 2022

How much does it cost to transcribe a podcast? ›

Standard rates for professional transcriptionists (especially those professionals from North America) range from $1.5 to $3 per audio minute or $90 to $180 per audio hour. If your project has extra requirements, such as a quick turnaround time, you may be forced to pay more to have the job done.

Does Spotify do podcast transcripts? ›

For original Spotify content, transcripts are included in the podcast file. This functions in much the same way as the platform's song lyrics feature. However, for third-party podcasts, the easiest way to open a transcript is to include a link in the show notes, so listeners can follow along using a web page.

How much does podcast transcription cost? ›

Podcast Transcription Service | From $0.84/min.

What mistakes can be made in transcription? ›

Here are the eight biggest mistakes that can happen during transcription.
  • Typing Errors. Typos happen to anyone. ...
  • Atomic Typos. ...
  • Mishearing words. ...
  • Words That Sound The Same. ...
  • Misspelled Names. ...
  • Spelling And Grammar Mistakes. ...
  • Shortcut Mistakes. ...
  • Speech Recognition Mistakes.

What are the mistakes of transcription? ›

Transcription errors occur when data (words, letters, numbers, special characters) are incorrectly entered into an information system. The system is often a computer text file or some kind of electronic records system.

What are the three rules of transcription? ›

Transcription of a gene takes place in three stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.

What is the best quality to record a podcast? ›

Generally, a peak level of -1.0 dB is good for podcasts, as this level will ensure your audio sounds good when it's converted to a lossy format like MP3 or AAC.

How do you transcribe podcasts for money? ›

  1. QA World. In this platform, transcribers are hired as analysts. ...
  2. Rev. Rev is a very good platform for beginner transcribers with no prior experience. ...
  3. TranscribeMe. Claiming to pay more than anyone, TranscribeMe is a great work from home site. ...
  4. GoTranscript. ...
  5. Upwork.
Nov 19, 2020

Is there a free transcription app? ›

Otter brings artificial intelligence to the human voice. It's an automatic transcription app: Whether you're recording a voice note, a lecture, a business meeting, or a video conference, the app listens to what's being said and automatically turns it into onscreen, searchable text.

Is there a free program that will transcribe audio to text? ›

Otter is a great online transcribing tool that enables you to take voice meeting notes and real-time transcriptions. This software uses artificial intelligence to transcribe sharable, searchable notes, and content. This tool will also provide you with accurate transcripts of different audio formats (e.g., WAV).

What is the free Apple transcribe app? ›

The best speech to text apps for iPhone
  • Voice Texting Pro.
  • Evernote.
  • Speech-to-text dictation.
  • Transcribe.
  • Dictate app.
  • Rev Voice Recorder.
  • Otter.
  • Just Press Record.

What can you not say on a podcast? ›

DON'T: Tell Insider Jokes

Your podcast isn't the place for insider jokes. Listeners won't have a clue what you're talking about. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't be that interested. Keep in mind new listeners know very little about you or your show.

How long should a script be for a 8 minute podcast? ›

Podcast Script should be Optimized for Words Per Minute

You should aim for 150-160 words per minute speaking speed when working on your podcast.

What are the four major skills needed for transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  • Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Research.
Mar 10, 2023

How much does it cost to transcribe 1 hour of audio? ›

A reasonable estimate is around $100 - $150 per audio hour to get a high-quality and accurate transcript. These transcription rates can be a significant cost for many companies who need to transcribe large volumes of videos.

How long should it take to transcribe 1 hour of audio? ›

When it comes to individual transcribers, the average time to transcribe one hour of audio is approximately four hours. But, some transcribers quote four hours as the minimum since it can easily reach 10 hours. Transcription time by audio hour varies so much mostly because each audio file is different.

What are the qualities of a good transcriber? ›

A transcriptionist should have high grammar, punctuations, and spelling proficiencies to provide tidied transcripts without compromising the meaning and original thought of the dialogues.

How can I get better at transcribing? ›

How Can I Increase My Transcription Speed?
  1. Use a Fast Transcription Device. ...
  2. Improve Your Typing Speed. ...
  3. Use Transcription Software. ...
  4. Use foot pedals. ...
  5. Record Clear Audio. ...
  6. Remove Any Distractions. ...
  7. Avoid Unfamiliar Topics. ...
  8. Sharpen The Axe.
Nov 13, 2020

What is the difference between transcription and transcriber? ›

Transcription in linguistics refers to the conversion of spoken words into written words. The transcriber listens to an audio file or video, then types the content into a document. This is, in a nutshell, what is meant by transcription.

Can you turn an audio recording into a transcript? ›

There are two primary options to convert voice recordings to text documents. You can either use AI transcription or human transcription services. AI transcription is quicker and more affordable, but less accurate than human transcription.

How do I turn a recording into a transcript? ›

Record in Word
  1. Make sure you're signed into Microsoft 365, using the new Microsoft Edge or Chrome.
  2. Go to Home > Dictate > Transcribe.
  3. In the Transcribe pane, select Start recording.
  4. Wait for the pause icon to be outlined in blue and the timestamp to start incrementing to let you know that recording has begun.

Can you convert audio to transcript? ›

Now, you can use an online tool that will automatically transcribe your audio files for you. All you have to do is upload your audio or video, click on the Subtitles/Transcription tool, and VEED will transcribe the speech to text for you. VEED supports MP3, WAV, and other popular audio formats.

Does Spotify transcribe podcasts? ›

Just go to the Spotify website, find the podcast you want to transcribe, and click the download button. This will download the audio file to your computer, which you can then use to create a transcript. The process is easy and requires no technical expertise.

Is there a free app that will transcribe audio? ›

Transcribe is your own Personal Assistant for transcribing videos and voice memos into text. Leveraging almost-instant Artificial Intelligence technologies, Transcribe provides quality, readable transcriptions with just a tap of a button.

Is there an app that transcribes audio recordings? ›

TranscribeMe offers an app that provides both human and ASR transcriptions. Similarly to Rev, TranscribeMe allows you to record high-quality audio within the app. The recording can then be transcribed into an unedited first draft of text, which comes at a baseline price of $0.79 USD (around 60p) per minute.

Is there a program that will transcribe audio to text? ›

There are two primary options to convert audio into text. You can either use Rev's auto audio transcription (voice recognition online software) or human audio transcription services (human-based transcription). Our online transcription software is quicker and more affordable, but less accurate than human transcription.

What is the difference between voice recording and transcription? ›

While the transcription only keeps the text, the recording keeps all of the sound data. Meaning if there was a 3-hour meeting it will have the audio file for that whole session. If a business constantly has meetings and only keeps the recording it makes it hard to ensure efficient information flow.

What is the easiest way to transcribe a recording? ›

Here are 5 of the best ways to transcribe audio files to text to help you out:
  1. Try AI-Powered Automated Transcription Software. Also Great. ...
  2. Use a Human Transcription Service. ...
  3. Try Microsoft Word's Transcription Feature. ...
  4. Manually Transcribe Your Audio Into Text. ...
  5. Check Out Google Keyboard.
Feb 28, 2023

Can audacity transcribe audio to text? ›

Hit play in Audacity, and immediately hit Start in You won't hear the audio, but if you have it set up correctly, the dictation app should start transcribing it as it plays. Stop the recording on when your audio stops and download your transcription in the desired format.

How do you transcribe audio correctly? ›

How to transcribe
  1. Listen to the entire audio recording before beginning to write. ...
  2. Listen to an entire sentence before transcribing it. ...
  3. Edit the completed transcription, looking for mistakes and bad grammar. ...
  4. Learn the correct touch-typing technique to maximise speed, accuracy and comfort.

How do I turn my iPhone recording into transcripts? ›

Transcribe with the Rev App
  1. Download the Rev Voice Recorder App. Download the Rev Voice Recorder app on your iPhone from the App Store or by clicking the button below.
  2. Find the voice memo on your phone. ...
  3. Copy the voice memo to the Rev Voice Recorder app. ...
  4. Transcribe the voice memo recording in Rev Voice Recorder.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.