How Blogger J. Money Socked Away $400,000 In 7 Years (2024)

Every month for the past seven years, a former graphic designer in Washington D.C., has publicly shared his net worth, and the world has gotten to watch its ascent from $58,000 in February 2008 to $470,000, ever so close to a major milestone.

The mohawked man who goes by J. Money (a pseudonym he uses to mask his identity since the world knows his net worth) has hustled and blogged his way to wealth at his site, Budgets Are Sexy, which won FinCon Blog of the Year in 2012.

Over his lifetime, he’s worked 38 jobs, including totaled car washer and bowling alley attendant. And in the beginning of his journey with money, he went to extremes like trying to max out his 401(k) contributions so early in the year that his paychecks were $90 each. (As you’ll see, he had good reason.)

J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy

Plus, he’s been a big community builder in the world of personal finance blogging. “I remember when I was a first-time blogger,” says Cait Flanders of Blonde on a Budget, “and you start getting comments from J. Money, and you’re like, ‘Why does J. read my stuff?!’ Because he’s a big-league blogger in the personal finance community.” Flanders says he’s always sharing content from other bloggers. “He’d say, ‘Aw man, this person really made me think, you guys need to read this post.’ He knows he has this really big audience who are not just bloggers. Lots of people read his blog. So he started to share the wealth.”

Even with a name like J. Money, J.’s not all about the money. Find out why he decided to give himself a massive paycut — more than 50% — and how the biggest financial mistake of his life led him to his blogging success.

Gallery: J. Money’s Top 9 Tips For Growing Your Net Worth

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How did you earn money before you began blogging?

I was good at job hopping because I grew up in the military. I got a degree in media arts and design, with a minor in graphic design, and went to New York City to be a graphic designer for a few years. I worked at an airline — exploring the world, having fun, not really making much money, just spending. I moved back to the D.C. area and worked at a couple of startups. I was used to working for a big corporation, so that was my first introduction to working at places with five or ten people, which was fun.

I got engaged and a lot of my friends started getting married, buying houses and having kids, so I said to my fiancee, “Let’s get a place to live.” We originally looked for a 2-BR apartment to rent in the D.C. area, but got lost and came across these beautiful townhouses. We checked one out and met with a financial person who said, you can afford $400,000 based on your salaries. This was back before the crash — the summer of 2007 — so we said, “We’ll buy this townhouse. Why not? Everyone else is doing it.” The final price was $360,000, and within 48 hours we had signed contracts.

Up to this point, I had always been OK with my money. I had never been in debt that bad, maybe a few hundred, but I wasn’t really saving much either. But getting the house really changed things. For the first time, I was forced to stay still, which was a big shock, for the good and the bad — mostly for the bad — and I didn’t have a budget. The house was 0 money down, 100% financed. Luckily we could afford the payments, but I realized, we need to start doing something here. I started Googling “need a budget” and kept coming across these blogs. I didn’t know what a blog was. They were saying, “This is my personal experience, this is my budget, here’s my net worth, here’s my savings, my debt,” and I was blown away that people were divulging personal and real life information and not just vague summaries or theories. That catapulted me into this whole online world of people discussing money freely, which is a little taboo in society. I read blogs for three or four months, and then thought, “You know what, I’m going to talk about my story.” I thought it would be a little fun project and here we are now, almost seven years later, and I do it full-time for a living.

What led you to make a $360,000 commitment spur of the moment?

I do things spur of the moment. So when we found out we could buy this house, I thought, that’s kind of fun. Plus, all my friends were doing it and everyone said it’s an investment, and so I thought, You’ve been traveling your whole life, maybe it’s time to put down roots. Looking back, I wasn’t emotionally ready. I wasn’t financially — I mean, we could afford the payments, but I didn’t know where my money was.

After we bought, the market started going down, down, down. The lowest estimate of what our house was worth was $280,000, and that was in a year or two. Now the house is worth $300,000 to $320,000. Fortunately, we paid more off so we’re not under water anymore, but still, not the greatest investment. If, when we bought it, they had said you need to bring $10,000 or $20,000 table, I would have said no way, because I didn’t have it.

What did you learn from what you call your ‘greatest buyer’s remorse’?

[Laughs] I learned you can’t return houses. That was the number one thing.

Yes, homeownership is good for a lot of people, but unless you’re financially and emotionally ready and can make a commitment beyond a couple years, it’s not something you should jump into. But that decision changed my life — everything in my life in the last seven years came out of that one stupid decision. So I would never take it back.

But now, if there’s something I want to do that requires money or commitment, I think, what’s truly important in your life? If it’s not going to hit those top two or three things, it’s not a good idea to pursue.

What new money habits did you adopt?

When I started the blog, the first thing I wanted to do was display my net worth, so I started tracking my savings, investments and spending. I decided to update this number every month and share it, so it held me accountable. If the number was going down, and the stock market wasn’t, it was because I was spending too much, so I had to adjust.

That was a big factor in me starting my climb. Since I was posting it online for anyone to see, I didn’t want to do anything too bad where I’d have to explain why I did it. I don’t have any background in finance, I don’t have any credentials or training. The point of my blog was just to talk about money as a regular person, have some fun and discuss ideas openly. The net worth was the number one thing that helped me make sure I was on track.

I started saving more and finding ways to make money. I learned that advertisers will pay to advertise on your blog, and there were other bloggers who didn’t want to blog anymore, and they’d say to me, “Do you want to buy my blog out and get the ad revenue?” So I started doing more entrepreneurial things.

The only way you can grown your net worth is to earn more or spend less, so there were some years when I’d work hard-core — I had my 9-5 and then I’d blog on nights and weekends and take on side jobs for more money, and then there were times, when I’d say, I’m going to buckle down this year and challenge my normal expenses, like my iPhone and cable, and see if there’s a way to get this cheaper and still have a high quality of life. I’m big on quality of life but not having to spend so much to get there. There’s a threshold beyond which the more money you spend or get, you don’t get that much happier. For me, spending $2-3 on a coffee makes me really happy. Instead, I’d rather not have an iPhone and save $100 a month.

The big thing I did was to max out my 401(k) early on. Some years, when I was making all this side money, I’d max it out within the first few months of the year and then my paycheck would be like $90 a paycheck, and I’d live on the side money.

When did you quit your full-time job to become a full-time blogger, and how did you know it was the right time?

In the summer of 2010, I was working 40 hours a week in my day job and 30-40 hours a week on my blog and online projects, and I was maxed out. Every single hour was dedicated to work. My wife said, “You’re burning out. You need to get rid of the job or the blog.” I couldn’t give up the blog because it was the only thing in my life that was clicking. Until this point, the longest job I’d had was two or three years, and at this point, the blog was now going on year 3, and every year it was growing. I thought, I’m onto something here, so I need to get rid of the job. I started just banking everything — everything went into what I called my “Quit My Job Fund.” I said, when this hits $50,000 in savings, I’m going try blogging full-time.

In December, I got to $40,000, and thought it would be fun to start in the New Year. My wife and I agreed I’d give my two weeks’ notice. I went into work, and everyone was staring at me. Something was in the air. I got called into my boss’s office, and I thought, here’s my opportunity. I got in there, and he said, We have to let you go. And I thought, What?! This is crazy! I was the one who was supposed to be doing the dumping here!

The company was struggling. For the previous couple years, it had slowing been going south, so we knew at some point it would go away. I got canned without severance. I called a friend with a design studio, and said, can I move in and start blogging, and an hour or two later, I was there, blogging.

How did you save all that money? What were all the jobs you did?

It was really simple. Anything I made outside of my 9-5, with the exception of the crazy time I maxed out my 401(k) for a few months, anything I did, whether from the blog or a side job, I put it into a savings account. I didn’t touch anything I made on the side. I lived off the money I made from my full-time job.

Were there five blogs written by J. Money?

At my peak, I had 10 — Budgets Are Sexy, which is my baby and which I started and is my heart — and then I bought other blogs, and I hired writers, and I managed them all. I made money through advertising, so the difference between advertising and expenses was my profit. I’d spend a few thousand dollars upfront, but then every month it would output $500 or a couple thousand. But I started selling them last year. Now I’m just down to Budgets Are Sexy and Rockstar Finance [which shares content from other personal finance blogs], two sites I started from my heart.

Besides the blogs, I’ve been doing blog coaching for two years, so I make money helping other bloggers find their voice, monetizing, networking, marketing. Then this year, I started coaching people one-on-one on money. So now I’ve switched from owning all these sites to only working on the sites I built and doing coaching.

I make a lot less money now that I did when I was running that little empire. I went from making tons of money online to making probably a third at this point but still living an awesome life and doing stuff more important to me.

You took a two-thirds paycut?

Yeah, over the last two years, I took a 50-60% paycut. Every month fluctuates, so it’s hard to nail it, but definitely 50%, and some months up to 60% and some months up to 70%. And there are some months I lose money because of expenses with the kids. [Ed. note: J. Money later checked his records and found he made $70,000 in 2014, and $155,0000 in 2013 and $150,000 in 2012.]

Are you the only breadwinner in your family?

Yes, my wife is working on her PhD, so for the last two years, I’ve been the sole provider.

What’s the main strategy for growing your net worth?

Max out all the retirement accounts I can. I started maxing them out in 2008/2009, when the crash happened, so at some point there, everything started going up, including my investments. Now I don’t have a 401(k), but I have a SEP IRA, so I max that out but the contribution limit is based on yearly profit for the business, so that number changes.

Back when I had the 9-5, there were some points when my company match for my 401(k) was 100%.


That’s the thing about startups. A lot of them have these interesting perks. One job I had matched it 100%, so if I put in $16,000, they put in $16,000, and only a few people in the whole company were actually doing it, so I said, I’m going to max this out early on in case this changes, and it did change — to the point where our paychecks were late a couple weeks.


Yeah, the company went from doing well to super rocky, but even when everyone was worried and nervous, it didn’t seem like anyone was doing anything. I decided to take advantage and save, save, save, so when it was time to jump ship, I’d be financially secure. I didn’t get paid my last paycheck or severance, and some people stayed on for six months and never got a single paycheck. We went to court and won, but there was no money so it didn’t matter.

Tell me about the “perfect storm” you experienced when your net worth dropped 10% in June 2013.

My net worth went down about $40,000 last summer. I moved. I renovated. I lost my wife’s income. She was working a part-time job but stopped to focus on her dissertation. We were trying to rent our house out because we couldn’t sell it since it was underwater. And I was trying to sell my sites, so my income was going down.

So when we moved, that cost us a lot of money, and then a big chunk was the renovation. To put our house up for a rent, we paid $18,000 in cash on new floors and carpets with the hopes of selling it in the near future.

Was that the first house you bought?

Yes, now we rent out the house we bought in 2007, so it’s kind of like an investment but it loses money every month. And we now rent where we live. So we still own one home, but we’re renters ourselves.

Losing 10% of my net worth was hell. It’s really scary. At the same time, it was my plan. When I went full-time blogger, my wife said you can try it for a few months, and if you do it well, you can keep doing it, so in the back of my mind when the perfect storm was happening, I did question, should I get a job that was more stable? Should I work more or differently? But the storm has calmed, and I’m building up the coaching and making more money off of Budgets Are Sexy and Rockstar Finance, so things are going back on track.

Why have you set this goal of having a net worth of $1 million?

When I first started doing this 7 years ago, I just wanted a million dollars to say that I was a millionaire, but now as time as has gone by, it’s more a goal to see if I can do it. It doesn’t define success anymore. Success now for me is living the lifestyle that I want to live and being happy.

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How Blogger J. Money Socked Away $400,000 In 7 Years (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.