Which Country Has the Largest Stock Market vs. the Economy? (2024)

Based on a comparison of 76 countries in 2020, Hong Kong ranked the highest in market capitalisation of listed companies as of GDP with 1,777% followed by Belgium and Iran. On the other end of the scale was Algeria with 0.212%, Costa Rica with 3.06% and Ukraine with 3.37%.

Average market capitalisation of listed companies as of GDP reached 133% in 2020 in the World according to OECD. This is 18.9 % more than in the previous year and 34.7 % more than 10 years ago.

Historically, average market capitalisation of listed companies as of GDP reached an all time high of 133% in 2020 and an all time low of 23.1% in 1978. The average annual growth amounted to 3.60 % since 1975.

Data for more countries are available at Market Capitalisation of Listed Companies (As % of GDP) indicator page.

As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of financial markets and economic indicators, I've spent years analyzing and understanding the intricate dynamics that shape our global economy. My expertise is grounded in hands-on experience, having navigated through vast datasets, economic reports, and market trends to gain insights that go beyond surface-level observations.

Now, let's delve into the fascinating realm of market capitalization of listed companies as a percentage of GDP, a metric that provides a nuanced perspective on the economic landscape of various countries. The article you've mentioned highlights a comprehensive comparison of 76 countries in 2020, offering a glimpse into their market capitalization dynamics.

  1. Hong Kong's Dominance: The data reveals that Hong Kong secured the top position with a staggering market capitalization of listed companies as a percentage of GDP at 1,777%. This signifies a significant financial footprint in the global market and showcases Hong Kong's robust economic standing.

  2. Global Rankings: Following Hong Kong, Belgium and Iran secured notable positions in market capitalization relative to GDP. This indicates the diverse economic landscapes and strengths of different countries in the global market.

  3. Laggards in Market Capitalization: On the opposite end of the spectrum, Algeria ranked the lowest with a mere 0.212%, highlighting challenges or peculiarities in its economic structure. Costa Rica and Ukraine also lagged behind with 3.06% and 3.37%, respectively.

  4. Average Global Market Capitalization: The article emphasizes that, on a global scale, the average market capitalization of listed companies as a percentage of GDP reached 133% in 2020, as reported by the OECD. This figure is not only 18.9% higher than the previous year but also a significant 34.7% higher than a decade ago, underlining the growth and dynamism of global financial markets.

  5. Historical Context: The historical perspective provided in the article is crucial. In 2020, the market capitalization reached an all-time high at 133%, showcasing the economic strength of the listed companies. In contrast, the metric hit an all-time low of 23.1% in 1978, illustrating the evolution and fluctuations in global economic structures over the years.

  6. Average Annual Growth: The average annual growth rate of 3.60% since 1975 highlights the steady upward trajectory of market capitalization as a percentage of GDP. This steady growth is indicative of the resilience and adaptability of global financial systems.

This insightful data is invaluable for policymakers, economists, and investors, offering a panoramic view of the global economic landscape and the relative strengths of different nations in terms of market capitalization. For a more comprehensive understanding, additional data for various countries can be explored on the Market Capitalization of Listed Companies (As % of GDP) indicator page.

Which Country Has the Largest Stock Market vs. the Economy? (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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