Guide to Accumulating $10 Million in 10 Years - Silicon Beach Wealth (2024)

So you’ve worked hard for many years, accumulated a respectable level of wealth and surpassed the million-dollar marker. Kudos to you! You’re crushing it.

What’s your next target?

How about 10x?

Growing an investment portfolio from $1 Million to $10 Million requires more than above-average cash flow, it requires focus, discipline, and a little guidance, but your strategy doesn’t have to be complicated.

Let’s begin with a few basic assumptions:

Accumulation Target: $10,000,000 USD

Investment Time Horizon: 10 years

Net Average Annual Investment Return: 8.00%

Beginning Value: $1,000,000

Here’s the plan:

STEP 1: Commit to investing regularly.

Specifically, to accumulate $10,000,000 in 10 years according to the assumptions above;

  • Invest a minimum $540,000 per year. Realistically, this is doable if your income exceeds > $1 million+ per year and you’re serious about delaying gratification in the name of financial success.

It may be useful to keep track of your expenses throughout the year if you are unsure about your spending habits by using a budget calculator.

Since you’re likely to be short on time, consider employing a bookkeeper or business manager/CPA to help you review a personal P&L and Balance Sheet on a regular basis, just as you would your business financial statements.

STEP 2: Select the Appropriate Mix of Investment Vehicles.

You have many options to consider. Here are a handful of excellent options:

Executives, Physicians, Law Partners or w2 Wage Earners:

  • Maximize your employer-sponsored pre-tax Investment Vehicles:
    • 401k/Keogh Plan
    • Deferred Compensation Plans
    • Pension Plan
  • General Investment Account (i.e., Non-Qualified Brokerage Account)


  • Consider sponsoring a combination of income tax-efficient* Investment Vehicles:
    • 401k/Profit Sharing/Keogh Plan
    • Deferred Compensation Plans
    • Pension Plan
    • ESOP

*Consult with an experienced ERISA/Tax Attorney or Advisor to assist with plan design, implementation and administration.

  • General Investment Account (i.e., Non-Qualified Brokerage Account)
    • Charles Schwab, Vanguard, Fidelity, and Betterment are a handful of reputable custodians.

STEP 3: Emphasize Simplicity & Invest with Conviction

Invest with conviction and be wary of trendy, complicated, and conflict-ridden investment strategies. Focus first on investing in a diverse collection of incredible businesses you understand and that align with your personal values.

Sample Portfolio

  • 80% US Equities
  • 20% Non US Equities

Rebalance Periodically

  • Buy Low (and Sell High if necessary) to ensure you maintain your desired investment mix, no less than a few times per year.

WARNING: As an accredited investor and possibly a qualified purchaser, you may have access to private limited partnerships, Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Venture Capital, etc. These options may appear sexy, exclusive, and unique. Consider investing in such vehicles only after you’ve built a growth-oriented foundation of high-conviction liquid investments that are simple to understand. Also, consider investing in illiquid vehicles only if you completely understand the strategy, fee structure, management, and liquidity constraints all of which are often incredibly complex.

If you desire investments beyond liquid, equity investments and are not keen to participate in Limited Partnerships, consider investing directly in a selection of real estate properties and/or businesses within your sphere of competence. Employ your accountant/bookkeeper to assist with keeping close tabs on your cash flow and ongoing rate of return.

Embrace the volatility. Be like Buffett.

It is inevitable the market will go up and down over the next 10 years. It’s even conceivable that amazing businesses may decline in value by as much as 50% during extreme periods of market turbulence! In times like these, do not panic. Trust the process and use the instability to your advantage. Ask yourself; what would Warren Buffett do?

He’d likely remind you to “Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy”. These are words to live by.

STEP 4: Maintain a cash reserve consistent with your needs.

How much cash or short-term reserves do you need to avoid disrupting your 10-year plan? If you have a secure/guaranteed source of cash flow, you can likely afford a minimal (1-2 month) reserve.

Conversely, if you’re an entrepreneur and/or have intermediate financial goals on the horizon (e.g., buying a house, starting a new business), maintain an appropriate reserve consistent with your specific expenditure.

Otherwise, your 10-year investment plan is not your reserve under any circ*mstances. This approach may help you maintain the long-term perspective and patience you’ll need to achieve investment success and avoid allowing temporary negative events from interfering with your long-term plan.

STEP 5: Consolidate your accounts today and/or recruit a team of professionals to help you activate your 10-year plan and stay on course.

  • Of course you can do this yourself. Thanks to incredible Fintech innovations, you can activate an investment account in minutes and initiate your strategy on your own.
  • Alternatively, consider a “Robo-Advisor” such as Betterment, SoFi and others designed to automate a strategy for you.
    • Betterment, SoFi and other fintechs generally rely on mathematical algorithms and advanced software to build and manage your investment portfolio with minimal human intervention designed to take investor psychology (i.e., fear) out of the equation.
  • For an even more customized investment strategy and holistic approach, consider hiring a credentialed financial advisor whose investment approach and values align with yours.
  • Mind your fees and stick with a team of fiduciaries who have your back. Working with professionals should be all about win-win but be sure you maintain the lion’s share of the upside.

Bottom Line:

  • Keep it simple.
  • Invest $540,000 per year, every year, for 10 years.
  • Invest for Growth.
  • Invest with Conviction.
  • Use market volatility to your advantage.
  • Get started right away. On your own or with a professional advisor by your side.

The information contained herein is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is not exhaustive. Diversification and/or any strategy that may be discussed does not guarantee against investment losses but are intended to help manage risk and return. If applicable, historical discussions and/or opinions are not predictive of future events. The content is presented in good faith and has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable. The content is not intended to be legal, tax or financial advice. Please consult a legal, tax or financial professional for information specific to your individual situation.

Guide to Accumulating $10 Million in 10 Years - Silicon Beach Wealth (2024)


How to make $10 million dollars in 10 years? ›

Bottom Line:
  1. Keep it simple.
  2. Invest $540,000 per year, every year, for 10 years.
  3. Invest for Growth.
  4. Invest with Conviction.
  5. Use market volatility to your advantage.
  6. Get started right away. On your own or with a professional advisor by your side.
Mar 17, 2022

How much do you need to invest to make a million in 10 years? ›

In order to hit your goal of $1 million in 10 years, SmartAsset's savings calculator estimates that you would need to save around $7,900 per month. This is if you're just putting your money into a high-yield savings account with an average annual percentage yield (APY) of 1.10%.

Is $10 million enough to retire at 30? ›

And given that the average American spends $66,921 per year (as of 2021), $10 million is more than enough to retire at 30 in most cases. However, that may not be true if you have an expensive lifestyle when you retire. Factors like inflation, healthcare costs and a volatile stock market can derail your retirement.

Is $10 million dollars rich? ›

You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

How many Americans make over $10 million a year? ›

Here's the most eye-opening statistic. Some 23,456 U.S. households reported income of $10 million or more last year (that is, for the 2018 tax year), averaging more than $26 million each in taxable income. The IRS audited seven of them. That comes to less than three-hundredths of a percent.

Will $10 million dollars last a lifetime? ›

Simply put, most people should have no problem retiring at 30 with $10 million. If you invest your money and earn a modest return, $10 million should be enough to retire and never have to work again. Of course, that doesn't mean that running out of money would be impossible.

Can you live off 10 million dollars interest? ›

It's entirely possible to live off the interest earned by a $10 million portfolio, depending on how much you need and what your investment choices are. You'll want to make sure that your lifestyle goals are in line with the income produced if you're going to make it through retirement without running out of funds.

Do millionaires pay off debt or invest? ›

They stay away from debt.

Car payments, student loans, same-as-cash financing plans—these just aren't part of their vocabulary. That's why they win with money. They don't owe anything to the bank, so every dollar they earn stays with them to spend, save and give!

Can I retire comfortably on 10 million dollars? ›

Costs and Lifestyle

As we noted up top, with $10 million you can generate more than enough income to live a very comfortable life. After all, even if we disregard all investments and gains entirely, this portfolio is still enough money to take out $100,000 per year, every year for the next century.

What percentage of US population has $10 million dollars? ›

Around 1,456,336 households in America have $10 million or more in net worth. That's 1.13% of American households.

Can I retire on $5 million at age 60? ›

Based on the median costs of living in most parts of America, $5 million is more than enough for a very comfortable retirement. Based on average market returns, $5 million can support many households indefinitely.

Can you retire with $10 million at 50? ›

While $10 million is a lot of money, retiring at 50 means you can plan on approximately 40 years of retirement if you expect to live to around the average age. Even if nothing catastrophic happens to you or the economy in the meantime, inflation alone can make a dent in what you can expect from your savings.

What is considered high net worth? ›

A high-net-worth individual (HNWI) is someone with liquid assets of at least $1 million. These individuals often seek the assistance of financial professionals to manage their money, and their high net worth qualifies them for additional benefits and investing opportunities that are closed to most.

What percentage of Americans are worth $1000000? ›

Key points. There are 5.3 million millionaires and 770 billionaires living in the United States. Millionaires make up about 2% of the U.S. adult population. While an ultra-high net worth will be out of reach for most, you can amass $1 million by managing money well and investing regularly.

What percent of people have 10 million net worth? ›

$10 Million Is A Top One Percent Net Worth

10 million dollars is a lot of millions. If you have a 10 million dollar net worth or higher, you have a top one percent net worth in America.

What is the top 10% income in the US? ›

Landing in the top 10% is a fairly attainable goal for upwardly mobile Americans. A study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) found that the average earnings of those in the top 10% were roughly $173,000 in 2020.

What is top 5 percent income in us? ›

Top 1% income threshold: $463,976
  • Top 1% income threshold: $463,976.
  • Top 5% income threshold: $202,000.
Jan 24, 2022

What is the net worth of the top 5 percent? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

How do millionaires live off interest? ›

Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills that they keep rolling over and reinvesting. They liquidate them when they need the cash. Treasury bills are short-term notes issued by the U.S government to raise money. Treasury bills are usually purchased at a discount.

What net worth do you need to retire? ›

“Several experts on retirement have given various estimates about how much you need to save: close to $1 million, 80% to 90% of your yearly income before quitting work, and 12 times what you used to make annually.”

Is $5 million enough to retire at 65? ›

While there are a few questions you'll need to answer before you can know definitively, the quick answer is that you can certainly retire on $5 million at age 65. Though you may have to make some adjustments, depending on your lifestyle.

Where do multi millionaires keep their money? ›

Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills. They keep rolling them over to reinvest them and liquidate them when they need the cash.

How much money do you need to retire with $100000 a year income? ›

This means that if you make $100,000 shortly before retirement, you can start to plan using the ballpark expectation that you'll need about $75,000 a year to live on in retirement. You'll likely need less income in retirement than during your working years because: Most people spend less in retirement.

How much will I get paid for a $10 million annuity? ›

But a $10 million annuity with a 10-year term and the same annual growth rate could produce a monthly payment of $105,625.42 per month. If you want an estimate for the details of your unique situation, consider using this free fixed-income annuity calculator.

Do millionaires keep their money in cash? ›

Many millionaires keep a lot of their money in cash or highly liquid cash equivalents. And they tend to establish an emergency account even before making investments. Millionaires also bank differently than the rest of us.

Is being a millionaire based on net worth or cash? ›

A millionaire is someone whose net worth is equal to one million (or more) units of currency, usually the U.S. dollar. To know whether a person is a millionaire, you typically consider their net worth, or the total value of their assets minus liabilities.

Do most millionaires inherited their money? ›

Dave Ramsey, personal finance expert and founder of Ramsey Solutions, says this myth of primarily inherited riches is “flat wrong.” When Ramsey's National Study of Millionaires asked where the riches came from, they found that a whopping 79% didn't receive any inheritance from parents or other family members.

Can a couple retire at 65 with $1 million dollars? ›

It's definitely possible, but there are several factors to consider—including cost of living, the taxes you'll owe on your withdrawals, and how you want to live in retirement—when thinking about how much money you'll need to retire in the future.

How many people in the world have over 10 million dollars? ›

As for how many millionaires there are: $100 million to $1 billion: 73,710. $10 million to $100 million: 1,769.200.

Can you retire at 55 with $10 million? ›

The simple answer is yes. You can retire on 10 million dollars. However, there are a few things to consider before making this decision. First, you need to make sure that you have enough saved up to cover your expenses.

Does net worth include home? ›

However, one measure that many overlook is net worth. Your net worth represents how much wealth you have, measured by assets like a house, cars, 401(k), jewelry or cash in the bank, minus the debt obligations you have, or what you owe.

How many people have net worth over 20 million? ›

How many people are worth 20 million or more? In the US, approximately 1.8 million people have a net worth of $20 million of more.

How much money is enough to never work again? ›

Using the 4% rule to estimate how much money you need to never work again involves knowing how much you plan on spending that first year or retirement. For example, if you want to spend $200,000, the math is $200,000/. 04 = $5,000,000. Another way to calculate this is that you would need 25x your annual spending rate.

How much money do you need to retire with $150000 a year income? ›

“For example, if you make $150,000 per year, you should aim to have at least $120,000 per year in retirement to live comfortably in your golden years,” says Sexton.

Can a couple retire at 60 with $2 million? ›

Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

Can a couple retire at 55 with $2 million dollars? ›

It probably is possible for most people to retire at age 55 if they have $2.5 million in savings. The ultimate answer, though, will depend on the interplay between various factors. These include your health, your anticipated retirement lifestyle and expenses, and how you invest your nest egg.

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

How much money do you need to retire with $200000 a year income? ›

Using the 4% retirement rule as a starting point, if you want $200,000 per year in retirement by age 65, you will need $5 million saved up.

What is affluent and high net worth? ›

What's the Difference Between Mass Affluent and High Net Worth? The biggest difference between mass affluent and high net worth individuals is the amount of assets they've amassed. High net worth individuals have even more assets than the mass affluent. A high net worth individual has over $1 million in liquid assets.

What percentage of US population has $5 million dollars? ›

What percentage of US population has $5 million dollars? How many $4 or $5 millionaires are there in the US? Somewhere around 4,473,836 households have $4 million or more in wealth, while around 3,592,054 have at least $5 million. Respectively, that is 3.48% and 2.79% of all households in America.

What net worth is rich by age? ›

Average net worth by age
Age of head of familyMedian net worthAverage net worth
2 more rows
Dec 2, 2022

How old are most millionaires? ›

Millionaire Statistics by Age

The world's 100 richest individuals earned their first $1 million at age 37, on average. The average millionaire is 57 years old.

What is the top 1% of Americans net worth? ›

Key Takeaways
  • As of 2019, the top 1% of household net worth in the U.S. starts at $11,099,166. ...
  • An individual would need to earn an average of $401,622 per year in order to join the top 1%, and a household would need an income of $570,00. ...
  • The median household income was $70,784 in 2021, and $45,470 for individuals.

What industry creates the most millionaires? ›

The financial service industry has created the most millionaires in modern times. The financial system manages the money of people worldwide. Behind the most successful ventures in the world are people developing and growing money.

Is a net worth of $10 million wealthy? ›

You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

Is $10 million net worth good? ›

Yes, absolutely. $10 million puts you in the top 2.5% of households in the US for net worth. You can expect to generate between 3% to 8% from your investment portfolio, which means $10 million would generate between $300,000 to $800,000 of pre-tax income per year.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

How to make millions in 10 years? ›

Become a Millionaire in 10 Years (or Less) With These 10 Expert-Approved Tips
  1. Ensure You're Getting Paid What You Are Worth. ...
  2. Have Multiple Income Streams. ...
  3. Save as Much as You Possibly Can. ...
  4. Make Savings Automatic. ...
  5. Keep Debt to a Minimum. ...
  6. Don't Fall Victim to 'Shiny Ball Syndrome' ...
  7. Keep Cash in Interest-Bearing Accounts.
Feb 2, 2023

How much will $1 million dollars grow in 10 years? ›

The 10-year earnings would be $51,140.13. The rates on both traditional and high-interest savings accounts are variable, which means the rates can go up or down over time. These earnings projections are based on the initial rate, which is likely to change.

How to make $100,000 in 10 years? ›

We determined that if an investor achieves a 3% annual return on his or her assets, he or she would need to invest $710 each month for ten years to reach $100,000 with a $1,000 beginning amount. By the year 2031, the investment would be worth a total of $100,566.

How long will it take $100000 to become $1 million if it is allowed to grow at 10% per annum? ›

If you can achieve a 10% rate of return, it will only take 25 years to reach $1 million. That time frame falls to 21 years if you can deliver 12% annual returns.

How long does it take to turn $100 000 into a million? ›

Let your money sit for 25 years

If you're earning a 10% average annual rate of return (which is the stock market's historical average), it will take approximately 25 years to go from $100,000 to $1 million. But if you're earning slightly lower returns, it will take longer.

How to get a net worth of $10 million? ›

8 Steps to Become a Decamillionaire with Net Worth of $10 Million and Make It In the Top 1%
  1. Take calculated and strategic risks in business.
  2. Start saving your income early.
  3. Maximize profits in your company.
  4. Invest your business's profits to maximize returns.
  5. Sell your company for a large influx of cash.
Aug 1, 2022

Where do millionaires keep their money? ›

Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills. They keep rolling them over to reinvest them, and liquidate them when they need the cash.

Do most millionaires make over $100000 a year? ›

Choose the right career

And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

Can I retire at 55 with $2 million? ›

Yes, $2 million should be enough to retire. Annuities provide an income option to pay a guaranteed monthly amount for two lives.

How can I double my money in 10 years? ›

Tax-free Bonds. Tax-free bonds also allow a good interest rate over the tenure of the bond. It is considered a good avenue of Investment to double your money in 8 – 10 years.

Is 1.5 million enough to retire at 55? ›

Can You Retire With $1.5 Million at 55? If you have $1.5 million saved up and want to retire at 55, this may be enough for you. The reality is that it all depends on your withdrawal rate — the amount of money you consistently take out of your accounts to support yourself — and how long you live.

Can I retire at 60 with $1 million dollars? ›

So, can you retire at 60 with $1 million, and what would that look like? It's certainly possible to retire comfortably in this scenario. But it's wise to review your spending needs, taxes, health care, and other factors as you prepare for your retirement years.

At what age can you retire with $1 million dollars? ›

A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

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