G.M.'s 1955 Profit Exceeds a Billion, Setting U.S. Mark; Opposes Proposed Curbs G.M. 1955 Profit Topped Billion; First Time for Any U.S. Concern Optimistic on 1956 (Published 1956) (2024)



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G.M.'s 1955 Profit Exceeds a Billion, Setting U.S. Mark; Opposes Proposed Curbs G.M. 1955 Profit Topped Billion; First Time for Any U.S. Concern Optimistic on 1956 (Published 1956) (1)

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February 3, 1956



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MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 2--The General Motors Corporation, which has a long record of firsts, took another in 1955. It became the first company in American history to earn more than a billion dollars in a year. View Full Article in Timesmachine »



G.M.'s 1955 Profit Exceeds a Billion, Setting U.S. Mark; Opposes Proposed Curbs G.M. 1955 Profit Topped Billion; First Time for Any U.S. Concern Optimistic on 1956 (Published 1956) (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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