Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career at Any Level | Cornerstone University (2024)

Lifelong Learning MattersFeb. 21, 2018

Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career at Any Level | Cornerstone University (1)

When it comes to self-improvement, we know a lot of methods. To get fit, you eat right and exercise. To grow in physical strength, you train and lift weights. To improve your memory, you get enough sleep and intentionally learn new things.

But what can you do to improve and grow in your career?

Regardless of where you’re at—whether you’re a senior manager or an entry-level employee on the front lines—you can continue to grow and advance your career and professional goals.

And higher education gives you the shoes to take that next step.

A Forbes article by Jacquelyn Smith states that many adults return to school to enhance their career. The article cites author Laura Vanderkamp in saying that many believe “additional education will help them achieve their career goals, like making more money, advancing in their current occupation, or starting in a different one.”

Additionally, the article mentions from career coach Nancy Collamer that most return to school “to bolster their range of marketable skills and credentials, which, in turn, makes them more competitive—both at their current employer and in the overall job market.”

And, according to 2014 Pew Research, college graduates ages 25-32 earn $17,000 more each year than those with just a high school diploma.

Education is an influential step in staying competitive and enhancing your skills. Whether you’re starting out in your career or returning to continue to build upon your years of experience, pursuing educational training helps you keep moving forward.

Here, we share five reasons why pursuing education can advance your career at any level.


This reason may be a given. When you pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree, you’re equipped with practical skills and knowledge that you can apply to your workplace. For example, in a business administration degree program, you’ll learn best practices in accounting to understand the financial aspects of your work. In a management program, you’ll learn leadership principles and how to deal with conflict.

This knowledge can be both factual and practical. This means that the information you learn is not just interesting to know but will be of great use in your current role and to where you hope to go.

And just because you’ve reached a high-level management position doesn’t mean you should stop learning. Undergraduate and graduate degrees can help build upon your experience and broaden your skillset.


When you return to school, you learn far more than just different management styles or how to create an influential presentation. You also learn more subtle, but equally important, skills.

These so-called “soft skills” include strong abilities in areas like communication, teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving. Each of these talents can add value to your organization, wherever you are. And, such skills can give you the experience to be prepared and equipped to take that next step toward achieving your goals.


Pursuing education in addition to your normal work routine will most likely not make your schedule easier. It takes work and determination to achieve a degree. But doing so will demonstrate a strong work ethic to your team and your supervisors.

In an article from Six Sigma Online at Aveta Business Institute, the author notes the positive message continuing your education sends:

Education is always something that supervisors and business executives like to see. When their employees have the drive and initiative to expand their knowledge, it is a good sign that they will be able to benefit the company further.

Demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to your goals gives management hope that you can continue to be successful in your work environment. And, if you’re already in management, a committed and dedicated attitude sets an example for your co-workers and your direct reports.


When you earn a degree, you accomplish a big step. You gain knowledge, skills and experience to help you both in your career and in life in general. On top of that, by gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving and achieving your goals, you can also increase your confidence.

And studies have shown that greater confidence leads to greater career advancement.

According to a study from the University of Melbourne cited in an article from Science Daily, there’s a strong correlation between confidence and success. In the study, participants ranked their confidence at various education levels, and findings showed that those who reported higher confidence levels earlier on earned better wages and were promoted quicker.


No, we’re not talking about adding more friends on Facebook. In a classroom setting, you have the opportunity to interact and meet with fellow students who may come from a variety of professional backgrounds.

In being exposed to a broader professional network through continuing your education, you can get to know people who may be in similar situations as you or have been in the spot you’re in and have continued to advance their career.

Your network, grown through earning a degree, can be a wealth of insight and information as you advance your own career.

Grow your career through education

To grow your physical strength, you need to train and work at exercising and lifting weights. To grow in your career, you’ve got to put in the work to deepen your knowledge, gain skills and develop a network that will help you take that next step toward where you want to be.

Whether you’re a seasoned manager or new entry-level employee, a degree from Cornerstone University can help you take that step. Check out our degree programs to discover the path that can equip you to achieve your goals.

Learn more about our accredited, online learning programs

Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career at Any Level | Cornerstone University (2024)


Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career at Any Level | Cornerstone University? ›

Education is one of the most important investments that you can make in your life. It can open doors to new opportunities and help you achieve your goals. That's why it's so important to continue advancing your education, even after you've graduated from college or university.

Why is it important to advance your education? ›

Education is one of the most important investments that you can make in your life. It can open doors to new opportunities and help you achieve your goals. That's why it's so important to continue advancing your education, even after you've graduated from college or university.

How has your education prepared you for your career sample answer? ›

1. My college education has exceptionally prepared me for a smooth transition from school to work by providing me with the skills necessary to succeed. On my first internship- I honed in on my marketing skills by developing useful strategies with a team.

How can education improve your life? ›

Education can also lead to more accurate health beliefs and knowledge, and thus to better lifestyle choices, but also to better skills and greater self-advocacy. Education improves skills such as literacy, develops effective habits, and may improve cognitive ability.

How does a college degree help your career? ›

The evidence that a college degree significantly improves one's employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor's degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree and they make $1.2 million in additional earnings on average over their lifetime.

What are 2 benefits of going to college and getting a degree? ›

Here's a list of advantages of earning a college degree:
  • Higher income. Having a college education can increase your earning potential. ...
  • Employment benefits. ...
  • More job opportunities. ...
  • Job security. ...
  • Job satisfaction. ...
  • Networking. ...
  • Personal development. ...
  • Career advancement.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the purpose of getting an education? ›

The main purpose of education is to provide the opportunity for acquiring knowledge and skills that will enable people to develop their full potential, and become successful members of society.

How do you answer an interview question about education? ›

How to answer questions about your educational background
  1. Start with your most recent formal education experience. Your resume most likely includes your most recent formal education level. ...
  2. Describe any additional experience relevant to the position. ...
  3. Finish with what you do to continue to learn.
Mar 10, 2023

How does education prepare us for our future life? ›

It gives us a safe place to learn, meet new people and find new interests. We also learn how to interact with others, solve problems and work together as a team. School is important because it teaches things that will help us later in life.

How do you prepare for your career and to become successful? ›

Our ten tips to achieve success at work:
  1. Understand your employer's expectations. Make sure you understand your company's culture. ...
  2. Have a positive attitude. ...
  3. Be a team player. ...
  4. Willingness to take on extra duties. ...
  5. Don't gossip. ...
  6. Be considerate. ...
  7. Keep your personal life private. ...
  8. Personal business on company technology.

How does education give you confidence? ›

But sometimes confidence comes from learning how to learn. Because your education teaches you how to find information, you also know where and how to look things up. You come more fully prepared to tasks at work, volunteer projects, and even conversations.

What is one benefit of a college education is being? ›

College is important for many reasons, including increased career stability and satisfaction, and the ability to make an impact on your community. With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today's workforce.

Why is higher education important to you personally and professionally? ›

Why is higher education important? After going to college, you may have improved career opportunities, receive higher pay, experience greater cultural awareness, and have a life with more choices and possibilities. Read on to learn more about the benefits and importance of higher education.

What is the value of college education? ›

Finishing college puts workers on track to earn a median of $2.8 million over their lifetimes, compared with $1.6 million if they only had a high school diploma, the report found.

Is a college degree important for a successful life? ›

Obtaining college degree will almost always improve your career opportunities. In today's competitive job market, it's becoming more common for employers to require applicants to hold at least a bachelor's degree in order to qualify for many jobs.

What are 3 benefits of a college degree? ›

You can expect your life to change in the best ways when you get a degree—you'll likely see more job opportunities, be a better job candidate, have higher earning potential, and enjoy greater economic and job stability if you are college-educated.

What are the benefits of having a career? ›

Let's have a look at some of them:
  • Regular Paycheck.
  • A Sense of Identity.
  • Intellectual Challenge.
  • Learn New Skills.
  • Meet New People.
  • Acess to Community.
  • Understand the World Better.
  • Work-life Balance.
Dec 1, 2020

What are the 4 purposes of schooling? ›

As you think about the four basic purposes of school: academic (intellectual), political and civic purposes, socialization, and economic purposes, what do you think? Which one (or more) do you find as primary purposes of schooling in your own personal philosophy?

What are the three purposes of learning? ›

Creating new knowledge (Cognitive) • Developing feelings and emotions (Affective) • Enhancing physical and manual skills (Psychom*otor) Page 2 Learning objectives can also be scaffolded so that they continue to push student learning to new levels in any of these three categories.

What is the students role in education? ›

While teachers are ultimately responsible for classroom management, students can also play an important role. Students directly inform the structure and learning atmosphere as members of the classroom community. Together, students and teachers can create a culture of learning, accountability, and inclusivity.

How do you answer what does education mean to you? ›

Education means studying in order to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life. Education is not limited to just knowledge from books, but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

How do you answer what is your education level? ›

Choose from the following academic levels:
  • High school or equivalent. You've earned a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED).
  • Technical or occupational certificate. ...
  • Associate degree. ...
  • Some college coursework completed. ...
  • Bachelor's degree. ...
  • Master's degree. ...
  • Doctorate. ...
  • Professional.

How do I describe my education in an interview? ›

Here are some general tips for discussing your education during an interview: Keep it relevant and recent. Highlight aspects of your education that relate to the job and company at hand. Likewise, recent events are more applicable, so stay away from anecdotes about high school.

Why is it important to prepare for your future? ›

You're in better control of getting what you want out of life. You can make your vision of life become real. Picturing your goals can motivate you and keep you focused and organized. Sometimes you need to do things in a certain order, so it's important to set goals and know where to start.

Does college prepare you for the workforce? ›

A new survey shows that while higher education typically provides a good foundation for pursuing a future career, it can fall short in providing an up-to-date education that aligns with employers' needs. Lorem ipsum sit dolor et sua vous.

What are the 4 steps to a successful career? ›

73% of workers are unhappy in their current job and 42% of people wish they had followed their childhood ambitions.
4 steps to career success
  • Step 1: Delving. ...
  • Step 2: Imagining. ...
  • Step 3: Realising. ...
  • Step 4: Caring.
Dec 7, 2018

Why is self-esteem important in education? ›

Self-esteem and perceived competence are necessary for students to take risks in their learning and to bounce back after failure or adversity. Low self-esteem or lack of confidence leaves students doubting their ability to succeed, making them hesitant to engage in learning or take appropriate academic growth risks.

Is the benefit of college worth it? ›

College graduates get higher-quality jobs

Beyond wage gains, the job market favors college graduates in other ways as well. Graduates are more likely to participate in the labor force, less likely to be unemployed, and more likely to have full-time jobs.

What are the benefits of not going to college? ›

These are the 10 biggest benefits of not going to college:
  • No need to take out student loans.
  • More time to gain work experience.
  • Increased investment time horizon.
  • Ability to focus on employability skills.
  • Self-paced learning opportunities.
  • Reduced reliance on others.
  • Easier to switch career trajectories.
Sep 13, 2022

Why are college essays important? ›

The essay is an opportunity for students to personalize their college application beyond grades and scores. It can also be one of the more nerve-wracking parts of the application process. Help your students learn the skills they need to write an application-worthy essay.

Why do you think it is important to pursue your education beyond high school? ›

Those who continue in education beyond high school also tend to have healthier personal lives. Continued education gives people an opportunity to improve problem solving skills, gain a sense of competition and accomplishment, improve their self-image, and gain a greater sense of discipline.

How can I contribute to a university essay? ›

Admissions Committees Want to Know Who You Are
  1. Important Life Experiences.
  2. Significant Personal Achievements.
  3. Cross-Cultural Experiences.
  4. Talents.
  5. Expertise.
  6. Things You've Started.
  7. Things You Have Created.
  8. Passions and Interests.

How can I contribute to a college? ›

12 Ways to Get Involved at College
  1. Join (or start) a club. ...
  2. Work for the school paper or social media sites. ...
  3. Participate in student government. ...
  4. Become a tutor or teaching assistant. ...
  5. Participate in intramural or club sports. ...
  6. Look for opportunities to serve your campus and community. ...
  7. Join a sorority or fraternity.

Why is education an important value? ›

It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.

What kind of education is most valuable at college level? ›

25 of the most valuable majors for college students
  • Biomedical engineering. ...
  • Computer science. ...
  • Marine engineering. ...
  • Pharmaceutical sciences. ...
  • Computer engineering. ...
  • Electrical engineering. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • Software engineering.
Mar 10, 2023

Does a college education matter? ›

College degree holders participate at higher rates in school, community, service, civic and religious organizations, and are more likely to hold leadership roles in those organizations (3)

Does education lead to success? ›

Education enables us to develop abilities such as time management, interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and so on. Those certainly aid us in our quest for success. Schools develop our knowledge skills, Institutions develop our soft skills, and experiences develop our work skills.

What are the benefits of higher education? ›

College graduates have lower smoking rates, more positive perceptions of personal health, and lower incarceration rates than individuals who have not graduated from college. Higher levels of education are correlated with higher levels of civic participation, including volunteer work, voting, and blood donation.

Why is higher education important to society? ›

Higher education offers many benefits to individuals and society at large: advancing upward mobility, improving health outcomes, growing social support networks, fostering civic engagement, and directly giving back in terms of volunteer resources and public arts and entertainment events.

What does it mean to advance education? ›

Advanced education degrees are found at both the master's and doctoral levels. Individuals pursue these degrees for several reasons, including changing careers, expanding professional skills, or as a condition of license renewal or attainment.

What does advance mean in education? ›

(1) The term “advanced education” means education or training above the secondary school level but does not include technical training provided to a member of the armed forces to qualify such member to perform a specified military function, to workshops, or to short-term training programs.

What does furthering your education mean? ›

uncountable noun. Further education is the education of people who have left school but who are not at a university or a college of education. [British]regional note: in AM, use continuing education, adult education.

Why do you want to further your education in nursing? ›

Flexible hours and higher wages are two of the most common reasons people pursue a degree in nursing. Maybe you dreamed about being a nurse as a child but pursued another career path. Maybe you want to make a positive impact on the world. Maybe you just need a change from your daily grind.

What is an example of educational advancement? ›

Educational advancement, such as GED preparation and attainment, post-secondary training, and vocational education may be provided.

What does academically advanced mean? ›

Broadly, academically talented students are those who score high on standardized tests, which indicates they are ready for an advanced educational curriculum.

What does it mean to be in an advanced class? ›

a school class that is doing work of a higher standard than is usual for students at that stage in their education: She enrolled her son in the advanced class.

What does my education mean to me? ›

Education to me means knowledge, skills, creativity, success, influence and opportunities. It should encourage community and civic engagement and a desire for change that benefits society as a whole and attempts to makes the world a less scary place for not just ourselves, but for future generations.

What does furthering your career mean? ›

to help the progress of something so that it is more likely to be successful. efforts to further the peace process. The best way of furthering your career might be to leave your present job. Synonyms and related words. To help something to progress.

What does academically educated mean? ›

adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills.

What are the benefits of higher education nursing? ›

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) reports that having better educated nurses results in better patient outcomes, lower mortality, lower readmission rates, and shorter lengths of stay.

Why are continuing education units important? ›

Learn Important Life Skills

Did you know that continuing education courses don't just teach you the concrete skills you need to do a specific job? They can also introduce you to a range of soft skills such as time management, self-discipline, communications, and leadership skills.

Why is lifelong learning important in healthcare? ›

Lifelong learning helps healthcare professionals learn new skills, stay current in their profession, and deepen their knowledge. Lifelong learning expands their ability to contribute to their organization, industry, or society. Professionals who practice lifelong learning expand their career options.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.