Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (2024)

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Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (13)

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Saving Money

Refinancing your home requires a property appraisal. Receive the best appraisal you can by following these tips.

Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (14)


John Bazemore/AP/File

A home under construction and for sale is shown in Roswell, Ga. U.S (Dec. 3, 2015. Following these tips can strengthen your appraisal value.


Refinancing your home involves several important steps, but the property appraisal may be the most crucial.

When a real estate appraiser hands down an opinion on the value of your house, it canmake — or break — your ability to qualify for the new loan you want. Naturally, you want that value to match your refinancing goals.

Simply put, aproperty appraisalis an assessment of your home’s market value based on several factors, including its size, age, condition, location, amenities and previous sales prices, according to the Appraisal Institute, a global professional association for appraisers. Professional appraisers have specialized training and experience in property valuation, and their opinion carries a lot of weight with lenders.

Because market conditions change rapidly and property values in your neighborhood might be much higher (or lower) than when you bought your home, you need to have yourproperty’s value appraised whenrefinancing. Any upgrades or improvements you’ve made won’t be reflected in your originalvaluation; it benefits you to have an appraiser see those in person. If you’ve let your home fall into disrepair, though, an appraiser will take note of that, too.

How to increase your property’s value

To learn simple, cost-effective ways you canpump up your home’s appraised value, NerdWallettalked to two real estate experts. Tom Salomoneispresident of the National Association of Realtors and broker/owner of Real Estate II in Margate, Florida. Cody Galeis president of Colorado Appraisal Consultants in Denver.

While their suggestions might take some time and elbow grease on your part, the results (and value added to your home) will likely pay off in the end. Here are four suggested projects that will give the best bang for your buck:

  1. Refreshpaint, remove clutter.The quickest, easiest way to increase your chances of a higher appraisal is to paint, which can take years off an outdated home. If there are crayon marks on your walls and clutter on the floors, a fresh coat of paint and some simple organizing will make a good impression when an appraiser comes to call, Salomone says. (And at about $15 to $30 per gallon, paint is also inexpensive.)
  2. Replace worn carpet and flooring.Thisis another upgrade that will stand out to property appraisers. New carpet or flooring that mimics the look of hardwood can add several thousand dollars in value to your home. If you don’t have the money to replace all of your flooring, focus on fixing damaged sections and getting carpets professionally cleaned before an appraisal, Gale says.
  3. Update elements ofthekitchen and bathrooms.Touching up these rooms remains the gold standard fornetting you the best return on your home-improvement dollars. Keeping them clean certainly goes a long way, but you can do low-cost upgrades that add value, too, such as removing wallpaper, refinishing laminate countertops, painting cabinets and hanging new light fixtures, Gale says. You don’t have to do a complete renovation or spend a lot ofmoney to gain value in these rooms for a refi appraisal, but making a few updates will earnvalue adjustments in your favor.
  4. Create curb appeal.A property appraiser isn’t going to spend much time judging your home’s exterior, but a good first impression doesn’t hurt. Cleaning up flower beds and redoing the mulch are inexpensive, low-effortways to make your home easy on the eyes, Salomone says.

These options willgive you the best chance of scoring a higher appraisal value that will, in turn, help you get themortgage refinancethat meets your real estate goals.

This article first appeared at NerdWallet.

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Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (15)

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Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (17)

Mark Sappenfield, Editor


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Four ways to strengthen home's refinance appraisal value (2024)


How can I increase the appraisal value of my home for refinancing? ›

To increase the odds of a high appraisal, freshen up a home's paint job, clear away clutter, and highlight hidden features. A homeowner who believes an appraisal is too low can appeal, but the chance of an appraiser changing it is very slim unless there is substantial evidence that the value is off.

What improves home appraisal value? ›

Appraisers review the workmanship, condition, and finishes of home improvements. Updates to the kitchen and bathrooms can have a significant impact on your home's value. On the other hand, damages, defects, and wear and tear can negatively impact your appraisal estimate.

How can I improve my appraisal? ›

Here are six things you can do to make your home more appealing and potentially increase its appraisal value.
  1. Focus on Curb Appeal. ...
  2. Document Home Upgrades. ...
  3. Make Minor Repairs. ...
  4. Deep Clean the Home. ...
  5. Do Your Own Comparative Analysis. ...
  6. Accept What You Can't Control.
Jun 21, 2023

What are the three main methods appraisers use to appraise real estate? ›

Traditional Approaches to Value

However, all three are not always employed, depending upon the property type and the process and report type agreed to by the client and the appraiser. The approaches to value are: Sales Comparison (or Market Data) Approach; Cost Approach; and Income Approach.

What negatively affects home appraisal? ›

Updating appliances or any major systems, like plumbing, electrical or HVAC, can be costly. If yours are outdated, it could affect the overall value of the home. If the interior hasn't been changed for decades, it may not appeal to buyers, which can also cause the value to decrease.

How do I avoid appraisal when refinancing? ›

Some private mortgage lenders offer no-appraisal refinancing if you qualify for a waiver. And you may qualify for no-appraisal refinancing if you have a government-backed loan through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

What are the four properties an appraiser must value? ›

There are four properties an appraiser must value. One is a three unit home, one is a shopping mall, one is an office building and one is a church. Which ones can be appraised using income capitalization? The shopping center and the office building.

What do appraisers value most? ›

What Do Appraisers Look For? Appraisers look at the general condition of the home, the home's location, the age of the house, the size, unique features and any improvements made to the home. Many of these aspects, such as the location, age and size, you can't change.

What factors determine appraisal value? ›

There are several surprising factors that can impact the appraisal of a home. Some of these factors include the location, size, condition, and age of the property, any recent renovations made, the home's curb appeal, the amount of storage space available in closets, and the value of comparable properties.

What are the 3 basic functions of an effective performance appraisal? ›

Performance appraisal has three basic functions: (1) to provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance; (2) to serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more effective working habits; and (3) to provide data to managers with which they may judge future job assignments and ...

Does a messy house affect an appraisal? ›

Your Home. The appraisal professional who performs your appraisal is not concerned with whether or not your dishes are done, or your laundry is put away – these things don't affect the value of your home, and the value of your home is what an appraisal is all about.

How can I increase the value of my home by $50000? ›

Home improvements that improve value can include:
  1. Landscape Layout. Landscaping should be welcoming, well-kept, and easy to maintain. ...
  2. Front Door Updates. A fresh coat of paint or modern door style elevates the entryway.
  3. Outdoor Lighting. ...
  4. Driveways and Walkways. ...
  5. Replace the Garage Doors.
Jan 9, 2024

What are the four 4 forms of the appraisal? ›

Performance appraisals can be broken down into four distinct significant types:
  • 360-Degree Appraisal. The manager gathers information on the employee's performance, typically by questionnaire, from supervisors, co-workers, group members, and self-assessment.
  • Negotiated Appraisal. ...
  • Peer Assessment. ...
  • Self-Assessment.

What is the most effective appraisal method? ›

The BARS method is the most preferred performance appraisal method as it enables managers to gauge better results, provide constant feedback and maintain consistency in evaluation.

What are the four basis of valuation? ›

Valuation methods are categorized into cost, market, income, and brand valuation to estimate the value of a business or its tangible and intangible assets under different circ*mstances.

What does an appraiser look at for refinancing? ›

The appraiser will thoroughly examine the home's exterior and interior to judge the property's condition and make note of its size and features. Next, they run an analysis that determines the current fair market value of the home by comparing it to similar, recently sold homes in the area.

What happens if my home appraisal comes in low for refinance? ›

This can be a problem because lenders will only lend on the appraised value. If your appraised value is lower than the agreed upon sales price, you'll have to make up the difference in cash, or cancel the deal.

What percent of appraised value can you refinance? ›

The amount of equity you can take out depends on the value of your home, your loan type and the lender's guidelines. Generally, you can take out up to 80% of your property value, less your mortgage balance. To put it differently, lenders usually require that you maintain at least a 20% equity stake after refinancing.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.