Financial Advisor: Overview, FAQ, How to Choose One (2024)

What Is a Financial Advisor?

A financial advisor provides financial advice or guidance to customers for compensation. Financial advisors (sometimes spelled as advisers) can provide many different services, such as investment management, tax planning, and estate planning. Increasingly, financial advisors are acting as a "one-stop-shop" by providing everything from portfolio management to insurance products.

Registered advisors must carry the Series 65 license to conduct business with the public. A wide variety of other licenses and certifications may be required depending on the services provided by a given financial advisor.

Key Takeaways

  • A financial advisor is a professional who provides expertise for clients' decisions around money matters, personal finances, and investments.
  • Financial advisors may work as independent agents or they may be employed by a larger financial firm.
  • Registered advisors must pass one or more exams and be properly licensed in order to carry out business with clients.
  • Unlike stockbrokers who simply execute orders in the market, financial advisors provide guidance and make informed decisions on behalf of their clients.
  • Financial advisor's pay can be based on a fee, commission, profit-percentage structure, or a combination thereof.

Portfolio Management

Understanding Financial Advisors

"Financial advisor" is a generic term with no precise industry definition. As a result, this title can describe many different types of financial professionals. Stockbrokers, insurance agents, tax preparers, investment managers, and financial planners can all be considered financial advisors. Estate planners and bankers may also fall under this umbrella.

Still, an important distinction can be made: that is, a financial advisor must actually provide guidance and advice. A financial advisor can be distinguished from an execution stockbroker that simply places trades for clients or a tax accountant who simply prepares tax returns without providing advice on how to maximize tax advantages.

Furthermore, what may pass as a financial advisor in some instances may simply be a product salesperson, such as a stockbroker or a life insurance agent. A true financial advisor should be a well-educated, credentialed, experienced, financial professional who works on behalf of their clients, as opposed to serving the interests of a financial institution by maximizing the sales of certain products or capitalizing on commissions from sales.


There were 275,200 professional financial advisors in the U.S. as of 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Generally, a financial advisor is an independent practitioner who operates in a fiduciary capacity in which a client’s interests come before their own. However, only Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), who are governed by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, are held to a true fiduciary standard. This fiduciary standard mandates that an RIA must always unconditionally put the client's best interests ahead of their own, regardless of all other circ*mstances.

There are some agents and brokers who elect to practice in this capacity, as a fiduciary, as a way of attracting clients. However, their compensation structure is such that they are bound by the contracts of the companies where they work.

The Fiduciary Distinction

Since the enactment of the Investment Adviser Act of 1940, two types of relationships have existed between financial intermediaries and their clients. These are the reasonableness standard and the stricter fiduciary standard. These relationships characterize the nature of the transactions between registered representatives and clients in the broker-dealer space. There is a fiduciary relationship that requires advisors registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Registered Investment Advisors to exercise duties of loyalty, care, and full disclosure in their interactions with clients.

While the former is based on the principle of "caveat emptor" guided by self-governed rules of "suitability" and "reasonableness" in recommending an investment product or strategy, the latter is grounded in federal laws that impose the highest ethical standards. At its core, the fiduciary relationship relies on the necessity that a financial advisor must act on behalf of a client in a way the client would act for themself if they had the requisite knowledge and skills to do so.

Financial Advisors vs. Financial Planners

The financial planner is one particular type of financial advisor who specializes in helping companies and individuals create a program to meet long-term financial goals.

A financial planner might have a specialty in investments, taxes, retirement, and/or estate planning. Further, the financial planner may hold various licenses or designations, such as the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation. Financial planners may specialize in tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and/or estate planning.

How Do You Become a Financial Advisor?

To become a financial advisor, one first needs to complete a bachelor's degree. A degree in finance or economics is not needed, but this does help. From there, you would look to be hired by a financial institution, most often joining through an internship. It is recommended to work at an institution as it will sponsor you for the industry licenses you need to complete before being able to practice as a financial advisor. You can do these on your own; however, it is easier to do through a company. An internship or entry-level job will also help you understand the industry and what is required for the career. The licenses you will need to complete may include Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, and Series 6. Once you obtain the licenses, you can work as a financial advisor.

What Do Financial Advisors Do?

Financial advisors are tasked with managing every aspect of your financial life, from retirement planning to estate planning to savings and investing. They are responsible for more than just suggesting investment choices or selling financial products. They assess your financial status and understand your financial goals and create a tailored financial plan to achieve those goals. They can help reduce the taxes you pay and maximize the returns on any financial assets you may own.

How Much Does a Financial Advisor Cost?

The cost of a financial advisor depends on the services you hire them for. Generally, the average fee a financial advisor charges is 1% on assets under management (AUM); however, many financial advisors operate on a sliding scale, so the more business you do, the lower this fee will be. There are also different fees for the different tasks that a financial advisor will perform. Many financial advisors charge a flat annual fee between $2,000 and $7,500; between $1,000 and $3,000 for creating a tailored financial plan and depending on the agreement, commissions of 3% to 6% on the account.

How Much Does a Financial Advisor Make?

The amount that a financial advisor makes depends on a variety of factors, such as their experience, the region in which they work, their types of clients, the types of products they sell, and the type of financial advice they provide. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, the median pay of a financial advisor was $89,330 per year/$42.95 an hour.

The Bottom Line

Financial advisors help their clients achieve financial independence and security. They can work independently or as part of a larger firm, and generally pursue professional designations proving their knowledge. Their pay is based on a number of factors, and the average starting salary is well above the national average.

Financial Advisor: Overview, FAQ, How to Choose One (2024)


How to choose a financial advisor 6 tips for finding the right one? ›

Here are six tips to help you choose a trustworthy financial advisor you can rely on.
  1. Find a real fiduciary. ...
  2. Check those credentials. ...
  3. Understand how the advisor gets paid. ...
  4. Look for fee-only advisors. ...
  5. Search for clarity. ...
  6. Find an advisor who keeps you on track. ...
  7. 5 important questions to ask your financial advisor.
Mar 31, 2023

What are key considerations when selecting financial advisors? ›

Always ask for (and verify) an advisor's specific credentials. Anyone who gives investment advice — which most financial advisors do — must be registered as an investment advisor with the SEC or the state if they have a certain amount of assets under management.

How to answer the question why do you want to be a financial advisor? ›

Sample Answer: I want to be a financial advisor because I have always been interested in helping people with their finances. I believe my experience as a customer service representative and my knowledge of finance will help me succeed in this position.

What financial advisors don t tell you? ›

12 Things Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Want You to Know
  • They are probably learning as they go. ...
  • They get paid to sell you more products and services. ...
  • There's a reason they want to see all your assets. ...
  • They can't legally make any promises. ...
  • You may be able to negotiate your fees. ...
  • The hard sell usually only benefits them.
Apr 3, 2023

What is the 80 20 rule financial advisors? ›

An 80/20 retirement plan is a type of retirement plan where you split your retirement savings/ investment in a ratio of 80 to 20 percent, with 80% accounting for low-risk investments and 20% accounting for high-growth stocks.

Is 1% good for a financial advisor? ›

While 1.5% is on the higher end for financial advisor services, if that's what it takes to get the returns you want then it's not overpaying, so to speak. Staying around 1% for your fee may be standard but it certainly isn't the high end. You need to decide what you're willing to pay for what you're receiving.

What are the 4 guidelines for choosing financial goals? ›

4 Simple Guidelines to Follow When Setting Your Financial Goals
  • Make sure your goals are somewhere between aggressive and realistic. Remember that once you set a goal, the point is to hit it. ...
  • Understand your expenses first. ...
  • Tell the truth. ...
  • Keep emotions out of it.
May 19, 2021

What are 5 key considerations when selecting investment options? ›

5 key factors to check before choosing an investment plan
  • Return on Investment (ROI) ROI is often considered to be the holy grail of all metrics when it comes to assembling one's portfolio. ...
  • Cost. ...
  • Time to Goals. ...
  • Tax Considerations. ...
  • Liquidity.
Dec 23, 2022

When you choose a financial provider What are the three main things you want from it? ›

10 Critical Factors to Consider When Hiring a Financial Advisor
  • Hiring a worthy financial advisor. ...
  • A fiduciary standard. ...
  • Transparent fees. ...
  • Clear performance reporting. ...
  • A prudent investment process. ...
  • A third-party custodian. ...
  • Service offerings. ...
  • Education and events.
Jul 29, 2018

How do I impress a financial advisor interview? ›

Tips for your financial advisor interview

To improve your performance during a financial advisor interview, practice answering mathematical problems at home. Write out each step of your decision-making process while answering the question. You can use the written information as a reference during your interview.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a financial advisor? ›

The benefits of becoming an advisor include unlimited earning potential, a flexible work schedule, and the ability to tailor one's practice. The drawbacks include high stress, the hard work needed to build a client base, and the ongoing need to meet regulatory requirements.

What should I ask my financial advisor every year? ›

Are you saving tax-efficiently? Are you protecting your income? Are you preserving your assets? How does your plan affect your family?

What is unprofessional behavior for financial advisor? ›

Unethical financial advisors usually have warning signals including inconsistent reporting to clients, product pushing, and guaranteeing future results. Ethical financial advisors prioritize learning about your personal history, explaining unfamiliar financial matters, and planning for their succession in they retire.

Do financial advisors have access to your bank account? ›

Do financial advisors have access to your bank account? Ideally, advisors can only move money between your bank account and a third-party custodian. Typically that allows them to schedule investments and withdrawals for you, but they cannot send payments to other payees (like themselves).

Why do financial advisors lose clients? ›

As a financial advisor it takes hard work to attract clients, and even more work to keep them. Clients can part ways with their advisors due to poor communication, mismatched expectations, underperformance, lack of personalized advice, trust issues, high fees, and inadequate financial education.

What is the 80 15 5 method? ›

A best practice time ratio to strive for is to spend 80% of your time client facing, 15% focused on learning and expanding spheres of knowledge and influence, and 5% with your staff or team building.

What percentage should a financial advisor get? ›

What Is the Average Fee for a Financial Advisor? The average fee for a financial advisor generally comes in at about 1% of the assets they are managing.

Is 1.25 percent too much for a financial advisor? ›

Most advisers handling portfolios worth less than $1 million charge between 1% and 2% of assets under management, Veres found. That may be a reasonable amount, if clients are getting plenty of financial planning services. But some charge more than 2%, and a handful charge in excess of 4%.

What percentage of millionaires work with a financial advisor? ›

Seventy percent of millionaire households used some sort of financial adviser, and the average length of that relationship spanned 10 years, the survey found.

What percentage of millionaires have a financial advisor? ›

While nearly 70% of millionaires have a financial advisor, the percentage rises to almost 90% for millennials, the survey shows. In response to inflation, younger millionaires are more likely to buy stocks and fixed-income assets, and are less likely to have higher amounts of cash.

Are financial advisor fees tax deductible? ›

Notably, the Act eliminated financial advisor fees as a deduction. As of January 2018, these fees are no longer tax deductible. The TCJA tax cuts are temporary: Most changes are set to expire in 2025, and there is a possibility for eligibility for the deduction again in the future.

What are the 3 rules of financial planning? ›

3 Rules To Successful Financial Planning
  • Rule 1: Lead an 'appropriate' lifestyle.
  • Rule 2: Prepare for uncertainties. Everyone faces uncertainties in life. ...
  • Take a (term) life insurance. ...
  • Rule 3: Beat inflation. ...
  • Invest only for the long term (>5-7 years), never trade.
  • Summary.

What are three good financial goals? ›

Examples of financial goals include creating an emergency savings account, building a retirement fund, paying off debt and finding a higher-paying job.

What are three common financial goals? ›

Here are some personal financial goal examples to help get you started.
  • Start an Emergency Fund. Life is unpredictable, and it's important to be prepared. ...
  • Pay Off Debt. ...
  • Save for Retirement. ...
  • Strive for Homeownership. ...
  • Pay Off the Car. ...
  • Invest in a College Education. ...
  • Plan for Fun.

What are the six 6 criteria for choosing an investment? ›

  • Dollar-cost averaging.
  • Risk tolerance levels.
  • Portfolio diversification.
  • Asset allocation.

How to invest $100 000 to make $1 million? ›

Invest $400 per month for 20 years

If you're earning a 10% average annual return and investing $400 per month, you'd be able to go from $100,000 to $1 million in savings in just over 20 years. Again, if your actual average returns are higher or lower than 10% per year, that will affect your timeline.

What are the 3 main criteria of every investment? ›

Any investment can be characterized by three factors: safety, income, and capital growth. Every investor has to pick an appropriate mix of these three factors.

What is the difference between a financial advisor and a financial consultant? ›

Advice: Financial advisors generally provide investment advice that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of individual clients. Financial consultants provide advice that is more broad-based and designed to help businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations make informed financial decisions.

What is the difference between a financial advisor and an investment advisor? ›

Investment advisors are focused entirely on investments and advising their clients on the best way to invest. Financial advisors, on the other hand, can be any number of financial experts, including stockbrokers, insurance agents, and bankers.

How do I choose a fiduciary? ›

How to Choose a Professional Fiduciary
  1. Determine what's most important to you in a Professional Fiduciary. ...
  2. Ask friends and family for referrals. ...
  3. Search online for providers. ...
  4. Call references and run a background check. ...
  5. Interview your potential Professional Fiduciary candidates.

How to describe your weakness? ›

Answer “what is your greatest weakness” by choosing a skill that is not essential to the job you're applying to and by stressing exactly how you're practically addressing your weakness. Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

What is your strength and weaknesses sample answer? ›

My strength is that I am self-motivated, hard-working and punctual. My weakness is that I trust people very easily. My biggest strength is no matter what I will never give up till I give my best to complete my task. My strength is my family as they always take a stand for me and help me in every situation.

What do you say in Tell me about yourself? ›

Your answer to the "tell me about yourself" question should describe your current situation, your past job experience, the reason you're a good fit for the role, and how you align with the company values. Tell the interviewer about your current position and a recent big accomplishment or positive feedback you received.

What is the best weakness to say for a finance interview? ›

Give a BS answer like “I work too much” or “I'm too much of a perfectionist.” Give a legitimate weakness, like saying that you sometimes lose focus when working on extended projects, or that you have trouble delegating work to others, and then show how you've been working to improve yourself.

What are two cons of becoming a financial advisor? ›

Becoming a Financial Advisor
Unlimited earning potentialYou must develop a client base
Low start-up costsMarketing costs vary widely
Lifetime learningYou will never learn everything
Huge range of products + strategiesConsider a somewhat narrow focus
5 more rows

What are key financial strengths? ›

Financial strength encompasses the ability to generate revenue, have sufficient cash flow, financial competence, and return money to investors. Business owners care about financial strength since it's one of the main components of a successful company.

How old is the average financial advisor? ›

According to various studies and publications, the average age of financial advisors is somewhere between 51 and 55 years, with 38% expecting to retire in the next ten years.

How do I know if my financial advisor is doing a good job? ›

How To Evaluate Your Financial Advisor
  • Learn exactly what you are paying. ...
  • Discuss fee transparency. ...
  • Understand your investment costs. ...
  • Determine whether your advisor is a fiduciary. ...
  • Get a list of the services you should be receiving. ...
  • Check your advisor's background. ...
  • Make sure you are getting leading-edge advice.
Jan 6, 2019

What are the questions financial advisors hear most often? ›

  • Are we in a recession, and what does that mean for my plan? ...
  • When should I enter the market? ...
  • Is now a good time to invest? ...
  • How bad will inflation get? ...
  • Should I take on debt to start a business? ...
  • How might current events impact my long-term goals? ...
  • How do I know when to sell, hold or buy?
Sep 12, 2022

What personality type is a financial advisor? ›

Financial advisors tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be conventional, meaning that they are usually detail-oriented and organized, and like working in a structured environment.

What is the hardest part of being a financial advisor? ›

Managing Client Expectations

While managing a client's portfolio may be a very straightforward endeavor, managing their expectations can be much harder. Many clients have unrealistic expectations when it comes to investment returns and interest rates. For starters, clients are often not financial professionals.

Are conversations with financial advisors confidential? ›

Financial Planning Client Confidentiality

Unlike lawyers, financial advisors do not have an attorney-client privilege. This means that what is discussed between a lawyer and their client may be kept private.

What information do financial advisors need? ›

Be prepared to talk about your income, regular expenses and monthly cash flow. Provide a summary of your debt—including your mortgage, credit cards, student loans, car loans and other debt—and the interest rates and terms on the loans. Provide your insurance and estate-planning documents.

What happens if a financial advisor loses your money? ›

If you lost money because of an investment professional's negligence, you can seek damages in court. For help evaluating your claim, call (818) 501-8987 or fill out our online contact form.

Why do so many financial advisors quit? ›

The most common reasons financial advisors quit are lack of fulfillment, difficulty finding clients, and burnout. Over 90% of financial advisors do not last three years, which means that there is a very low retention rate for financial advisors. To be a successful financial advisor, you need to be able to close a deal.

How often do people switch financial advisors? ›

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, many individuals working with financial advisors have been reconsidering where their money is managed. A quarter of surveyed clients considered switching to a new advisor, with an additional 21.8% actually making the jump to a new advisor or a robo-advisor.

Why do people leave financial advisors? ›

A lack of personal connection would lead 25 percent of clients to leave their advisor, according to a study from MIT AgeLab and AIG. Another study highlights the importance of showing you care about your client beyond just their financial needs.

What is the normal fee for a financial advisor? ›

Exactly how much you end up paying for your financial advisor boils down to the fee structure they use. Financial advisors who charge a fee as a percentage of the client's balance (0.20% – 1.5%) will vary depending on the balance of the account.

Are financial advisors worth paying for? ›

Ultimately, whether or not a financial advisor will be worth your money depends on your specific situation and the financial advisor you choose to team up with. If they align with your goals, listen to your needs and act in your best interests, they will most likely be a good financial investment.

How do you negotiate fees with a financial advisor? ›

How to Negotiate Financial Advisor Fees
  1. Check their Form ADV. Before broaching the subject of reducing fees, it's a good idea to check your advisor's Form ADV. ...
  2. Ask for a breakdown of the numbers. ...
  3. Make your case. ...
  4. Pick a number. ...
  5. Be prepared for a counteroffer. ...
  6. Walk away if necessary.
Mar 1, 2023

Can you make 300k as a financial advisor? ›

Successful advisers with five-to-10 years of experience can earn in excess of $300k.

How much can a financial advisor make you with 100k? ›

Usually, advisors that charge a percentage will want to work with clients that have a minimum portfolio of about $100,000. This makes it worth their time and will allow them to make about $1,000 to 2,000 a year.

What is a high net worth financial advisor? ›

Financial advisors also categorize their clients as high-net-worth or not. Advisors who are registered with the SEC must annually report how many HNWI clients they have. To do that, they define them as having $750,000 in investable assets or a $1.5 million net worth.

Is it better to have a financial advisor or financial planner? ›

For example, if you have short-term issues or need assistance with specific questions or investments, a financial advisor can usually be a big help. However, if you want support for developing a comprehensive long-term plan for your finances, you may be better off working with a financial planner.

Is it better to have a financial advisor or invest yourself? ›

Those who use financial advisors typically get higher returns and more integrated planning, including tax management, retirement planning and estate planning. Self-investors, on the other hand, save on advisor fees and get the self-satisfaction of learning about investing and making their own decisions.

Is it better to have a financial advisor or do it myself? ›

Anyone can manage their own assets, but that doesn't mean you should. Most people will benefit from the knowledge and experience of a professional financial advisor, especially if they have a substantial amount of assets.

How do you tell if your financial adviser is overcharging you? ›

It is advisable to speak to more than one potential adviser to get a sense of market rates. If one quote differs widely from the others, that could be an indicator of overcharging. The lowest-cost products might not be the best for every investor in every instance.

What is a good profit margin for a financial advisor? ›

If you're optimizing for current income and not too concerned about having a big liquidity event in the future, then the 30% (or more) profit margin and 5% to 7.5% annual organic growth rate should work fine. A high profit margin (40% or more) with little to negative revenue growth is a wasting asset.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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