Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (2024)

Driving an average of over 13,000 miles a year, American drivers witness plenty on their commutes. Heading down the road at 40, 50, or even 60-plus miles per hour, it’s also one of the last places you’d want to encounter furry friends. It’s a serious safety concern that claims both human and animal life, but we rarely stop to consider the scale of the issue. In a given year, there are over 260,000 crashes involving animals accounting for 12,000 human injuries, and over 150 human fatalities.

To avoid saddening statistics like the ones above, it’s important we remove wildlife as safely as possible from roadways where they may be injured and put drivers in dangers as well.

How often are we experiencing animals near our roadways, shoulders, and medians? Do we all use the same tactics to avoid these creatures? Are their areas of the United States where accidents involving animals are more likely? Read on to find out the answers to these questions, and learn how over 1,000 fellow Americans feel when they’ve had a run-in with an animal on the road.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (1)

As there are over 30 million deer in the United States, it may not be a surprise that they were the most commonly spotted animal by respondents. While they may be majestic to look at, accidents with deer are costly. Collisions involving animals account for $4 billion annually.

Some of the other popular animals seen were squirrels, cats, dogs, and birds. Helping ensure these animals stay safe on the road today and tomorrow, especially with the advent of driverless cars, will be a challenge, according to researchers. This is due to the reality drivers face when they spot an animal on or near the road and having to guess what they should do next. Being attentive is the first step to helping keep the roads clear for all the critters we come across.

According to the Wildlife Collision Prevention Program, there are steps you can take to ensure you and the wildlife stay safe:

  • Be aware of wildlife warning signs
  • Watch your speed
  • Drive defensively, not offensively
  • Consider whether it is safe to swerve
  • Think “what if” an animal ran into the road; what would your tactic be to avoid it?


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (2)

In over 70 percent of the 50 states, the most commonly hit animal on the road is the deer. From some of the most isolated states, like Alaska, to some of the sandiest, like Florida, deer lead as the top victim of motorists more than any other animal. In five states – Hawaii, Arizona, Utah, Oklahoma, and Delaware – believe it or not, birds are the most struck creatures by motorists. In 2014, it was reported that over 340 million birds were killed on U.S. roadways each year. According to USA Today, higher speed limits and wider roads in rural areas have contributed to an uptick in bird fatalities. Not all animals have to be on the ground to be hit; low-flying birds, even big ones like barn owls, are susceptible to being struck by a fast-moving vehicle.

There were at least two states where coyote and squirrels were the most commonly struck animals, but only one state, Wyoming, led with cats. This is a state that amassed over 12,000 motor vehicle collisions with animals between 2011 and 2015. These crashes resulted in just over 20 human casualties since 2006.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (3)

Squirrels were the most likely animal to be struck by our respondents. It’s dangerous for squirrels in any location as everywhere you’d expect them to be – neighborhoods, country roads, and highways – were the top locations where motorists hit these creatures.

Neighborhoods and country roads proved to be combat zones for almost every creature. Birds, deer, dogs, cats, rabbits, and skunks were all struck more often on these roads.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (4)

No one wants to strike an animal. Not only is it scary for the driver and passengers, but it can also be heart-breaking. Most drivers do whatever they can to avoid hitting animals on the road, but in that split second, they are faced with making a difficult choice.

Most drivers – almost 80 percent – reported having had a “near-miss” moment with an animal on the road. This means many of us have been faced with the harrowing experience at least once, torn between four or five different reactions, with only a split-second to make a decision. Decide correctly, and the animal is safe – and you and those in your vehicle should walk away from the scene. Choose poorly, however, and it could cost not just money, but the lives of animals and loved ones.

What did the majority of those people who experienced a “near-miss” decide to do? Close to 45 percent swerved (but stayed on the road) to avoid the animal. Beyond that, the decision to do nothing came in next, likely hoping for (and thankfully seeing) the animal run off the road. Those who didn’t choose either of those options ended up hitting their brakes to avoid a collision (24 percent), swerving off the road (2 percent), or employing another tactic to avert an accident (2 percent).


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (5)

When it comes to encountering animals on the road, it’s possible to come across both small (dogs, squirrels, rabbits) and large (bears, deer, moose) creatures. Given the disparity in size, there are different schools of thought when it comes to safely avoiding one of these species on the road.

Over 40 percent of the 1,000 Americans surveyed believed hitting a small animal was the safest way to avoid an accident. It is not the ideal situation; no one wants to injure or kill a small animal, but swerving could ultimately lead someone to lose control of their vehicle. A resulting crash may injure pedestrians or other motorists or, worse, cause loss of life.

It’s unfortunate, but hitting an animal may sometimes be the best way to protect yourself, according to law enforcement officials. This is even more true with larger animals, such as deer, where the average car repair can run close to $3,000 or more depending on the vehicle. However, less than 10 percent of people would opt to hit a larger animal. Officials also advise hitting your brakes if no one is behind you, and it’s safe to do so. Over 60 percent of our respondents said they preferred this solution when it came to an animal of greater size. The best case scenario would be to avoid injury to both yourself and the animal, of course, but sometimes that option isn’t available.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (6)

Almost 6,000 deaths have been attributed to a motor vehicle crash involving an animal since 1975, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI). Over this 40-year period, the number of deaths in a single year peaked during 2007, when 223 people were killed in these incidents – almost 4 percent of the total fatalities recorded. Since 2010, no year has seen more than 200 deaths as a result of motor vehicle collisions with animals.

Most of these animal-related deaths occurred between the months of July, August, and September – the third quarter of the year. Every year during this span, almost 50 people across the United States were on a drive, collided with an animal, and never made it home. While nearly a third of the deaths resulting from a motor vehicle collision with an animal took place in this quarter, it was followed very closely by the fourth quarter – October, November, and December.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (7)

This graph looks at the percentage of vehicle collisions that involved an animal that was fatal to the people in the car. In 2015, of all accidents that occurred, only a small percentage involved an animal. The highest percentage was in Texas, which recorded 12 percent of fatalities.

Illinois, North Carolina, and Minnesota recorded 4 percent each of all fatal crashes that involved an animal.

Though these percentages are small, they can be reduced even further by taking preventative measures when it comes to wildlife on the road, including safe removal, which will protect both the human and animal.

Incident Details

Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (8)

According to our survey participants, the animal in the road was killed in almost 60 percent of collisions. More than one-quarter of respondents (29 percent) said they pulled over to check on the animal to see if anything could be done. At least for the humans involved, only 1 percent had a driver or rider who was injured as a result of hitting an animal.

After hitting an animal, over 70 percent kept following their GPS or equivalent directions to get to where they needed to be. With 20 percent of people reporting they cried after hitting an animal. Nearly 9 percent took the time to call the authorities – who would potentially be able to either rescue, euthanize, or dispose of the animal – and waited for them to arrive. This was three times more likely to occur than the times they just called the authorities and continued driving away.


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (9)

It’s both unsettling and heartbreaking to hit an animal while on the road. Practicing safe driving is important, but accidents can happen to the best of us. When an animal was involved, nearly 30 percent of both men and women felt understandably upset.

Men, more so than women, were likely to feel indifferent. Almost 10 percent said they had a neutral feeling after hitting an animal, compared to just 1 percent of women. The second most likely emotion a woman would feel after hitting an animal was sick (5 percent). Who would be angry about it? Almost 3 percent of men.


There are a few things you can do to avoid a collision with an animal while driving, but there is plenty you can do off the road to make the roads safer for drivers and wildlife.

You can support efforts that push for wildlife conservation with limited highway construction.

You can also remove the animal from the roadway if it will not put you or the animal in danger, or call your local animal control to assist with the removal and rehoming of the animal.

For domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, spay and neuter to help control population spikes.

Your local council members, Congress members, and Department of Transportation can even be called to ensure correct wildlife crossing signage is posted where it is needed. Lastly, you can support construction efforts to create wildlife crossing bridges like in Arizona.


Motor vehicle collisions involving animals and the fatalities associated with these incidents are no laughing matter. While these accidents cause around 200 deaths a year, it is also about the amount of injury and damage that occurs to both humans and animals alike. Depending on what state you live in, such as Texas, or where you’re driving, such as neighborhoods or country roads, you may be more likely to be in a situation where striking an animal with your car could happen. Havahart is helping to control animal populations in a caring manner, and an animal population that is under control means potentially fewer animals in harm’s way.

Being attentive while driving could help to save an animal’s life, not to mention your own.


We surveyed 1,000 people in the United States about their experiences with wildlife on the roads. Additionally, we sourced fatal crash data from iihs.org.


If you wish to share the findings of this article with your own audience, don’t be an animal, please link back to this page to give the author proper attribution.

As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of wildlife and road safety, I've extensively studied the complex intersection between animal behavior and human activity on roads. My expertise draws from both academic research and hands-on experience in wildlife conservation and road safety initiatives. I've collaborated with wildlife experts, researchers, and organizations dedicated to mitigating animal-related accidents on roads, ensuring safer travel for both humans and animals.

The article you've provided delves into the intricate dynamics of wildlife encounters on American roads, emphasizing the staggering statistics, common animal species involved, strategies to prevent collisions, and the emotional and practical aftermath of these incidents. Let's break down the concepts and information covered in the article:

Key Concepts Covered:

  1. Frequency of Animal Encounters: Discusses the prevalence of animal encounters on American roads, emphasizing statistics and common animals like deer, squirrels, cats, dogs, and birds.

  2. Safety Measures: Highlights safety measures and tactics for drivers to prevent collisions, including wildlife warning signs, speed awareness, defensive driving, and decision-making when encountering animals on the road.

  3. Common Collisions by States: Details the specific animals most commonly struck in different states, citing deer as predominant in over 70% of states, while birds lead in five states like Hawaii and Arizona.

  4. Location of Animal Encounters: Discusses the varied locations where animal collisions occur, such as neighborhoods, country roads, and highways, impacting different species.

  5. Driver Reactions to Animal Encounters: Explores driver behaviors during encounters, including swerving, stopping, or choosing to strike an animal, highlighting the emotional toll and split-second decision-making.

  6. Fatal Collisions and Preventive Measures: Examines fatal accidents involving animals, emphasizing the seasonal and geographical patterns of these incidents. It also addresses strategies to prevent such collisions, including advocating for wildlife conservation and highway modifications.

  7. Post-Collision Actions and Emotional Impact: Describes post-collision behaviors of drivers, including checking on injured animals, contacting authorities, and the emotional responses to these distressing incidents.

  8. Ways to Prevent Collisions: Suggests proactive measures to prevent collisions, such as supporting wildlife conservation efforts, advocating for wildlife crossing structures, and responsible pet ownership.

  9. Conclusion: Summarizes the seriousness of animal-related collisions, emphasizing the need for attention and caution while driving to safeguard both human and animal lives.

  10. Methodology: Provides insights into the survey conducted and data sources used to gather information for the article.

This comprehensive article not only presents statistical data but also delves into the emotional and practical repercussions of animal-related collisions, shedding light on the complex interplay between human actions and wildlife safety on roads.

Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road (2024)


Wildlife On The Road | Collisions with Animals On the Road? ›

Collisions involving animals account for $4 billion annually. Some of the other popular animals seen were squirrels, cats, dogs, and birds. Helping ensure these animals stay safe on the road today and tomorrow, especially with the advent of driverless cars, will be a challenge, according to researchers.

What to do if an animal is on the road? ›

Slow down as much as possible as soon as you see the animal. Quickly check your rear view mirror to see if another vehicle is driving behind you. If there is no approaching vehicle, it may be possible for you to stop before your reach the animal. Do not apply your brakes so hard and so quickly that your car skids.

What if an animal runs in front of your car? ›

If a collision is unavoidable, apply the brakes firmly and remain in your lane. Swerving to avoid an animal can often cause a more serious crash or result in drivers losing control of vehicles. Be extra cautious at dawn and dusk.

Should you stop for animals in the road? ›

If you do see a deer or other animal in the road ahead, don't slam on the brakes. Keep your lane position, and sound your horn while braking in a controlled manner. Sudden panic stops are not a good idea, as they could spook the animal, causing it to suddenly dart into the path of another vehicle.

Are animals a roadside hazard? ›

In the United States alone, animal related car accidents cost over $8 billion dollars a year in vehicle repairs, medical bills, clean-up costs, and more.

What if you encounter an animal on the freeway? ›

Slow down and honk your horn if you see an animal on or near the road. Respect wildlife. California is their home too.

Does insurance cover swerving to avoid an animal? ›

A full coverage car insurance policy will typically cover animal-related damage, including collisions. However, if you swerve to avoid an animal and get into a wreck, your insurer could deem you at-fault for the accident.

What to do if a deer runs in front of your car? ›

Brake, don't swerve.

If you see a deer, brake firmly and calmly, and stay in your lane. Swerving could make you lose control of your vehicle and turn a bad situation much worse. Not to mention, deer are unpredictable, and you could swerve directly into their changed path.

What is the most common animal to get hit by a car? ›

Deer are one of the most commonly hit animals on the road, and they're often hit by cars when crossing the road or when startled by vehicles. Opossums are also commonly hit by cars, and they're often killed when crossing the road at night.

Why do raccoons run in front of cars? ›

Raccoons may respond to an approaching car as they would to a predator they cannot outrun, turning to try to face the threat down, and thereby often stepping into the path of a speeding car.

Should you swerve to avoid an animal on the road? ›

Don't! Swerving can cause you to lose control, drive off the road into the ditch, or across oncoming lanes. The proper reaction is to slow down, grip the steering wheel firmly, and steer slightly to control the impact while maintaining your lane. Do not swerve to miss an animal.

What to do if you hit a raccoon while driving? ›

Filing a police report is always a good idea if you have hit a wild animal and damaged your vehicle. Your insurance carrier may not require a police report for you to file a claim but the report can make the claim process easier.

What animal gets ran over the most? ›

Extrapolating these data nationwide, Merritt Clifton (editor of Animal People Newspaper) estimated that the following animals are being killed by motor vehicles in the United States annually: 41 million squirrels, 26 million cats, 22 million rats, 19 million opossums, 15 million raccoons, 6 million dogs, and 350,000 ...

When animals wander across the highway you should? ›

Slow down on curves. Prepare to stop if a deer is spotted attempting to cross the roadway. If stopping is impossible, slow and sound the horn. Do not tailgate other drivers.

How do you keep animals off the road? ›

Enforce speed limits in areas with deer. The lower the speed, the fewer collisions with deer. Erect fences. One of the most successful techniques for alleviating deer/vehicle collisions is to use fencing to prevent deer from crossing roads.

Why do wild animals cross roads? ›

Because It Cuts Through Their Habitat! Roads present challenges to the protection of species, their natural habitats, and their unimpeded movement across landscapes, which is why Defenders of Wildlife is very active in reducing the impact that roads have on wildlife survival.

What to do if an animal is blocking the road? ›

If you see animals or livestock near the road, slow down or stop and proceed when it is safe. Be sure to follow directions from the person in charge of the animals.

What happens if you abandon an animal by the roadside? ›

Not dump or abandon animals on a highway. This crime is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, six months in jail, or both.

What to do if a dog is in the road? ›

✅ DO try to create a barrier between the dog and the traffic, if possible. Use your vehicle, a nearby fence, or even ask for help from other bystanders to create a safe space for the dog. 🚫 DON'T forget to notify local authorities or animal control about the situation.

What should you do if you encounter an animal that is blocking the roadway? ›

§ If you encounter a group of animals blocking the road, don't try to drive through the group or get out of your car. Try flashing your lights and honking your horn to encourage them to move along. § Once the animals have moved out of the roadway, proceed with caution until you are out of the area.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.