Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (2024)

As an American living abroad, you may wonder whether you will be taxed on any foreign gifts you receive. The short answer is no—but with an important caveat. While the US has no foreign gift tax, you must report any gifts you receive above certain thresholds. Failing to do so could result in sharp penalties.

Here’s what you need to know about foreign gifts to help you avoid those penalties and remain compliant with IRS policy.

Key Takeaways

  • Foreign gift tax is a type of tax imposed on gifts made by U.S. taxpayers who receive property from foreign persons above a certain threshold..
  • Anyone who receives a gift or bequest worth more than $100,000 (as adjusted for inflation) from someone who isn’t a citizen or resident of the United States must file Form 3520 with the IRS by April 15th of the following year.

What Is a Foreign Gift?

A “foreign gift” refers to any asset or financial sum that you:

1- Receive from a foreign person, and

2- Treat as a gift rather than including it in your gross income.

As for a foreign person, that can refer to:

  • Non-US citizens residing outside of the US
  • Foreign corporations
  • Foreign partnerships
  • Foreign estates
  • US domestic trusts that are treated as owned by a foreign person

For example, let’s say Mark moves from the US to Italy. While there, he marries Francesca. As a wedding present, Francesca’s parents gift the happy couple an amount equal to $50,000. Because this money came from non-US citizens residing in a foreign country, it would qualify as a foreign gift.

Inheritances bequeathed by foreign estates are another common example of foreign gifts.

Does the US Have a Foreign Gift Tax?

No, the US does not have a foreign gift tax, unlike the foreign inheritance tax. If you receive a gift from a foreign person, the gift is not subject to taxation. However, if the value of the gift exceeds certain thresholds, you must report it to the IRS. (It will remain non-taxable.)

The thresholds vary depending on the source of the gift.

  • If you receive a gift from a foreign individual or foreign estate, you must report it if the total value of the gift exceeds $100,000 during a given tax year.
  • If you receive a gift from a foreign corporation or partnership, you must report it if the total value of the gift exceeds $17,339 during the tax year 2022 (this amount is adjusted annually for inflation)

Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (1)

Take Note

The IRS may choose not to recognize purported gifts from foreign corporations or partnerships as actual gifts, so be cautious when deciding what to characterize as a gift.

The IRS considers any gift of money or property made to you by a foreign person to be a taxable gift. This includes gifts from foreign corporations and foreign partnerships, as well as gifts from foreign individuals.

In both cases, this applies regardless of whether you receive the gift at a single time or multiple gifts from the same source spread out over the year. The “same source” rule also applies if you receive gifts from multiple foreign persons who are related.

For example, let’s go back to Mark and Francesca. They already received a gift of $50,000 from Francesca’s Italian parents. Now, let’s say Francesca’s uncle gives them a gift of $40,000, and her brother gives them $20,000.

Because these gifts all came from foreign persons who were related to one another, they count as a single source. And since the combined value of the three gifts adds up to more than $100,000, Mark would be required to report this foreign gift to the IRS.

In cases where you’ve received multiple gifts from the same source, you will typically need to identify each gift amount separately.

Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (2)

Take Note

If a gift generates income, such as rental income, interest, dividends, or capital gains, that income is taxable, even though the gift is not.

The IRS tax code is 7,000 pages. Want the cliff notes version for expats? Let us help.

Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (3)

Penalties for Failing to Report a Foreign Gift

The IRS may impose hefty penalties if you fail to report a foreign gift when required. The standard fine is 5% of the total value of all unreported gifts for each month you failed to report, up to a maximum penalty of 25%.

Of course, it’s always wise to comply with IRS regulations. But in this case, because there is no foreign gift tax when you report gifts as required, it’s all the more beneficial to follow the law. You have nothing to lose by complying—and plenty to lose if you don’t.

How to Report a Foreign Gift

If you’ve received a foreign gift, it’s important to know that you may need to report it on your taxes. To report a foreign gift, you must file IRS Form 3520: Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

  1. Determine if you need to file Form 3520– If you received a foreign gift worth more than $100,000 or received gifts from a foreign individual or entity totaling more than $100,000 in a single tax year, you will need to file Form 3520.
  2. Gather the necessary information to complete Form 3520– you will need to provide information about the gift, such as its value, the name and address of the donor, and the date the gift was received.
  3. File Form 3520 by the deadline – April 18, 2023, for the 2022 tax year. Late filing can result in penalties, so filing on time is important.
  4. Seek professional assistance- Form 3520 is a complex form, and it’s important to file it correctly to avoid penalties. Consider working with a professional tax preparer like Greenback, who is experienced in handling foreign gifts, to ensure that you meet all reporting requirements.

For more information, see the instructions for Form 3520 on the IRS website.


Do You Need Help with Your Expat Taxes?

We hope this guide has helped you understand the tax requirements for foreign gifts. Contact us, and one of our customer champions will be happy to help. If you need very specific advice on your specific tax situation, you can also click below to get a consultation with one of our expat tax experts.

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Whether you need tax advice to prepare for a move abroad, to buy property or even retire, Greenback can help. Consults upfront can help avoid costly mistakes and stress later.

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Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (4)
Foreign Gift Taxes: What You Need to Report (2024)


Do I need to report foreign gift to IRS? ›

The IRS considers any gift of money or property made to you by a foreign person to be a taxable gift. This includes gifts from foreign corporations and foreign partnerships, as well as gifts from foreign individuals.

What is the IRS form for reporting foreign gifts? ›

About Form 3520, Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.

What gifts need to be reported on a gift tax return? ›

(In fact, charitable donations are often tax deductible.) Even if you make gifts to another family member who is not your spouse, a friend, or a business associate, they are not taxable under federal guidelines, until their cumulative value exceeds $15,000 (for 2021).

Do you have to report all gifts on form 709? ›

In general, a gift will be considered adequately disclosed if the return or statement includes the following. A full and complete Form 709. A description of the transferred property and any consideration received by the donor. The identity of, and relationship between, the donor and each donee.

What happens if you don't declare gifts at customs? ›

Example A: If you bring in $4,000 worth of merchandise and you do not declare it to Customs at the time of entry, then CBP can seize the merchandise and impose a $4,000 penalty.

How much can a U.S. citizen gift to a foreigner? ›

Gifts to foreign persons are subject to the same rules governing any gift that a U.S. citizen or resident makes. U.S. citizens and residents are subject to a maximum gift tax rate of 40% with exemption of $5 million indexed for inflation.

Are gifts from abroad taxable in the US? ›

If you are the donee, your gift isn't reported as income. And you will not be required to pay an income or foreign gift tax. However, if the gift's value is greater than a certain amount, you may have an IRS reporting requirement. If required, you must report the gift on Form 3520.

Which foreign assets should I report to IRS? ›

Assets required to be reported on Form 8938 are stocks and securities that are issued by a foreign corporation, contact, or investment with an issuer or counterparty that is not a U.S.-based person. Foreign accounts maintained by foreign financial institutions must also be reported on Form 8938.

How does the IRS check gifts? ›

The primary way the IRS becomes aware of gifts is when you report them on form 709. You are required to report gifts to an individual over $17,000 on this form. This is how the IRS will generally become aware of a gift.

What happens if you don't file Form 709? ›

Late filing penalty. A penalty is usually charged if your Form 709 is filed after the due date (including extensions). It is usually 5% of the tax not paid by the original due date for each month or part of a month your return is late. The maximum penalty is 25%.

Do I need to declare a gift as income? ›

Making a gift or leaving your estate to your heirs does not ordinarily affect your federal income tax. You cannot deduct the value of gifts you make (other than gifts that are deductible charitable contributions).

Do I have to report receiving a gift of $15000? ›

If you receive a gift, you do not need to report it on your taxes. According to the IRS, a gift occurs when you give property (like money) without expecting anything in return. If you gift someone more than the annual gift tax exclusion amount ($16,000 in 2022), the giver must file Form 709 (a gift tax return).

What triggers a gift tax audit? ›

What Can Trigger a Gift or Estate Tax Audit? Here are some of the common factors that can lead to gift or estate tax audits: Total estate and gift value: Generally speaking, gift and estate tax returns are more likely to be audited when there are taxes owed and the size of the transaction or estate is relatively large.

Can my parents give me $100 000? ›

Lifetime Gifting Limits

Each individual has a $11.7 million lifetime exemption ($23.4M combined for married couples) before anyone would owe federal tax on a gift or inheritance. In other words, you could gift your son or daughter $10 million dollars today, and no one would owe any federal gift tax on that amount.

When must IRS Form 709 be filed? ›

IRS Form 709 is due by Tax Day, usually on or around April 15 of the year following the year in which you make the taxable gifts.

How do I declare gifts at customs? ›

Mark the outside packaging of gifts sent home with:

The total value of the consolidated package Recipients' names. To be duty free, each item may not exceed $100. The traveler must list the nature and value of gifts being mailed.

What needs to be declared at customs in US? ›

You must declare all items you purchased and are carrying with you upon return to the United States, including gifts for other people as well as items you bought for yourself. This includes duty-free items purchased in foreign countries, as well as any merchandise you intend to sell or use in your business.

Would you always declare everything at customs? ›

Merchandise is declared to CBP. If you do not declare something that should have been declared, you risk forfeiting the item. If in doubt, declare it.

Can I give a gift to a foreign person? ›

The gift tax rates range from 18% to 40% and reach the highest rate at $1 million of value. In addition to the unified exemption, both U.S. and non-U.S. domiciliaries have an annual exclusion of $15,000 per donee available to them.

How much money can you receive as a gift internationally? ›

According to IRS regulations, if the aggregate amount received from the nonresident exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year, the gift needs to be reported. There are no taxes due, so this is just a filing/reporting requirement. There are a few states that might want to tax the money especially if it's an inheritance.

How much gift can I receive tax free in USA? ›

The IRS sets limits to how much people can gift annually and during their lifetime. The annual limit is $16,000 per individual in 2022 and $17,000 per individual in 2023 without being taxed. 1 The lifetime limit is $12.06 million for 2022 and $12.92 million for 2023.

How much can you send to USA as a gift? ›

Gifts You Mail

Gifts worth up to $100 may be sent, free of duty and tax, to friends and relatives in the United States, as long as the same person does not receive more than $100 worth of gifts in a single day. If the gifts are mailed or shipped from an insular possession, this amount is increased to $200.

How much money can I receive as a gift in USA? ›

How the lifetime gift tax exclusion works. On top of the $17,000 annual exclusion in 2023, you get a $12.92 million lifetime exclusion in 2023. And because it's per person, married couples can exclude double that in lifetime gifts.

What is a gift from abroad called? ›

In general, a foreign gift or bequest is any amount received from a person other than a U.S. person (a foreign person) that the recipient treats as a gift or bequest and excludes from gross income.

What happens if you don't report foreign assets? ›

If you don't disclose your offshore accounts, you may be caught through an IRS audit and your foreign accounts may be frozen. The IRS may also impose penalties for failure to comply with offshore account disclosures.

Can IRS track my foreign income? ›

Yes, eventually the IRS will find your foreign bank account. When they do, hopefully your foreign bank accounts with balances over $10,000 have been reported annually to the IRS on a FBAR “foreign bank account report” (Form 114).

Does IRS check foreign bank accounts? ›

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires foreign banks to report account numbers, balances, names, addresses, and identification numbers of account holders to the IRS.

How do I avoid filing a gift tax return? ›

6 Tips to Avoid Paying Tax on Gifts
  1. Respect the annual gift tax limit. ...
  2. Take advantage of the lifetime gift tax exclusion. ...
  3. Spread a gift out between years. ...
  4. Leverage marriage in giving gifts. ...
  5. Provide a gift directly for medical expenses. ...
  6. Provide a gift directly for education expenses. ...
  7. Consider gifting appreciated assets.

Does IRS audit gift tax? ›

In general, IRC 6501(a) requires the IRS to assess a gift tax liability within three years after the filing date (or due date of the gift tax return, whichever is later).

How much money can I receive as a gift from abroad? ›

Any gift you receive from abroad will not be subject to income tax, unless it produces income. However, if the gift exceeds $100,000, you'll need to fill out an IRS Form 3520. Gifts from a business or a partnership that exceed $15,797 also require that you file form 3520.

Do you have to declare customs on a gift? ›

Travelers should declare all items being brought from abroad that will remain in the United States. This includes gifts and duty-free purchases. Goods purchased in a duty-free shop are not automatically free of duty upon your return to the United States.

Do I have to pay tax on money transferred from overseas to US? ›

Americans who receive financial gifts from foreign loved ones won't have to pay taxes on the transfer. However, if you yourself sent funds to an American while abroad, you might. Recipients of foreign inheritances typically don't have a tax liability in the United States.

How much money can you give as a gift tax free in USA? ›

You can give up to $16,000 per person (tax year 2022) per year to as many people as you like without those gifts counting against your $12.06 million lifetime gift tax exemption.

How do I avoid import tax on gifts? ›

The sender must be a private individual and the recipient must accept the delivery at a private address. The gift must be sent free of charge and of an 'occasional nature' The word 'gift' must be marked on the air waybill and commercial invoice along with the actual detailed description of what the gift is.

Are wire transfers over $10000 reported to the IRS? ›

What is the law regarding wire transfers and the IRS? Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970, financial institutions are required to report certain transactions to the IRS. This includes wire transfers over $10,000, which are subject to reporting under the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act (31 U.S.C.

What happens if you transfer more than $10000? ›

Generally, any person in a trade or business who receives more than $10,000 in cash in a single transaction or in related transactions must file a Form 8300. By law, a "person" is an individual, company, corporation, partnership, association, trust or estate.

Can I receive money from abroad in my bank account? ›

You can receive money from overseas directly into your bank account, using an international money transfer service. You'll need to provide your bank details so the sender can set up an online account with the international money transfer provider and exchange the money into your desired currency.

Do I pay tax on gift money from parents overseas? ›

The burden of paying the gift tax falls on the gift-giver. The same is true for those who receive an inheritance. The fact that the gift is from a foreign person is irrelevant. Therefore, if you receive a monetary gift or an inheritance from relatives abroad, you will not have to pay taxes on it.

Can my parents gift me $30000? ›

The IRS calls this amount the annual gift tax exclusion. If a married couple makes a gift from joint property, they can each gift up to the annual exclusion. This means Mom and Dad could give you $32,000 in 2022 (or $34,000 in 2023) without worrying about paying any gift tax.

Can my parents give me $200000? ›

There is no limit to the number of recipients you can give a gift to. There is also a lifetime exemption of $12.92 million. Even if you gift someone more than $17,000 in one year, you will not have to pay any gift taxes unless you go over that lifetime gift tax limit.

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