How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (2024)

How much does it cost to travel to Vietnam?

Are you searching the internet but most of the information is from the backpackers who just spend less than $30/person/day?

Some of the advices includes sleeping inside a room with fan only, traveling by train and local public bus, and eating at the street food stalls.

With a little bit more (about $40-50/day), you can have some good meals, travel by air for some long distance, and sleep at an air-conditioned room.

Well, we believe you learned enough to save your pocket, and we do not intend to help you … save more than that.

Within this guide, we will help youreveal the cost of some important services of your trip to Vietnam, especially for a pleasant guided trip cost,including your accommodation, meals, activities, or transportation.

Before breaking down your Vietnam vacation cost, we will first guide you through the national currency of Vietnam; hence, you will first have general idea of the money you can spend in the country.

Let's check it out.

Table of content


  1. Vietnam national currency
    1. Can you use foreign currencies in Vietnam?
      1. Where can you have your money exchanged?
        1. Banks and payment methods
          1. Finding and Using ATMs
            1. Using Credit Cards
              1. Vietnam money tips
              2. How much money do you need to visit Vietnam?
                1. What will affect your Vietnam trip cost?
                  1. Vietnam trip cost detail
                    1. Accommodation
                      1. Activities
                        1. Getting around in Vietnam
                          1. Restaurant
                            1. Alcohol and Cigarettes in Vietnam
                              1. Others
                              2. Vietnam travel budget for some popular time frames
                              3. Frequently asked questions

                                Vietnam national currency

                                The national currency is Vietnam Dong (VND). At the beginning of 2019, 1 US $ was worth about 23,300 VND,1 EUR equals 26 500 VND,and 1 £ equals roughly 29 800 VND. For our Canadian friends, 1 C $ equals around 17,200 VND and for Australians, 1 A $ is about 16,500 VND.

                                Of course, these indicative exchange rates are constantly changing, and it is wise to update them before departure.

                                You can check with or Google Exchange to have the idea of the latest exchange rate

                                The dong exists in tickets (500,000, 200,000, 100,000, 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000, 500, 200). However, bills of 200 dongs iscurrently little used in everyday life.

                                Beware: the 20,000 VND and the 500,000 VND bills have the same light blue color. We can confuse them! This is one of the tourist scams in Vietnam that you should be aware of.

                                If we have chosen the abbreviation VND to characterize the dong, we also see on the spot the prices expressed in VND (according to the international code of the currencies). And when you see a tariff labeled "K", it is "kilo-dong": 50 K represent 50 000 VND.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (1)

                                Can you use foreign currencies in Vietnam?

                                The US dollar is highly courted and changed easily throughout the country. Canadian dollars and British pounds are also in most but not all exchange offices.

                                A law stipulates that everything must be paid in VND, but it cannot be said to be applied to the letter! In practice, you can sometimes pay in dollars. In the tourist industry, prices are often stated and / or displayed in dollars.

                                However, you are not advised to pay in foreign currency because the conversion always rounds up to your disadvantage.

                                Where can you have your money exchanged?

                                Major currencies can be exchanged practically anywhere in Vietnam, but not all exchange facilities are created equal. Banks and airport moneychangers can change your money at a high cost relative to a jewelry shop in Hanoi's Old Quarter, so it pays to ask around before trading dollars for dong.

                                We advise you to change gradually and not all at once, and to keep small bills on you because it is not always easy to pay with big bills.

                                Be careful, the VND is not convertible into British pounds, Canadian dollars or Australian dollars outside the country; but if you have VND left at the end of your trip, you can get US dollars.

                                You can try your luck at one of the foreign exchange counters at Hanoi Airport or Hồ Chí Minh City.

                                Below is the list of where you can have your money exchanged. Note:Always bring new notes; any damaged or dirty notes will be charged an additional two percent of the note's face value.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (2)

                                • Banks. The government-run Vietcombank can exchange dong for US dollars, Euros, British Pounds, Japanese Yen, Thai Baht, and Singapore dollars. Banks in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will let you change foreign currencies and most travelers' checks. You'll be charged a commission rate of between 0.5 to 2 percent for the latter.
                                • Hotels. Your mileage may vary with hotels: larger hotels can offer rates competitive with banks', but smaller hotels (like those in the Old Quarter of Hanoi) may tack on an additional fee for the service.
                                • Gold and jewelry shops. The rates in these mom and pop establishments can be surprisingly fair, with no fees (unlike those in hotels and airport bureaux de change). Shops in Hanoi's Old Quarter—particularly Hang Bo and Ha Trung streets—offer better deals, as do gold and jewelry shops in Ho Chi Minh City's Nguyen An Ninh Street (near Ben Thanh Market).

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (3)

                                Banks and payment methods

                                Banks generally open from 7.30am to 11.30am and from 1pm to 4.30pm, every day during the week, and sometimes on Saturday morning. They are closed on Sundays.

                                There are ATMs accepting Visa and MasterCard everywhere, including in small towns. Be careful, however, because in most banks you cannot withdraw from a distributor more than 2 000 000 VND (about US $86) at a time.

                                To avoid multiply bank fees, a trick to get around this ceiling is to show up at a bank counter with your passport and withdrawal card. This allows for larger sums.

                                A growing number of hotels, restaurants, shops and travel agencies accept major international payment cards (Visa, Eurocard / Mastercard, American Express ...). Payment by card is subject to charges levied by Vietnamese banks.

                                Travelers checks are only accepted at major banks. It is therefore not recommended to use this method of payment.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (4)

                                Finding and Using ATMs

                                You're certain to find an ATM to withdraw from in any of Vietnam's major cities, but smaller towns have also begun to bring their A-game. That's not guaranteed, though, so it still makes more sense to withdraw in the cities before making your way out to the boondocks of, say, Mai Chau.

                                Are ATMs better than changing dollars at the airport? It really depends who you ask.

                                If you're spending more than a few days in Vietnam, changing all your money to Vietnam dong increases the risk of theft: one robbery and you'll be broke till the end of your trip.

                                Some will say that the peace of mind that comes with just withdrawing every couple of days from an ATM is worth the withdrawal fees charged.

                                Fees and charges vary: ATMs near backpacker districts like Pham Ngu Lao in Saigon reportedly charge an extortionate rate of three percent on top of your usual bank charges. More reasonable fees may hover down to about 1-1.5 percent per transaction.

                                Banks allow a maximum withdrawal of between VND four million to VND nine million, dispensing 50k- and 100k-dong notes. As millions of dong can add up to a thick wad of cash, be careful when withdrawing large amounts from an ATM.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (5)

                                Using Credit Cards

                                Cash rules in Vietnam, though credit cards are accepted in many restaurants, hotels, and shops in Vietnam's big cities. Visa, Master Card, JBC and American Express are the most common credit cards honored in Vietnam.

                                You can use ATMs to get cash advances on your credit cards; in a pinch, you can visit Vietcombank to get an advance over the counter.

                                For credit card transactions, you may be charged an addition 3-4 percent per transaction.

                                Vietnam money tips

                                1. Don't mistake one bill for another. As if the multiple zeroes aren't confusing enough, some VND denominations can look very similar to the untrained eye. Many tourists have overpaid with VND 100,000 bills, mistaking them for the similarly greenish VND 10,000.
                                2. Warning: polymer notes stick. The 2003-issue Vietnam dong are made of long-lasting polymer, not paper: and these plastic notes can stick together, presenting another risk you'll overpay for your goods. Flick or peel your notes carefully when paying for a purchase.
                                3. Avoid paying in high-denomination bills. Very few vendors will willingly change your VND 500,000, so make sure you're carrying smaller bills when going shopping.
                                4. Don’t change your currencies on the black market. The legal exchange rate beats black market rates any time; claims of better rates are probably just the lead-up to a scam.
                                5. When visiting a pagoda, leave a small donation just before you leave.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (6)

                                How much money do you need to visit Vietnam?

                                The answer ultimately depends on what kind of food you plan to eat, what standard of accommodation you plan to stay in, and how you plan to make your way around the country.

                                Before digging further, let’s see what will affect your spending in Vietnam.

                                What will affect your Vietnam trip cost?

                                When you travel

                                Travelling during the high season in Vietnam (roughly February to April and September to November)will cost a little more as people are less willing to negotiate. Hotels and guesthouses stay full enough that they don't need to offer discounts and specials.

                                Traveling during the low season in Vietnam (roughly Juneto August) may require ducking in from afternoon thunderstorms — the monsoon season keeps scenery green — but you can find more discounts.

                                Traveling immediately before or after major festivals and holidays in Vietnam such as Chinese New Year (late January or early February), Independent day (2 September), and Reunification day (30 April) will cause flights and hotels to be more expensive and the tourist hubs overloaded of local tourists.

                                Check out Vietnam weather guide and best time to visit here

                                Where you stay / visit

                                Plain and simple, the islands cost more. You've got to pay to play in the sun. Plan to spend slightly more while in the islands on food, basics, and accommodation.

                                Totally worth it! Islands cost more for a reason: everything must be brought to the island from the mainland either by boat or plane. Rent for businesses is invariably more expensive near the sea, so they have to increase prices to make ends meet.

                                Hoi An and destinations in Northern Vietnam such as Sapa or Ha Giang are relatively less expensive than Hanoi and the islands. If you're on a shoestring budget, you'll get more for your money in Hoi An and northern destinations in Vietnam.

                                Location affects price down to the local level. You'll often find better prices depending on the neighborhood in which you are staying. "Local" neighborhoods with less services for tourists are usually the cheapest.

                                You'll nearly always find better prices in Vietnam neighborhoods farther away from tourist areas but being a foreign visitor matter. The subject is hotly debated and controversial. Dual pricing in Vietnam is common. Foreigners are often expected to pay higher prices. Tourists may be considered "rich."

                                By default, the old quarter in Hanoi around the “36 streets” is the most expensive; just cross the famous Long Bien bridge to the other side of Red River, you will see a different world where the price is much more affordable.

                                A small bottle of beer in the more expensive old quarter areas of Hanoi will cost 30,000-50,000 VND, while you can find a large bottle in the Gia Lam area for 10,000 – 15,000 VND during happy hours or 25,000 VND during regular hours.

                                Unless prices are fixed (e.g. inside of minimarts) you can often negotiate for a better deal. Fair, friendly haggling is a part of Vietnam culture, but do it correctly. You should not try to negotiate for consumables such as water, snacks, and street food.

                                Number of participants

                                The more people to join your trip, the less money you need to spend per day. This is because you can share the minivan and guide with your co-travelers.

                                Vietnam trip cost detail

                                Although Vietnam is getting more expensive every year, it’s still a cheap country to visit. Costs are comparable to Thailand and other nearby countries like Cambodia, although like with any country, certain things are either cheaper or more expensive in Vietnam than elsewhere.

                                As a general rule, you’ll be able to travel around Vietnam as a backpack on a budget of $30 to $40 per day. However, your luxuries will be limited, and you’ll spend more of your time eating at local restaurants instead of Western cafés and eateries.

                                For a more comfortable backpacker experience in Vietnam, it’s best to budget around $50 per day. This way, you’ll have more money to spend on things like food, drinks, activities and hotel rooms.

                                For a comfortable mid-range experience in Vietnam, it’s best to budget $60 to $100 per day for your entire costs. This gives you enough to pay for a comfortable three to four star hotel room, eat in mid-range to high-end restaurants and visit most activities and attractions.

                                For a five-star experience in Vietnam, expect to pay $150 per day at the bare minimum (you’ll spend about $75-$100 for your hotel room, at the very least) or $200+ if you plan on dining out often and staying in a very luxurious hotel.

                                Before reading further, please check the below infographic to have the general idea of our recommendedguided trip cost to Vietnam:

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (7)


                                Accommodation in Vietnam ranges from ultra-budget rooms in family-owned guesthouses to some of Southeast Asia’s most luxurious hotels. Over the last 10 years, Vietnam has grown at an incredible pace, with new hotels opening throughout the country every few months.

                                In major cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, you’ll be able to choose from a huge selection of hotels in all price ranges. In smaller destinations, you’ll find a good mix of budget and mid-range accommodation options at very reasonable prices.

                                Please note that, during the Têt festival which takes place late January-early February, some big festivals, and school holidays, prices increase significantly. Don’t be surprised!

                                The price we indicate below will give you the general idea of the budget you should spend for your accommodation.

                                • Budget Hotel (2 star): $30-40/room/night. This option will be a family-run hotel offering basic services such as clean room and standard breakfast with bread, jam, and a drink.
                                • Standard 3 star: $60-80/room/night. The charming hotels with good location, thoughtful services, and better breakfast menu to choose from. Some hotels will offer a buffet breakfast, and a sweet swimming pool.
                                • Superior 4 star: $100-120/room/night. You can find some international hotel chain with this budget. The accommodation with charm, good location, and international standard services.
                                • Deluxe 5 star: $150-200/room/night. Top-notch services that you can expect. You can have a suit room, beautiful view, and high-end hotel amenities.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (8)


                                As you are looking for a guided tour, we do not separate the budget into too many items such as transportation, a bottle of water, or a bus ticket.

                                We will just separate into 4 mains categories:

                                • City tour: $45-50/person/day. This will be the tour inside the big city or surrounding to visit the temples, museums, or history buildings. Those will include Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Da Nang (Da Nang), Hue, or Hoi An.
                                • Province trip: $60-80/person/day. The long-distance trip outside of the main cities with a private car and an escorting guide. You need to pay higher to cover the accommodation for the guide & driver, especially for the distance that you go.
                                • Cooking Class: $35-$50/person/day. This normally includes a market tour, joining cooking class, and a meal (lunch or dinner). The price is much higher if you are looking for a private class.
                                • Ha Long Cruise: $125-150/person for 2-day-1-night cruise. There are some cheaper cruises but do not go lower than this. If you have a higher budget, you can book the cruise at about $250-300/person, which offer better on-board services and good-quality amenities.

                                Getting around in Vietnam

                                There are three main ways to travel around Vietnam – airplane, train and buses. You look up the cost and buy tickets for each route you want to travel (e.g. Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City) on 12Go – this site lets you compare the prices and time of journey between planes, trains and buses in Vietnam so you can decide when to go slow and cheap or spend some extra cash and get there quickly.

                                Here is our guide for getting around in Vietnam

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (9)

                                Vietnam Domestic Flights

                                Domestic flights are available between most major cities in Vietnam, with connections from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to other tourist destinations cheap and plentiful. Today, several budget airlines operate in Vietnam and offer low-cost domestic flights, including:

                                • Vietjet, a Vietnamese low-cost airline that offers ultra-budget flights between cities in Vietnam and international destinations such as Bangkok and Hong Kong.
                                • Jetstar, an international low-cost airline that offers flights between most cities and major tourist destinations in Vietnam.

                                The cost of domestic flights in Vietnam varies based on the season. It also varies based on how early ahead of time you book your flights. Book weeks in advance and you can fly from Ho Chi Minh City to a destination like Da Nang for under 700,000 dong (about $30 USD). Book at the last minute, especially during high season, and you could spend two million dong or more.

                                You can compare flight prices on 12Go

                                If your budget permits, we recommend flying around Vietnam instead of travelling by train or bus. Traffic in Vietnam is extremely noisy and chaotic, and even a short bus trip can end up taking several hours due to road congestion, accidents and interruptions.

                                Vietnam Buses

                                Buses are by far the cheapest way to get around Vietnam. However, the country’s crowded road network means that even short trips of 100 miles or less can take the better part of a day due to interruptions and traffic.

                                You’ll also have to deal with noise when you travel by bus, both from other vehicles and from the ubiquitous karaoke machines installed on Vietnamese buses, including overnight ones. If you’re tolerant of noise, however, travelling Vietnam by bus can be pleasant and very affordable.

                                The best way to travel around Vietnam by bus is to buy tickets for the specific legs you need to cover a day or two in advance. Bus tickets are available from travel agencies in all major cities and tourist destinations, such as Hoi An, Hue and Da Nang.

                                Bus tickets generally cost approximately 50,000 dong per hour of travel time. You’ll pay slightly more for VIP buses (which are worth getting, especially if you like a comfortable trip) but should be able to travel inexpensively at 150,000 to 500,000 dong for most eight to 10 hour bus trips.

                                For example, a ticket on a SinhTourist bus between Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang costs just over 160,000 dong ($7 USD) and takes 10 hours, with free Wi-Fi provided on board.

                                You can compare bus prices on 12Go

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (10)

                                Vietnam Trains

                                Vietnam’s train network is a little rough around the edges but offers a great way to travel around the country cheaply. Travelling by train costs about the same as travelling by bus but offers the peace and quiet that’s hard to find on Vietnam’s highways.

                                Travelling by train in Vietnam is best for long, overnight journeys that give you plenty of time to rest and relax. Soft sleeper tickets, which provide a bunk in a small room with enough space for four people, offer the best mix of comfort and value for money.

                                See 12Gofor prices and timings of specific train journeys in Vietnam


                                One of the easiest ways to save money in Vietnam is to eat local food. Vietnamese food is tasty, affordable and - provided you avoid the deep-fried dishes - substantially healthier than most of the alternative options you’ll find in cafés and Western restaurants.

                                For the most part, street food stands and small restaurants in Vietnam are clean, sanitary and completely safe. They’re also amazingly cheap, with snacks and small dishes available from as little as 10,000 Dong a piece.

                                Some of the most popular Vietnamese dishes include pho (noodle soup), which is available for 15,000 to 50,000, depending on the ingredients, and makes a great simple breakfast. Bánh mì, which are meat and pickled vegetable sandwiches, can also be found for 10,000 to 35,000.

                                Because of Vietnam’s import taxes, some Western restaurants will be priced equally or higher than they would be in Western countries. Expect to pay 100,000-150,000 for dishes like pizza, Indian curry, spaghetti and other simple dishes and 400,000+ for steak, usually imported from Australia or New Zealand.

                                If you like street food, expect to spend $10 to $15 per day for your meals. If you prefer to eat in air-conditioned restaurants, it’s best to budget $15 to $30, or more if you plan to eat expensive, imported items like steak and certain seafood dishes.

                                Like all countries, food costs can range from cheap to incredibly expensive in Vietnam. If you’re fond of dining in hotels and high-end restaurants and have a taste for nice wine, it’s completely possible to spend $200 or more on a meal for two in a high-end restaurant in Hanoi or Saigon.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (11)

                                As our guest, we recommend you spend at least $12-19/person/meal where you can enjoy your meal at a beautiful clean restaurant with good ambiance and safe high-quality food.

                                Here is the meal budget that you can expect

                                • Budget: $2-5/person/meal. This budget is recommended for backpackers
                                • Standard: $6-10/Person/meal. This will be the option in case you want to save the cost but still want somewhere clean to eat.
                                • Superior: $11-19/Person/meal. Suitable budget for our clients. The restaurant is familiar with international standard, and they cater the foods to suit with clients’ taste.
                                • Deluxe: $20-30/Person/meal or more. Top restaurant with good location, beautiful decoration, good food, and excellent ambiance.

                                Alcohol and Cigarettes in Vietnam

                                Alcohol is very affordable in Vietnam, with bia hoi (locally brewed beer served on tap) available from as little as 5,000 dong in local restaurants and backpacker hangouts.

                                Expect to pay about 30,000 to 50,000 dong for canned or bottled beers in backpacker areas like Bui Vien in Ho Chi Minh City and the Old Quarter in Hanoi, or up to 100,000 in normal bars and restaurants. Upmarket bars and restaurants may charge 150,000 or more for imported beers.

                                Craft beer is available in Vietnam at many Western restaurants, and at brewery bars such as the Pasteur Street Brewing Company in Ho Chi Minh City. Wine is somewhat expensive in Vietnam when compared to most Western countries, although not exorbitantly so.

                                Spirits in Vietnam are fairly cheap, with local moonshine available for less than 20,000 dong per bottle and most imported spirits available for 50,000 to 150,000 per glass in bars. As always, it’s possible to drink cheaply or spend a fortune on alcohol in Vietnam, depending on your tastes.

                                Cigarettes in Vietnam are extremely cheap, with local cigarettes available from 15,000 dong and imported cigarettes available for 20,000 to 30,000 per pack. In short, even if you’re a very heavy smoker, you’ll spend very little on cigarettes in Vietnam.

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (12)


                                Tipping: This is not mandatory, but we recommend you pay the tip about $5-8/person/day depending on your satisfaction of the services.

                                Souvenirs: You can find plenty of small souvenirs in Vietnam such as conical hat or wooden clogs with the price of about $5-10/piece. Ao Dai, Silk, or hand embroidery are also popular souvenirs, which will cost much higher of about $50-70/piece depending on the quality.

                                Vietnam travel budget for some popular time frames

                                Below you will find the Vietnam travel budget for some popular time frames (quoted in United States Dollars per group for the whole trip)

                                Time frames1 person2 persons3 persons4 persons
                                10 days2,3203,1404,0804,840
                                15 days3,4804,7106,1207,260
                                1 week1,6242,1982,8563,388
                                2 weeks3,2484,3965,7126,776
                                3 weeks4,8726,5948,56810,164
                                4 weeks6,4968,79211,42413,552
                                1 month6,9609,42012,24014,520
                                2 months14,15219,15424,88829,524
                                3 months21,34428,88837,53644,528

                                Note: The above budget can be changed depending on your travel preference of accommodation, activities on tour, or the mode of transportation. For more detail, feel free to contact us at your own convenience.

                                Here is our sample Vietnam tour packages for your reference

                                Frequently asked questions

                                Q How much does it cost to live in Vietnam?

                                According to International Living, the monthly budget for a single expat living in Vietnam is about $899 to 1,469. Here is the expense breakdown:

                                ExpenseU.S. $
                                Apartment rental (one bedroom)$400 to $900
                                Electricity$60 to $80
                                Cell phone with unlimited data$3
                                Gas for cooking$2
                                Internet, fiber-optic$11
                                Cable TV$7
                                Housekeeper (four hours a week)$48
                                Transportation (two monthly bus passes)$16
                                Entertainment (eating out five nights a week, including beer or soft drinks)$250 to $300
                                Monthly Total:$899 to $1,469

                                If you lived in Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, or Vung Tau, your monthly budget would be about 10% to 20% less than this.

                                If you are living in Vietnam, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of trips abroad—a legal requirement that occurs every three to 12 months, depending on the type of visa you have. Visa runs can be quite inexpensive; a round-trip ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok, for example, costs around $100.

                                Q How much does it cost to live in Vietnam?

                                Foreigners will have baseline living costs of about USD600 minimum including cheap rent, decent food, transportation, and some budget for leisure. That's in a place like Hoi An, and it will cost more to live in the Vietnam island like Phu Quoc, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh, or retiree hotspots. This figure is used as a minimum these estimates do not include the visa runs you'll need if you're on a tourist visa.

                                Q. Do You Need to Tip in Vietnam?

                                Not really. Major hotels and restaurants in Vietnam add a 5% service charge to bills, so you can choose not to tip at these places. Elsewhere, small tips are always a good thing. Waiters, hired drivers, and guides should be tipped.

                                Follow the guidelines below for calculating tips:

                                • Restaurants and bars: Many restaurants don't require tipping, as a 10% service charge is already tacked onto your bill.
                                • Porters: A tip with American coins will be greatly appreciated.
                                • Hotel Services: Government-run hotels will add a 10% service charge on your bill.
                                • Taxi: Tips aren't necessary, but a small gratuity will be greatly appreciated.

                                Here is the Tipping custom in Vietnam

                                Q. When to Haggle in Vietnam?

                                There’s one golden rule to shopping in Vietnam: bargain and bargain hard.

                                “Fixed prices” at most tourist shops aren’t really fixed at all; the listed prices are about 300% higher than the last price you can pay if you dicker long enough. Bargaining is an exacting discipline, and quite exasperating for the novice traveler who’s not used to the grueling back and forth.

                                And Vietnamese sellers aren't exactly the most cheerful bargainers. In areas with high tourist traffic, sellers sometimes refuse any attempts at bargaining down, knowing that there will always be another tourist willing to pay the prices they quote.

                                So, in Ho Chi Minh City, sellers at Ben Thanh Market (high tourist traffic) will gouge you hard, while their counterparts at Russian Market (low to middling tourist traffic) will give you some leeway.

                                It all boils down to: you're a tourist, pay tourist prices. The only effective way of avoiding the “foreigner tax” is to get a Vietnamese friend to haggle on your behalf.

                                Check out the Vietnam shopping guide here.

                                Q. When is the cheapest time to fly to Vietnam?

                                Logically, the cheapest time to fly to Vietnam is during the off-travel season (roughly from March to April, and September to October) when there are not many tourists visiting the country.

                                According to, the cheapest flights to Vietnam are usually found when departing on a Monday. The departure day with the highest cost is usually on a Friday.

                                Moreover, Vietnam flights can be made cheaper if you choose a flight at noon. Booking a flight in the morning will likely mean higher prices.

                                Simply follow this, sometimes you can have the promotion of 40-50% discount.

                                Here is our guide to find the cheapest ticket to Vietnam

                                Q. Is Vietnam safe to visit?

                                All in all, Vietnam is an extremely safe country to travel in. Millions of people each year visit this country – and increasingly not only intrepid backpackers! Couples on a long holiday, retirees, families; all sorts of people are coming to Vietnam.

                                • The police keep a pretty tight grip on social order and there are rarely reports of muggings, robberies or sexual assaults.
                                • Scams and hassles do exist, particularly in Hanoi, HCMC and Nha Trang (and to a lesser degree in Hoi An).
                                • Be extra careful if you’re travelling on two wheels on Vietnam’s anarchic roads; traffic accident rates are woeful and driving standards are pretty appalling.

                                Here is our safety guide in Vietnam

                                How much does it cost to go to Vietnam? What currency to use? (2024)
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