Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (2024)

From Molins Design we recommend you to know the work of 10 of the best architects in the world; famous of the most current design, whose works have guided us and are a reference of modern architecture.

Stay to discover which ten personalities have marked a before and after in the world of architecture. Famous architects that any expert in the sector knows, and that have served us as inspiration, to end up being testimonials of great value in our most contemporary projects.

1. Rafael Aranda

Rafael Aranda is a renowned Catalan architect, known for being the precursor of a type of architecture that is local and rooted to his land, but with a global and universal language.

Originally from Olot, Girona, he can be considered one of the best architects in the world and of our times. In fact, in 2017, Aranda managed to win one of the prestigious Pritzker Prize, known as the Nobel Prize of architecture. A recognition to his works, which contemplate the improvement of several of the public and private spaces that surround him.

Among his works of reference are different projects of domestic and commercial origin. Some of his most important works are the Bell Lloc Winery in Palamós, the La Lira Theater in Girona or the Tossols-Basil Athletics Track in Olot.

Aranda’s works are for Molins Design a reference and a model to follow, since this famous architect has given birth to a type of architecture recognized internationally. Working from the place where he was born, Rafael Aranda has made it possible for Catalan architecture to cross borders and be recognized and implemented by many worldwide.

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (1)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (2)

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (4)

2. Carme Pigem

Famous Catalan architect born in Olot, who together with Rafael Aranda and Ramon Vilalta is part of the architectural firm RCR Arquitectes.

The Girona-born Carme Pigem has always worked with a local architecture, creating, together with her colleagues, a new way of conceiving spaces. Among the most interesting works in which she has worked with Aranda and Vilalta are the Petit Comte de Besalú nursery and the Soulages de Rodès museum.

Her life and work is rooted in her roots. She has also been a professor of architectural projects at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona and at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés. Undoubtedly, a key reference for our interior design studio in Barcelona.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (6)

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (8)

3. Ramón Vilalta

The third and last component of RCR Arquitectes. Specializing in landscape architecture, Ramón Vilalta is for us one of the 10 best architects in the world, along with his colleagues Aranda and Pigem.

Much of his professional career has been devoted to developing different architectural projects with a deep focus and local influence. As a result, the vast majority of his built work is located in Europe, particularly in Spain.

Most of his works are made to socially stimulate the appreciation of architecture and landscape. Although in them we also find distinguishing features of Catalan art and culture.

Among his most outstanding projects are the Les Cols restaurant in Olot, the Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver Library in Barcelona and Albert Adrià’s groundbreaking Enigma restaurant in Barcelona.

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (9)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (10)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (11)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (12)

4. Carlos Ferrater

Famous Catalan architect with several awards and recognitions behind him, being National Architecture Award in 2009 and current member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (International Fellow of the RIBA).

His work is an effective combination of nature and geometry, without renouncing functionality. Hence, he is currently one of the best architects in the world.

Famous architect who combines his work as a teacher with that of responsible for countless national and international projects of great importance.

Carlos Ferrater is the author, among many other works, of the 3 blocks in the Olympic Village in Barcelona, the Congress Palace of Catalonia and the Benidorm Promenade.

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (13)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (14)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (15)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (16)

5. Oscar Tusquets

Architect, painter, designer and writer. We owe a lot to Oscar Tusquets, for Molins Design a reference of art in general.

This famous Catalan architect collaborated in very important projects, such as the remodeling of the Louvre Museum in Paris or the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. He also developed several works of urban planning and architecture in countries such as Japan or Germany and even helped in the construction of the Toledo station of the Naples subway.

What inspires us most about this personality is his facet as an artist, since Tusquets also designs furniture and objects for important museum collections and even paints pictures to exhibit in the most important art galleries in the world.

Today, Oscar Tusquets’ work has been recognized with several awards such as the National Design Award or the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (18)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (19)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (20)

6. Benedetta Tagliabue

Italian architect closely linked to the Catalan lands. Benedetta Tagliabue formed in 1994 together with another of the great architects of the world, Enric Miralles, the studio Miralles Tagliabue EMBT in Barcelona.

This collaboration evolved into one of the most prestigious and internationally renowned architectural studios. An architectural studio characterized by the balance between a fragmented, convulsive aesthetic and respect for the tradition of the place.

Undoubtedly, an idea that Miralles knew how to transmit to Tagliabue and that she has continued to shape after his death.

Among the works made by Benedetta Tagliabue are the Hamburg School of Music, the Utrecht City Hall in Holland or the Parc Diagonal Mar in Barcelona. In fact, last year 2019, Tagliabue was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi in Barcelona.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (22)

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (24)

7. Santigo Calatrava

Valencian architect considered one of the most creative and contemporary architects. Calatrava is for many one of the best architects in the world due to his exceptional artistic sensibility and technical solvency. His works present an exquisite harmony and structural principles worthy of being considered authentic references.

All of Calatrava’s designs are characterized by a futuristic and innovative air, perfectly blending functionality with aesthetics.

In fact, his extensive knowledge of engineering has allowed him throughout his professional career to specialize in the design of large structures.

His most famous works include the construction of several bridges in Basel, Merida, Seville, Valencia and Barcelona. However, he also stands out for other large-scale works such as the Sondica airport in Vizcaya or the Montjuïc communications tower in Barcelona.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (26)

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (28)

8. Carme Pinós

Barcelona-born Carme Pinós is for Molins Design one of the great figures of contemporary Spanish architecture. Pinós began her career with the architect Enric Miralles, with whom she was able to carry out some of the most innovative projects of the nineties.

In 1991 Carme decided to open her own studio in Barcelona: the Carme Pinós studio, becoming an architect with her own voice. From there she created several of her most famous projects and even created the furniture firm Objects by Estudio Carme Pinós, a collection of products at affordable prices, with high quality materials and easy to assemble.

Thanks to her works all over the world, Carme Pinós has managed to collect several awards dedicated to her professional career. Some of her works include projects such as the CaixaForum in Zaragoza, two skyscrapers in Mexico or the rear façade of La Boqueria market in Barcelona.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (30)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (31)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (32)

9. Rafael Moneo

Rafael Moneo was the first Spanish architect of international prestige, awarded with the first Pritzker of architecture in 1996. For us, a benchmark of contemporary architectural design.

His works are often recognized for their timelessness. In fact, Moneo was one of the first to defend the design of works that could remain current for a long time, as monuments, thus moving away from fashions and passing trends.

With a Nordic and minimalist style, this renowned architect seeks through his architecture the creation of lasting spaces that combine and evolve with the elements and needs we need at all times.

Among some of his most recognized works are the Museum of Modern Art and Architecture in Stockholm, the Atocha train station in Madrid or the L’illa Diagonal building in Barcelona.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (34)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (35)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (36)

10. Clara de Solà-Morales

Finally, we highlight Clara de Solà-Morales as one of our reference architects. A professional who tries with her work to respond to the wishes of her clients, trying to combine research with the most artisanal work.

In 2003 Solà-Morales founded her own architecture studio in New York with Mexican Eduardo Cadaval. But, although he did a couple of projects there, in 2005 he decided to relocate to Barcelona.

The existence of a design culture, as well as a fluid relationship between professional activity and academia, were the key factors to move her project to Catalan lands.

Currently, Clara de Solà-Morales has managed to carry out several projects in our lands. Although her work can also be seen in works in the United States and Mexico.

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Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (38)

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (39)
Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (40)

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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of architecture and design, my extensive knowledge and passion for the subject allow me to provide a comprehensive understanding of the architects mentioned in the article. I have closely followed the careers of these renowned individuals, and their influence on modern architecture is undeniable. Let's delve into the concepts related to each architect highlighted in the article:

  1. Rafael Aranda:

    • Renowned Catalan architect.
    • Precursor of a local yet globally resonant architecture.
    • Winner of the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 2017, akin to the Nobel Prize of architecture.
    • Notable works include the Bell Lloc Winery in Palamós, La Lira Theater in Girona, and the Tossols-Basil Athletics Track in Olot.
  2. Carme Pigem:

    • Part of the architectural firm RCR Arquitectes.
    • Collaborator with Rafael Aranda and Ramon Vilalta.
    • Emphasis on local architecture and innovative space conception.
    • Contributions to projects like the Petit Comte de Besalú nursery and the Soulages de Rodès museum.
  3. Ramón Vilalta:

    • Specializes in landscape architecture.
    • One of the key figures in RCR Arquitectes alongside Aranda and Pigem.
    • Focus on projects with deep local influence, predominantly in Europe and Spain.
    • Notable works include the Les Cols restaurant in Olot and the Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver Library in Barcelona.
  4. Carlos Ferrater:

    • Award-winning Catalan architect, National Architecture Award recipient.
    • Known for effectively combining nature and geometry in his designs.
    • Significant projects include the Olympic Village in Barcelona, Congress Palace of Catalonia, and the Benidorm Promenade.
  5. Oscar Tusquets:

    • Multi-talented architect, painter, designer, and writer.
    • Collaborator on projects like the Louvre Museum in Paris and the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona.
    • Recognized with awards such as the National Design Award and the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts.
  6. Benedetta Tagliabue:

    • Italian architect associated with the Catalan lands.
    • Co-founder of Miralles Tagliabue EMBT in Barcelona with Enric Miralles.
    • Projects include the Hamburg School of Music, Utrecht City Hall, and Parc Diagonal Mar in Barcelona.
    • Awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi in Barcelona in 2019.
  7. Santiago Calatrava:

    • Valencian architect renowned for creativity and contemporary designs.
    • Specialization in large structures with a futuristic and innovative aesthetic.
    • Notable works include bridges in Basel, Merida, Seville, Valencia, and the Montjuïc communications tower in Barcelona.
  8. Carme Pinós:

    • Barcelona-born architect, a significant figure in contemporary Spanish architecture.
    • Known for innovative projects such as the CaixaForum in Zaragoza and skyscrapers in Mexico.
    • Founder of the furniture firm Objects by Estudio Carme Pinós.
  9. Rafael Moneo:

    • First Spanish architect of international prestige, Pritzker Prize winner in 1996.
    • Advocates for timeless design, moving away from passing trends.
    • Notable works include the Museum of Modern Art and Architecture in Stockholm and the Atocha train station in Madrid.
  10. Clara de Solà-Morales:

    • Architect with a focus on responding to client wishes, combining research with artisanal work.
    • Co-founder of an architecture studio in New York, later relocated to Barcelona.
    • Completed projects in the United States, Mexico, and Catalan lands.

These architects collectively represent a diverse range of styles, philosophies, and contributions to the world of architecture, influencing and shaping the field in profound ways.

Best architects in the world TOP 10 | Molins Design (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.