Applications of Blockchain Technology in Fintech | Romexsoft (2024)

Get to know the practical applications of blockchain technology in fintech outside of bitcoin.

Applications of Blockchain Technology in Fintech | Romexsoft (1)

by Serhiy Kozlov

10 min read

Fintech industry is disrupting numerous markets. Yet, blockchain remains one of the most buzzed terms for the industry for the past three years in arow.

Governments and governmental institutions worldwide, speakers at World Economic Forum, traders on Wall Street and even diamond miners in South Africa have already expressed their interest in using this technology.

So what’s causing the stir exactly?

Table of Contents

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is largely regarded as the technology powering up the bitcoin virtual currency. However, blockchain market applications have gone way beyond the cryptocurrencies.

Autonomous Research explained blockchain concept the following way:

Applications of Blockchain Technology in Fintech | Romexsoft (2)

Source: Autonomous Research

Lee Braine, a computer science Ph.D. in the CTO’s office at Barclays, proposes a one-sentence definition of blockchain:

“It’s a way of chunking transactions into a batch, called a block, and thena way of hashing them with the previous block to ensure immutability.”

A “Hash” is your unique digital identifier created for a transaction and a shortcut generated when the transmitted data is processed through a cryptographic tool before it’s being added to the previous block.

In a nutshell, blockchain is a new way of transmitting and encrypting any kind of transactions on the web without having a centralized authority to validate the action. Transmission happens through peer-to-peer servers (nodes) instead.

Practical applications of blockchain technology can go beyond the financial industry. This technology could be used to encrypt all sorts of online transactions e.g. voting, auction bids, transmitting data between IoT devices, authenticating academic certificates and even ride sharing.

However, blockchain technology and applications for FinTech in particular has gained the most spotlight among financial institutions, startups, and venture capitalists and remains among the top fintech trends for 2017.

Use Cases of Blockchain Technology in Fintech

Before we move on to the blockchain applications in the financial industry, let’s quickly sum up its universal benefits:

Paramount security should go without saying, but we’d like to additionally imply that compromising a blockchain transaction is impossible.

Enhanced information validation. By opting to use blockchain companies can immediately solve two important problems – controlling the information on digital transactions and avoiding duplicates.

Each block contains 4 major informational elements:

  • A Hash or unique ID, which consists of a random set of unique numbers.
  • A hash number from the previous block, which assigns the chronological order for the ledger.
  • All the transactions included in the block. That could be just one or one thousand of transactions.
  • A public key for the sender and the receiver to identify a certain transaction.

If one of the elements is corrupted in some way, the transaction will not take place.

Transaction validation happens in seconds. There’s no waiting time involved on waiting for a transaction validation from a centralized authority e.g. your bank.

Applications of Blockchain Technology in Fintech | Romexsoft (3)

Source: Autonomous Research

Advanced durability. When there’s no central regulator, there’s no central point of failure as well. Blockchain is more resistant to different types of malicious attacks.

Transparency. No blockchain transaction can be tampered or deleted post-execution. All changes to public blockchains can be publicly viewable.

User empowerment. Every usage party is directly in control of all their information and transaction history.

Finally, blockchain drastically reduces the transaction & operational costs for banks. According to the latest research from Accenture, deploying blockchain for automating certain financial processes can help banks save $12 billion this year.

From the consumers perspective using blockchain for sending international payments can significantly reduce the standard bank processing fees imposed by the correspondent banks.

As the legal implications of using bitcoin and blockchain have become less murky, more FIs and VCs have become interested in this niche.

Investment in blockchain and bitcoin startups in Q1 2016 has exceeded $1.1 billion with a large fraction of dollars going straight to companies exploring the usage of blockchain beyond the cryptocurrencies.

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Source: CoinDesk

Before digging a bit deeper into the matter, let’s establish some additional clarity in terms first:

  • Bitcoin technology startups are focusing on payments, exchange, trading, remittance and promoting other use cases of this currency.
  • Blockchain startups focus on activities going beyond “currency” such as digitizing assets and improving anti-counterfeit measures; digitalizing transfers of company equity/ownership etc.
  • Hybrid startups have their hands stuck on both jars ☺

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Source: CoinDesk

While Bitcoin currency still remains the largest application example of blockchain, a lot of startups are now moving away from merely helping users to cash out on bitcoin fluctuation rates, to more advanced business models.

A popular bitcoin app Circle was the first to leave the bitcoin-centered business model and shift towards offering affordable cross-border P2P payments to users.

Gartner research group has a similar sentiment towards the rise of the blockchain and the slow demise of bitcoin. Their latest Hype Circle for Emerging Technologies report has placed blockchain on the top of the expectations curve, additionally commenting that the decision to place blockchain that high is because it represents more than just financial services but a whole host of industries:

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Source: Gartner research group

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were placed in the “trough of disillusionment” tab in 2015 and did not appear in last year report at all.

So what are the applications of blockchain technology outside the bitcoin ecosystem?

Stock Trading

Blockchain could eliminate a lot of friction and stock tampering happening at the Wall Street.

Foremost, reduce the costs and time of stock purchases as right now when a stock is traded, it has to pass through brokers, exchanges, and needs to be “settled”. Of course, everyone receives the cut from the operation and the processing time may take days, especially when trading occurs over the weekends.

Additionally, blockchain will allow eliminating a lot of gray tactics used by traders such as “naked short selling” and in general, adding more transparency to the operational process.

One of the largest US online retailers, Overstock decided to focus on building the crypto-capitalism future. In summer 2016, the company unveiled their new blockchain-based private and public equities trading platform , which allows instant and secure share trading online.

Unlike Nasdaq stock exchange company, which has experimented with blockchain-powered trading as well in partnership with Chain, tØ founders initially confirmed that their company does not plan to use bitcoin blockchain for issuing stocks.

E-Commerce and Online Marketplaces

Openbazaar startup has embarked on a new mission to introduce a fee-free online marketplace similar to eBay, which is powered by blockchain.

They promote anactive exchange of goods and services between two parties without relying on a risky centralized authority and hence, enabling more people to start their e-commerce business without paying for additional e-commerce tools.

The company founders stated their “listing agnostic” position and promised not to enforce strict moderation rules to what could be exchanged within the community. However, they promise not to promote the service to those, who might be tempted to use it for illegal activities such as gun trade.

The company also plans to expand the scope of services to smart contract and P2P lending in the future. Again, no central arbiter will be in place to overlook those. Instead, Openbazaar aims to create a P2P arbitration process within the community, which would allow users to establish authority figures, who in turn would help to certify the transactions and to resolve disputes between users.

Cross-Border Micro-Payments

Almost 25% of the global remittance market is still controlled by the large players like the Western Union and MoneyGram, processing over $500 billion in remittances per year.

However, the fees for sending micro-payments, particularly popular in the developing countries like The Philippines and Nigeria, are inhibitive. For instance, the majority of Asian workers send a quarter of their personal income ($200 on average) to their relatives. Those $12 in fees paid for the transfer often equal to their half day’s wage.

A number of blockchain fintech startups have emerged to cater P2P micro-payments. Sentbe offers a 60% less expensive service for sending money abroad and offers cash pickup locations as an alternative to card/bank transfers – a good selling point for attracting the unbanked population to their service.

Abra is a similar app aimed at US-consumers, which also allows conducting free P2P money transfers and receiving payouts either to your bank account or in cash by using only a person’s phone number.

Unlike other popular mobile payment apps like Venmo or PayPal, Abra allows users to hold digital cash on their smartphones without any 3rd party getting a grip of their money. Again, that was made possible by using bitcoin blockchain technology, which fixes the value of digital cash in real time without any centralized financial intermediary.

Of course, this isn’t the ultimate blockchain application guide. There is a number of other niches blockchain fintech is penetrating. Let’s Talk Payments has created a great infographic to illustrate those:

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Source: Let’s Talk Payments

Blockchain Development in Ukraine

Ukrainian IT vendors are actively exploring the new opportunities presented by the blockchain technology as well, especially after obtaining active support from the government and the biggest national banks.

In November2016, Ukrainian central bank has officially unveiled a new roadmap for deploying blockchain as part of the larger Cashless Economy scheme. While the central bank is interested in becoming an emitter of electronic money, the officials clarified that they are not looking to produce the next big thing after bitcoin, but rather create a digital form of the national currency, hryvnia. Introducing blockchain is primarily aimed at making money acquisitions cheaper and offering another possible alternative to card payments.

The two largest Ukrainian banks – Privat Bank and Oschadbank, the state savings bank of Ukraine, in partnership with Microsoft and the Innovation and Development Foundation (IDF), commissioned another curious project – a decentralized state property auction nicknamed eAuction 3.0.

The main idea was to create a more transparent auction scheme and reduce the corruption levels within the governmental asset management domain. Using blockchain, in this case, means that any human influence on the auction will be made impossible. After the property enters the action, the bidding and selling process cannot be compromised in any way.

A group of volunteer blockchain developers is now working on a blockchain-based open democracy project e-Vox that would transform the voting process in the country. This Ethereum-based platform is planned to be published as an Open Source software and would provide voting functionality for organizing e-elections for any position within the government, managing e-petitions and e-referendums and serving any other applicable community purposes.

One of coolest bitcoin innovations in Ukraine was introduced by Hotmine startup – a smart home bitcoin mining device, which also pleasantly heats up the owner’s house ☺

Bitcoin use in Ukraine was also largely promoted by BTCU – one of the largest local bitcoin merchants, which installed over 5.000 24/7 bitcoin terminals across the country.

The bottom line is: Ukraine has an active community of blockchain developers and a rising interest in the domain from the local businesses.

Outsourcing blockchain development in Ukraine means that you could take an advantage of the local expertise and a burgeoning ecosystem emerging around this technology.
Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine is hosting regular conferences and actively fosters networking within the community of blockchain developers.

The local “Blockchain Incredible Party” hosted in 2016 in Lviv, has attracted researchers, entrepreneurs and industry experts from 15 countries, including Gordon Einstein, founder of AdaptiveSky, Jeffrey Smith, CIO of GHash.IO, founder of Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine Mikhail Chobanyan and CEO of Nicholas Carey.

While it’s hard to measure the exact size of the Ukrainian community of blockchain developers, according to Forklog, it’s coming close second to the UK community.

Romexsoft would be delighted to consult you on all the aspects of blockchain development and the benefits of deploying it within your fintech product!

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Serhiy KozlovCEO/CTO at Romexsoft - AWS Partner in Cloud Migration & Application Modernization | AWS Certified Solutions Architect | LinkedIn Profile

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Applications of Blockchain Technology in Fintech | Romexsoft (2024)


What is the application of blockchain technology in FinTech? ›

Blockchain can automate and simplify invoice and billing processes, once again courtesy of smart contracts. They can be programmed to trigger payments on predefined conditions, reducing disputes and delays, for a perk particularly useful for supply chain financing and trade finance.

What is the primary advantage of using blockchain in FinTech? ›

The primary advantage of blockchain is its method of verifying and tracking transactions—it enables individuals and organisations to process transactions without the need for a third party or a central bank.

Can blockchain be applied to any application give an example to support your answer? ›

Blockchain has so many applications in every sector you can imagine such as healthcare, finance, government, identity, etc. And that's not including the most popular applications of Blockchain which is Bitcoin.

What are the benefits of using blockchain technology in the financial services industry? ›

Blockchain in Finance & FinTech

Within the Finance industry, this technology would allow for the transfer of currency with high security and reliability. It also helps to increase security and reduce the risk of fraud, while also making financial transactions faster and more efficient.

What is the impact of blockchain technology on financial technology fintech? ›

Blockchain technology has been revolutionizing the financial services sector and driving the evolution of fintech in recent years. Its impact has been profound, offering increased security, transparency, and efficiency in various financial processes.

What are the applications of blockchain technology in banking and financial sector? ›

In addition, blockchain can make sure that borrowers are not criminals or bad actors, which will boost banks' know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money-laundering (AML) capabilities. Another area where blockchain can help is syndicated loans. Large loans to corporate clients are typically provided by a group of banks.

Is blockchain the future of fintech? ›

A fuelling chain reaction began when financial companies started working on their blockchain-based solutions to stay on top of this innovation. As a result, the fintech blockchain market size is expected to reach USD 31.84 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 46.92% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2029.

How can blockchain revolutionize the fintech industry? ›

Blockchain has transformed it to make transactions cheaper and more secure with increased transparency. Implementing Blockchain in the FinTech industry will help you eliminate fraud risks by providing a decentralized system that can be trusted by all parties involved (customers, suppliers).

What are the three major benefits of blockchain? ›

The benefits of blockchain are increasing trust, security and transparency among member organizations by improving the traceability of data shared across a business network, plus delivering cost savings through new efficiencies.

How blockchain is used in banking? ›

The use of blockchain in banking improves security through cryptographic protection for identity verification and data distribution without the need for intermediaries. Furthermore, blockchain reduces data breach risks by eliminating single points of failure.

What are the applications of blockchain with examples? ›

Top Blockchain Applications To Know
  • Money transfer.
  • Smart contracts.
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Personal identity security.
  • Healthcare.
  • Logistics.
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Government.

What industries will benefit most from blockchain technology? ›

We will also analyze what good blockchain does to these industries and how blockchain systems are better than conventional methodologies.
  • Healthcare.
  • Finance and Banking.
  • Supply Chain Management.
  • Government.
  • Cybersecurity.
  • Media.
  • Agriculture.
Jul 20, 2023

What is the future of blockchain in financial services? ›

Blockchain has the potential to transform capital markets by eliminating operational hazards, reducing counterparty risks, and enhancing overall security. This transformative impact addresses operational vulnerabilities linked to fraud, human error, and regulatory concerns in the financial landscape.

What is the main reason why blockchain is very popular in financial sector? ›

Financial service providers find blockchain technology useful to enhance authenticity, security, and risk management. Several institutions are adopting blockchain in trade and finance systems to build smart contracts between participants, improve efficiency and transparency, and open up newer revenue opportunities.

How to implement blockchain in fintech app development? ›

You can integrate Blockchain technology into fintech mobile app development in various ways:
  1. Cryptocurrency wallets. ...
  2. Cross-border payments. ...
  3. Smart contracts. ...
  4. Identity verification. ...
  5. Asset tokenization. ...
  6. Immutable record of transactions. ...
  7. Supply chain finance. ...
  8. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Mar 11, 2024

What technology does fintech use? ›

It can also apply to companies and services utilizing AI, big data, and encrypted blockchain technology to facilitate highly secure transactions amongst an internal network. Broadly speaking, fintech strives to streamline the transaction process, eliminating potentially unnecessary steps for all involved parties.

How are IoT and blockchain used in fintech? ›

Practical applications of blockchain technology can go beyond the financial industry. This technology could be used to encrypt all sorts of online transactions e.g. voting, auction bids, transmitting data between IoT devices, authenticating academic certificates and even ride sharing.

What is the fintech blockchain course? ›

The Blockchain Fintech credential is the most trusted blockchain certification that employers worldwide value while hiring top-level blockchain executives for fintech industry. The comprehensive curriculum covers the inner workings of blockchain technology and how it applies to the fintech industry.

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