Gmail Sending Limits: All you need to know [Updated] (2024)


  • 1 Regular Gmail account vs G suite (Google Workspace)
  • 2 What is the daily Gmail sending limits?
  • 3 Why does Gmail have sending limits?
  • 4 Beware of account suspension!
  • 5 Different types of Gmail error messages
  • 6 How is Saleshandy different in sending mass emails from Gmail?
  • 7 How to efficiently use Saleshandy’s daily limit quota?
  • 8 FAQs

Gmail sending limit is the maximum number of emails you can send daily. It stops senders from spamming too many emails in a day.

It is determined from a few factors that we’ll discuss in this blog.

It is necessary to keep a track of all these factors to get the maximum out of your Gmail account.

Google offers a regular Gmail account as well G suite account. First, let’s find out what they are.

Regular Gmail account vs G suite (Google Workspace)

A regular Gmail account has a domain address containing or

G Suite is a business product that Google provides, meaning your email addresses contain your organization’s domain names. For example,

What is the daily Gmail sending limits?

Gmail officially claims that with a regular Gmail account you can send 500 emails/day. And with paid services like G Suite(Google Workspace), you can send over 2,000 emails/day.

However, there is a small difference between Gmail and G Suite accounts. Let’s understand it one by one.

1. Gmail account

Messages/Recipients per day – 500

With the Gmail account, you will get a 500 limit, either emails or recipients. For example, you can send 1 email to 500 recipients or 10 emails to 50 recipients each.

2. G suite account

Messages per day – 2000 and recipients per day – 10000

G Suite(Google Workspace) work accounts are used for business purposes where individual email addresses are considered in every mail sent; 10 emails sent to 20 addresses count as 200 recipients.

So, if you send 2000 individual emails to individual 2000 recipients then you can’t send a further email to the remaining 8000 recipients because you have reached the message limit which is 2000.

In extreme cases, you can send 1 email to 5 recipients including CC and BCC to cover all 2000 message limits and 10000 recipients limit.

Note: Gmail BCC limit per day – All addresses in the To, CC, and BCC fields are included in the count of recipients per message and hence an addition in anyone the given fields will affect the daily recipient limit.

Why does Gmail have sending limits?

Sadly, there are many exploitative individuals and businesses who try to exploit the system. It is not uncommon for them to try to find loopholes around spam laws by using bots to take advantage of individuals.

As a result, Gmail restricts the number of email addresses you can add as recipients to emails each day. This keeps the accounts safe, spam-free, and the system healthy.

Beware of account suspension!

Note that if the Gmail email sending limit is surpassed, your Gmail account may get temporarily suspended.

We recommend that you do not cross your Gmail email sending limits as it may hamper your domain reputation and decrease your email deliverability.

If you access Gmail via POP or IMAP clients, you can send an email to a maximum of 100 people at a time. This also includes emails sent through or servers.

If you surpass the limit, your account may be suspended for a day with the error – “550 5.4.5 Daily sending quota exceeded.”

Gmail Sending Limits: All you need to know [Updated] (1)

Google may temporarily disable your account if your sent emails bounce back or if you send a large number of undeliverable emails.

This happens when email addresses are nonexistent or broken email addresses that bounce back as failed delivery.

You can always verify email addresses before adding them to your mailing list. Moreover, when you associate non-Gmail addresses with your Gmail account, the original account’s message limits are applied.

When you use the Gmail for mobile app in Google Sync mode, the same sending limits apply as when you use Gmail in a web browser.

In the case of disabled accounts, you will get your account reactivated by Google in 24 hours. As per their program policies, Google may disable your Gmail account permanently if you don’t check your Gmail email address for nine months.

Different types of Gmail error messages

Depending on your broken rule, Gmail lets you know what happened with these error messages.

These are the three most common:

1. You have reached a limit for sending mail

It is recommended that you wait at least one day before sending any more emails. Send emails with caution; when you do so, you don’t get banned.

2. Messages you sent couldn’t be delivered

It means that the emails you’re sending are bouncing or not getting delivered. Remove these from your contact list.

3. A contact is getting too much mail

This means you have sent too many emails to a single address. Check your list for duplicates or stop sending to this person for a couple of days.

Regardless of your error message, be sure to address it as soon as possible. You are more likely to have your account suspended if you commit multiple offences.

How is Saleshandy different in sending mass emails from Gmail?

Saleshandy allows you to automate the outreach by uploading a CSV file of your recipients and send mass emails from Gmail. It keeps a time gap between multiple emails which gives it a human like touch and avoid spam folder as well.

You can easily personalize your emails with the mail merge feature and send thousands of personalized emails daily.

Gmail Sending Limits: All you need to know [Updated] (2)

You will get insights into your email campaigns (sequences) like open rate, response rate, and link tracking.

Saleshandy allows a Gmail user to send an email to 5000 recipients in a day, but we recommend that you do not cross your daily sending limits if you’re a Gmail user.

How to efficiently use Saleshandy’s daily limit quota?

Now with the latest update of Saleshandy, you can send up to 5000 emails daily. Google provides a daily sending limit of 500 emails to its Gmail user and 2000 emails to its G Suite(Google Workspace) users.

We recommend that you do not cross your daily sending limits as it may hamper your domain reputation and decrease your email deliverability.

Although, if your email client allows doing so, you can send 5000 emails daily using Saleshandy within a few clicks.


1. What is the daily limit for sending emails in Gmail?
Gmail claims that with a regular Gmail account you can send 500 emails/day. And with paid services like G Suite(Google Workspace), you can send over 2,000 emails/day.

2. How can I send more than 500 emails per day in Gmail?
If you want to send more than 500 emails daily, you can use the G-suite workspace to send up to 2000 emails per day. However, if you send more than 2000 emails per day, Gmail might temporarily block your account.

3. How can I send 10000 emails daily?
Step 1: Connect your Gmail account with Saleshandy
Step 2: Create your email list
Step 3: Create a new sequence
Step 4: Compose the email
Step 5: Upload the list in CSV format
Step 6: Send or schedule the email

4. Does paying for Saleshandy mail merge feature allows extending the Gmail sending limits?

No, that is not possible.

Even if you pay for Saleshandy it doesn’t extend your Gmail sending limits. The Gmail limit is set by Google itself.

Saleshandy allows a G Suite user to send an email to 5000 recipients in a single day with Saleshandy, but we recommend avoiding exceeding your daily sending limits.

Gmail Sending Limits: All you need to know [Updated] (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.