Foreign investment in China - (2024)

FDI in Figures

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in 2021 were UDS 1.58 trillion, up 64 per cent from the exceptionally low level in 2020. The recovery showed significant rebound momentum, with booming merger and acquisition (M&A) markets and rapid growth in international project finance because of loose financing conditions and major infrastructure stimulus packages. However, the global environment for international business and cross-border investment changed dramatically in 2022. The war in Ukraine – on top of the lingering effects of the pandemic – is causing a triple food, fuel and finance crisis in many countries around the world. Investor uncertainty could put significant downward pressure on global FDI in 2022. The 2021 growth momentum is unlikely to be sustained. Indeed, world flows in the second quarter of 2022, the latest data available, were down 31% from the first quarter and 7% less than the quarterly average of 2021 (UNCTAD Global Investment Trends Monitor, October 2022). The negative trend reflects a shift in investor sentiment due to the food, fuel and finance crises around the world, the Ukraine war, rising inflation and interest rates, and fears of a coming recession. Expectations for the full year are for a marked slowdown. In developing Asia, despite successive waves of COVID-19, FDI rose to an all-time high for the third consecutive year, reaching $619 billion. Asia is the largest recipient region, accounting for 40 per cent of global FDI. However, inflows remain highly concentrated; six economies account for more than 80 per cent of FDI to the region (UNCTAD, October 2022).

According to the World Investment Report 2022 published by UNCTAD, FDI inflows into China actually increased by 5.74% in 2020, to USD 149.34 billion, up from USD 141.22 billion in 2019 before a further increase to 180.95 billion USD in 2021. This was also the result of successful pandemic containment measures and rapid recovery. The stock of FDI in 2020 reached USD 1 918 billion, an exponential growth when compared to 2010 when the stock was USD 587 billion, before reaching 2 064 billion USD in 2021. The service sector led growth, accounting for more than 70% of inflows; FDI accelerated especially in technology-related industries. With the aim of boosting investment, the government expanded the number of industries open to FDI, lifted restrictions on foreign investment in key industries and amended the negative list for foreign investment in pilot free trade zones, which increased by 11%. M&A sales increased by 97 % (to USD 19 billion), mainly in the ICT and pharmaceutical industries. The value of new greenfield investments announced in 2021 contracted substantially in sectors such as transport and automotive. In 2020, China was ranked the world's second largest FDI recipient after the United States. The country is the largest recipient in Asia and the leading investing country in terms of FDI outflows. China's main investors have remained broadly stable. Inflows from the US and Europe have dropped, but regional investment has continued to increase as flows from ASEAN countries grow. Singapore, the Virgin Islands, South Korea, the Cayman Islands, Japan, Germany and the United States count among major investors. Investments are mainly oriented towards manufacturing, real estate, leasing business and services, computer services, wholesale and retail trade, financial intermediation, scientific research, transport, energy, and construction.

China made improvement in a wide array of subcomponents ranging from procedures for starting a business to measures to improve electricity access and get construction permits. The country demonstrated reform agendas that aim to improve the business regulatory environment in the country over the course of several years. The reforms mainly focus on increasing the efficiency of business processes, such as tax cuts, trade with tariff cuts, and reduced barriers to foreign investors. In order to attract further foreign investment, the country has introduced mechanisms to improve the delivery of major foreign investment projects, reduce import tariffs, streamline customs clearance, and establish an online filing system to regulate FDI. With a wealth of employees and potential partners eager to learn and evolve, the country is a base for low cost production, which makes it an attractive market for investors. Nevertheless, certain factors can hinder investments, such as China’s lack of transparency, legal uncertainty, low level of protection of intellectual property rights, corruption or protectionist measures which favour local businesses. FDI inflows to the high-tech sector have been rising significantly and currently account for almost a third of total inflows.

In the first half of 2022 inflows were already reaching 147.78 billion USD (OECD FDI In Figures, October 2022)

The country is ranking 50th amongst 82 countries reviewed in the latest Economist Intelligence Unit business environment rankings for 2022-26. As China continues to lead the global recovery from the adverse economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign multinationals are doubling down on their investments in China, establishing thousands of new firms and expanding existing ones. Despite economic and financial tensions and a series of foreign restrictions on the transfer of technology to China, China continues to attract record amounts both of foreign direct investment and inflows of portfolio investment into listed onshore Chinese equities and Chinese government bonds (PIIE, 2020). Total foreign investment in China for 2021 is likely to surge by double digits from a year earlier if current trends continue (China Ministry of Commerce, November 2021).

The latest United NationAsia-Pacific Trade and Investment Trends Report provides additional information on FDI in China and Asia-Pacific in 2022 and 2023.

Foreign Direct Investment201920202021
FDI Inward Flow (million USD)141,225149,342180,957
FDI Stock (million USD)1,769,4861,918,8282,064,018
Number of Greenfield Investments*835412481
Value of Greenfield Investments (million USD)61,99931,94831,500

Source: UNCTAD, Latest available data.

Note: * Greenfield Investments are a form of Foreign Direct Investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up.


Main Investing Countries2019, in %
The Mainland of China69.7
South Korea4.0
Virgin Islands3.6
Cayman Islands1.8
Main Invested Sectors2019, in %
Real estate17.0
Leasing and business services16.0
Information transmission, computer services and software10.6
Scientific research, technical service and geologic prospecting8.0
Wholesale and retail trade6.5
Financial intermediation5.1
Transport, storage and post3.3
Production and supply of electricity, gas and water2.5
Form of Company Preferred By Foreign Investors
Form of Establishment Preferred By Foreign Investors
Main Foreign Companies
A substantial number of foreign multinationals operate in China: GM, KFC, Cummins (CMI), Starbucks, Apple, Intel (INTC), Dell Computer (DELL), Texas Instruments (TXN), Walmart, Nike (NKE), Gucci, Abercrombie & Fitch, Toyota and Samsung.
Sources of Statistics
Invest in China

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Latest Update: June 2023

Foreign investment in China - (2024)


Are foreigners allowed to invest in China? ›

The Foreign Investment Law allows foreign companies to transfer money acquired from capital gains, profits, technology transfer royalties and other funds to and from the host country and China, as long as appropriate legal procedures are followed.

Who are the 5 largest investors of FDI in China? ›

China's main investors have remained broadly stable. Inflows from the US and Europe have dropped, but regional investment has continued to increase as flows from ASEAN countries grow. Singapore, the Virgin Islands, South Korea, the Cayman Islands, Japan, Germany and the United States count among major investors.

What is total foreign investment in China? ›

Half-year totals had averaged more than $160 billion between late 2020 and early 2022. Meanwhile, foreign direct investment by Chinese companies grew 21% to $84.2 billion.

What is the FDI in China in 2023? ›

According to preliminary figures, monthly foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to China amounted to approximately 33.79 billion U.S. dollars in March and April 2023.

Can US citizens invest in China? ›

Buying stocks directly in a foreign market like India or China is possible, although it might be harder than purchasing domestic shares. Investors can purchase American Depositary Receipts on U.S. exchanges, which are certificates that represent shares in a foreign company. China A-shares are open to foreign investors.

Can US citizens invest in Chinese stock market? ›

However, foreigners can only trade in Shanghai Stock Exchange securities with significant restrictions. Most foreign investors who want to participate in the Shanghai Stock Exchange do so by trading American Depositary Receipts and exchange-traded funds.

How do foreign investors invest in China? ›

For most foreign investors, the best way to gain exposure to China is via a mutual fund or ETF, or by investing in a company in your country doing lots of business there.

Which country invests most in China? ›

Among the main sources of investment, FDI into China increased from France (635.5 percent), Germany (60.8 percent) and the United Kingdom (680.3 percent). Foreign direct investment into China went up 6.1% from a year earlier to CNY 268.44 billion in the first two months of 2023.

How much does the US invest in China? ›

U.S. companies spent about $11 billion in 2022 buying or investing in Chinese companies, according to the data service firm Dealogic.

Who is China's largest foreign investor? ›

Singapore and China are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 2020. Since 2013, China has been Singapore's largest trading partner, and Singapore has been China's largest foreign investor.

Is China losing foreign investment? ›

Foreign direct investment in China plummeted in the second half of last year as corporate profits declined and the economy struggled due to Covid Zero lockdowns. Global investors have lost interest in Chinese equities, with the MSCI China Index dropping about 50% from its 2021 peak.

How much of China debt is foreign owned? ›

In 2019, foreign investors held 2.19 trillion yuan worth of Chinese bonds. Foreign investors' presence in China's onshore bond market remains small, accounting for only 3.2 per cent of the total holdings.

How much FDI does China have in the US? ›

China's FDI in the United States (stock) was $38.0 billion in 2020, down 4.2 percent from 2019. China's reported direct investment in the U.S. is led by wholesale trade, manufacturing, and information services.

Why is China's FDI so high? ›

Local Chinese Market and Business Climate

The sheer size of China's population makes it an attractive nation for investors to commit capital to higher-end industries like healthcare, information technology, engineering, and luxury goods.

Did China surpass US in FDI? ›

China surpasses U.S. as largest recipient of foreign direct investment during Covid pandemic. China brought in $163 billion in inflows last year, compared to $134 billion attracted by the U.S., the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development wrote in a report released on Sunday.

How to invest your money in China? ›

There are a range of options available, from investing in individual Chinese companies to broader-based Chinese and Asian funds. Chinese companies can issue different classes of shares, depending on where they're listed and which investors are allowed to own them.

Are Chinese investors buying American homes? ›

Chinese investors are among the top foreign purchasers of residential real estate, along with Canadians, according to the National Association of Realtors. Other states have had concerns over foreign ownership of land and have made efforts to regulate it.

Can US own land in China? ›

Foreign investors are not allowed to buy land in China. The land in China belongs to the state and the collectives.

What is the best Chinese ETF? ›

Best-performing China ETFs
SymbolFund name5 Year Return
CHIEGlobal X MSCI China Energy ETF5.52%
KBAKraneShares Bosera MSCI China A 50 Connect Index ETF5.02%
KGRNKraneShares MSCI China Clean Technology Index ETF3.15%
CNYAiShares MSCI China A ETF1.26%
3 more rows
Jun 1, 2023

What are the best Chinese stocks to buy? ›

Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA), Pinduoduo Inc. (NASDAQ:PDD), and Group Limited (NASDAQ:TCOM) are three of the best Chinese stocks to buy now according to some of the brightest and most successful money managers in the world.

How to buy Chinese yuan? ›

Available in most areas.
  1. Bank. You can buy Chinese yuan with dollars at major banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. ...
  2. Foreign Currency Exchange. Money changers can be the cheapest way to buy Chinese yuan. ...
  3. Airport. Yes, you can buy currency at the airport.

Is it good to invest in China? ›

Invest in China for positive impact on global markets

After all, China accounts for roughly one-fifth of global output, meaning that every 1 percentage point increase in GDP growth automatically adds 0.2 percentage point to the world aggregate,” writes Wade.

What is the foreign direct investment law in China? ›

The FIL (中华人民共和国外商投资法) is the basic law governing FDI in China, establishing core principles for the promotion, protection and market access of foreign investment. One key innovation of the FIL is that it promises foreign enterprises "national treatment", on a par with domestic enterprises, for permitted investments.

What are the benefits of foreign investment in China? ›

FDI has contributed to higher investment and productivity growth, and has created jobs and a dynamic export sector. China's success, however, did not come without some pitfalls: an increasingly complex tax incentive system and growing regional income disparities.

Does China have more wealth than the US? ›

TOKYO/BEIJING -- China's net worth reached $120 trillion in 2020 to overtake the U.S.'s $89 trillion as a red-hot real estate market drove up property value, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute.

Where does China get most of its income? ›

Manufacturing, services and agriculture are the largest sectors of the Chinese economy – employing the majority of the population and making the largest contributions to GDP.

Where does most of China's wealth come from? ›

Manufacturing Revenue

Most Americans know that China is a manufacturing powerhouse. Besides its large textile manufacturing sector, the economy also supplies machinery, cement, food processing, transportation devices (trains, planes, and automobiles), consumer goods, and electronics.

How much of US debt China owns? ›

Top Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt
RankCountryShare of Total
1🇯🇵 Japan14.7%
2🇨🇳 China11.9%
3🇬🇧 United Kingdom8.9%
4🇧🇪 Belgium4.8%
6 more rows
Mar 24, 2023

What is the US largest export to China? ›

In 2021, of $151.1 billion in the U.S. exports to China, the top commodity were Machinery and Mechanical Appliances (23.9% of the total U.S. exports), Agriculture (20.9%), and Chemicals, Plastics, Rubber and Leather Goods (16.6%).

What would happen if the US stopped importing from China? ›

This data suggests that if U.S. hypothetically stops buying Chinese goods, China's export will suffer a 18% loss, which accounts for 18%*20% = 3.6% of China's GDP. It is unlikely a 3.6% loss in GDP will collapse the Chinese economy.

Who is the Warren Buffett of China? ›

Guo, sometimes dubbed China's Warren Buffett for his historic acumen in picking quality assets and diversifying investments, has been instrumental in the turnaround. Guo Guangchang during a news conference in Hong Kong in 2018.

How much China is in debt? ›

estimates China's total government debt is about $23 trillion, a figure that includes the hidden borrowing of thousands of financing companies set up by provinces and cities.

Who is the biggest foreign investor in US? ›

Japan was the single largest overseas investor, constituting nearly 15 percent of total cumulative foreign direct investment holdings. Germany overtook Canada last year as the second-largest investor in the United States with 13 percent in FDIUS stock.

What year will China overtake the US economy? ›

At the end of last year the bank revisited its calculations. It now thinks China's economy will not overtake America's until 2035 and at its high point will be only 14% bigger (see chart).

Is China a threat to the US economy? ›

Many Americans continue to view China as a threat to the United States, both militarily and economically: 65% say China is at least a somewhat serious economic threat to the U.S. and 57% say it is at least a somewhat serious military threat.

Is China about to overtake the United States economically? ›

It is necessary to ensure that the momentum of development is sufficient and powerful. It has become a global expectation that China's total economic size will surpass that of the US in the next decade or so, and as long as China focuses on developing itself well, this result will be achieved naturally.

Is China in more debt than the US? ›

Therefore, China's national debt has surged almost three times that of the United States in the past 12 months. In the third spot, Japan has a national debt of $13.36 trillion, indicating a drop of $1.49 trillion YoY.

Does US hold any Chinese debt? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

What country does the US owe the most money to? ›

In fact, Treasuries are a logical investment for a country with high foreign currency reserves. China currently holds almost 11.60% of U.S. foreign debt.

Which country invests most in USA? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

How many US assets does China own? ›

China owns roughly 384,000 acres of U.S. agricultural land, according to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture.

What does China buy from the US? ›

China Imports from United StatesValueYear
Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers$19.66B2022
Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products$19.08B2022
Electrical, electronic equipment$18.30B2022
Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus$13.46B2022
93 more rows

Who are the major investors in China? ›

China's main investors have remained broadly stable. Inflows from the US and Europe have dropped, but regional investment has continued to increase as flows from ASEAN countries grow. Singapore, the Virgin Islands, South Korea, the Cayman Islands, Japan, Germany and the United States count among major investors.

What is China's attitude toward foreign investment? ›

China also concluded key trade agreements and implemented important legislation, including the Foreign Investment Law (FIL). China remains, however, a relatively restrictive investment environment for foreign investors due to restrictions in key economic sectors.

Who are the main foreign investors in China? ›

The main sources of FDI inflows to China continued to see steady growth. The countries that saw a relatively high increase in investment in China included South Korea, Germany, and the UK, with investment increasing 64.2 percent, 52.9 percent, and 40.7 percent year-on-year, respectively.

Why does the US get so much FDI? ›

The U.S. has the largest consumer market in the world, with a GDP of $20 trillion and 325 million people. Free-trade agreements with 20 other countries provide access to hundreds of millions of additional consumers. A strong and robust consumer market is a key reason the U.S. ranks top in the world for FDI.

Which country has the largest foreign investment? ›

United States Is World's Top Destination for Foreign Direct Investment. The United States recorded the largest increase of inward foreign direct investment of all economies in 2021.

What country has more investments in the US than China and Japan? ›

In 2021, no country had a higher foreign direct investment (FDI) position in the United States than Japan, followed by the Netherlands and Canada.

How do foreigners buy stocks in China? ›

Foreigners Investing in Chinese Stocks

Professional foreign investors however can invest in Chinese companies through ADRs, ETFs, mutual funds, A Shares (through the QFII program), B Shares, H Shares (Hong Kong-listed Chinese stocks), VIEs, and by collaborating with Chinese businesses in mainland China.

Can US citizens own a business in China? ›

Can Foreigners Own Companies In China? The answer is, “yes.” They can own companies by incorporating them in China. For example, a foreigner can incorporate a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), open a joint venture, or start a representative office.

Can a foreigner open an account in China? ›

If you are planning to spend some time in China, you may wonder if foreigners can open a bank account there. The short answer is yes—foreigners can open bank accounts in China as they can anywhere else.

Can I start a business in China as a foreigner? ›

As a foreigner, you can use any of these business formations for starting a company in China: Register a Business in China requires the investor to choose a legal entity such as a WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) or a Joint Venture. Joint Venture Companies. Representative Offices.

What is the best way to invest in China? ›

What are the options for investing in China?
  1. shares that are dual-listed on a US stock exchange, such as retailers Alibaba and
  2. American Depository Receipts (ADRs), which represent a specified number of an overseas company's shares and are denominated in US dollars, rather than renminbi.
Feb 24, 2023

Who can buy A-shares in China? ›

A-shares are generally only available for trading to mainland Chinese citizens. H-shares of Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are quoted and trade with a face value of Hong Kong dollars. H-shares are open for trading to all investors.

Where can I buy stocks in China? ›

Chinese stocks are traded on the HKEx exchange. This exchange is one of the largest stock exchanges of the world in terms of market capitalization, traded on the stock exchange.

What is the most profitable US business in China? ›

Boeing (BA), Caterpillar (CAT), General Motors (GM), Starbucks (SBUX), Nike (NKE), and Ford (F) are some other US companies with a strong presence in the country. But none of them get more than 25% of their revenue from China. It's the US chipmakers that have the highest revenue exposure to the country.

How many USA companies are in China? ›

How many US companies operate in China? It is estimated that there are over 50,000 US companies that have operations in China.

What are the cons of trading with China? ›

Potential disadvantages to doing business in China
  • Intellectual Property. Intellectual property rights have always been a major issue in China although some recent reports indicate that the country is improving. ...
  • Skilled Labor. ...
  • Rising Costs. ...
  • Lack of Transparency.
Feb 1, 2018

What US banks have branches in China? ›

Among the 41 locally incorporated foreign banks in China, there are eight from the U.S. that operate about 80 branches and representative offices in China.
  • Citibank.
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
  • BNY Mellon.
  • East West Bank.
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank.
  • Morgan Stanley Bank International.
  • SPD Silicon Valley Bank.

Which bank is the best for foreigners in China? ›

Chinese banks to choose from

Here are just a few of the best options for US expats: Bank of China. China Construction Bank. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

Can Americans have Chinese bank accounts? ›

To open a bank account with a traditional Chinese bank you'll need to provide proof of identity, work permit and residency permit. This usually means you'll need the following: Proof of identity – a valid passport. Work permit – work visa and letter from employer.

How to start a business in China from the USA? ›

  1. Background – Foreign Investment in China.
  2. Step One: Pick a Business Location.
  3. Step Two: Consider a Global Expansion Partner.
  4. Step Three: Use a Recruitment Agency to Hire Chinese Staff.
  5. Step Five: Create Your Business Plan.
  6. Step Six: Open a Bank Account.
  7. Step Seven: Work with a Market Entry Consulting Agency.
Apr 4, 2023

What is required for China business visa? ›

You must provide your actual signed passport, including one copy of the personal information page of your passport. Your passport must: Be valid for six months beyond the length of your requested visa (for example, if you are requesting a 12 month visa your passport must be valid for 18 months )

Can a foreigner open a restaurant in China? ›

Foreign investors in China are not allowed to be the sole owners of a restaurant. They can open a restaurant in China as a wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE) or through a joint venture with a Chinese partner.

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