Foreign Gift Tax - Ultimate Insider Info You Need To Know For 2022 (2024)

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Foreign Gift Tax - Ultimate Insider Info You Need To Know For 2022 (1)

About 13 percent of the current U.S. population consists of immigrants. As a result, there is an increasing demand for information about the correct handling of tax situations involving Green Card holders and legal and illegal residents, such as foreign gift tax.

Of course, with such a spotlight on ensuring that all government demands and requirements are met, it’s essential to ensure you’re in total compliance with reporting all types of income. And submitting the applicable forms.

Are Foreign Gifts Taxable?

Some foreign gifts may be taxable. You must review the requirements to determine whether you should include gifts received from a foreign person in your taxable income. This applies whether they be a cash gift from parents overseas or the transfer of real estate or other tangible properties.

The lifetime exclusions for foreign cash and real estate gifts are quite high. Many taxpayers feel that they can ignore these taxes or believe that they probably don’t apply to them.

However, neglecting to report foreign gifts to a U.S. citizen and not correctly filing the associated form(s) can result in penalties from the IRS.

To make sure you comply with tax law, let’s take a look at what the IRS considers a foreign gift. And why foreign gift reporting is so important and how to stay on top of the forms, due dates, and additional documentation.

Foreign Gift Tax For Gifts From A “Foreign Person”

Nonresident alien parents often want to give their children gifts who are U.S. citizens or Green Card holders. In such cases, the recipient needs to know if there is a tax on gifts from their parents. Unfortunately, these rules are complex and aren’t well-known. Below is some basic information to help you understand and apply these rules.

What Is A Foreign Gift?

The IRS defines a foreign gift as money or other property that a foreigner gives a U.S. resident who does not treat it as a gift. It does not have to be included in gross income.

The person who receives the gift is known as the “donee”. While the individual providing the gift is known as the “donor”. If you are the donee, your gift isn’t reported as income. And you will not be required to pay an income or foreign gift tax.

However, if the gift’s value is greater than a certain amount, you may have an IRS reporting requirement. If required, you must report the gift on Form 3520.

What About A Cash Gift From Parents?

Cash gifts from parents who qualify as foreign persons don’t subject the recipient to taxes. The recipient will not have a requirement to include the gift in their gross income.

If any foreign gift tax is applicable, the donor will be responsible for paying the tax on Form 709. However, the recipient may still need to file an additional form to report the gift if it exceeds a certain amount.

But… to get answers to all of your questions, be sure to request our free e-book.

How About A Non-Cash Gift?

If you receive a non-cash gift from a foreign person, it may be taxable if it is U.S. property. The IRS treats the foreign gift tax of cash and property differently. A non-resident alien donor is subject to foreign gift tax on transfers of real and tangible property situated in the United States. However, the donee is still not responsible for paying the associated taxes.

Who Is A Foreign Person For Foreign Gift Tax?

According to U.S. tax law, a “foreign person” is a non-resident alien individual or foreign corporation, partnership, or estate.

Examples of foreign persons include:

  • Parents or other family members of a U.S. person who reside in another country
  • A foreign estate from which a U.S. taxpayer receives real estate or other tangible properties
  • A foreign business (unless it is tax-exempt) who gifts a taxpayer a particular amount of cash or other valuable property

When To Report A Foreign Gift On The Form 3520

The IRS considers all Green Card holders as U.S. tax residents who must report all worldwide income.

If the Green Card holder receives a gift from his or her nonresident alien parents, the Green Card holder may need to file Form 3520 with the IRS.

Form 3520 is simply an information return. It is due on the same date as your income tax return, with an extension offered until October 15. Reporting is separate from Form 1040. However, the form must be submitted only if the gift exceeds certain thresholds.

While foreign gift tax may not be due by the donee, a “foreign person” gift does have a disclosure requirement to the IRS if it exceeds certain thresholds.

Basically, the disclosure of your foreign gift or inheritance on the Form 3520 is applicable if you:

  • Received more than $100,000 from a non-resident alien individual or a foreign estate. This includes foreign persons related to that nonresident alien individual or foreign estate) that you treated as gifts or bequests; or
  • Received more than $16,111 for 2018 (adjusted annually for inflation) from foreign corporations or foreign partnerships. This includes foreign persons related to such foreign corporations or foreign partnerships) that you treated as gifts.

For example, consider a young man who is a U.S. citizen purchasing his first home. He receives gift money from his parents overseas, totaling $40,000 to apply to the purchase of his new home. This money will not need to be reported, AND the U.S. taxpayer must file no additional forms.

However, should he have received $120,000 as a foreign gift from his parents. Then, he would need to include the amount on Form 3520. But, it would not be included as part of his gross income.

Aggregate Foreign Gifts For The Tax Year

When calculating these threshold amounts, you must aggregate gifts from different foreign non-resident aliens and foreign estates if you know (or have reason to know) that those persons are related to each other, or one is acting as a nominee or intermediary for the other.

For example, if you receive $75,000 from nonresident alien individual A and a gift of $40,000 from nonresident alien individual B. And, you know that A and B are related. You must then add the amounts and complete Form 3520 with the total of both gifts from alien individuals A and B.

Additionally, the IRS may consider gifts from foreign corporations and partnerships as compensation and may re-characterize the gift as compensation subject to inclusion in gross income.

However, it is important to note that a gift to a U.S. person does not include any amount paid for qualified tuition or medical payments made on behalf of the U.S. person.

How To Prepare Form 3520

Whether you’re completing Form 3520 yourself or you’re using a certified tax professional, you must know certain details to prepare it completely.

On Part IV of Form 3520, report the value of the gift from a non-U.S. citizen. If the gift wasn’t cash, it is imperative to include the foreign gift’s correct market or retail value.

In some cases, the taxpayer may find it helpful to seek the skills of an appraiser. An appraiser can substantiate the market value of the gift, especially if it is real estate. The taxpayer should keep records of the valuation process.

Unlike Form 709, in which preparation and filing are done by the foreign person giving the gift to the U.S. taxpayer. The responsibility to accurately file Form 3520 on time is the sole responsibility of the gift’s recipient.

In instances where a foreign gift’s exact worth cannot be ascertained, taxpayers must provide what is known as a “Beard” filing of Form 3520. This filing must:

  • Contain a signature, under perjury and its associated penalties
  • Be a purported return in its filing
  • Be a reasonable and honest attempt to remain in absolute compliance with the IRS with any estimates provided
  • Contain the required information so that the IRS can determine any tax liability

Once Form 3520 has been filed, the three-year statute of limitations begins.

Form 3520 is complex. Especially if it is your first time, including it as part of your filing process, it is best to seek an experienced tax professional who understands these laws.

Penalty For Failure To Report Foreign Gifts On Form 3520

In the case of a failure to report foreign gifts, a penalty equal to 5% of the amount of such foreign gifts applies for each month for which the failure to report continues (not to exceed a total of 25%). No penalty assessment applies if the taxpayer can demonstrate that the failure to comply was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect.

To demonstrate that you had reasonable cause for failing to file Form 3520, you must provide the IRS with:

  • The reason for your failure to file
  • A detailed list of ways in which you attempted to remain in compliance with tax law
  • If applicable, evidence that you lacked knowledge of the applicable tax law.
  • If applicable, evidence that you relied on a tax professional or other expert who advised that Form 3520 did not need to be filed or could be filed later.

How To Get Up-To-Date With Filing Form 3520

If you haven’t filed a required Form 3520 at least once, you must comply as soon as possible.

Do not wait for the IRS to contact you, as this could make you ineligible for programs or procedures designed to help taxpayers comply with the IRS and tax laws. Instead, file Form 3520 as soon as you have gathered the required information.

Differences Between The Foreign Gift Tax Treatment Of Cash And Property

There are differences in the foreign gift tax treatment of cash and property to complicate things even further. According to I.R.C. Section 2501(a); Reg §25.2501-1, a nonresident alien donor is subject to gift tax on transfers of real and tangible property situated in the United States.

According to the IRS, if you are a nonresident alien who made a gift subject to the foreign gift tax, you must file a gift tax return (Form 709) if:

  • You gave any gifts of future interests,
  • Your gifts of present interests to any donee other than your spouse total more than $13,000, or
  • Your outright gifts to your spouse who is not a U.S. citizen total more than $136,000

The gifts are subject to taxation at the same rates that apply to U.S. citizens.

As you can see, the foreign gift tax rules are extremely complex and vary with individual circ*mstances. Before proceeding, it is best to consult with your tax professional.

Get Expert U.S. Tax Preparation Wherever You Live

Tax Samaritan is a team of Enrolled Agents with over 25 years of experience focusing on US taxpayers’ taxation living abroad.

Our services include Foreign Gift Tax disclosures. We maintain this tax blog where Enrolled Agents write all articles. Our main objective is to educate Americans abroad on their tax responsibilities to stay in compliance.

The United States is a country filled with persons of different cultures and nationalities, making it one of the greatest melting pots for diversity on the planet.

Therefore, tax professionals need to be up-to-date on all programs and procedures that can affect U.S. citizens living overseas (ex-pats) or U.S. taxpayers who have received gifts from foreign relatives or other persons.

For further guidance on how to self-prepare your Form 3520, please see the Form 3520 Instructions.

As a seasoned tax professional with over a decade of experience specializing in U.S. expatriate taxation, I've navigated the intricacies of the ever-evolving tax landscape. My expertise extends to various aspects of expat tax solutions, with a particular focus on the complexities surrounding foreign gift tax regulations.

The article you've shared delves into the critical realm of foreign gift tax, offering insights that are crucial for individuals dealing with Green Card holders, legal and illegal residents, and the intricate web of tax situations involving foreign gifts. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Introduction to U.S. Expatriate Tax Landscape:

    • The increasing immigrant population, consisting of around 13% of the U.S. population, has amplified the demand for accurate information on handling tax situations for Green Card holders and residents.
  2. Taxability of Foreign Gifts:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of understanding whether foreign gifts are taxable, including cash gifts or the transfer of real estate or other tangible properties.
  3. Lifetime Exclusions:

    • It mentions that there are high lifetime exclusions for foreign cash and real estate gifts. However, overlooking reporting requirements can lead to penalties from the IRS.
  4. Definition of Foreign Gift:

    • The IRS defines a foreign gift as money or property given by a foreigner to a U.S. resident, not treated as income. The recipient, known as the "donee," is not required to pay income or foreign gift tax, but reporting may be necessary.
  5. Foreign Person for Foreign Gift Tax:

    • A "foreign person" is defined in U.S. tax law as a non-resident alien individual or foreign corporation, partnership, or estate.
  6. Reporting Foreign Gifts on Form 3520:

    • Green Card holders receiving gifts from nonresident alien parents may need to file Form 3520. The form is an information return due on the same date as the income tax return, with potential penalties for non-compliance.
  7. Thresholds for Reporting:

    • Reporting requirements are triggered if the gift exceeds certain thresholds, such as receiving more than $100,000 from a non-resident alien individual or foreign estate.
  8. Aggregate Foreign Gifts:

    • Gifts from different foreign non-resident aliens and foreign estates must be aggregated if related, impacting reporting thresholds.
  9. Preparing Form 3520:

    • Form 3520 preparation involves reporting the value of the gift and may require seeking professional assistance, especially for non-cash gifts like real estate.
  10. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

    • The article outlines penalties for failing to report foreign gifts, which can be up to 25% of the gift amount. However, reasonable cause may exempt the taxpayer from penalties.
  11. Getting Up-to-Date with Filing:

    • Urges timely compliance with Form 3520 filing to avoid ineligibility for IRS programs and procedures designed to assist taxpayers.
  12. Differences in Tax Treatment:

    • Highlights differences in the tax treatment of cash and property gifts, subject to complex regulations and varying circ*mstances.

In conclusion, staying informed about the latest information on foreign gift tax is imperative for individuals dealing with cross-border financial transactions. For personalized advice and to navigate the complexities effectively, consulting with experienced tax professionals, such as Tax Samaritan, is highly recommended.

Foreign Gift Tax - Ultimate Insider Info You Need To Know For 2022 (2024)


What is the foreign gift limit for 2022? ›

For purported gifts from foreign corporations or foreign partnerships, you are required to report the receipt of such purported gifts only if the aggregate amount received from all entities exceeds $17,339 for 2022 and $18,567 for 2023 (adjusted annually for inflation).

How much can you gift in 2022 without filing a gift tax return? ›

What if my spouse and I want to give away property that we own together?
Year of GiftAnnual Exclusion per DoneeAnnual Exclusion Total per Donee (from 2 spouses)
2018 through 2021$15,000$30,000
2 more rows
Nov 22, 2023

Can my foreign parents give me $100 000? ›

If you receive a gift from a foreign individual or foreign estate, you must report it if the total value of the gift exceeds $100,000 during a given tax year.

How does the US gift tax apply to foreign nationals? ›

For nonresidents not citizens of the U.S., transfers subject to gift tax include real and tangible personal property that is situated in the U.S. However, gifts of U.S.-situated intangible property are not subject to gift tax.

How many dollars can I receive internationally as a gift? ›

According to IRS regulations, if the aggregate amount received from the nonresident exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year, the gift needs to be reported. No taxes are due; this is just a filing/reporting requirement. A few states might want to tax the money, especially if it's an inheritance.

How much can a US citizen gift to a foreigner? ›

Year of GiftAnnual Exclusion per Donee
2013 through 2017$14,000
2018 through 2021$15,000
2 more rows
Nov 22, 2023

How does the IRS know if you give a gift? ›

The primary way the IRS becomes aware of gifts is when you report them on form 709. You are required to report gifts to an individual over $17,000 on this form. This is how the IRS will generally become aware of a gift.

Does the recipient of a gift have to report it to the IRS? ›

As a general rule, the giver of the gift, and not the recipient or recipients owes this tax. So, regarding cash gift taxes and gift reporting, gift tax is generally not an issue for most people who are the recipients of gifts, even large monetary ones.

What triggers a gift tax return? ›

The gift tax applies to the transfer by gift of any type of property. You make a gift if you give property (including money), or the use of or income from property, without expecting to receive something of at least equal value in return.

What happens if I inherit money from overseas? ›

While you may have to report money that you've inherited from another country to the IRS or FinCEN, you may not have to pay taxes on it. The IRS doesn't tax foreign inheritances, but individual states might. That being said, you may have to pay taxes on an inheritance if you live in another country.

How much money can be legally given to a family member as a gift in USA? ›

The IRS allows every taxpayer is gift up to $18,000 to an individual recipient in one year. There is no limit to the number of recipients you can give a gift to.

How much money can I transfer to parents from USA? ›

I know from Indian taxation PoV, no limit on sending money to family, and from the IRS PoV, I can send up to 15k USD per year without taxes. On liquidation of the investment, the appropriate taxes apply in India.

Do I pay tax on gift money from parents overseas? ›

The burden of paying the gift tax falls on the gift-giver. The same is true for those who receive an inheritance. The fact that the gift is from a foreign person is irrelevant. Therefore, if you receive a monetary gift or an inheritance from relatives abroad, you will not have to pay taxes on it.

Are non US citizens subject to gift tax? ›


Generally, nonresident aliens are subject to gift tax only on transfers of real or tangible personal property situated in the U.S. Thus, gifts of intangible property by a nonresident alien are generally exempt from gift tax.

How much money can be gifted tax free in USA? ›

The annual gift tax exclusion is a set dollar amount that you may give someone without needing to report it to the IRS. The threshold is typically adjusted to account for inflation each year. The 2023 annual gift tax exclusion was $17,000, and the 2024 annual gift tax exclusion is $18,000.

Do I have to pay taxes on foreign gifts? ›

There are no specific IRS taxes on gifts received from a foreign person. In other words, if a U.S. person receives a gift from a foreign person, that specific transaction is not taxable.

Can I give a gift to a foreign person? ›

While foreign citizens usually will not have any tax gift liability for receiving a gift, recipients are required to report a foreign cash gift under certain circ*mstances. The thresholds for reporting are different depending on whether you are receiving gifts from nonresident aliens or from foreign corporations.

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