Fix I’m Not A Robot reCAPTCHA Issue in Google Search – WebNots (2024)

CAPTCHA is an acronym forCompletelyAutomatedPublicTuring testto tellComputers andHumansApart. This is a challenging test to differentiate between humans and automated bots based on the response. reCAPTCHA is one of the CAPTCHA spam protection services bought by Google. Now it is being offered for free to webmasters and Google also uses the reCAPTCHA on their own services like Google Search.

Automated robots are the biggest headache for producing spams and consuming server resources which supposed to be utilized by real users. In order to avoid automated bots Google introduced “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA” API concept for website owners to protect their sites. Later to improve user experience, Google introduced invisible reCAPTCHA and also Android API.

Invisible CAPTCHA helps to stop bots without showing “I’m not a robot” message to human users. But it does not work on many situation as the message will be still shown. For example, Google search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circ*mstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Why This is Embarrassing?

When you do a real Google search and getting interrupted with “I’m not a robot” message will make you really embarrassing. Sometimes it will allow you with a simple click on the checkbox. Google will check the clicking position on the checkbox. Bots click exactly on the center of the checkbox while humans click somewhere on the box. This will help to decide Google whether the user is a human or bot.

Even there is a browser extension for Chrome to click on the checkbox as soon as the page loads.

But most of the time it needs you to verify five or six times before seeing the real search results. Remember to click the “Verify” button when you do not see the matching images or when you feel the verification is done. Google will decide to confirm the verification or still continue to verify further.

In the worst case, Google will completely stop you by showing the sorry page. The only option you have here is to wait and try later.

What is the Root Cause of I’m Not a Robot reCAPTCHA Message?

Well, when you get the “I’m not a robot” reCAPTCHA message, just click on the “Why did this happen? Link. Alternatively you can go to this sorry page of Google anytime to see the reasons as below:

This page appears when Google automatically detects requests coming from your computer network which appear to be in violation of theTerms of Service. The block will expire shortly after those requests stop.

This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help — a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible.Learn more

Sometimes you may see this page if you are using advanced terms that robots are known to use, or sending requests very quickly.

Fix I’m Not A Robot reCAPTCHA Issue in Google Search

Now you know why it happens!!! If you are always getting interrupted then here are some tips to fix I’m not a robot issue in Google search. Unfortunately, there are no strong alternatives to Google search. Bing and Yahoo! are far away from the expected results and no where nearer to the accuracy of Google. So, try out the below options to fix i’m not a robot problem, even some points don’t make correct sense to you.

1. Check Your IP Address

Google blocks the search results based on the originating IP address. There are large numbers of databases maintained publicly and by private companies to keep track of the suspicious IP addresses. If there are any suspicious activities from your IP address and is marked for spam then Google will throw the reCAPTCHA message and stop you for verification.

Generally internet service providers use dynamic IP addresses with large range. So disconnect the internet connection and reconnect to get the new IP address. Or just wait for sometime then try searching again. Possibly you can reset your modem or router connection for this. Follow the below steps if you want to reset the IP address manually:

Reset IP Address on Windows 10:

  • Press “Windows + X” keys to open power user menu and go to ““Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • Enter the following commands to reset the network adapter and IP address.
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

Reset IP Address on Mac:

  • Press “Command + Spacer bar” to open spotlight search and go to “System Preferences”.
  • Go to “Network” options and choose your active Wi-Fi connection.
  • Click “Click the lock to make changes” and enable the edit mode by providing your administrator password.
  • Go to “Advanced…” option and then “TCP/IP” tab.
  • Click on the “Renew DCHP Lease” to release and renew your IP address.

2. Check Your Network

Sometimes (mostly in countries like China) the Internet Service Provider (ISP) masks the IP address and track your browsing activities. This will cause the complete network of IP addresses used by that ISP to get blocked by security systems like reCAPTCHA used by Google. If you face the CAPTCHA on every instance then approach your ISP and clarify with them on the issue.

The other network issue could be due to sharing of WiFi network. In this case there are possibilities someone else on your network might be sending some automated traffic and Google will stop the searches from the entire network. You can contact the network administrator to address the issue and get more details.

Also you can get an unique static IP for you from your ISP. This will help you to overcome the spammy network problem. Learn more on how to assign a static IP address to your computer.

3. Disconnect VPN

Virtual Private Network (or VPN) hides your IP address and route the traffic from different location. This is used to access the blocked websites and also used mainly for hiding the originating IP address to do illegal activities.Use of VPN is illegal in many countries due to the nature of usage. Though you may use for good purposes, the entire server may not be clean or blocklisted.

Therefore, avoid using free VPN applications and uninstall them from your computer. If you are using premium VPN service, discuss with your VPN service provider and get the appropriate server to connect properly. As far as we have checked, most of the time Google shows i’m not a robot reCAPTCHA verification when connecting through VPN server. The problem rarely occurs when disconnected from VPN and using Google public DNS.

4. Avoid Unknown Proxy Servers

Similar to ISP and VPN, the proxy server you use can also cause you the trouble as illegal activities might be identified through that proxy server. Don’t use unreliable proxy servers on your browser to route all traffic through them. On Windows 10, you can press windows key and go to “Settings > Network & Internet” option. Here you can disable all proxy and VPN connections. Learn more about changing network settings in Windows.

On Mac, follow the similar steps as explained above for resetting IP address. Under “Proxies” tab, ensure to remove all proxy servers.

5. Use Google Public DNS

Another problem in the network could be your DNS. Domain Name System or DNS helps to resolve numeric IP address of a website to a host name. The DNS problem could be from your computer settings or from the ISP’s or from the VPN’s private DNS. Though corrupted DNS will not cause reCAPTCHA message it will slow down the connection.

The simple solution here is to switch the DNS to reliable public DNS. Check out the article on how touse Google public DNS. In most of the cases, this will work out to overcome internet connection problems.

6. Stop Searching Illegal Queries

Well, if you are really trying to search illegal terms then most probably Google will stop you for verification. You can clear your browser’s cache and try searching again. Remember Google can easily track all search queries from the IP addresses. So clearing browser’s cache will work only if you accidentally searched something wrong. Otherwise any searches violating Google terms will get stopped andyou should wait sometime before retrying.

7. Slowdown Your Clicks

If you are not using VPN, proxy and your IP and ISP are good then the most probable cause could be the unusual clicks from you. When you enter the keyword and hit the enter key very fast, Google will match your activity with the automated bots and stop you.

Though this is strange, slowdown your mouse clicks and speed and use normal speed to avoid the CAPTCHA message.

8. Stop Sending Automated Queries

You can easily search terms directly using the URL like “”. This is the most popular way automated bots send traffic to Google. Always use the search box to send the query terms and avoid searching directly with the URL.

If you are a developer, stop manipulating the user query before sending to Google. Also display the search results as it obtained from Google without manipulating.

9. Avoid Searching Like Robots

There are lot of differences between the search behavior of humans and automated robots. When you are already signed in with your Google account, it is easy for Google to understand you are human. However, this is not sufficient as the network problems can take more precedence than the browsing history of the account. For example, automated bots use capital letters in each word of the search phrase like “I Want To Search This” while most humans will not search like that. So, always search the term using the way normal humans do.

10. Check Malware & Browser Extensions

Your computer may be infected with malware that sends automated traffic to Google. Also some browser extensions and plugins can send automated traffic. If you are frequently seeing “I’m not a robot” message then check your computer for malicious programs and remove unnecessary browser extensions. Try the official Chrome cleanup tool if you use Chrome and Windows operating system.

If you have removed any malware then reset the browser settings to initial settings.

Final Thoughts

Google will only stop with CAPTCHA message when there are unusual traffic activities detected. Once the unusual activity is stopped Google will allow you to search normally. So if you are seeing the message frequently then definitely there is something wrong. Most probably the network is spammy or you are too fast matching the bots. Consider thoroughly checking your network, slow down your activities and use public DNS to get rid of the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message. If you still have a problem then post your issue in official Google search forum to get advise from experts.

Fix I’m Not A Robot reCAPTCHA Issue in Google Search – WebNots (2024)


Fix I’m Not A Robot reCAPTCHA Issue in Google Search – WebNots? ›

If the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA constantly spins after selecting the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA box, you may be experiencing network or browser related issues. Please try either reloading the page or accessing the same page with a different browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Why is the I'm not a robot CAPTCHA test not working? ›

If the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA constantly spins after selecting the I'm not a robot reCAPTCHA box, you may be experiencing network or browser related issues. Please try either reloading the page or accessing the same page with a different browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Why does Google keep saying I'm not a robot? ›

Google has explained it by saying that CAPTCHA can be triggered by an automated process sometimes caused by spambots, infected computers, email worms, or SEO tools. You simply need to verify it by entering the characters or clicking the correct image, and you are done.

How do I stop Google from asking me if I'm a robot? ›

Option 1:
  1. Close your browser if open.
  2. Go to the Control Panel.
  3. Select Internet Options.
  4. Go to the Advanced tab.
  5. Select Reset.
  6. Select the box Delete Personal Settings. There's a disclaimer here about what information will be cleared when doing so, make sure you review this before proceeding.
  7. Select Reset again.
Dec 14, 2022

How do I fix Google CAPTCHA problem? ›

There are a few steps you can take to improve your experience:
  1. Make sure your browser is fully updated (see minimum browser requirements)
  2. Check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
  3. Try disabling plugins that might conflict with reCAPTCHA.

Why do I have to verify that I am not a robot? ›

The “I'm not a robot” verification is designed to protect websites from these attacks, which are a serious problem on the internet. Hackers and spammers often use bots to automatically create fake accounts, submit spam comments, and perform other malicious activities.

How to bypass CAPTCHA in automation testing? ›

In case you are using reCAPTCHA v2, you can put the Site Key and Secret Key also known as the test keys. These keys help in bypassing the CAPTCHA verification request and as a result, your automation case can run seamlessly.

Why is Google blocking my searches? ›

Your SafeSearch setting might be set and locked by your account, device, or network administrator. Tip: If your SafeSearch setting isn't locked, sign in to your Google Account when you search on Google to apply your saved SafeSearch settings.

Why does a website think I'm a bot? ›

I'm getting an "It looks like you're a bot" message. This is a ReCaptcha error, let's help you get around it! We use ReCaptcha v3 to avoid spam and bots from entering our system. If the sign up or sign in pages are giving you a "It looks like you're a bot" alert, it's because ReCaptcha is malfunctioning.

What happens when you click I am not a robot? ›

Simply put, by clicking “I'm not a robot,” you are giving Google permission to analyze your online behavior to determine if you are a human.

Why am I getting CAPTCHA on every site? ›

Reasons why you might get multiple CAPTCHAs:

This is rare but possible. Make sure your antivirus is up to date and your computer is malware-free. Someone else on your home network is using bots or scripts, so everything coming from your home network looks suspicious to our firewall.

Why does the computer ask if I'm a robot? ›

Proving that you are human and not a computer programme is mainly to prevent automated software (Robots/bots) and spammers from performing actions on your behalf. CAPTCHA is a programme that is used to protect you.

Why do I keep getting robot check on Google? ›

Check Malware & Browser Extensions

If you are frequently seeing “I'm not a robot” message then check your computer for malicious programs and remove unnecessary browser extensions. Try the official Chrome cleanup tool if you use Chrome and Windows operating system.

Why is CAPTCHA blocking me? ›

Why is reCAPTCHA blocking me? Google reCAPTCHA may block you because of a high number of requests from your network, which can be because you're on a public network or using any VPN/Proxy services. Try disabling your VPN/Proxy service or resetting your IP address to solve the issue.

How do I reset my Google CAPTCHA? ›

First of all, if you have only one Captcha on the page, you can reset it by using grecaptcha. reset(). If you have multiple forms and Captchas on the page, the process flow is much more complicated, but in the end you can reset it by using grecaptcha. reset(widget_id).

Why can't robots say I'm not a robot? ›

The short answer

Robots absolutely can check a box on command. But that checkbox is tracking way more information than a simple checkbox click to determine whether you're a human or a robot.

Why can nothing verify my identity? ›

You may have recently moved. You may have answered security questions incorrectly. Your credit report may be locked or frozen. Your credit profile may contain erroneous information.

Why is Google asking for CAPTCHA when searching? ›

Why Does Google Ask for Captcha When Searching. Google uses specific algorithms to detect bots or scripts and prevent them from accessing search results. Whenever Google detects abnormal usage from your device, it asks you to choose and solve an image captcha to confirm your identity.

How do I unblock CAPTCHA? ›

To unlock your Google account: Quit Postbox and then visit To unlock your Google Apps For Your Domain account: Quit Postbox and then visit (substituting YOURDOMAIN.COM with your hosted domain name)

What is secret key for CAPTCHA? ›

To generate the reCAPTCHA keys, follow these steps: Use your web browser to go to Google's reCAPTCHA site. To create a new Site Key and Secret Key, click + on the upper right-hand side of the page: The Register a new site form appears.

How do I unblock Google searches? ›

  1. Open the Chrome app.
  2. Select More on the right (the three vertical dots).
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Go to Privacy and Security.
  5. Select Site Settings.
  6. Unblock your desired website.

How do I unlock my Google search? ›

Turn SafeSearch on or off
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app .
  2. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial Settings. SafeSearch.
  3. Turn SafeSearch on or off. If you find a Lock at the top right, your SafeSearch setting is locked.

How do I reset my browser settings? ›

How to reset Google Chrome on Android
  1. Locate Google Chrome on the app list.
  2. Tap on the Clear Cache and Clear All Data buttons to reset your Google Chrome. Depending on your Android device, you might have additional options to clear more settings, residual data, etc.

How do I know if I have bot malware? ›

Telltale signs that your PC might be infected with a bot malware include:
  • Frequent computer crashes without an identifiable reason.
  • Slow internet access.
  • Problems with computer shut down (it takes its time to shut down or doesn't shut down completely/correctly)
Dec 16, 2019

What helps keep bots off a website? ›

The first step to stopping or managing bot traffic to a website is to include a robots. txt file. This is a file that provides instructions for bots crawling the page, and it can be configured to prevent bots from visiting or interacting with a webpage altogether.

How do I get rid of bots? ›

In this case, the command is relatively simple. First, type: mp_limitteams 1 this ensures once you kick out the bots, they don't re-join the game. Next, type: mp_autoteambalance 0 this will keep the bots from auto-balancing.

How do you bypass click allow if you are not a robot? ›

Remove “Click Allow to verify that you are not a robot” from Windows
  1. STEP 1: Uninstall malicious programs from Windows.
  2. STEP 2: Reset browsers back to default settings.
  3. STEP 3: Use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove malware and unwanted programs.
  4. STEP 4: Use HitmanPro to scan your computer for badware.
Nov 29, 2022

Why do I have to keep clicking I'm not a robot? ›

"Essentially, when you are clicking 'I am not a robot' box, you are instructing the site to have a look at your data and decide for itself. If the machine is not sure, that's when it directs you to click on lightroom pictures of fire hydrants that aren't there.”

Does CAPTCHA read your browser history? ›

The latest versions of reCAPTCHA are able to take a holistic look at a user's behavior and history of interacting with content on the Internet. Most of the time, the program can decide based on those factors whether or not the user is a bot, without providing the user with a challenge to complete.

How do I get rid of I'm not a robot on my Iphone? ›

You can turn this bypass on or off. Go to Settings > [your name] > Password & Security, then turn Automatic Verification on or off.

How do I get rid of CAPTCHA malware? ›

Remove Captcha-Smart. top from Windows
  1. STEP 1: Reset browsers back to default settings.
  2. STEP 2: Use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove malware and unwanted programs.
  3. STEP 3: Use HitmanPro to scan your computer for badware.
Jan 1, 2023

Can a robot get hacked? ›

Protect Your Robots, Protect Your Business

The Trend Micro study illustrates that industrial robots can be hacked to steal trade secrets, damage equipment, cause bodily harm and insert potentially catastrophic microdefects into the assembly process.

Why does Google keep asking for 2 step verification? ›

Without setting up 2-step verification, hackers could get into your account if they figured out your password. With 2-step verification enabled, they would need the password and physical control of your phone, your wallet or purse, or your actual computer.

Why am I stuck in a CAPTCHA loop? ›

This could be a browser issue. First, try creating your account via Incognito or InPrivate browsing and see if it pushes through there. If the problem persists, you may also try clearing your cache and browsing history or try another broswer.

Why is my CAPTCHA response invalid? ›

Most of the time, it happens when you fill in the CAPTCHA incorrectly, and it considers you a robot, so it throws an error telling you to fill it out again.

Why is my answer to CAPTCHA challenge invalid? ›

What If a CAPTCHA Fails to Validate Properly. If a CAPTCHA fails to validate in your browser, clear the cache and redo the CAPTCHA. This should fix the issue.

Why can't i read CAPTCHA? ›

Some CAPTCHAs don't care if the letters you enter are upper or lowercase, but others are case-sensitive. That means that your shift key might be the reason why your CAPTCHA isn't going through. If the CAPTCHA shows both upper and lowercase letters, be sure to enter your characters exactly as displayed.

Why is CAPTCHA blocked? ›

Why is reCAPTCHA blocking me? Google reCAPTCHA may block you because of a high number of requests from your network, which can be because you're on a public network or using any VPN/Proxy services. Try disabling your VPN/Proxy service or resetting your IP address to solve the issue.

How do I complete CAPTCHA verification? ›

A CAPTCHA test is made up of two simple parts: a randomly generated sequence of letters and/or numbers that appear as a distorted image, and a text box. To pass a the test and prove your human identity, simply type the characters you see in the image into the text box. Why does Google use CAPTCHA?

What can trigger CAPTCHA? ›

What triggers a CAPTCHA test? Some web properties just automatically have CAPTCHAs in place as a proactive defense against bots. Other times, a test may be triggered if user behavior seems to resemble a bot's behavior: if users request webpages or click hyperlinks at a far higher rate than average, for instance.

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