Hilton Debt Equity Ratio from the last 10 years (2024)

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Stock.Hilton Worldwide Holdings

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Hilton Worldwide Debt Equity Ratio yearly trend continues to be comparatively stable with very little volatility. Debt Equity Ratio is likely to outpace its year average in 2024. From the period from 2010 to 2024, Hilton Worldwide Debt Equity Ratio quarterly data regression had r-value of (0.67) and coefficient of variation of (2,376). View All Fundamentals

Debt Equity Ratio

First Reported


Previous Quarter


Current Value


Quarterly Volatility


Credit DowngradeYuan DropCovid

Check Hilton Worldwide financial statements over time to gain insight into future company performance. You can evaluate financial statements to find patterns among Hilton main balance sheet or income statement drivers, such as Interest Expense of 390.6M, Total Revenue of 8.2B or Gross Profit of 2.1B, as well as many exotic indicators such as Short Term Coverage Ratios of 17.28, Price Earnings Ratio of 42.9 or Price To Sales Ratio of 2.44. Hilton financial statements analysis is a perfect complement when working with Hilton Worldwide Valuation or Volatility modules.


Debt Equity Ratio

Short Term Coverage Ratios

Price Earnings Ratio

Price To Sales Ratio

Dividend Yield

Operating Cycle

Price Book Value Ratio

Price Earnings To Growth Ratio

Days Of Payables Outstanding

Operating Cash Flow Per Share

Dividend Payout Ratio

Price To Operating Cash Flows Ratio

Free Cash Flow Per Share

Price To Free Cash Flows Ratio

Pretax Profit Margin

Inventory Turnover

Ebt Per Ebit

Payables Turnover

Operating Profit Margin

Effective Tax Rate

Company Equity Multiplier

Long Term Debt To Capitalization

Cash Per Share

Total Debt To Capitalization

Interest Coverage

Return On Capital Employed

Payout Ratio

Debt Equity Ratio

Ebit Per Revenue

Quick Ratio

Dividend Paid And Capex Coverage Ratio

Net Income Per E B T

Cash Ratio

Cash Conversion Cycle

Operating Cash Flow Sales Ratio

Days Of Inventory Outstanding

Days Of Sales Outstanding

Free Cash Flow Operating Cash Flow Ratio

Cash Flow Coverage Ratios

Price To Book Ratio

Current Ratio

Fixed Asset Turnover

Capital Expenditure Coverage Ratio

Price Cash Flow Ratio

Enterprise Value Multiple

Debt Ratio

Cash Flow To Debt Ratio

Price Sales Ratio

Return On Assets

Receivables Turnover

Asset Turnover

Net Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin

Price Fair Value

Return On Equity

Dividends Paid

Capital Expenditures

Total Cash From Operating Activities

Net Income

Other Cashflows From Investing Activities

Change To Account Receivables

Change To Inventory

Change To Liabilities

Total Cashflows From Investing Activities

Change To Netincome

Total Cash From Financing Activities

End Period Cash Flow

Change In Cash

Stock Based Compensation

Free Cash Flow

Change In Working Capital

Begin Period Cash Flow

Other Cashflows From Financing Activities


Other Non Cash Items

Sale Purchase Of Stock


Change Receivables

Net Borrowings

Cash And Cash Equivalents Changes

Cash Flows Other Operating

Change To Operating Activities

Total Assets

Other Current Liab

Total Current Liabilities

Total Stockholder Equity

Other Liab

Retained Earnings

Accounts Payable


Other Assets

Long Term Debt

Good Will


Other Current Assets

Total Liab

Treasury Stock

Intangible Assets

Common Stock

Property Plant Equipment

Short Term Investments

Common Stock Shares Outstanding

Short Long Term Debt Total

Property Plant And Equipment Net

Current Deferred Revenue

Net Debt

Non Current Assets Total

Non Currrent Assets Other

Cash And Short Term Investments

Net Receivables

Common Stock Total Equity

Liabilities And Stockholders Equity

Non Current Liabilities Total

Other Stockholder Equity

Property Plant And Equipment Gross

Total Current Assets

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

Short Term Debt

Net Tangible Assets

Total Permanent Equity

Noncontrolling Interest In Consolidated Entity

Retained Earnings Total Equity

Long Term Debt Total

Capital Surpluse

Additional Paid In Capital

Deferred Long Term Liab

Long Term Investments

Short Long Term Debt

Non Current Liabilities Other

Cash And Equivalents

Net Invested Capital

Net Working Capital

Capital Lease Obligations

Interest Expense

Total Revenue

Gross Profit

Operating Income

Cost Of Revenue

Income Before Tax

Net Income Applicable To Common Shares

Income Tax Expense

Minority Interest

Depreciation And Amortization

Selling General Administrative

Other Operating Expenses



Total Operating Expenses

Total Other Income Expense Net

Discontinued Operations

Net Income From Continuing Ops

Non Recurring

Non Operating Income Net Other

Tax Provision

Interest Income

Extraordinary Items

Net Interest Income

Reconciled Depreciation

Probability Of Bankruptcy

This module can also supplement Hilton Worldwide's financial leverage analysis and stock options assessment as well as various Hilton Worldwide Technical models . Check out the analysis of Hilton Worldwide Correlation against competitors.

Latest Hilton Worldwide's Debt Equity Ratio Growth Pattern

Below is the plot of the Debt Equity Ratio of Hilton Worldwide Holdings over the last few years. It is Hilton Worldwide's Debt Equity Ratio historical data analysis aims to capture in quantitative terms the overall pattern of either growth or decline in Hilton Worldwide's overall financial position and show how it may be relating to other accounts over time.

Debt Equity Ratio10 Years Trend

Slightly volatile

Compare to OthersAll Fundamentals

Debt Equity Ratio


Hilton Debt Equity Ratio Regression Statistics

Arithmetic Mean(0.37)
Geometric Mean5.56
Coefficient Of Variation(2,376)
Mean Deviation7.15
Standard Deviation8.82
Sample Variance77.86
Mean Square Error46.23
Total Sum of Squares1,090

Hilton Debt Equity Ratio History


About Hilton Worldwide Financial Statements

There are typically three primary documents that fall into the category of financial statements. These documents include Hilton Worldwide income statement, its balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. Hilton Worldwide investors use historical funamental indicators, such as Hilton Worldwide's Debt Equity Ratio, to determine how well the company is positioned to perform in the future. Although Hilton Worldwide investors may use each financial statement separately, they are all related. The changes in Hilton Worldwide's assets and liabilities, for example, are also reflected in the revenues and expenses that we see on Hilton Worldwide's income statement, which results in the company's gains or losses. Cash flows can provide more information regarding cash listed on a balance sheet, but not equivalent to net income shown on the income statement. We offer a historical overview of the basic patterns found on Hilton Worldwide Financial Statements. Understanding these patterns can help to make the right decision on long term investment in Hilton Worldwide. Please read more on our technical analysis and fundamental analysis pages.

Last ReportedProjected for 2024
Debt Equity Ratio(4.29)(4.07)

Hilton Worldwide Investors Sentiment

The influence of Hilton Worldwide's investor sentiment on the probability of its price appreciation or decline could be a good factor in your decision-making process regarding taking a position in Hilton. The overall investor sentiment generally increases the direction of a stock movement in a one-year investment horizon. However, the impact of investor sentiment on the entire stock market does not have solid backing from leading economists and market statisticians.

Investor biases related to Hilton Worldwide's public news can be used to forecast risks associated with an investment in Hilton. The trend in average sentiment can be used to explain how an investor holding Hilton can time the market purely based on public headlines and social activities around Hilton Worldwide Holdings. Please note that most equities that are difficult to arbitrage are affected by market sentiment the most.

Hilton Worldwide's market sentiment shows the aggregated news analyzed to detect positive and negative mentions from the text and comments. The data is normalized to provide daily scores for Hilton Worldwide's and other traded tickers. The bigger the bubble, the more accurate is the estimated score. Higher bars for a given day show more participation in the average Hilton Worldwide's news discussions. The higher the estimated score, the more favorable is the investor's outlook on Hilton Worldwide.

Hilton Worldwide Implied Volatility


Hilton Worldwide's implied volatility exposes the market's sentiment of Hilton Worldwide Holdings stock's possible movements over time. However, it does not forecast the overall direction of its price. In a nutshell, if Hilton Worldwide's implied volatility is high, the market thinks the stock has potential for high price swings in either direction. On the other hand, the low implied volatility suggests that Hilton Worldwide stock will not fluctuate a lot when Hilton Worldwide's options are near their expiration.

Some investors attempt to determine whether the market's mood is bullish or bearish by monitoring changes in market sentiment. Unlike more traditional methods such as technical analysis, investor sentiment usually refers to the aggregate attitude towards Hilton Worldwide in the overall investment community. So, suppose investors can accurately measure the market's sentiment. In that case, they can use it for their benefit. For example, some tools to gauge market sentiment could be utilized using contrarian indexes, Hilton Worldwide's short interest history, or implied volatility extrapolated from Hilton Worldwide options trading.

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When determining whether Hilton Worldwide Holdings is a good investment, qualitative aspects like company management, corporate governance, and ethical practices play a significant role. A comparison with peer companies also provides context and helps to understand if Hilton Stock is undervalued or overvalued. This multi-faceted approach, blending both quantitative and qualitative analysis, forms a solid foundation for making an informed investment decision about Hilton Worldwide Holdings Stock. Highlighted below are key reports to facilitate an investment decision about Hilton Worldwide Holdings Stock:

How To Invest In Hilton


Is Hilton Stock a good investment?


What is Hilton Worldwide's Net Worth?



Largest Consumer Services Companies


Check out the analysis of Hilton Worldwide Correlation against competitors.

You can also try the Portfolio Anywhere module to track or share privately all of your investments from the convenience of any device.

Complementary Tools for Hilton Stock analysis

When running Hilton Worldwide's price analysis, check to measure Hilton Worldwide's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy Hilton Worldwide is operating at the current time. Most of Hilton Worldwide's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of Hilton Worldwide's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move Hilton Worldwide's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of Hilton Worldwide to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.

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Is Hilton Worldwide's industry expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Hilton Worldwide. If investors know Hilton will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Hilton Worldwide listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.

Quarterly Earnings Growth


Dividend Share


Earnings Share


Revenue Per Share


Quarterly Revenue Growth


The market value of Hilton Worldwide Holdings is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Hilton that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Hilton Worldwide's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Hilton Worldwide's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Hilton Worldwide's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Hilton Worldwide's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.

AltmanZ Score


PiotroskiF Score


BeneishM Score




Buy or SellAdvice




Please note, there is a significant difference between Hilton Worldwide's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Hilton Worldwide is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Hilton Worldwide's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.

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Hilton Debt Equity Ratio from  the last 10 years (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.