Exploring the Hidden Internet (2024)

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, Flipkart, and many more websites, That’s it? Well, no! The most fascinating and shocking fact is that the internet we use each day is just 4%.

In this article, we are going to learn about the mysterious side of the internet.
Curious? Let’s head on to our topic.


The Internet is a vast network that connects all the computers across the globe enabling people to share information.
The internet pieces of information are broadly classified into three types :

  1. Surface web
  2. Deep web
  3. Dark web


Let’s imagine the internet like a glacier. As we know the visible part of the glacier is small but the non-visible parts of the glacier under it are too deep.

Exploring the Hidden Internet (2)


The surface Web is often compared to the top of the glacier which is small, visible, and can be accessed easily. In other words, the Surface Web is simply the internet we use in our daily life.
The suitable examples for the surface web would be E-commerce, Social media, etc.

As we know the Surface Web consists of only 4% of information that is available on the internet and is accessible by search engines like google, yahoo, bing, etc.


The deeper part of the glacier is compared to the Deep web. It consists of 96% of information that is available on the internet. There is no direct accessibility for the information on the deep web but can be accessed once the IP address and the password is known. The accessibility of the deep web is pretty easy when compared to the dark web. The Government, Navy, and Banks use the deep web to store important information such as Aadhar Data, Account Numbers to provide security.

The best example of the deep web is when we upload a photo in the drive with no public visibility and it can be viewed only by you who has the authority. Others can access it only when the authority is given.


The bottom of the glacier is compared to the dark web. The dark web forms the smallest part of the deep web. Dark web information cannot be accessed by search engines like google, yahoo, it is only accessible through networks such as Tor which is specially created for the dark web. This tor browser was initially developed and used by the US Navy to censor government communication which is now made public and accessible. Tor browser is completely safe for people who read articles whereas on the other hand it is used for any illegal activities such as child p*rnography, drug-related crimes. A dark web also acts as a marketplace by selling illegal goods such as drugs, weapons, and many more.

The cryptocurrencies used in the dark web marketplace are known as Bitcoins.
Bitcoins emerged in 2011 as the currency of choice for Drug dealers. A Bitcoin is a computer file that is stored in a “Digital Wallet” app on a Smartphone or a Computer. With the help of Bitcoins, people hide their intention as well as their identity.

The Dark web user’s location stays anonymous and cannot be tracked as the location bounces.

I personally suggest not to use the dark Web. 🤫

Also, catch me up on LinkedIn.

Exploring the Hidden Internet (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.