How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? (2024)

Cybersecurity is in demand. According tothe Bureau of Labor Statistics, the information security field will grow much faster than average—33% over the next ten years compared to the general average of 8%. As new types of threats loom over businesses and government entities, they'll look to hire the next generation of cybersecurity experts.

We know what you're thinking. Doesn't cybersecurity involve complex math? And more importantly, what kind of math and where do I learn it? Let's take a look at the math you'll need to know to break into cybersecurity and how to prepare for a career in the field.

Does cybersecurity involve math?

The short answer is yes.

How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? (1)

Cybersecurity is a technical field in computer science, and potential job seekers will need strong analytical skills. It isn't a math-intensive field—not like astrophysics or engineering—but it requires comfort using certain math types. However, beyond entry-level jobs, cybersecurity experts and analysts need to get comfortable with the idea of using some mathematics.

Think of it like this. Math is a language used to express natural occurrences like probability and risk. It's a key to speaking directly to information systems. Once you learn the "language" of math, you're better equipped to translate real-world challenges into something that a computer can understand and analyze.

You probably use this type of math every day already and don't realize it. For example, in calculating risk, you might think to yourself, "what is the probability that I'll encounter a worst-case scenario" and then draw on all your previous experiences plus your knowledge of the situation. In cybersecurity, you'd translate this thought process into a specific equation to visualize the risk threat.

What kind of math is used in cybersecurity?

How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? (2)

Associate degrees may not require much math beyond high school-level math. However, moving into a bachelor's degree would necessitate training in cybersecurity mathematics and programming math. So what kind of math prepares you for a career in cybersecurity? There are a few different things you'll need to know.

Binary math

Binary math is the language of computer systems. The smallest layer of information in computer programming is known as a "bit," equal to a 0 or 1. Data is stored in strings called bytes or unique combinations of these bits.

This binary math is the heart of all computer programming. An understanding of binary math helps cybersecurity analysts understand and create the unique programs that keep networks safe and facilitates understanding weaknesses in existing code.

Boolean values

Leveraged in modern computer programming, Boolean math expresses information in a series of "false" and "true" values. This branch of Algebra incorporates the binary values of 0 and 1, and several modern programming languages like Python use this mathematic system to express decisions and responses.

Python is a favorite language among hacking (and ethical hacking) and cybersecurity communities. Therefore, knowledge and comfort with Boolean algebra concepts can provide a good foundation.

Hexadecimal math

Hexadecimal math expands the options from 0 or 1 to any digit up to 16 places (0-15). Number strings are represented as single-digit numbers up to 9 and then letters A-F for the remaining placements.

Hexadecimal math provides a more human-friendly expression of binary values. It's used most often in computer memory addresses such as IP addresses.


Cryptography uses mathematical theories to provide data confidentiality. These programs use algorithms designed around the computational hardness assumption, a computational complexity theory that finds difficult-to-solve problems and applies them to sensitive data.

The harder a computation is to perform, the better protected a particular bit of information is. In cybersecurity careers, these computations revolve around algorithms used by hackers to solve these complex equations and those used by cybersecurity experts to preserve information security.

Linear algebra

Linear algebra is used to design and build many computer systems, including graph visualizations, images, cryptography, and image processing. It speeds up machine learning and makes faster information retrieval possible. Understanding linear algebra provides cybersecurity experts with a solid foundation in the principles of applied mathematics, computer science, and information systems.

Programming math

Modern computer programming revolves around algorithms or clear computer-implementable directions. Programming math includes variables, constraints, and logic.

Understanding mathematical logic helps programmers understand how a computer will interpret a particular bit of code. In network security, professionals can analyze computer code to find weaknesses and build solutions.

How to prepare for a career in cybersecurity

How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? (3)

Potential job seekers don't need a mathematics degree unless they pursue highly technical research positions in theoretical programming. In most cases, a cybersecurity degree and certification are preferable to a mathematics degree. Students can also earn a computer science degree with a specialization in cybersecurity to prepare.

The information technology field prioritizes work experience, so an active portfolio is a must. Students can take internships during their degree or join open source projects like those on GitHub to gain practical experience until hired.

While you can teach cybersecurity principles to yourself, a degree path offers the most efficient training. Students take advantage of mentoring, collaboration, and accredited training to essential cybersecurity certifications or cybersecurity professionals, like CompTIA.

Exploring careers in cybersecurity with edX

The edX platform offers training in computer security, cryptographic principles, and all the math skills necessary to succeed. The platform provides cybersecurity degree programs--micro-degrees that can get students trained and into the workforce.

Students can explore other subjects that could lead to cybersecurity positions, including data analysis, computer networks, and machine learning. Whatever the issue, learners gain new problem-solving and technical skills for a thriving career in their specialization.

Cybersecurity offers students a path to a thriving career in a field that's expected to grow faster than average. Students don't need to be mathematicians, but understanding the math we've mentioned will help potential job seekers prepare for cybersecurity jobs.

How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? (2024)


How Is Math Used in Cybersecurity? ›

Simply put, binary math is the heart of all computer programming. An understanding of binary math helps cybersecurity analysts understand and create unique programs, applications, and systems that keep networks safe by identifying weaknesses and loopholes.

What level of math is cyber security? ›

Many careers in technical fields require the use of math. The quickly growing field of cybersecurity is no exception. Entry-level careers require at least high-school level math and algebra, and highly technical security jobs require even more advanced math.

Is math important for hackers? ›

Mathematics skills are essential for ethical hackers because they often use them to create complicated algorithms and encryption keys that help protect data from hackers' attacks. They may also calculate network bandwidth and capacity and study traffic patterns.

Can I do cybersecurity if I'm bad at math? ›

This will lead you into Risk. The short answer is no, you do not need to be exceptionally good at math to major in cybersecurity. While math is certainly a useful skill to have in this field, it is not necessarily a requirement for all cybersecurity jobs.

What type of math is used in information technology? ›

Discrete mathematics is of direct importance to the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology. This branch of mathematics includes studying areas such as sophisticated forms of counting (combinatorics, etc), set theory, logic, relations, graph theory, and analysis of algorithms.

Is cybersecurity mostly coding? ›

Coding is an essential skill across almost every technological discipline today, and cybersecurity is no exception.

Is cybersecurity a lot of coding? ›

This is a very common misconception. In fact, there are several roles in IT and cybersecurity where coding is not required. While having a basic understanding of scripting languages is helpful, you can easily find entry-level positions with or without any prior coding and programming knowledge.

Do hackers know coding? ›

Programming is the most important skill that every hacker must master. Anything that is connected to the internet can be hacked. And anything that has digital security requires the knowledge of coding. This is why a hacker must be well-versed with multiple computer languages for hacking.

Is cyber security easy? ›

Although degrees in cyber security are typically not as tough as those in research- or lab-intensive fields like science and engineering, they are generally more challenging than non-research degrees like those in the humanities or business.

Is computer science math heavy? ›

Computer science is a broad field, so if you're looking to get your computer science degree, the kind of math you'll need to know will depend on your specific program and career path. But generally speaking, most degree programs require a basic understanding of calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, and statistics.

What math is best for cyber security? ›

Mathematics Classes for a Career in Cybersecurity

A person who plans to earn a bachelor's degree in computer science, information research, programming or a related field should plan on taking algebra, logic, linear regression and calculus classes.

Is cybersecurity a risky career? ›

High-stress and demanding hours.

Given their high level of responsibility, cybersecurity experts often face high job pressure and demanding work hours. Cybercrime is on a constant move, after all – with potential attacks posing a critical threat to a business' finances, productivity, and reputation.

Is cyber security harder than engineering? ›

Trying to move into software engineering with a cyber security background is much more difficult if you ever decide to change your mind. Software engineers by their very trade are required to learn extensive amounts of coding skills which isn't as necessary for cyber security professionals.

Does coding involve math? ›

Coding, at the bottom line, is math. In order to write a line of code that works well, and that is completely bug-free, coders need to strengthen their algorithmic thinking and computational thinking. And what are these two ways of thinking in their deepest essence: Math.

What are the 4 types of math? ›

The main branches of mathematics are algebra, number theory, geometry and arithmetic.

How hard is computer science math? ›

There's no getting around it: math is complex. And yes, computer science is a lot of math. But nothing too challenging for a student like yourself. The good news is that you don't need to be a math genius to succeed in your classes—all you need to do is put in the effort and seek help when you need it.

Is cybersecurity a dying field? ›

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field, with many job opportunities available worldwide. As businesses become more reliant on digital technology and data storage, Cybersecurity has become an essential component of protecting their valuable information and assets.

Should I learn C or C++ for cyber security? ›

C and C++ – Hacker's Go-To Languages:

C is a low-level fast programming language. It helps in gaining low-level access to memory and system processes after compromising a system. Many security professionals use C to simulate the library hijacking attack. C++ allows hackers to write fast and efficient hacking programs.

What pays more cybersecurity or coding? ›

Software engineers earn slightly more than cybersecurity professionals; the BLS found the 2021 median pay to be $120,990 per year or $58.05 per hour for a freelance programmers' income.

Can I learn cyber security without coding? ›

Most entry-level cybersecurity jobs don't require any background coding experience. What's more important is to have a passion for learning and a strong ability to think critically and efficiently.

Is cybersecurity more it or computer science? ›

Cybersecurity is a subset of computer science, and in today's computer-reliant world, it has its own field of study and degree programs. Those interested in cybersecurity usually earn a bachelor's in computer science.

What are the mindset skills of hackers? ›

3 core values of a hacker's mindset
  • 1 — "Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it had nine lives." Curiosity drives hackers to explore and understand systems, networks, and software in order to identify vulnerabilities. ...
  • 2 — "Move fast and break things" ...
  • 3 — "Of course I struggle, I just don't quit"
Feb 8, 2023

What code do most hackers use? ›

According to the results, respondents mainly used the Shell and Python for hacking.

What do hackers study? ›

Hacking or pen testing requires both technical knowledge and an understanding of psychology and social engineering. On the technical side, to become a professional hacker, you will need to learn about the following key topics (ordered by importance): Basic IT and computer skills. Computer networking.

Is cyber security a 9 5 job? ›

Most cybersecurity analysts work full time, but they don't always work typical 9-to-5 hours. Since cyber attacks can happen at any time, come organizations and security companies keep security analysts on-call outside of typical business hours.

Can cybersecurity be self taught? ›

You can learn cybersecurity on your own, thanks to the multitude of online courses and learning resources available these days.

Can I learn cyber security in 6 months? ›

Generally, cyber security online courses are 3 to 6 months long. If you complete the course on time, you will become a certified cyber security professional.

What math is highest in computer science? ›

Discrete mathematics, linear algebra, number theory, and graph theory are the math courses most relevant to the computer science profession.

How hard is calculus? ›

Calculus is widely regarded as a very hard math class, and with good reason. The concepts take you far beyond the comfortable realms of algebra and geometry that you've explored in previous courses. Calculus asks you to think in ways that are more abstract, requiring more imagination.

Which math is the hardest in computer science? ›

Discrete math is one of the hardest courses in computer science for many students. This is often the first math class you take that requires complex proofs. It also touches on unfamiliar subjects such as set theory, number theory, and modular arithmetic. It can require a new framework of thinking.

Can cyber security make 6 figures? ›

While there are various roles to choose from within the industry, cybersecurity positions often pay six figures or more because of the industry's importance. If you're interested in joining the field, you may want to narrow your search by considering the top-paying roles.

Does cybersecurity make 6 figures? ›

Yes. Cybersecurity is a lucrative field. Entry-level jobs begin at $50K, and as you gain experience, you can reach six figures quickly.

Are cybersecurity degrees hard? ›

Learning cybersecurity can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be difficult, especially if you're passionate about technology. Nurture a curiosity for the technologies you're working with, and you might find that challenging skills become easier.

Is cybersecurity a chill job? ›

A cybersecurity profession is not stressful if you love a challenge and a diversified working environment. Neither of these jobs is less stressful than the other; they require entirely different talents and mindsets. The jobs will be extremely different on a day-to-day basis.

What is the least stressful job in it? ›

8 Low-Stress Tech Jobs That Don't Require a Degree
  1. Junior Web Developer. Junior web developers may start out making simple changes to new websites and applications. ...
  2. Computer Programmer. ...
  3. Junior Web Designer. ...
  4. Data Scientist. ...
  5. Technical Writer. ...
  6. Graphic Design. ...
  7. Digital Marketing. ...
  8. Cybersecurity Analyst.

Is cybersecurity a high stress job? ›

Gartner blames “unsustainable levels of stress” in cybersecurity for the expected job changes. The psychological toll of the field can also affect the quality of decisions and impede on performance, too, Gopal said in the research statement.

What is the hardest cyber security job? ›

Vulnerability Analyst/Penetration Tester

Penetration tester or pentester is among the toughest roles to fill in this space, reports CompTIA describes this position as a “white hat” or good/ethical hacker, with the goal of helping organizations improve their security practices to prevent theft and damage.

Which degree is better it or cybersecurity? ›

Computer Science: Projected Salaries. Cybersecurity workers generally have higher earning potential. According to Burning Glass Technologies, a company that specializes in job market analytics, professionals in this field can make an average of nearly $6,500 more per year than other IT workers.

Which is harder data science or cyber security? ›

As the earlier chart shows, data scientists require more formal education than cyber security experts. In fact, cyber security experts don't necessarily need a master's or even a bachelor's degree, although those resources make matters easier.

What level of math is coding? ›


Calculus is a critical tool for programmers who want to specialize in video games and machine learning. It is used in everything from simulating motions to machine learning algorithms.

Does Python require math? ›

Mathematical calculations are an essential part of most Python development. Whether you're working on a scientific project, a financial application, or any other type of programming endeavor, you just can't escape the need for math.

How do I know if I am good at math? ›

If you find yourself in a position where you can solve problems in the most effective ways by majorly using your calculative mind, you may be good with the subject. To be honest, problem-solving skills can also be inculcated from a young age by introducing math apps that can make learning and problem-solving fun.

What is the hardest math method? ›

The Continuum Hypothesis is a mathematical problem involving the concept of infinity and the size of infinite sets. It was first proposed by Georg Cantor in 1878 and has remained one of the unsolvable and hardest math problems ever since.

What is the easiest math branch? ›

GEOMETRY: This is one of the most favorite and easiest branches of mathematics. This branch deals with the shapes and sizes of figures and their properties. Point, line, angle, surface, and solid entities constitute the basic elements of geometry.

How is math used in technology? ›

There is a fundamental significance to the mathematical way of thinking. Briefly, mathematics provides methods for organizing and structuring knowledge so that, when applied to technology, it allows scientists and engineers to produce systematic, reproducible, and transmittable knowledge.

Is CS the hardest major? ›

The short answer is “yes.” Search any list of majors to study, and you'll likely find that computer science tops the list as one of the most challenging disciplines to learn. Compared to other fields of study, pursuing a career in computer science requires both technical and analytical skill sets.

Is calculus used in computer science? ›

If you plan to get a computer science degree, you'll probably take a calculus course at some point. There are two different types of calculus: integral calculus and differential calculus. Together, these disciplines help you to figure out rate of change, which is an important ingredient in many algorithms and programs.

Is cyber security a hard class? ›

Although degrees in cyber security are typically not as tough as those in research- or lab-intensive fields like science and engineering, they are generally more challenging than non-research degrees like those in the humanities or business.

What level of education is cyber security? ›

A bachelor's degree is the most common entry-level requirement. While it is possible to get a job in cybersecurity without a degree, many employers still require one. As you consider your options, do some research on the types of companies you'd like to work for.

How hard is entry-level cyber security? ›

Learning cybersecurity as a beginner can be tricky, but it's not impossible. Multiple resources such as cybersecurity courses and bootcamps can help you understand the basics of cybersecurity and get you started on your career path.

What category does cybersecurity fall under? ›

Cybersecurity is a subset of computer science, and in today's computer-reliant world, it has its own field of study and degree programs. Those interested in cybersecurity usually earn a bachelor's in computer science.

Can the average person learn cyber security? ›

Can a Non-Technical Person Learn Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is a technical field, but any non-technical person can become technical by learning cybersecurity basics. Soft skills are also highly important, and there are project management roles that focus more on management skills than technical skills.

Is cyber security a stressful job? ›

Gartner blames “unsustainable levels of stress” in cybersecurity for the expected job changes. The psychological toll of the field can also affect the quality of decisions and impede on performance, too, Gopal said in the research statement.

Can I do cyber security without a degree? ›

Yes, you can work as a cybersecurity analyst without a college degree, since many employers do not require candidates to have one. Instead of a degree, you can earn various certifications to enhance your skills as a cybersecurity analyst and help build your resume.

What skills do you need for cybersecurity? ›

The Top Skills Required for Cybersecurity Jobs
  • Problem-Solving Skills. ...
  • Technical Aptitude. ...
  • Knowledge of Security Across Various Platforms. ...
  • Attention to Detail. ...
  • Communication Skills. ...
  • Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills. ...
  • A Desire to Learn. ...
  • An Understanding of Hacking.

What is the lowest level in cyber security? ›

Ten Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs
  • Security Analyst/Manager. ...
  • Security Specialist. ...
  • Incident Responder. ...
  • Cryptographer. ...
  • Security Architect. ...
  • Security Auditor. ...
  • Forensic Expert. ...
  • Penetration Tester.

What is the easiest field in cyber security? ›

What Is the Easiest Role To Get in Cybersecurity? There are plenty of entry-level jobs for security architects, security analysts, digital forensic examiners, and penetration testers. The easiest ones to land are the ones that you are interested in and have a working knowledge of.

Is 30 too old to learn cyber security? ›

It is never too late to get into cybersecurity. I know plenty of folks in the industry that got started their 40s and 50s. Combine your current expertise with some cybersecurity training, and you will have a great head-start over many of the younger folks who are trying to break in the cybersecurity industry.

What is the toughest exam in cyber security? ›

The CISSP credential is the most respected certification in cybersecurity. Earning this certification shows your knowledge and skill in the field, which can help you advance your career and become part of a community of leaders in cybersecurity. CISSP is a very difficult certification to get.

What GPA do you need for cyber security? ›

The three main requirements include experience, GPA, and test scores. What GPA do you need? The average acceptable GPA for a bachelor's degree program in cybersecurity is 3.0. however, if the program you are enrolled in is quite competitive, a higher GPA will be needed.

How long does it take to learn cyber security? ›

You can learn the basics of cybersecurity in a year with the right bootcamps and courses. It takes about two years of hands-on experience to consider yourself competent in cybersecurity. As you upskill further with resources and certifications, this time frame may increase.

What pays more cybersecurity or computer science? ›

Computer Science: Projected Salaries. Cybersecurity workers generally have higher earning potential. According to Burning Glass Technologies, a company that specializes in job market analytics, professionals in this field can make an average of nearly $6,500 more per year than other IT workers.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.