Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (2024)

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (1)

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What is human capital?

What is human capital in economics?

A modern approach to the theory of human capital

Types of human capital

How to invest in human capital

Who is responsible for human capital within a business?

4 human capital examples done right

What human capital examples set you apart?

A company is only as good as its people.

Their skills, education, and knowledge are examples of how human capital contributes to an organization’s success. Investment in human capital heavily influenced the growth of leading companies like Google, Adobe, and IBM. Many companies say it, but investment (and policies and systems) speak to whether a company is truly treating people as its most valuable asset.

Unfortunately, the trend toward calling people "human capital" had the unfortunate consequence tended to make the whole endeavor less human.

How are you investing in your people?

To maintain your competitive advantage in today’s unpredictable environment, understanding the value of your employeesis a must.

Let’s look at a brief history of human capital and how companies can invest in their most valuable asset.

What is human capital?

Each company has different types of assets that contribute to its total economic value. These include physical assets like land and equipment as well as cash.

These also include intangible assets that are quantified on a balance sheet but harder to quantify in reality.

One of the most important intangible assets that doesn't appear directly on the balance sheet is human capital. The definition of human capital is the economic value that a person, or group of people, brings to an organization based on their training, skills, loyalty, motivation, and well-being.

These intangible qualities help companies produce and sell their goods or services.

These things are hard to quantify, but there is an assumption that if a company is investing in the development and health and well-being of their people, they are investing in managing their human capital. And human capital is a key driver of a company's financial performance.

Organizations that make an investment in human capitalimprove their productivityand profitability. When employees invest in their own education and training, they maximize their earning potential.

So, what does human capital formation mean?

Human capital formation is when an organization increases the number of people in their organization who have certain skills, education, and experience. This formation can happen through trainingor new hires.

What is human capital in economics?

Scottish economist Adam Smith first suggested the concept of human capital in the 18th century. He described human capitalas the “acquired and useful abilities of all the members of the society.”

He argued that human capital can be improved through education and training. This benefits the institutions of society. And it benefits the economic development of the entire economy.

It wasn’t until the 1950s that economists like Gary Becker and Theodore Schultz made human capital a popular concept in modern economics. Together, they created the Human Capital Theory.

The theory suggests that a person’s knowledge and skills are no different than any other form of capital. Investing in human capital increases economic output and an employee’s earning potential.

For this reason, Schultz and Becker encouraged people to invest in their education, emotional and physical health, and training.

Many criticized this theory. Critics argued that human beings shouldn’t be seen as just a means of production.

Schultz assured them that this wasn’t the intention of their theory. He explained that people who invested in their skills and education will live in better economic conditions and earn more.

A modern approach to the theory of human capital

What does human capital look like now?

Human capital isn’t like other assets. Land, for example, can be sold for a profit.

In contrast, people don’t sell their skills and talents. They enter into a contract with an employer and get paid to provide their expertise.

This is how German philosopher Karl Marx explained his version of human capital. He also pointed out that having human capital isn’t enough. People have to work and apply their skills to earn this income.

Today, human capital might include cultural, social, and intellectual capital. Let’s explore each one:

Cultural capital

The mix ofknowledge, emotional intelligence, and intellectual abilities a person has is known as cultural capital.

Companies and individuals can build their cultural capital by investing in higher education or professional development. The more they invest, the more efficient and profitable they’ll be.

Social capital

Social capitalis the network of relationships among peoplewho work and live in a society. This includes their relationships with one anotherand professional networks.

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (2)

In a workplace, this can look like:

Companies with strong social capital have higher employee retentionand a culture of trust.

Intellectual capital

Intellectual capital is the value of the knowledge, skills, and innovative and creative ideasof the people within an organization. For example, Coca-Cola’s secret formula is a type of intellectual capital.

Types of human capital

Human capital has a huge impact on the economic growth of businesses and entire societies.

Take a guess, which of the following is an example of human capital?

  • Education

In fact, all of these are human capital examples that drive growth.

How to invest in human capital

Just like any other capital resource, human capital is mobile. People can move to any company that values their skills and capabilities.

So how can you invest in your existing human capital and increase your retention rates?

Here are a few ways:

1. Invest in employee development

Traditionally an investment in human capital would include training. Training equips employees with the skills and confidence needed to achieve organizational goals. Investing inupskillingworkersincreases retention as well as their ability to create value. This is because people valueopportunities for growth and development.

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (3)

Some ways to invest in employee training include:

  • On-the-job training
  • Technical skills training
  • Soft skillstraining
  • Corporate learning

    But training is only one way, although it benefits from being visible and widely understood. Another important way to invest in employee development is to invest in personal growth and well-being, both of which are intricately connected to performance and professional growth. Ongoing coaching, wellness benefits, and growth opportunities provide real value to employees and also helps them perform better and more sustainably, creating value for the company.

2. Fund scholarships

Funding college or continuing education scholarships is a long-term investment in human capital.

By providing these scholarships, companies build relationships with both the current and future workforce. Employees of tomorrow must have access to higher education to increase their human capital.

3. Provide educational bonuses

Investing in employees' ongoing education is a sure-fire way to grow your human capital. One way to help employees upgrade their education is to provide incentives like educational bonuses.

These bonuses make it easier for employees to become more qualified in their roles, especially if they can’t afford to do so on their own.

Learning opportunities also help you keep your human capital from jumping ship. According to Linkedin,over 90% of employees would stay with a company longerif it invested in their learning.

4. Provide family assistance programs

Investing in human capital also means helping employees balance family responsibilities.Employee assistance programslike child care or eldercare assistance improvework-life balanceandsupport employee wellness.

A healthy work-life balancedecreases stressand increases workplace productivity andperformance.

Who is responsible for human capital within a business?

Human capital is the value each employee brings to an organization.

In medium-sized and large corporations, human resources (HR) is the department responsible for all employee-related matters, including human capital.

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (4)

Human resource management (HRM), focuses on improving employee well-beingand performance. HRM also provides learning and development opportunities.

The strategic efforts of HRM aim to invest in and increase human capital. In small businesses like startups, the founder or head of people is usually the one in charge of people operations, depending on the size of the company.

At the same time, business departments or leaders aren’t the only ones who should be investing in human capital.

Each individual is responsible for growing their own skill set, education, and abilities. Having a high human capital makes you more competitiveand leads to higher compensation opportunities.

Human capital examples done right

People are a company’s greatest asset.

The following examples of human capitalshow how fostering it can benefit both individuals and an organization as a whole.

Let’s explore four companies that make human capital management a priority.

1. Johnson & Johnson’s culture of well-being

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) knows that health is one of the essential components of human capital. That’s why they’re an industry leader when it comes to thehealth and well-being of their employees.

Among an array of health perks,J&J offers employees a free course called Energy for Performance.

During this course, employees learn about foods and activities that are proven toboost energy. It also helps employees identify the most meaningful components of their lives.

The course led to increased employee productivity and reduced turnover rates.

Susan Podlogar, VP of Total Rewards, explains that “having your employees at their best andfully engagedis a business issue — it’s not just nice to have.”

2. Building human capital at IBM using AI

IBM invests in human capital byreskilling the workforce.

In 2019, IBMintroduced its SkillBuild platform. SkillBuildleverages AI technologyto provide students and adults looking for entry-level jobs the skills they need to qualify for emerging roles in technology.

This free program helps people from all walks of life increase their human capital. This includes refugees, veterans, and minimum wage employees.

With this initiative, IBM offers everyone an equal opportunity to build the skills and knowledge they need to qualify for a role in the IT industry.

3. Adobe’s employee growth and education

“Our people are our most important asset.”

That’s one of Adobe’sfundamental principles.

TheirLearning Fundprogram is one way they invest in their human capital. The program provides employees with up to $10,000 per year to pursue learning opportunities and academic degrees.

They also reimburse up to $1,000 per year to support learning and development opportunities. These include conferences, books, online courses, or webinars.

Adobe’s learning and development opportunities make it one of the most sought-after companies to work for today.

4. Google’s culture that drives innovation

Continuous innovation can’t be sustained with technology alone. Google, one of the most innovative companies in the world, understands this principle.

That’s why the tech giantfosters a culture of innovation.

One ofGoogle’s 8 Pillars of Innovationis “look for ideas everywhere,” where employees are encouraged to share their ideas openly.

Another pillar encourages Google employees tonot be afraidof failure. This encourages employees to take risks and put forward their innovative ideaswithout fear of failing.

Google invests in its human capital because it understands that people are the catalyst for growth and innovation.

How does human capital set you apart?

These human capital examplesput in perspective the power of our individual skills and abilities.

Human capital is one of the most important drivers of growth and innovation. Investing in employees’ training, education, and well-being also leads to a happy and engagedworkforce.

At BetterUp, we can help you invest in your workforce and increase your human capital.

Schedule a demo today.

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (5)

Published September 29, 2021

Examples of Human Capital: Driving Growth and Innovation (2024)


What is an example of human capital growth? ›

Fund scholarships. Funding college or continuing education scholarships is a long-term investment in human capital. By providing these scholarships, companies build relationships with both the current and future workforce. Employees of tomorrow must have access to higher education to increase their human capital.

What are 5 examples of human capital? ›

Examples of human capital include communication skills, education, technical skills, creativity, experience, problem-solving skills, mental health, and personal resilience.

What is an example of scenario of human capital? ›

According to human capital theory, an adequate investment in people will result in a growing economy. For example, some countries offer their people a free college education out of a realization that a more highly educated populace tends to earn more and spend more, thus stimulating the economy.

What are 10 examples of human capital? ›

Examples of Human Capital
  • Education.
  • Technical or on-the-job training.
  • Health.
  • Mental and emotional well-being.
  • Punctuality.
  • Problem-solving.
  • People management.
  • Communication skills.
Sep 13, 2022

What is human capital for business growth? ›

Human capital affects economic growth and can help to develop an economy by expanding the knowledge and skills of its people. Human capital refers to the knowledge, skill sets, and experience that workers have in an economy.

Are there 4 types of human capital? ›

Here are 13 forms of human capital:
  • Communication. Effective communication within a company can help employees be more productive and are an excellent source of human capital. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Mental health. ...
  • On-the-job training. ...
  • People skills. ...
  • Physical health.
Jun 24, 2022

What is an example sentence for human capital? ›

The corporation has become so valuable, not because of its fixed assets, but because of the human capital of its software engineers and programmers.

What are examples of human capital quizlet? ›

Know the definition of human capital and examples of human capital. the knowledge, skills, health, and values that individuals possess. Examples: Communication skills, license, being able to read, write, literacy...

What is an example of human capital advantage? ›

One key advantage of HCM is that it provides a process for managing a company's people resources. It creates an overall system the human resource department can use to deliver the best talents and train them to achieve organizational goals.

What is a real world example of capital? ›

Capital assets are generally a broader term. The capital assets of an individual or a business may include real estate, cars, investments (long or short-term), and other valuable possessions.

What is a real life example of capital in economics? ›

Money, stocks, real estate, artworks, and material possessions are all examples of economic capital. It is a form of capital distinct from natural, cultural, and social capital because it reflects tangible value that can be transferred in a financial transaction.

What are 4 factors that determine human capital? ›

These factors are explained below.
  • i. Education. Education not only raises the standard and quality of living but also encourages modern attitudes of people. ...
  • ii. Health. There is a saying “The greatest wealth is health”. ...
  • iii. On-the-Job Training. ...
  • iv. Migration. ...
  • v. Information.

How do you empower human capital? ›

The most common ways of empowerment are participation in boards, stock options, collective bargaining, job enrichment and enlargement, quality circles, suggestion schemes, total quality management, self-managed teams, etc.

What is the best way for companies to increase human capital? ›

4 tips for improving human capital management at your company
  • Look beyond recruiting and onboarding. ...
  • Learn how to connect with each employee. ...
  • Invest in the right technology. ...
  • Take a positive and transparent approach to communication.
Feb 21, 2023

What is human capital strategy? ›

A human capital strategy is a strategy that outlines the human resources and skills needed to allow an organization to achieve its goals. It is based on workforce planning and is supported by talent management systems.

Which of the following is not example of human capital? ›

Land is not amongst the components of Human Capital.

What is human capital as a source of growth and development? ›

Human capital formation is the act of increasing the productive qualities of the labor force by providing more education and increasing the skills, health, and notarization level of the working population.

What are the 7 types of capital? ›

The seven community capitals are natural, cultural, human, social, political, financial, and built. Strong and resilient communities strive for balanced investments in these seven capitals.

What are two types of human capital? ›

The two types of human capital are:
  • Specific human capital.
  • General human capital.

What are three characteristics of human capital? ›

The characteristics of human capital can include experience, education, training, and health. It is important to invest in human capital as it is one of the most important aspect of business. Businesses can measure human capital in a variety of ways to make sure investments are paying off and value is being added.

What is capital and give two examples? ›

Capital is the collective term for resources a business uses to generate to generate profit. Capital can be physical assets like buildings and machinery, intellectual property like patents and trademarks, or monetary assets like stocks and investments.

What is human capital for dummies? ›

What is Human Capital? Human capital refers to the value of human skills, knowledge, and experience within an organization. Human capital is an intangible asset that comprises of worker's education, training, expertise, intelligence, loyalty, and knowledge.

What is an example of human and social capital? ›

Human capital includes explicit human capital (e.g., education level) and implicit human capital (e.g., internal knowledge and skills) (Luthans et al., 2015). Social capital includes interpersonal and group relationships, potential groups, community resources, and social structures (Luthans et al., 2015).

What is human capital examples in school? ›

Examples of human capital include knowledge, qualifications, education, expertise, work ethic, technical skills, communication skills, and work ethic.

Is human capital an example of a resource? ›

In a public organization, human capital is available as a resource to provide for the public welfare. How human capital is developed and managed may be one of the most important determinants of economic and organizational performance.

Which is an example of an increase in human capital quizlet? ›

Human capital can be increased by increasing the number of workers, educating the existing labor force or both. An increase in the size of the labor force would be an increase in the human capital because the quantity of workers available has been expanded and can now produce more.

Which decision is the best example of human capital? ›

A key example of human capital is workers' education level. In many nations, young people receive a tuition-free public education from kindergarten through the end of high school. Some countries also provide low-cost or completely tuition-free higher education, meaning education beyond high school.

Which of the following is the best example of human capital in a company? ›

The correct answer is a; on-the-job training received by an apprentice electrician. Investment in human capital refers to investing on humans by ensuring that they are productive. On-the-job training implies adding more knowledge and skills to the electricians as human resources.

Is a computer a good example of human capital? ›

1) Human capital is a unique form of capital which included habits, knowledge, experience, and personality attributes that helps to produce labor of economic value. A computer helps to increase productivity, but it is physical capital. The …

Which of the following is human capital? ›

It includes employee knowledge, skills, expertise, health, and education. Social scientists use this term while referring to the monetary worth of a worker's knowledge and abilities. Human capital may comprise a firm or a nation's current stock of talent, aptitude, education, abilities, and knowledge.

What is one example of capital in business? ›

In business, capital means the money a company needs to function and to expand. Typical examples of capital include cash at hand and accounts receivable, near cash, equity and capital assets. Capital assets are significant, long-term assets not intended to be sold as part of your regular business.

What is the best example of a capital good? ›

Capital goods include fixed assets, such as buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles, and tools. Capital goods are also produced for the service sector, including hair clippers used by hairstylists and coffee machines for coffee shops.

What is an example of capitalism in today's society? ›

A capitalist economy is a country's economic structure where private individuals and businesses own all entrepreneurship, resources, trade, and ownership. In the US, big corporations like Apple, Microsoft, and Google are owned by private individuals and, thus, have unleashed productivity in many industries.

What influences human capital? ›

Gary Becker “Human Capital” (1964) In his view, human capital, is determined by education, training, medical treatment, and is effectively a means of production. Increased human capital explains the differential of income for graduates. Human capital is also important for influencing rates of economic growth.

How do you determine the human capital? ›

Put simply, calculating human capital involves taking into account factors such as the skills, intelligence and experience of a person, as well as their education and assets such as loyalty and punctuality.

What are the functions of human capital? ›

What is human capital management (HCM)? Human capital management (HCM) transforms the traditional administrative functions of human resources (HR) departments—recruiting, training, payroll, compensation, and performance management—into opportunities to drive engagement, productivity, and business value.

How do increases in human capital increase productivity? ›

Higher human capital productivity leads to more efficient work processes and higher-quality outputs. Larger companies and organizations often have an advantage when it comes to human capital productivity because they can invest more resources into developing their workforce.

What are the essentials for human capital development? ›

Human capital consists of knowledge, skill, and experience. Human development is achieved through coaching, training, and development, empowerment, delegation, and participation.

Are there types of human capital? ›

Here are 13 forms of human capital:
  • Communication. Effective communication within a company can help employees be more productive and are an excellent source of human capital. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Mental health. ...
  • On-the-job training. ...
  • People skills. ...
  • Physical health.
Jun 24, 2022

What is greater human capital? ›

Greater Human Capital is a people-first HR partner that equips companies to achieve key goals and enhance the employee experience.

What are examples of human capital and social capital? ›

Human capital includes explicit human capital (e.g., education level) and implicit human capital (e.g., internal knowledge and skills) (Luthans et al., 2015). Social capital includes interpersonal and group relationships, potential groups, community resources, and social structures (Luthans et al., 2015).

What is a simple example of capital? ›

What Are Examples of Capital? Any financial asset that is being used may be capital. The contents of a bank account, the proceeds of a sale of stock shares, or the proceeds of a bond issue all are examples. The proceeds of a business's current operations go onto its balance sheet as capital.

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