How Parents and Teachers Influence the Values Formation of Students: Its Implication on Administration and Supervision in Area Iii Divisionof Batangas (2024)

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Authors Keywords: Abstract FAQs


  • Charity Reyes


:influence, values formation



The values formation process may be influenced by a mixture of parent values, peer values, and cultural values. The relationship between parents and their child remains influential. Just as teachers bring and develop a variety of professional and personal values to classroom relationships, the students also bring a variety of values from the home. These include varying expressions of tolerance, respect for others, social conscience and personal responsibility. So, the relationship is a dynamic process that is informed by the values of both students and teacher.


The researcher employed a descriptive method, which aims to describe the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular phenomena. It is a purposive process of analyzing, classifying and tabulating data on prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause-and-effect relationships.


Student respondents "often" to "always" agree that teachers influence the value formation process of the students. The majority of the student respondents often agreed that parents influence the value formation process of the students. Performance and action in class ranked first in teachers' factors that influence the value formation of the students. Identification and academics ranked first in parents' factors that influence the value formation of the students. There is a significant difference between Group A and C of student respondents, and Group B and C of student respondents under social concern in the extent of perceived influence of teachers in value formation. There is no significant difference in the extent of perceived influence of parents in the value formation of the students when grouped according to ages.


Teachers must design teaching activities that will strengthen the value responsibility of the students. Teachers must carefully select learning strategy relevant to the development of the subject and values infocus. School Administrators must develop strategies that will extend values learned in school to the home and community. School administrators must continue to diagnose the current state of the formation of values.

How Parents and Teachers Influence the Values Formation of Students: Its Implication on Administration and Supervision in Area Iii Divisionof Batangas (2024)


How will the values of the teacher influence the values formation of his students? ›

Teaching about inculcation of values in school help the students to develop their skills and their overall personality. They get to know about their obligations, different cultures, what is right and what is wrong. Values help to have an understanding of what is morally and ethically right and wrong.

What are the factors affecting values formation of students? ›

The values formation process may be influenced by a mixture of parent values, peer values, and cultural values. The relationship between parents and their child remains influential.

Why we need to include parents in the management and discipline of students in the classroom? ›

Parental involvement plays a critical role in students' academic success. When you work with parents, you get the extra support needed to help struggling children turn around their performance. You also encourage a lifelong love of learning in every student, creating more engaged and excited learners.

What is the values formation program in the Philippines? ›

The values formation program is composed of nine (9) topics namely: Who am I? , Developing your Inner Self, My Values,My Family and I, My Friends and I, My Teacher and I, Developing Relationship with God, Communication with Page 2 God, and, Self, Others and God.

What is the role of parents in inculcating good values to the child? ›

“Parents are a child's first teachers and role models” They are responsible for shaping up the child's behavior and implementing positive values in them. Children listen, observe and imitate their parents. So it is important that they should be good role models the kids would want to follow.

What values should teachers encourage their students to develop? ›

These core values in our classroom communities can include kindness, responsibility, honesty, empathy, compassion, self-discipline, open-mindedness, patience, the willingness to compromise and the ability to accept diversity.

What are the two factors affecting values formation? ›

Socialisation from parents, religious institutions, friends, personal experiences, and society contribute to the formation of values in individuals. The individual values are affected by our belief system, prevailing social systems, and to some extent socio- economic conditions.

What are 6 factors that influence the development of values? ›

Values are personal things—they develop over time and are influenced by many factors in a person's life, such as family, friends, significant others, past experiences and the media, as well as by that person's own needs and wants, beliefs, education and religion.

What are three factors that influence personal values? ›

Everyone has values, but each person has a different value set. These differences are affected by an individual's culture, personal upbringing, life experiences, and a range of other influences.

Why is it important for educators and parents to know and use many positive discipline strategies? ›

Positive guidance and discipline are crucial for children because they promote self-control, teach responsibility and help them make thoughtful choices. The more effective adult caregivers are at encouraging appropriate child behavior, the less time and effort they will spend correcting misbehavior.

Why parents and educators should support the teaching of moral values in our schools? ›

Teaches Children To Think For Others

Teaching kids good values and responsibility help them to think from others' perspective and help others. It might also help them to know their purpose in life and what good things they need to do for others in society.

Why is it important for teachers and parents to work together? ›

Positive connections between parents and teachers have been shown to improve children's academic achievement, social competencies and emotional well-being. When parents and teachers work as partners, children do better in school and at home.

What is values formation and how it works? ›

Value formation is the confluence of our personal experiences and particular culture we are entwined in. Values are imposed from our family in childhood and reinforced through culture and life experiences.

What is the integration of values education in the teaching learning process? ›

It demands discussion, processing, reflection and actions. Values Integration is a channel of values development through the teaching-learning activities in the different learning areas. The starting point of values integration is the nature of the learning areas and their unique contribution as bodies of knowledge.

What are the foundation of values education? ›

Values education therefore promotes tolerance and understanding above and beyond our political, cultural and religious differences, putting special emphasis on the defence of human rights, the protection of ethnic minorities and the most vulnerable groups, and the conservation of the environment.

How do parents influence values? ›

As a parent, you influence your child's basic values, like religious values, and issues related to their future, like educational choices. And the stronger your relationship with your child, the more influence you'll have, because your child will be more likely to seek your guidance and value your opinion and support.

What are the roles of parents in the child's development in terms of values formation? ›

Parents and caregivers make sure children are healthy and safe, equip them with the skills and resources to succeed as adults, and transmit basic cultural values to them. Parents and caregivers offer their children love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, and guidance.

What 3 ways do parents teach values to their children? ›

Some Ways to Teach Your Child Good Values:
  • Model Good Values. ...
  • Apologize to Your Children When You Make Mistakes. ...
  • Use Everyday Experiences as a Springboard for Conversation. ...
  • Share Your Personal Experiences. ...
  • Hold Your Children Accountable for Their Mistakes. ...
  • Don't Let Your Children Take the Easy Way Out of Challenges.
Jul 29, 2021

What are the values formation of teachers? ›

The core of teaching consists of four basic values: dignity, truthfulness, fairness and responsibility & freedom. All teaching is founded on ethics – whether it be the teacher-student relationship, pluralism or a teacher's relationship with their work.

What values do parents and teachers want children to learn? ›

(i) Parents and teachers want children to learn values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion.

What is the most influential factor in a person's value formation? ›

Your faith, culture, education, mentors, and personal experiences heavily influence your beliefs, and they can change over time. Your belief system then impacts your personal values. These are the things you identify as important to your personal well-being.

What are the ways to improve values formation? ›

The strategies are: 1. Incorporating Values through the Existing Curriculum 2. Value-Inculcation through Co-Curricular Activities 3. Development of Value-Consciousness through Story 4. Inculcation of Values through Discussion on Slogans 5.

What are the 4 core values in values formation? ›

The four core values of an organization are integrity and ethics, respect, innovation (not imitation), and drive.

What are the 3 most important influences on a child's development? ›

Learn more about the three main factors that affect your child's development:
  • brain development.
  • child's temperament.
  • care they receive from you and others.

How does values influence development? ›

Your values form the foundation of your life. They dictate the choices you make and determine the direction that your life takes. Your values will influence your decisions related to your relationships, career, and other activities you engage in.

What 3 values do you think are important for every person and why? ›

To most Americans, the most important values are having a happy relationship, an honest and respectable life, and safety and security. Understanding your own values is a fundamental part of self-awareness and getting to know yourself as a human being.

What are some values and factors things and people that influence our decision between what we consider right and wrong? ›

Significant factors include past experiences, a variety of cognitive biases, an escalation of commitment and sunk outcomes, individual differences, including age and socioeconomic status, and a belief in personal relevance. These things all impact the decision making process and the decisions made.

What are the influence of values on the choice of goals you set for yourself? ›

Values provide a foundation for your goals. Understanding the values that are most important to you can help you steward your resources in ways that uphold them. Values are the things that people consider most important in their lives. they can be individual principles or shared beliefs within a community or culture.

Why is it important to have parents actively involved in the decision making and education of their child with a disability? ›

The Role of the Parent on the IEP Team

Guardians are vital to the IEP team process. 2 They provide information on the child's strengths and weaknesses at home, background information on the child's history and development, and information on any family factors that may affect the child's learning.

Why is it important for parents and teachers to be aware of their child or student's development tasks? ›

Parental involvement is a critical factor in the success of children's education. When parents are involved in their children's education, children are more likely to do well in school and have better social and emotional development. Parental involvement improves student achievement, self-esteem, and behavior.

Why is it important for teachers to know about parenting and the circ*mstances of their students family lives? ›

Research shows that parental involvement can free teachers to focus more on the task of teaching children. Also, by having more contact with parents, teachers learn more about students' needs and home environment, which is information they can apply toward better meeting those needs.

What is the role of parents in teaching moral values? ›

“Parents are a child's first teachers and role models” They are responsible for shaping up the child's behavior and implementing positive values in them. Children listen, observe and imitate their parents. So it is important that they should be good role models the kids would want to follow.

How teachers can influence students moral development? ›

Build trust in the classroom.

As a starting point, establish basic rules of respect -- and model them. Listen to your students. Challenge ideas, not people. Work with your class to develop a language for moral inquiry.

What is the role of a teacher in developing the moral values of a child? ›

The teachers teach students the moral values and behaviors, and act as a role model for showing students the desirable characters and traits in the school and also the society. They also teach students to respect the rights of other persons and teach them about the acceptance of responsibility for one's actions.

How does parental involvement influence a child's behavior? ›

Parent involvement is generally thought of as an avenue for promoting academic performance. However, parent involvement may also enhance children's behavior at home and in the classroom as parents and teachers work together to enhance social functioning and address problem behaviors.

How can teachers work effectively with parents? ›

  • Make parents feel valuable. Great parent-teacher communication, especially in elementary school, starts with making parents feel valuable. ...
  • Acknowledge involvement. Parents are not required to participate in their child's education. ...
  • Ask questions (and listen!). ...
  • Don't make assumptions.

Why is it important to establish good relationship between child and mother? ›

A secure attachment leads to a healthy social, emotional, cognitive, and motivational development. Children also gain strong problem-solving skills when they have a positive relationship with their parents.

What is the importance of values formation? ›

Our values inform our thoughts, words, and actions.

Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day.

What are the two 2 factors affecting value formation? ›

Abstract. The values formation process may be influenced by a mixture of parent values, peer values, and cultural values. The relationship between parents and their child remains influential.

What are the different types of values formation? ›

Types of Values
  • a. Personal Values. Personal values are also called the individual values. ...
  • b. Family Values. Those moral principles and standards which actually come into practice through the parents to their kids. ...
  • c. Organizational Value. ...
  • d. Social Cultural Values. ...
  • e. Moral Values.
Dec 13, 2021

What is the role of teacher in the integration of values? ›

Teaching about inculcation of values in school help the students to develop their skills and their overall personality. They get to know about their obligations, different cultures, what is right and what is wrong. Values help to have an understanding of what is morally and ethically right and wrong.

What are the values education teacher's roles in the valuing process? ›

Teachers demonstrate the appropriate behaviour of their students by their actions. Teachers must have healthy attitude and should possess rich values. Teaching is all about attitude positive / negative towards their job of imparting quality education. Teacher should act as a friend, philosopher and guide.

What is the values education program in the Philippines? ›

The goal of the Values Education Program (VEP) is to provide and promote values education at all levels of the educational system for the development of the human person committed to the building of “a just and humane society” and an independent and democratic nation.

What are the core values of the values education program? ›

The most common strategies in values education include the following: The rejection of discrimination, enlivening debate on moral matters and promoting collaborative leadership. Denouncing harmful attitudes for society as a whole without stigmatising individuals.

What are the values formation for teachers? ›

The core of teaching consists of four basic values: dignity, truthfulness, fairness and responsibility & freedom. All teaching is founded on ethics – whether it be the teacher-student relationship, pluralism or a teacher's relationship with their work.

Why is it important to teach moral values to students? ›

What is the Importance of Moral Values in Students' Life? Moral values play an essential role in any student's life. They help build a positive character with traits such as compassion, respect, kindness, and humility. They can make students distinguish between right and wrong or good and bad.

How can teachers show students that value and respect for every learner? ›

Choose Your Words Carefully
  • Listen to students—and hear them.
  • Use positive humor, not sarcasm.
  • Provide corrective feedback in ways that foster student effort.
  • Acknowledge student growth.
  • Use their words to defuse difficult situations.
Sep 1, 2011

What is values formation examples? ›

Value formation is the confluence of our personal experiences and particular culture we are entwined in. Values are imposed from our family in childhood and reinforced through culture and life experiences. The value of, for example, kindness was imposed on me from my parents, and reinforced throughout early childhood.

What are the types of values in values formation? ›

There are four types of values that we find in an organizational setting: individual values, relationship values, organizational values, and societal values.

What is the most important value of a teacher? ›

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

What is the most effective approach in teaching values to the learners? ›

One of the most widely used and, according to Superka, the most effective method for inculcation is positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement includes such actions as a teacher praising a student for behaving in accordance with a particular value.

What are the three main processes in the valuing process? ›

They define a value in terms of three key valuing processes: choosing, prizing and acting (Figure 1).

How will you develop social values to your students? ›

9 Ways to Teach Social Skills in Your Classroom
  1. Model manners. If you expect your students to learn and display good social skills, then you need to lead by example. ...
  2. Assign classroom jobs. ...
  3. Role-play social situations. ...
  4. Pen-pals. ...
  5. Large and small group activities. ...
  6. Big buddies. ...
  7. Class stories. ...
  8. Class meeting.

How parents teach moral values? ›

How To Teach Moral Values To Kids?
  • Be Their Role Model. Children see their parents, teachers and other close ones and learn things from them. ...
  • Teach Them Moral Values. ...
  • Share Moral Stories With Valuable Lessons. ...
  • Give Them Scenarios To Help Build A Good Character. ...
  • Check If Your Kids' School Has Value Education.

How are children helped to develop values? ›

Children learn values and beliefs through their exposure to the larger world. Through friends, extended family, books, TV and the experiences they have in their community, children absorb values and societal norms.

How do you help students identify their values? ›

Question prompts will help students start thinking more deeply about their own values or principles:
  1. Whom do you admire? ...
  2. Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson “the hard way.”
  3. What could you change about yourself to become a better person?
  4. What three qualities do you value in a friend?

Why is it important to teach about responsibilities when teaching about respect and value? ›

Hence, teaching them early on about responsibility and respect can help curb an attitude of entitlement and build positive relationship skills in children that will certainly pay dividends as they grow to become valuable and respectable adults in society.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.