How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (2024)

Cody Slingerland Senior Contributor, Sell to Win Last updated on: March 19, 2024

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (2)

Table of Contents

  • What Do the Stats Say?
    • On the importance of email communication (and how difficult it can be to break through the noise)
    • On email follow-up
  • What Do the Experts Say?
  • So How Many Sales Emails Should You Send?

Following up with buyers is a crucial part of any salesperson’s job.

Rarely will a new prospect get back to you after your first cold email, and even your best clients often need multiple touches to draw them back into a sales conversation. Both situations take time and persistence.

Buyers want to know that you care about them and their needs, and following up is a way to show that you care.

But how many email sequences should you send before you call it quits? At some point, following up too much will annoy your prospects and customers, and it will be a waste of time that you could have otherwise spent on buyers who are actually interested in your product or service.

To uncover the perfect number of follow-up emails to send, we’ve compiled the available research and reached out to a few sales experts to help us solve this riddle.

What Do the Stats Say?

Everyone has their own opinion on how many emails to send, but let’s look at some data first.

On the importance of email communication (and how difficult it can be to break through the noise):

  • Email marketing generates an ROI of $44 for every dollar spent (source).
  • However, at any given time, only 3% of your market is actively buying; 56% are not ready, while 40% are poised to begin (source).
  • The average person deletes 48% of the emails they receive every day (source).
  • Only 24% of sales emails are opened (source).

On email follow-up:

  • 44% of salespeople give up after only one follow up. (source).
  • Additionally, 92% of salespeople give up after four “no”s, but 80% of prospects say “no” four times before they say “yes” (source).
  • In high-growth organizations, sales teams make an average of 16 touches per prospect, within a 2-4 week span (source).
  • In one study by, campaigns with 4-7 emails per sequence received 3X more responses than campaigns with only 1-3 emails in the sequence (source).
  • Lastly, according to a report by Velocify, the optimal number of email messages is five (source).

From looking at this data, it’s clear that following up is important and many of us don’t seem to make it enough of a priority or we give up too soon.

However, data and stats can only tell us so much. Keep reading for some real-world advice…


Write less email, get more replies.

Are you falling off your prospects’ radars? With Nutshell’s personal email sequences, we’ll remember the follow-up for you.


How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (3)

What Do the Experts Say?

We asked 10 sales professionals about their follow-up strategy and how many emails they send before giving up. Here’s what they had to say:

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (4)

Stephen Hart
CEO & Founder atCardswitcher

“If you’re cold-emailing,an average of three sales emails sent over the course of a couple of weeksis usually enough to get a good idea whether a prospect is ever going to be interested in what you’re offering.

“Any more than that and you’ll probably just be wasting your time.

“My strategy is to send an initial sales email that’sconcise, relevant, and makes it easy for the customer to get in contact with meif they’re interested. If I don’t receive a response within seven days, I’ll send a follow-up email, and if I don’t receive a reply to that one, I’ll send another one.

“If you net a customer who’s interested, the total amount of emails you’ll send before closing the deal will obviously vary. Usually, expect around 5 to 15 though—especially if a lot of questions are asked.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (5)

Andrew-Marcel Tit
Customer Success & Product Marketing atPaymo

“Since Paymo is an intuitive, self-service product that can be set up in a couple of minutes (as opposed to an enterprise platform), we deal with a high volume of accounts.

“Throughout our 15-day free trial, we first nurture our users with a set of activation campaigns (five to six emails) depending on the actions they take in the app.

“Once they perform a certain number of actions, they get into the next phase: an automated sales campaign (three to four emails).If somebody replies in any of these campaigns, we pull them out and talk 1:1.

“I usually send up to three to four direct emails, so I don’t spam someone who already went through our campaigns. It might look like a small number, but we value our client’s privacy and let the product speak for itself.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (6)

Mike Carroll
Former Head of Growth atNutshell

“Our customer lifecycle can be as short as a week and as long as a year. The frequency and consistency of our email communications are dictated by the position of a prospect in our funnel, and the intensity of that cadence increases in tandem with a prospect’s interest.

“The best part about email is that it never has to give up.Andif your sales and marketing teams are working togetherthen it’s not a question of how many emails to send, but what email to send at what time.

“The whole point of email communication for any sales and/or marketing team—at Nutshell we call it our Growth Team—is to build a story of value. If you provide value with each communication then each of those emails is an opportunity to convert.

“Today’s buyers can’t really be forced into making a decision, they’ve become much smarter than that. What you can do as a sales team is simply be there, demonstrating the value of what you’re selling at every step of the way.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (7)

Shawn Breyer
Owner ofBreyer Home Buyers

“Since we buy houses from homeowners, we have a low volume business. We get three leads per day from our websites, and we call each lead and meet with most of them in person. Our focus is to build a good relationship with homeowners. This allows us to understand their problems and solve them better.

“Most of the time we get a ‘no’ when we provide an offer to the homeowner. This initiates the follow-up process.

“A ‘no’ means that the seller is not ready to sell at this moment. Any property that causes enough pain will get sold by some means. For this reason,we don’t stop following up until they sell the property or they tell us to stop contacting them.

“We bought a house from homeowners who were in our follow-up email campaign for 19 months one time. We send an email every three days in our follow-up campaign. These are content articles, videos, and follow up questions.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (8)

Josh Slone
Content Marketing Manager atLeadFuze

“In the initial sequence of cold outreach, we like to send four to five emails (the outreach can also includereaching out via LinkedIn, phone and physical mail, but not always).

“But leads who don’t answer aren’t always gone forever.

“After a period of time (like three to six months), we may try cold outreach again. You never know when a potential client begins thinking about changing solutions. Sending another sequence round could catch someone in the right place at what is now the right time.

“We recommend always sending at least four emails in one outreach sequence.

“Sometimes people open every email, waiting for something to entice them. Email one may not do it, but emails two-to-four may. In fact, in the last email, we always use some form of ‘break up.’ Basically, we say something like, ‘Looks like you’re satisfied with your current solution. If you’re ever looking for something else, let me know!’ We get a lot of responses from our break up emails.

“Another thing we do to shorten the sales cycle is to include a meeting link in our emails. A meeting scheduler link is either in our signature or a call-to-action within the email.

“It’s usually subtle, so as to not scare off more timid prospects, but it’s there for those who are ready to talk.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (9)

Jeff Kear
Co-Founder / Head of Sales & Marketing atPlanning Pod

“Our sales reps send at least six emails per lead before giving up, with the average being seven to eight emails sent before we close the file on the lead.In addition, we also call those leads twice on the phone, as some prospects would rather talk with a live person than engage in back-and-forth emails.

“On average, it takes three to four emails to hear back from a lead, whether they are interested or not, and it takes about six emails and three phone calls to close an interested prospect.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (10)

Sophie Miles
CEO & Co-Founder

“First of all, it’s necessary to see who opens your emails, so you should use an email tracking tool likeYAMMthat lets you know who’s opening and clicking.

“If someone doesn’t open our first eight emails (one per week) we just delete them from our database.On the other hand, if someone opens our emails, even if they do not respond, it’s a good idea to keep them in your database.

“We have also tried calling our contacts after they have opened or clicked our emails and it has given us excellent results.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (11)

Andrew Syrett
Head of Sales atYourParkingSpace

“Every sale is different, so it’s impossible to say that ‘x’ amount of calls or emails will translate into a deal.The volume of emails very much depends on how far along in the process the lead is, and how strong that lead is in the first place.

“To a large extent it comes down to the discretion of the sales rep, but typically, a hook email will have a conversion rate of one in five, warranting follow up emails to the four recipients that you didn’t hear back from. Again, strength of the lead and benefits of the deal can affect this.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (12)

Steven Lu
Co-Founder & CEO atInterseller

“We cut out after three emails usually (four at max). We see Interseller clients do five, but we basically see no replies past the fifth email.

“It generally takes us only two emails on average to get a 12% reply rate.Three gets us about 15-16% replies.”

How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (13)

Ruben Gamez
Founder ofBidSketch

“We follow up a maximum of four times before dropping the lead.

“Generally, if we do hear back, about 50% of those responses are on the first email, and 50% when following up.From start to finish, it takes us about seven emails (with responses plus reminders) to get to a demo, and we close 75% of demos.”

So How Many Sales Emails Should You Send?

According to the data,five emails appears to be the magic number.The feedback from the sales professionals quoted in this article seems to back this up too, with many citing three to five as the number of follow up emails they send.

However,some stated that theynevergive up,and will continue to follow-up until the prospect specifically tells them they’re not interested or asks them to stop emailing.

Ultimately, the magic number for your business will depend on your specific product or service, the life cycle of your customer, and how interested potential buyers may be. In any case, crafting afollow-up email sequenceand continuing to test your strategy will be the key to closing more deals.


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How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell (2024)


How Many Sales Emails Should I Send | Nutshell? ›

What Do the Experts Say? “If you're cold-emailing

Cold email is a personalized, one-to-one message targeted at a specific individual. Its aim is to get into a business conversation with that individual, rather than to promote a product or a service to the masses. › wiki › Cold_email
, an average of three sales emails sent over the course of a couple of weeks is usually enough to get a good idea whether a prospect is ever going to be interested in what you're offering. “Any more than that and you'll probably just be wasting your time.

How many sales emails does it take to get a response? ›

In cold sales outreach, you should be sending between 4-9 follow-up emails. According to our analysis of millions of cold emails, your overall reply rates increase with every follow-up. But after 9 or more follow-ups, the benefits are negligible, and you could be marked as spam.

How many emails should be in a sales sequence? ›

The answer is: It depends on the size of the business you're reaching out to. For an SMB, 5-8 touch-points can last over 30 days. Whereas, if you're reaching out to enterprise prospects, sequences are usually comprised of 10 to 18 steps over the course of 30-60 days.

How many emails to get a response? ›

First, second, and third attempts at emailing prospects have the highest reply rates, with 12.5%, 8.6% and 3.1% rates respectively. However, after the third email, the response rate drops off to 1% during the fourth attempt and only dwindles from there, so make those first three (and especially your first email) count!

What is a good reply rate for sales emails? ›

If you trust that your cold email campaigns have personalized, concise, and valuable content, attractive subject lines, are targeted at the right group of people, and are delivered at the right times, then anywhere between 1% to 10% is a good benchmark for response rates.

What is the 30/30/50 rule for cold emails? ›

The Average Cold Email Response Rate Is Just 8.5%.

Pro Tip: Follow the 30/30/50 rule to gauge the success of your outreach campaign. Aim for a 30% open rate, 30% response rate, and 50% conversion rate.

How many emails should a sales person send per day? ›

Send only 10-20 targeted cold emails per day. If your email sending behavior is not suspicious, you can avoid setting off spam filters. That means higher email deliverability. Couple this with a well-crafted cold email, and you can improve your open rates.

How many sales follow-up emails should you send? ›

Most of the time, it takes many follow-ups (more than 5) to close a deal. Sales follow emails should follow a cadence of every 3-4 days after the initial email. Sending emails mid-day (between 11am-1pm) earns (on average) the best response rates.

What is the success rate of email sales? ›

Looking back at the average response rate, according to Backlinko, only 8.5 percent of outreach emails receive replies. Email generates $36 for every $1 spent, on average. Use these numbers to benchmark your email marketing strategy and decide if it's effective or not.

How many cold emails should I send to a prospect? ›

Older email accounts typically have a better sender reputation—which we will discuss shortly—making it easier to send more emails out each day. With that being said, if you are a starter, it's better to keep it between 10 to 20 cold emails a day.

How many times should you follow up in sales? ›

How Often to Follow up, According to Experts. Let's start with the big question: how many times should you follow up with your prospects? Honestly, the best answer is probably, "Way more than you think." According to Brevet, 80 percent of sales require five follow-ups after an initial meeting.

How many emails does it take to make a sale? ›

Ideally, it takes about 5-8 follow-ups to close a sale. Before that, you shouldn't give up on the lead, especially if they're engaging with your emails by opening them, downloading resources, or replying. And we're not just talking emails, but other touchpoints like Twitter and LinkedIn too!

How many emails should I send to my customers? ›

Email Marketing Best Practices

Remember that the number one reason customers unsubscribe is because they've received too many emails. For most businesses, sending 1-2 emails a week is ideal. This is an especially helpful baseline if you are just getting started.

What is the ideal length of a sales email? ›

Ideal Email Length

Data suggests the ideal length of an email is between 50 and 125 words. Emails this length had a response rate above 50%. A similar study found emails with approximately 20 lines of text, or about 200 words, had the highest clickthrough rates. When in doubt, keep emails short and under 200 words.

What is a good open rate for sales emails? ›

A good email open rate should be between 17-28%, depending on the industry you're in. While knowing these numbers is a great starting point, it's worth it to look into your specific industry averages and compare your metrics with those in your specific industry.

What is the formula for email response rate? ›

Take the number of email responses received and divide it by the number of successfully delivered emails. Multiply the quotient by 100 and you get your email response rate.

How many emails actually get read? ›

Here's what the numbers say: More than 20% of marketing emails never make it to a subscriber's inbox. Of the nearly 200 billion emails sent every day worldwide, 84% are considered spam. A full 55% of all email users admit that they don't open and read messages regularly – whether business or personal.

How long should it take to get an email response? ›

The appropriate wait time can vary depending on the situation and the recipient. However, a general rule of thumb is to wait at least 3-5 business days before sending a follow-up email. It's important to keep in mind that people are often busy and may not have had a chance to read or respond to your email yet.

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