Does Home Age Matter? (2024)

Posted by Ron Wysocarski on Friday, June 10, 2022 at 9:45 AM By Ron Wysocarski / June 10, 2022 Comment

Does age matter, when buying a home?

If you're searching for a house, you'll undoubtedly look at a variety of properties and tour several various types. Some may be brand-new construction while others are over a decade or a few old. Both have their charms. If you're not sure whether to purchase a new or old house, here are some of the numerous variables to consider.

Difference Between New and Old Homes

Many buyers rank the age of a home as one of their least important factors when deciding which house to buy. However, experts think home age should be higher on your list of considerations. There are plenty of different trends that affect homebuilding over time - depending upon whether or not you're looking at an old building with classic features, or a newer construction with modern amenities you will notice a variety of features.

Older Homes

Homebuyers who want to buy an older home should know the subtle differences between them and newer construction properties. For instance, truly historic properties often lack modern amenities such as ductwork or central air conditioning systems because those designs weren't available back when they were constructed. They could also boast old-school features like radiators made out of cast iron (which will get very hot during summer), clawfoot tubs--and even Victorian-style woodwork!

Historic homes in the 1960s were often built with unusual shapes and colors to stand out from other homes. This is a time when people wanted modern designs, but also had practical concerns about cost and materials available for building projects like houses or apartments - so we see this type of design instance called "cookie-cutter" style because each development looked very similar to its neighbor! These types of neighborhoods roared after the war and during the baby boomer era as there became a housing shortage.

New Construction Homes

New home construction trends have changed the way new homes are designed and built. Some of these modern features include metal roofs, curvy building elements, and greater use of outdoor space.

Recent designers also pay attention closely when creating your living room set up so you have access to things such as smart home capabilities, central air systems, spaces designated for entertainment centers, or other special features. New home construction properties generally follow modern technology trends and demands, making sure that each property is more advanced than the last. Similar to how cars upgrade each year!

Is the Age of a House Important in Determining its Value?

Newer homes generally sell for more than older ones, but the difference can be even greater when an old house has been renovated and modernized. A home built in 1960 that was modernized with newer appliances, electrical work, floorings, counters, cabinets, and plumbing will have a larger impact than a home built 40 years later and never updated.

There's a fine balance between seller aspirations and buyer needs, but in most cases, sellers want to be sure that their homes are seen as "true" rather than effective ages.

How Can Home Age Be Measured?

The effective age of a property can be determined by looking at its renovation history. If you have had many renovations in the past, your home may not feel like it's aging well with time because those updates may seem more like facelifts rather than an update.

The age of your home is often the first thing buyers notice when they walk into a room. If you want to make sure that their initial impression lasts, be sure it's an appealing and welcoming appearance with plenty of character.

Does Home Age Matter? (1)

Purchasing an Old House

Below we will be listing several pros and cons when purchasing an older home.

Pros of an Old Home Purchase

  • Architecture - The unique architectural details and flourishes give these structures character, making them stand out among other homes in their neighborhood or town.

  • Land - The yards of older homes are often filled with lush greenery, including trees and bushes that have been cared for over several generations.

  • Established Neighborhood - Buying a home is not just about buying the house itself; it's also important to think of your neighborhood. Older homes are often more centrally located to downtown and in strong communities while newer ones may be further away.

  • Lower Cost - The upfront cost of a home is typically lower with older properties, and the price can be significantly less than what you would pay for new construction. The price of a new construction building is often higher by 30% or more

  • Speed - Buying a new home is exciting, but it isn’t without its difficulties. Buying a new house currently being constructed might face delays in the process due to problems with construction material supply chains which can slow down your purchase time frame considerably! However, for those looking at older properties, all this hassle doesn't matter.

Cons of an Old Home Purchase

  • Outdated technology - Older homes may use less energy-efficient systems - such as appliances, HVAC, and insulation.

  • Expensive Upkeep - Older homes generally need to be fixed up due to their age and come with higher maintenance costs.

  • Smaller Floor Plan - The differences between now and when these homes were constructed are striking. You can expect smaller closets with lower ceilings and less room for appliances.

  • Utility Costs - Homeowners have been able to enjoy better building codes and new materials that allow for an increased level of insulation. This, in turn, helps them better retain heat or air conditioning depending on what season it is at any given time. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Housing Survey, homeowners in old homes spend 17% more on electricity and 38% more on gas per year.

Does Home Age Matter? (2)

Purchasing a New Construction Home

Here we'll go through several advantages and disadvantages of buying a new property.

Pros of Purchasing a New Home

  • Updated - Generally comes with fresh paint, updated appliances, and modern floor plans.

  • Energy efficiency - Newer homes can be a great investment because they often come equipped with features that make them more energy efficient. For example, newer construction means better insulation and less maintenance on your part!

  • Larger Living Spaces - As new housing trends have emerged over the years, newer homes now feel larger than older homes used to be. This is because open floor plans and flowing designs reflect what people want in their living spaces.

  • Amenities - Modern technology is increasingly being used in new homes. This means that these houses tend to come equipped with amenities such as central air and an abundance of appliances, which might not be available or necessary for older properties.

Cons of Purchasing a New Home

  • Homeowners Associations - Many new developments are managed by an HOA. While that's not always a bad thing, it’s still another expense you have to worry about.

  • Pricing - Generally newer properties are costly with all the new upgrades. Especially if you are the first-time owner of the property, it can be expensive.

  • Likely Less Centralized - Usually newer homes are built away from the busy areas of town. So you’re trading off a newer home for being further from the action!

  • Higher Upfront Costs - When deciding between a new or old house, higher upfront costs can be offset by lower maintenance and utility bills over time. However, if you cannot afford the initial down payment for an expensive property then it may not work out in your favor because these types of homes usually require less money upfront and will allow you to stagger home maintenance costs throughout the property's life.

We’re Here if You Have Questions

Purchasing a new home can be stressful, especially if the age of the home is top of mind! Think about it and weigh out the pros and cons of the property. Remember, if you have questions regarding the new or old home listing age during your home search, reach out to us at (386) 871-7697.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Find Out How Old My House is?

The design of your property is one way to determine when it was built. You can also look at the past tax assessments and other records that are available from local authorities for clues about its history, such as previous owners. Our real estate professionals can assist you in interpreting these kinds of visual hints to determine when a property was constructed.

What’s the Difference Between Old and New Homes?

The type of home you buy is a big decision, and it can be difficult to know what will work best for your family. Oftentimes people who live in older homes find themselves looking at newer models with up-to-date design features that may not have been available when their previous house was built decades ago! Newer construction means more open concert plans and features whereas older properties have that unique feel and characteristic to them as seen with the architecture.

Are Old Homes Built Better?

There's a common perception that older homes are built more solidly than newer ones. Certainly, some old houses can be found with excellent construction quality, and they have stood the test of time well since their creation in centuries past. But you shouldn't rely on this as your only indicator - new construction may also contain many flaws for example! It is important to do inspections before buying any property no matter how young or outdated it might seem; if there exist potential problems then fixing them could save money down the line when trying to sell again later.

Do New or Old Homes Cost More?

When buying a new home, the price of your house will be higher than an old one. With that said though there can also be some advantages to newer homes such as lower cost for heating/cooling maintenance and utilities in newer buildings. Older homes generally cost more for utilities each month.

Does Home Age Matter? (2024)


Does the age of a home matter? ›

Old homes may use older heating and cooling systems or have fewer electrical outlets than you'd like. Similarly, building codes and standards have changed as well. Old homes might not be up to modern code, and bringing things up to today's safety standards will likely be costly. Expensive upkeep.

Is it OK to buy a 100 year old house? ›

It can be perfectly safe to buy a 100 year old house. On the surface, there's absolutely nothing wrong with buying a 100-year-old home. Still, you should be wary of structural issues and other problems associated with aged houses, such as lead paint and pest problems.

Why does the age of a house matter? ›

Outdated technology - Older homes may use less energy-efficient systems - such as appliances, HVAC, and insulation. Expensive Upkeep - Older homes generally need to be fixed up due to their age and come with higher maintenance costs.

Is it OK to buy a 40 year old house? ›

Buying an older house can be a rewarding investment, but it can also be a risky one. Many things must be considered ahead of time, like the cost of insurance, a possible mortgage, etc. Older homes cost an average of 75% more to insure than newer ones due to their increased risk factor.

Do older houses last longer? ›

Established houses are built to last, and many aspects of the construction cannot be reproduced today. Older homes might be built with wood made from old-growth trees (trees that attained great age by not being significantly disturbed) and therefore more resistant to rot and warping.

Does age of home affect appraised value? ›

One more factor that's out of your control in a home appraisal is the age of your home. The older your home, the lower the appraised value. Newer homes (in the last 10-20 years) have been built with more updated building codes and are unlikely to have issues. In general, they'll appraise for a higher value.

What is the disadvantage of buying an old house? ›

Old houses often come with old trees—and root problems. Older, taller trees often have long, strong roots that grow in toward the foundations and plumbing systems beneath the home. Pipe replacement or foundation work can be expensive.

Do houses lose value as they age? ›

Many first-time home buyers believe the physical characteristics of a house will lead to increased property value. But in reality, a property's physical structure tends to depreciate over time, while the land it sits on typically appreciates in value.

What is the lifespan of a house? ›

The average lifespan of a newly constructed house is 70–100 years. Factors such as weak housing materials and damaging weather exposure can shorten a home's lifespan. Routine repair and maintenance can improve the longevity of a home.

What age home is best to buy? ›

There is an ideal age to buy your first home, and that's between the ages of 25 to 34. As you enter your golden years and (hopefully) retirement, the equity in your home will become even more important to your financial health, especially should you need to refinance to cover any gaps in your retirement savings.

What age are most homeowners? ›

But is there a right age when these factors should be in place? And are these the factors Americans should consider when deciding to become a homeowner for the first time? In 2022, the average age of first-time homebuyers was 36, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is up from 33 in 2021.

Is it smart to buy a house at 50 years old? ›

The Bottom Line

If you're in your 50s, it's not too late to buy a new home, but it's key to ask the right questions and make the wisest decisions possible. Above all, make sure you won't be stuck making mortgage payments years after retirement. Gallup. "Most U.S. Employed Adults Plan to Work Past Retirement Age."

Is it safe to buy a 50 year old house? ›

Older homes are more likely to contain hazardous materials, including lead and asbestos. Lead was commonly used in exterior and interior paint up until 1978 and within plumbing systems built before the mid-1980s. This lead can leak into the environment and the water system, causing significant health issues.

Is it wise to buy a house at age 55? ›

Buying a home after 55 is a major decision that is sure to impact your retirement. While some financial companies will give out loans to older buyers, most are wary of this for several reasons. According to personal finance expert David Ning, it's unwise to get a new 30-year fixed mortgage in your 50s.

What type of house lasts the longest? ›

Stone and brick houses last the longest. If you are using wood, choose a hardwood for durability. A one-storey house will last longer because it is easier to maintain. Steel-frame techniques are also more durable for building houses than traditional stick-framing techniques and can last for 100+ years.

Can a house last 200 years? ›

Without special care and maintenance, the maximum lifespan of a house is about 200 years. Yes, there are historical buildings that are far older, but those have received special maintenance and preventive care that few other buildings receive.

Is a 20 year old house good? ›

A home of this particular age that has been well cared for is an excellent investment; it's just new enough to feature modern amenities, yet old enough to feel unique and settled in an established neighborhood. Though, after a couple decades, its age could present a few concerns.

What not to tell an appraiser? ›

In his post, he lists 10 things as a Realtor (or even homeowner), you should avoid saying to the appraiser:
  • I'll be happy as long as it appraises for at least the sales price.
  • Do your best to get the value as high as possible.
  • The market has been “on fire”. ...
  • Is it going to come in at “value”?
Mar 25, 2019

What negatively affects home appraisal? ›

Updating appliances or any major systems, like plumbing, electrical or HVAC, can be costly, so if yours are outdated, it could affect the overall value of the home. And if the interior hasn't been changed for decades, it may not appeal to buyers, which can also cause the value to decrease.

What adds the most value to a home appraisal? ›

How to Increase Home Value for Appraisal
  • Improve your house's curb appeal. ...
  • Mow and clean up your yard. ...
  • Examine the exterior of your home. ...
  • Document all of your home upgrades. ...
  • Give your home a deep cleaning. ...
  • Patch up any imperfections. ...
  • Let the appraiser do their job. ...
  • Be open to the appraiser's questions.

Is it OK to live in an old house? ›

Older homes are notorious for harboring numerous hazards like lead, asbestos, radon and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Mold and mildew is often another problem when opening up walls during demolition, which allows dangerous pollutants to fill the air you and your family breath.

Is buying a house from 1900 a bad idea? ›

If a house is from 1900, pipes have probably been replaced at least once already, but it's very likely that you'll have old, rotting cast iron drain pipes, corroded copper water lines, and sometimes even gas lines that are done unsafely.

Is it better to build or buy a house? ›

In general, you'll likely find it cheaper overall to buy an existing home, but that also depends on the market. A home loan is less risky than a land loan, and typically comes with a lower down payment and better interest rate.

Why do old houses last so long? ›

There are several factors that have allowed these old homes to last for centuries; superior raw materials, unimpeded energy flow, and air flow. The materials these homes were built with had a higher potential to store water without failing, and could dry out easily due to the lack of insulation and air flow.

What is a common problem in old houses? ›

Common problems in older homes result from deferred maintenance, poorly executed repairs, and older building materials, and fixing them can be expensive. The issues found in an older house will depend on how well previous owners have maintained it, but you will find unpreventable age-related problems.

What are two disadvantages of owning your home? ›

Disadvantages of owning a home
  • Costs for home maintenance and repairs can impact savings quickly.
  • Moving into a home can be costly.
  • A longer commitment will be required vs. ...
  • Mortgage payments can be higher than rental payments.
  • Property taxes will cost you extra — over and above the expense of your mortgage.

How much longer will a 100 year old house last? ›

Without special care and regular maintenance, their lifespan can reach about 200 years. But even though the materials used in many old houses are designed to last this long, there is still a chance that you will find problems in the structure or foundation.

Will my house be worth more in 5 years? ›

According to a report by Zillow, home values are projected to increase by 5.5% over the next year, slower than the 16.9% increase seen in 2021. Zillow predicts that home values will increase by 3.5% in 2023, 3.4% in 2024, 3.3% in 2025, and 3.2% in 2026.

Do more expensive homes appreciate faster? ›

In looking at home values over the past year, the least costly homes showed an 8.5 percent gain in their worth compared to a 3.6 percent increase for the most costly abodes, according to the findings by the provider of real estate information.

Do old houses have more problems? ›

Buyer beware when selecting an old home.

However, old homes can have serious issues. Some old homes contain outdated building materials, such as asbestos and lead paint, which can be hazardous to your health. Structural issues with the foundation are also common issues with older homes.

Do brick houses last longer? ›

According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (IACHI), brick structures are built to last 100 years or more. Throughout Europe and on other continents, homes, castles and other buildings made of brick have stood tall for centuries.

Is a 30 year old house too old? ›

As with anything regular maintenance, gentle use, and select repairs can prolong life expectancy but with neglect (or bad luck) the life expectancy will be shortened. When a house is 25 years or older many components of the home are beyond their life expectancy and should have been replaced.

How old does the average person buy a house? ›

In the US, first-time homebuyers are, on average, 33 years old. The average age of homebuyers overall is 47. These numbers are drastically higher than when data taking first began in 1981.

Is it wise to buy a house at age 60? ›

Buying a home after 60 can make sense if you have sufficient monthly income and find an affordable home. In addition, if you're physically capable of maintaining the home or can pay for extra help, homeownership won't become burdensome.

What age do most people pay off their mortgage? ›

While the average age borrowers expect to pay off their mortgage is 59, the number of survey participants who have no idea when they will pay it off at all stood at 16%. In 2019, 9% of those asked didn't know and in 2020, 11% gave this answer.

What percentage of homes are paid off? ›

According to Census Bureau data, over 38 percent of owner-occupied housing units are owned free and clear. For homeowners under age 65, the share of paid-off homes is 26.4 percent.

What percentage of homeowners have no mortgage? ›

After California comes New York at 1.7 million and Pennsylvania at 1.5 million. Yet no-mortgage owners in California are only 33% of all homeowners – and only four places have a smaller share: D.C. at 24%, Maryland at 28% and Colorado and Utah at 30%.

Can a 55 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

There's no age limit for getting or refinancing a mortgage. Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, seniors have the right to fair and equal treatment from mortgage lenders.

Can a 50 year old get a 25 year mortgage? ›

Mortgages for over 50s

Many lenders will be happy to offer you a mortgage if you're over 50, with a standard 25-year term and competitive interest rates often available. In some cases, you may be asked to show evidence of your predicted retirement income.

Is 45 too late to buy a house? ›

While you're never too old to buy your dream home, there are some things to consider before making your purchase. See more real estate pictures. As you get closer to retirement age, it might feel like it's too late to buy a home. While this might be true in some cases, there are times when it still makes sense to buy.

Is a house built in 1950 old? ›

If you are looking at a house built in 1950, the house is 60 years old. Assuming that the house originally had a 20-year asphalt roof, it was most likely replaced in the early 1970's, and again in the 1990's. If it does not have a new roof, the current roof might be nearing the end of its 20 year expected life.

How to sell a 100 year old house? ›

  1. Learn about the Buyer Pool of Fixer-uppers.
  2. Clean up your Front Yard and Remove All Outdoor Clutter.
  3. Make Small Updates Around the House.
  4. Include Renovation Loans in your Listing.
  5. Highlight the Unique Turnkey Features your Home.
  6. Ensure the Pricing of your Home is Right.

How long will a house built in 1900 last? ›

An average home built in the early 1900's would probably last about 30–50 years without serious maintenance, less if the roof were compromised, since an ordinary roof with old type shingles seldom lasted 20 years, and once the roof begins to leak, the damage progresses through ceilings, walls, and floors.

Is it smart to buy a house before retirement? ›

If you buy the property before retiring, it gives you time to get used to the true amounts of your monthly home expenses. Buying before can also help ensure that you have enough saved to retire and live comfortably. You'll also be in a better position to make necessary adjustments.

Is 47 too old to buy a house? ›

So can you get a mortgage at age 47? Put very simply, yes, you definitely can! 1,000's of people take out their first home mortgage or refinance in their 40's. You still have probably at least 15 to 20 years left in the workforce earning an income, in order to pay it back.

What are the pros and cons of living in a 55+ community? ›

What are the Pros and Cons of 55+ Communities?
Pros of Living in 55+ CommunitesCons of Living in 55+ Communites
Live among contemporaries/like minded peopleCommunities could be too mature for some tastes
Shared interest in activities/eventsExposure to a smaller group of people to establish friendships with
15 more rows
Feb 20, 2017

What is the effective age of a house? ›

The effective age is calculated by taking the percentage of the remodeling or modernization in relation to the whole. For example: 50% of the total structure of a house is 40 years old, 20% is 20 years old, and 30% of the structure is 5 years old. 0.50 X 40 = 20.0 years.

At what age does a house start losing value? ›

If you haven't renovated your home in the past 30 years or so, it won't show well when you put it on the market. In other words, it won't get the same price as a similar home that's been maintained and updated.

Can a 50 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

Age doesn't matter. Counterintuitive as it may sound, your loan application for a mortgage to be repaid over 30 years looks the same to lenders whether you are 90 years old or 40.

What age do most adults buy a house? ›

In the US, first-time homebuyers are, on average, 33 years old. The average age of homebuyers overall is 47.

What age do Millennials buy house? ›

The average millennial bought their first home at 34, slightly older than the average age of past generations, when boomers took the keys at 33 and Gen X at 32.

Is it smart to buy a house at 20 years old? ›

Is it smart to buy a house in my 20s? Yes, it is smart to buy a house at any age if you've done your homework. Homeownership can bring both risks and rewards. So before you start house hunting, put yourself in position to succeed: Work on your credit profile and start saving up some money.

Is 45 too old to buy a house? ›

While you're never too old to buy your dream home, there are some things to consider before making your purchase. See more real estate pictures. As you get closer to retirement age, it might feel like it's too late to buy a home. While this might be true in some cases, there are times when it still makes sense to buy.

Is 21 too early to buy a house? ›

There's no minimum age to buy a house. If you're ready and have a down payment, buying a house in your early 20s is a smart move.

Is buying a house a big accomplishment? ›

Share. Nearly 75% of Americans say that owning a home is a more significant measure of achievement than having a successful career or even raising a family, according to a survey from of about 2,500 adults.

At what age is it too late to purchase a home? ›

Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, there is no age limit to taking out a mortgage. As long as you can meet the financial requirements, you're allowed to take out a loan at any time. To take out a mortgage over 60 you will need to be able to prove your ability to repay the loan.

What lowers the value of a house? ›

Changes in the real estate market can lower the value of your home. Natural disasters and climate change can lower your property value because the property is a greater risk to purchase. Foreclosures in your neighborhood can also drive down property value.

Do house prices double every 10 years? ›

After all, capital growth is one of the main reasons people invest in residential real estate. It's often said that over the long-term the average annual growth rate for well-located capital city properties is about 7%, which would mean properties should double in value every 10 years.

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