How to Build an Entire Portfolio With Only the Best Vanguard Funds (2024)

There are so many great Vanguard funds on the market that it can be hard to decide how to build a portfolio with them. The trick is to narrow down the options to a few funds, choosing those that work best for your needs. There are options for every type of investor.

Vanguard might be the go-to source for investing in index funds. It offers a broad base of high-quality, low-cost funds to choose from. Some are the best actively managed funds that money can buy. Most people can build a strong portfolio using only Vanguard funds.

Start With the Right Structure

It can be helpful to review a simple, but effective, structure called the "core and satellite" before beginning to choose the best Vanguard funds. Your portfolio is built around a "core holding" with this strategy. A large-cap stock index mutual fund represents the biggest portion of the portfolio. Other types of funds, called the "satellite holdings," make up smaller portions. They balance out the risk level.


The satellites usually consist of funds from various categories, such as foreign stocks, small-cap stocks, bond funds, and sometimes sector funds.

The prime objective of this portfolio design is to reduce risk through diversification. In other words, you're putting your eggs in different baskets. Your goal is to achieve this while outperforming a standard benchmark for performance, such as the S&P 500 Index.

A Sample Portfolio

We can look at an example that serves as a model, now that we have a smart design for our portfolio of Vanguard funds:

  • 35% Vanguard 500 Index Admiral Shares (VFIAX): Large-cap U.S. stocks
  • 15% Vanguard Total International Stock Index Admiral Shares (VTIAX): Foreign stocks
  • 10% Vanguard Explorer (VEXPX): Small-cap stocks
  • 5% Vanguard Health Care (VGHCX): Health sector
  • 35% Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Admiral Shares (VBTLX): Bonds

This blend of Vanguard funds is an example of a moderate portfolio. It would be a good fit for an investor who has a somewhat high risk tolerance and can invest for at least five years. A holder of this blend should be willing to accept periods of modest market volatility in exchange for the chance that returns would outpace inflation by a healthy margin. The asset allocation breakdown is 65% stocks and 35% bonds.


Using sector funds such as VGHCX is an option. Be sure to keep the allocation around 5% for each sector, and try not to exceed a total of 15% allocation to sectors if others are added. For example, you might allocate 5% to three different sector funds.

The Lazy Option

This model includes actively managed Vanguard funds as well as index funds. But you might like the idea of investing only in Vanguard's index funds. They have extremely low expense ratios, and they track their benchmarks. These features reduce the manager risk of actively managed funds. They don't require your active attention to make sure everything is correctly allocated.

Some investors call a portfolio of index funds a "lazy portfolio" because of the passive nature of index funds. An example of a lazy portfolio of Vanguard funds might include 40% Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX), 30% Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTIAX), and 30% Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VBTLX).

This moderate allocation is made up of 70% stocks and 30% bonds. You don't have to pay extra fees for someone to actively watch each fund's mix to ensure that it's performing the way you want. You can be secure in knowing that the index funds will follow the market index on which they're modeled.

The Bottom Line

Be sure you're using a diverse mix of mutual fund categories, no matter which Vanguard funds you choose. You want each to perform well under different market conditions.

Index funds that are available only as Admiral Shares require a minimum investment of $3,000. You could also invest in exchange traded funds (ETFs) that follow the same investing strategy. Here are the alternatives suggested by Vanguard:

Index Funds Now Closed to New InvestorsEquivalent Admiral Shares FundETF
Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX)Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Shares (VFIAX)Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares (VTSMX)Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX)Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Investor Shares (VBMFX)Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VBTLX)Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares (VGTSX)Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTIAX)Vanguard Total International Stock ETF (VXUS)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you invest in Vanguard funds?

You can invest in Vanguard mutual funds by opening an account directly with Vanguard. Vanguard also offers ETF versions of many of its funds, and those are widely available. Most brokerage accounts should offer access to popular Vanguard ETFs like the Vanguard 500 (VOO). Some brokerages also offer access to Vanguard mutual fund shares, but you may pay extra fees if you're investing in Vanguard mutual funds through a competing fund company.

What are the best performing Vanguard funds?

Based on 10-year average annual returns, the top-performing Vanguard fund is the actively managed U.S. large-cap growth fund (VWUSX) at 20.74%. The passively managed large-cap growth index fund (VIGAX) comes in second with 19.32%. Two closed funds come next, Capital Opportunity (VHCAX) and PRIMECAP (VPMAX). Rounding out the top five is the Explorer fund (VEXPX) at 17.13%.

What time do Vanguard mutual funds update their NAV?

Mutual funds update their net asset values (NAV) and execute trade orders after markets close every day. There isn't a set time, and some days may have earlier updates than others. You can usually expect to see the figures updated in your account by 6 p.m. EST. Trades may not be reflected in your account immediately, but the updated NAV will let you know the price at which your trade will execute.

Why did Vanguard funds drop today?

Vanguard funds are baskets of investments, and the value of the fund will move up and down, depending on what happens with those investments. If you want to get a sense of whether a Vanguard fund is likely to rise or fall on a given day, take a look at the index it tracks. If you hold Vanguard 500 shares, for example, you can watch the S&P 500 index to learn whether your shares will rise or fall. Stock and bond price move up and down due to market forces and broader economic conditions.

The Balance does not provide tax, investment, or financial services or advice. The information is being presented withoutconsideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circ*mstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.

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How to Build an Entire Portfolio With Only the Best Vanguard Funds (2024)


How to Build an Entire Portfolio With Only the Best Vanguard Funds? ›

Vanguard's Total Stock Market Index ETF is one of the best ways to diversify your portfolio, especially during troubled times. The ETF invests in small-,mid- and large-cap stocks. The ETF also gives you ample exposure to both growth and value stocks.

What is the best way to diversify your Vanguard portfolio? ›

Vanguard's Total Stock Market Index ETF is one of the best ways to diversify your portfolio, especially during troubled times. The ETF invests in small-,mid- and large-cap stocks. The ETF also gives you ample exposure to both growth and value stocks.

What does a balanced Vanguard portfolio look like? ›

Balanced. A balanced portfolio invests in both stocks and bonds to reduce potential volatility. An investor seeking a balanced portfolio is comfortable tolerating short-term price fluctuations, is willing to tolerate moderate growth, and has a mid- to long-range investment time horizon.

Is it safe to put all my money in Vanguard? ›

Money market funds and other securities held in the Vanguard Brokerage Account are eligible for SIPC coverage. Securities in your brokerage account are protected up to $500,000. To learn more, visit the SIPC's website. Up to $250,000 by FDIC insurance.

Should your portfolio be all ETFs? ›

Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification. But the number of ETFs is not what you should be looking at. Rather, you should consider the number of different sources of risk you are getting with those ETFs.

What is the perfect diversified portfolio? ›

A diversified portfolio should have a broad mix of investments. For years, many financial advisors recommended building a 60/40 portfolio, allocating 60% of capital to stocks and 40% to fixed-income investments such as bonds. Meanwhile, others have argued for more stock exposure, especially for younger investors.

What is the 4% rule Vanguard? ›

Say an investor has retired with a $1 million portfolio. In her first year of retirement, under the 4% rule, she should withdraw 4% of that portfolio, or $40,000 ($1 million x 0.04). For each subsequent year, she should adjust the withdrawal amount for inflation.

How many balanced funds should be in portfolio? ›

The consensus is that a well-balanced portfolio with approximately 20 to 30 stocks diversifies away the maximum amount of unsystematic risk.

What is the ideal portfolio mix by age? ›

The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks. Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

What is the 80 20 portfolio in retirement? ›

80/20 Portfolio Basics

An 80/20 portfolio operates along the same lines as a 70/30 portfolio, only you're allocating 80% of assets to stocks and 20% to fixed income. Again, the stock portion of an 80/20 portfolio could be held in individual stocks or a mix of equity mutual funds and ETFs.

Is it safe to keep more than $500000 in a brokerage account? ›

Is it safe to keep more than $500,000 in a brokerage account? It is safe in the sense that there are measures in place to help investors recoup their investments before the SIPC steps in. And, indeed, the SIPC will not get involved until the liquidation process starts.

What is the safest Vanguard investment? ›

Points to know. Of the 3 main asset classes, cash is the safest, followed by bonds and then stocks. Safer investments also have lower average returns. By mixing investments, you can get a balance of both stability and growth potential.

How much money is in the average Vanguard account? ›

Investment firm Vanguard analyzed data from about 5 million retirement accounts as part of its How America Saves report. According to the latest findings, the average 401(k) balance was $141,542 in 2021. That's an increase of about 10% from 2020.

How many funds is too many in a portfolio? ›

Ideally, 6 to 8 funds are good enough to build your MF portfolio. As the size of the portfolio increases, you may invest in a maximum of 10 funds to reduce the risk of being overdependent on any particular fund or fund house. However, the funds you are investing in are across equity, debt and hybrid categories.

Which is better VTI or VOO? ›

VTI vs VOO: The Verdict

If you like the name-brand recognition of the S&P 500 and want to stick to large-caps, then VOO might be the better option. If you don't mind some mid and small-cap exposure, then VTI could be a good pick. Investors can potentially also use both as tax-loss harvesting pairs.

Is 12 mutual funds too many? ›

How many mutual funds are too many? There is no right or wrong number; one should only have a decent amount of mutual funds. Investing in a few mutual funds creates opportunities for a diversified portfolio, better risk management, and wealth creation.

How do you create a truly diversified portfolio? ›

  1. 5 Ways to Help Diversify Your Portfolio. Diversification is not a new concept. ...
  2. Spread the Wealth. Equities can be wonderful, but don't put all of your money in one stock or one sector. ...
  3. Consider Index or Bond Funds. ...
  4. Keep Building Your Portfolio. ...
  5. Know When to Get Out. ...
  6. Keep a Watchful Eye on Commissions.

What is the ideal portfolio mix? ›

One of the first things you learn as a new investor is to seek the best portfolio mix. Many financial advisors recommend a 60/40 asset allocation between stocks and fixed income to take advantage of growth while keeping up your defenses.

What is a good portfolio for a 60 year old? ›

At age 60–69, consider a moderate portfolio (60% stock, 35% bonds, 5% cash/cash investments); 70–79, moderately conservative (40% stock, 50% bonds, 10% cash/cash investments); 80 and above, conservative (20% stock, 50% bonds, 30% cash/cash investments).

Do millionaires use Vanguard? ›

The median household in the study has over $1 million with Vanguard and those below the median have assets outside of Vanguard (i.e. real estate, non-Vanguard accounts, etc.) that make most of them millionaires as well.

What is rule of 72 Vanguard? ›

The rule of 72 suggests that your mutual fund investment would double to $100,000 in 12 years. The key assumption of the rule—that the rate of return remains stable for years—means that it only offers a very approximate estimate.

What is the rule of 55 Vanguard? ›

Under the terms of this rule, you can withdraw funds from your current job's 401(k) or 403(b) plan with no 10% tax penalty if you leave that job in or after the year you turn 55. (Qualified public safety workers can start even earlier, at 50.) It doesn't matter whether you were laid off, fired, or just quit.

Should I put all my money in one mutual fund? ›

Over-Diversification of Mutual Funds

The aim of diversification is to spread risk. If you invest too much in one company's stock, you are at great risk. If something happens to that company, a significant portion of your money could get wiped away. So to mitigate that risk, you buy shares of many companies.

Is it better to invest in one index fund or multiple? ›

Some index funds provide exposure to thousands of securities in a single fund, which helps lower your overall risk through broad diversification. By investing in several index funds tracking different indexes you can built a portfolio that matches your desired asset allocation.

Can you own too many ETFs? ›

On the other hand, having too many ETFs can lead to over-diversification and excessive fees, as well as potential underperformance if the ETFs are not chosen carefully.

What is the most optimal portfolio? ›

An optimal portfolio is one designed with a perfect balance of risk and return. The optimal portfolio looks to balance securities that offer the greatest possible returns with acceptable risk or the securities with the lowest risk given a certain return.

What should a 50 year old portfolio look like? ›

As you reach your 50s, consider allocating 60% of your portfolio to stocks and 40% to bonds. Adjust those numbers according to your risk tolerance. If risk makes you nervous, decrease the stock percentage and increase the bond percentage.

Are 60 40 portfolios worth it? ›

May sacrifice returns: A 60/40 portfolio will typically outperform an all-equity portfolio while the stock market is down. However, equities tend to have better long-term returns than bonds. This means the 60/40 portfolio may sacrifice some returns for the sake of stability.

What is the 60 40 rule for retirement? ›

Retirement planners typically tell Americans to invest 60% of their retirement funds in stocks and 40% in bonds.

What is the 60 40 rule? ›

The “60/40 portfolio” has long been revered as a trusty guidepost for a moderate risk investor—a 60% allocation to equities intended to provide capital appreciation and 40% to fixed income to offer yield and risk mitigation.

What is the 60 40 rule in investing? ›

With a 60/40 portfolio, investors put 60% of their money in stocks and 40% in bonds. This diversification of both growth and income has generally provided a safe, mundane way for investors to grow their money without taking on too much risk.

What brokerage do most millionaires use? ›

What brokerage firms do billionaires use? Many very wealthy individuals use the top brokerage firms, such as Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and TD Ameritrade, among others. They invest in private equity and hedge funds.

What is the highest safest return on investment? ›

High-quality bonds and fixed-indexed annuities are often considered the safest investments with the highest returns. However, there are many different types of bond funds and annuities, each with risks and rewards. For example, government bonds are generally more stable than corporate bonds based on past performance.

Do wealthy people have multiple brokerage accounts? ›

Some investors have several brokerage accounts to keep their retirement funds and active trading accounts separate, while others prefer to keep their niche accounts with companies that specialize in them. Still others see benefits in estate planning or simply want to take advantage of multiple sign-up perks.

What Vanguard fund does Suze Orman recommend? ›

Look for funds that have expense ratios below 1 percent. If you can handle the $3,000 minimum initial investment, I like the low-cost Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund and the Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (; 877-662-7447).

What is the fastest growing Vanguard? ›

Vanguard's fastest growing mutual fund was also the Vanguard Energy Index Fund, which grew by 38.4 percent. As of November 2022, the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund was the largest fund owned by Vanguard, with net assets under management worth approximately 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars.

Are Vanguard funds better than Fidelity? ›

Bottom Line. Overall, Vanguard and Fidelity are both great choices for those interested in investing. They offer a wide range of investment options, low costs, and hands-off or active management depending on your preference. When it comes to index funds, Vanguard is hard to beat, with hundreds of low-cost options.

What is considered high net worth at Vanguard? ›

Investors with $1 million to $5 million*

You're a Flagship client at Vanguard, which means you get personalized services reserved for our high-net-worth investors. Helping you look at your wealth holistically is important to us.

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

Can I retire on $2 million at 65? ›

Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

Is it OK to have 100% stocks in my portfolio? ›

The main argument advanced by proponents of a 100% equities strategy is simple and straightforward: In the long run, equities outperform bonds and cash; therefore, allocating your entire portfolio to stocks will maximize your returns.

Is it bad to only invest in ETFs? ›

ETFs are for the most part safe from counterparty risk. Although scaremongers like to raise fears about securities-lending activity inside ETFs, it's mostly bunk: Securities-lending programs are usually over-collateralized and extremely safe.

How many funds should I own? ›

You should therefore only keep as many funds in your portfolio as you're comfortable monitoring. For example, if you hold 10 or 20 different funds, you'll need to keep a close eye on the changing value of all these investments to make sure your asset allocation still matches your investment goals.

Does Warren Buffett recommend VOO? ›

But without knowing your background, Buffett would almost certainly advise investing in an S&P 500 index fund like VOO. He understands that it's a good long-term bet for most people.

Why is VTI so popular? ›

VTI is an extremely diversified fund. Its large amount of holdings reflect the entire universe of investable U.S. securities. The fund has exposure to small-cap stocks which can be more volatile than mid- or large-cap holdings. The fund has a beta of 1 when compared to the larger market.

What is Vanguard's best performing ETF? ›

What Are the Best Vanguard ETFs?
  • Vanguard Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities ETF (VTIP)
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)
  • Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ)
  • Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)
  • Vanguard Total International Stock ETF (VXUS)
  • Vanguard Information Technology ETF (VGT)
  • Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
May 25, 2023

What is the 90% rule for mutual funds? ›

The 90/10 rule in investing is a comment made by Warren Buffett regarding asset allocation. The rule stipulates investing 90% of one's investment capital towards low-cost stock-based index funds and the remainder 10% to short-term government bonds.

What if I invest $5,000 in mutual funds for 10 years? ›

Calculation of SIP returns

To understand this, let us take an example. A monthly investment of Rs 5,000 for 10 years at an expected rate of return of 12 per cent will earn you Rs 11.61 lakh. The gains made by you in this scenario will be approximately Rs 5.61 lakh (Rs 11.61 lakh minus 5000*10*12).

What is the 80% rule for mutual funds? ›

In general, to comply with the rule, an investment company with a name that suggests that the company focuses on a particular type of investment will either have to adopt a fundamental policy to invest at least 80% of its assets in the type of investment suggested by its name or adopt a policy of notifying its ...

What is the best way to diversify 401k? ›

Use Target Date Funds To Retire on Your Terms

These funds can help you maintain diversification in your portfolio by spreading your 401(k) money across multiple asset classes, including large-company stocks, small-company stocks, emerging-markets stocks, real estate stocks, and bonds.

How do I balance my Vanguard portfolio? ›

How can investors rebalance?
  1. Reinvest dividends. Direct dividends and/or capital gains distributions from the asset sector that exceeds its target into one that is underweight.
  2. Make additional contributions. Add funds to the asset sector that falls below its target percentage.
  3. Transfer funds between asset classes.

Is buying an index fund a good way to diversify your portfolio? ›

Index funds are attractive for several reasons, including diversification and low expense ratios. In regards to the former, when you purchase shares of an index fund, you're exposed to all the stocks in an index. The idea is that stocks that are appreciating will make up for stocks that are depreciating.

How do I decide which Vanguard funds to invest in? ›

Choose your funds

That involves choosing between active and passive management, identifying the types of funds you're interested in (such as stock-focused vs. bond-focused), and seeing if you meet Vanguard's mutual fund minimum. Vanguard. Costs, Fees & Minimums.

How to save 2 million in 401k? ›

If you want to retire with $2 million, you'll need to invest about 12% of a salary of $100,000 starting in your 20s. Waiting until you're older will require a larger portion of your pay. If you wait until your 30s, then that number is closer to 17% of your salary.

What is the 3% rule 401k? ›

For example, a 4 percent withdrawal rate would equate to 25 years. A 3 percent withdrawal rate would equal 33.3 years, while a 2 percent withdrawal rate would equal a portfolio that would last 50 years. So you can figure out your own safe withdrawal rate depending on how long you want your assets to last.

Is 12% to 401k enough? ›

Most retirement experts recommend you contribute 10% to 15% of your income toward your 401(k) each year. The most you can contribute in 2023 is $22,500 or $30,000 if you are 50 or older (that's an extra $7,500). Consider working with a financial advisor to determine a contribution rate.

What is the best portfolio allocation? ›

Finding the right mix for your portfolio. One of the first things you learn as a new investor is to seek the best portfolio mix. Many financial advisors recommend a 60/40 asset allocation between stocks and fixed income to take advantage of growth while keeping up your defenses.

What does Warren Buffett say about investing in index funds? ›

Buffett recommends passive and low-cost index funds because he believes this is the most rational way to invest for most people. There are so many forms of mistakes ordinary investors can make, but passive index investing limits those risks massively.

Should you put all money in one index fund? ›

If you're new to investing, you can absolutely start off by buying index funds alone as you learn more about how to choose the right stocks. But as your knowledge grows, you may want to branch out and add different companies to your portfolio that you feel align well with your personal risk tolerance and goals.

What is a better investment than index funds? ›

ETFs are more tax-efficient than index funds by nature, thanks to the way they're structured. When you sell an ETF, you're typically selling it to another investor who's buying it, and the cash is coming directly from them.

What Vanguard funds does Suze Orman recommend? ›

Look for funds that have expense ratios below 1 percent. If you can handle the $3,000 minimum initial investment, I like the low-cost Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund and the Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (; 877-662-7447).

What is the most popular Vanguard Index Fund? ›

Some popular Vanguard index funds include:
  • Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFIAX) ...
  • Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX) ...
  • Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (VBTLX) ...
  • Vanguard Balanced Index Fund (VBIAX) ...
  • Vanguard Growth Index Fund (VIGAX) ...
  • Vanguard Small Cap Index Fund (VSMAX)
Jun 1, 2023

Is it better to invest with Fidelity or Vanguard? ›

Vanguard and Fidelity are both retirement powerhouses, but Fidelity offers a more well-rounded platform that also caters to active traders. Arielle O'Shea leads the investing and taxes team at NerdWallet.

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