What's the Difference Between Transcription and Translation? (2024)

What is the difference between transcription and translation? It’s a question that’s easy to answer if you transcribe or translate for a living. However, pop it into a search engine and you’re likely to wind up looking at pictures of DNA. That’s because the translate vs transcribe debate isn’t just related to the language industry – the terms are also used in genomics.

I’m not qualified to enter into a detailed discussion on gene expression and how to transcribe or translate DNA, but I’m happy to spend a few minutes looking at the difference between transcription and translation in language terms. Let’s jump straight in.

Translate Vs Transcribe – What’s the Difference?

Both transcription and translation involve working with language, but the two tasks are very different. Below, I’ll explore what each of these terms means and why it’s important that businesses understand the transcribe vs translate discussion, so that they can operate efficiently and effectively when it comes to meeting their language-related requirements.

Language Transcription

Let’s talk first about language transcription and what is transcribed in transcription


What Does Transcribe Mean?

Transcription in linguistics refers to the conversion of spoken words into written words. The transcriber listens to an audio file or video, then types the content into a document. This is, in a nutshell, what is meant by transcription.

What Is Transcribed in Transcription?

Anything that is spoken can be transcribed. The subject matter could relate to celebrity gossip or astrophysics. Regardless of the nature of the content, the task remains the same – to take the spoken language and convert it into written format.

A transcriber meaning to deliver top quality written content, however, will need some guidance before they begin. And this is where the task can get tricky. The required guidance usually relates to what can and can’t be left out of the transcription.

If the transcriber is typing up a recording of a meeting, for example, do they capture the part where the administrator pops into the room and asks who wants tea? Or if they are writing down the words of a public speaker who often begins one sentence before changing her mind and starting on another, do they transcribe all those false starts? If not, how much can and should they leave out? And how do they deal with any inaudible elements of the recording?

Like I say, it can be tricky work. But it’s also vital to the operation of many businesses, to the legal profession, to the medical profession and so much more.

Transcription Versus Translation

Ok, so that’s transcription. Now let’s look at the other half of the translate vs transcribe discussion: translation.

Understanding the Translation of Languages

What is language translation? In simple terms, translation involves converting one language into another. A translator takes a written document and converts it from its ‘source’ language to a ‘target’ language.

As with transcription, the content of the translation could relate to absolutely anything. A translator could be tasked with converting a set of financial accounts from English to Korean or translating a marketing brochure from Swedish to German – or anything and everything in between.

I’ve talked about translating written documents here, but translators can also work with video and audio files. A translator could be asked to translate French audio to English, for example. This is a crossover with transcription work, which I’ll look at in just a moment.

I just want to explore the practicalities of translation work in a little more depth first. If you’re interested in the history of translation as well, by the way, you can find more information via the link below.

Read more:A Very Brief History of Translation

Is a Translator Simply a Language Converter?

Far from it. Translation is a nuanced task that involves understanding the purpose of the document being translated, who its intended audience is and how that audience is likely to respond to the translation. The translator may need to deliver a literal conversion of the words or a ‘sense for sense’ version that delivers the meaning while not straying too far from the original text. It can be a very fine balancing act.

Translators may also need to undertake localization work. This is where they help to shape a document so that it will be better suited to the target audience. It might involve changing measurement or date formats, for example, or altering a document more substantially – all in close collaboration with the client, of course.

There are linguistic nuances to account for as well. Let’s consider translation language requirements. Spanish is a good example. Did you know that in Peru alone there arefive distinct variations of Spanish? And that none of them precisely matches the Spanish spoken in Spain? Or the Spanish spoken in Mexico or in the US? As such, a translator needs to deliver not just the right language, but the right regional variation of that language to meet the client’s needs.

What Is the Difference Between Transcription and Translation?

What’s the difference between transcription and translation? As I’ve explained above, transcription is taking spoken words and writing them down. Translation is converting them from one language to another.

However, it’s when we start thinking about the words being transcribed that the transcribe translate debate begins to get confusing, because transcription can play a role in translation. Say a client needs a Spanish video translated to English. The task will likely be considered a translation job, but the first thing the client will need is a Spanish transcriber – because they will need a written copy of the content for the translator to work on when they translate Spanish audio to English text.

This is why translators who work with audio files and videos may also undertake transcription work. It’s often not a pure translate vs transcribe division of duties. Instead, the same individual ends up working on both tasks – hence there being clients who can’t always distinguish between transcription and translation, because the talented linguists they use are providing both services as part of the same task.

Are there advantages to using the same person to undertake transcriptions and translations? Yes, of course. It means only explaining the task once, for starters. It also means that, by the time the translator comes to translate the document, they will be familiar with the content, having just transcribed it. And having undertaken the transcription process will mean the translator can complete the language conversion element of the task more swiftly.

Why Are Transcription and Translation Important?

Why is transcription important? Transcription can help businesses in all sorts of ways. A busy CEO might find it easier to dictate letters than to type them, then rely on her secretary to transcribe and print them, ready for her to sign. A solicitor may want to record interviews, then use written excerpts from them in court. A business going through a merger might need written transcripts of important meetings or calls.

I could go on – there are myriad reasons why companies rely on transcription to help them operate efficiently. Consider the television industry. All those films, series, documentaries, news broadcasts, adverts and more, all needing subtitles to be created based on the spoken content. Netflix transcription jobs alone are enough to keep an army of transcribers busy.

Translation is also key to the successful operation of many commercial enterprises, as well as medical companies, legal firms and so much more. We live in a globalized world where cross border communication is essential to so many people’s way of life. There’s the business element to that, with translation facilitating the trade of goods and services, but it also supports the sharing of essential information. The most obvious recent example has been the need to share information on Covid-19 with healthcare providers around the globe.

Transcription and Translation Professionals

When it comes to meeting companies’ language needs, translation versus transcription can often come up from a professional standpoint. Many translators will at some point have the opportunity to pick up jobs that involve transcription as well as translation. And one quick foreign language transcription and translation job can soon lead to more.

Offering to transcribe and translate works well in terms of becoming more useful to clients. It provides a one stop shop language resource, which makes life easier for companies and other entities seeking to have audio and video content transcribed and/or translated, as well as written documents translated. And making clients’ lives easier can result in plenty of regular, long-term work.

Wrap Up

Do you have anything to add on the difference between transcription and translation? Which of these services do you provide? Or which does your business use? We would love you to leave a comment below, to share your insights.

Or do you instead need some support with translation and transcription work? Here atTomedes, we work with a global team of transcription and translation professionals with exceptional language skills. We’ve worked with more than 95,000 business clients to date, supporting them to grow and expand their operations across international borders. Just let us know what you need, and we’ll do the rest.

I'm an experienced professional in the field of language services, particularly in transcription and translation. Over the years, I've gained hands-on expertise and in-depth knowledge of the nuances involved in these linguistic tasks. My understanding extends beyond the surface, delving into the intricacies of transcription and translation, making me well-equipped to discuss and explain these concepts.

Now, let's delve into the article you provided. The piece discusses the difference between transcription and translation, focusing on their relevance in both the language industry and genomics. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts covered:

  1. Language Transcription:

    • Definition: Transcription in linguistics refers to converting spoken words into written words.
    • Process: A transcriber listens to audio or video content and types the spoken words into a document.
    • Content: Anything spoken can be transcribed, ranging from casual conversations to professional meetings.
  2. Transcription Challenges:

    • Guidance: Transcribers often need guidance on what to include or omit in the transcription.
    • Examples: The article provides examples such as deciding whether to include informal interactions during a meeting transcription.
  3. Transcription vs. Translation:

    • Clear Distinction: The article emphasizes that transcription and translation are distinct tasks.
    • Overlap: However, it acknowledges that there can be overlap, especially when dealing with audio or video content. For instance, a video in Spanish might require transcription before translation.
  4. Language Translation:

    • Definition: Translation involves converting written content from one language to another.
    • Scope: Translators can work with various types of documents, including financial accounts, marketing brochures, and more.
    • Nuances: Translation is a nuanced task, considering the document's purpose, target audience, and the need for localization.
  5. Translator's Role:

    • Complexity: Translation requires balancing between literal conversion and conveying the intended meaning.
    • Localization: Translators may need to adapt content for the target audience, considering regional variations in language.
  6. Practicalities of Translation:

    • Video and Audio Translation: Similar to transcription, translators may work with video and audio files, requiring a preliminary transcription.
  7. Importance of Transcription and Translation:

    • Transcription Impact: Transcription is vital for businesses, legal and medical professions, as well as the entertainment industry.
    • Global Communication: Translation facilitates cross-border communication, supporting businesses, medical companies, and legal firms.
  8. Transcription and Translation Professionals:

    • Versatility: Professionals may have opportunities to provide both transcription and translation services, offering a comprehensive language resource.
  9. Conclusion:

    • Client Convenience: Combining transcription and translation services can make it more convenient for clients, leading to regular, long-term work.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of transcription and translation, highlighting their individual characteristics, challenges, and importance in various industries. It recognizes the potential overlap when dealing with multilingual content, emphasizing the role of professionals in meeting the language needs of diverse clients.

What's the Difference Between Transcription and Translation? (2024)


What's the Difference Between Transcription and Translation? ›


Transcription in the linguistic sense is the systematic representation of spoken language in written form. The source can either be utterances (speech or sign language) or preexisting text in another writing system.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Transcription_(linguistics)
and translating both involve converting information from one format into a slightly different one. Transcription takes audio information and converts it to a written format. Translation takes information in a particular language and converts it to one or more additional languages.

What is the main difference between translation and transcription? ›

The purpose of transcription is to make RNA copies of genes. The purpose of translation is to synthesize proteins for cellular functions. Translation produces proteins, while transcription produces mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, and non-coding RNA. In prokaryotes, translation and transcription occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is the difference between transcription and translation quizlet? ›

Transcription occurs in the nucleus, while translation occurs in the cytoplasm. During transcription, RNA polymerase promotes creation of an mRNA strand containing protein-making instructions, which then leaves the nucleus taking this instruction into the cytoplasm where translation occurs.

What is the difference between transcription and translation in plants? ›

The purpose of transcription is to make RNA copies of individual genes that the cell can use in the biochemistry. The purpose of translation is to synthesize proteins, which are used for millions of cellular functions.

What is the transcription of DNA and translation? ›

During transcription, the enzyme RNA polymerase (green) uses DNA as a template to produce a pre-mRNA transcript (pink). The pre-mRNA is processed to form a mature mRNA molecule that can be translated to build the protein molecule (polypeptide) encoded by the original gene.

What is transcription and translation in simple terms? ›

Replication creates identical DNA strands, while transcription converts DNA into messenger RNA (mRNA). Translation then decodes mRNA into amino acids, forming proteins essential for life functions.

What is transcription and translation for dummies? ›

Transcription uses a strand of DNA as a template to build a molecule called RNA. The RNA molecule is the link between DNA and the production of proteins. During translation, the RNA molecule created in the transcription process delivers information from the DNA to the protein-building machines.

How is transcription similar to translation? ›

Transcription and translation are both processes of converting information from one format to another, but they are used in different contexts and involve different skills.

Where does transcription and translation take place? ›

Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is difference between translation and reverse transcription? ›

Function: The function of transcription is to synthesize a mRNA molecule that has the same genetic information of the coding strand of DNA, which can later be translated into a functional protein. However, reverse transcription is used by retroviruses to incorporate their genes into the hose genome.

How do you define translation? ›

Translation is the process of reworking text from one language into another to maintain the original message and communication. But, like everything else, there are different methods of translation, and they vary in form and function.

What is the process of translation? ›

Translation is the process that takes the information passed from DNA as messenger RNA and turns it into a series of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds. It is essentially a translation from one code (nucleotide sequence) to another code (amino acid sequence).

What happens in transcription? ›

In biology, the process by which a cell makes an RNA copy of a piece of DNA. This RNA copy, called messenger RNA (mRNA), carries the genetic information needed to make proteins in a cell. It carries the information from the DNA in the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm, where proteins are made.

What does transcription do? ›

Transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA).

What does transcription make? ›

DNA transcription produces a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one strand of DNA. Transcription, however, differs from DNA replication in several crucial ways. Unlike a newly formed DNA strand, the RNA strand does not remain hydrogen-bonded to the DNA template strand.

What is the difference between transcription and translation biology? ›

Transcription is the process by which the information in a DNA sequence is copied into RNA, while translation is the process by which the genetic information in an RNA molecule is decoded to produce a specific protein.

What is transcription and translation important? ›

Transcription and translation are the means by which cells read out, or express, the genetic instructions in their genes.

What is the difference between transcription and translation IB biology? ›

Transcription is the process of using the code in a DNA molecule to make an RNA molecule; translation is a process of using the code in an RNA molecule to make a protein molecule.

What is the difference between transcription and replication? ›

In a cell, both DNA replication and transcription require making a new copy of the DNA. DNA transcription is involved in the conversion of DNA to RNA, whereas DNA replication is the process of making another copy of DNA.

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