Do Security System Yard Signs Really Keep Burglars Away? (2024)

Do Security System Yard Signs Really Keep Burglars Away? (1)

Do Security System Yard Signs Really Keep Burglars Away? (2)Do Security System Yard Signs Really Work?

Do Yard Signs Work? when setting up a security system in your home, you usually get one of those nice signs to place in your front yard. But does that sign in your front yard actually deter burglars? The answer is “yes” a security yard sign helps keep some burglars at bay.

According to a study that surveyed 422 incarcerated burglars, security signs were the 9th most considered security measure.

Which makes sense from a burglar’s perspective. They want to get in and out with no trouble. And a security sign is, well, a sign that breaking into the home may be more trouble than it’s worth. So they’ll choose a different target instead.

Of course, now you may be thinking…

“Why not just use a fake security yard sign?”

You probably wouldn’t want a fake security sign (and no security system) for 3 reasons:

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1) Smarter burglars will find out

According to the study, there are two types of burglars:

Impulsive Opportunists: The majority of burglars fit into this category and are looking for an easy win. Meaning a security sign may be enough to keep them away

Deliberate Planners: This group will scope out a home—sometimes three days in advance—to determine the best way to get into your home as quickly and quietly as possible. If possible, they’ll cut your phone line if you have a landline monitored security system.

Because this group is so thorough, they’re likely to discover that you don’t actually have a security system and break in without fear.

Long story short: a security sign may deter burglars looking for a quick in and out, but it won’t deter those who plan more meticulously.

2) Drugs and alcohol inhibit rational decision making

A security sign may work against those who are thinking rationally but not against those under the influence of alcohol or drugs—which many burglars are.

According to the previously mentioned study, “The decision to commit a burglary is often made while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or during periods of substance abuse. Also, offenders state that using substances prior to a burglary helps to reduce fear.”

3) No peace of mind

Finally, because our home will still be vulnerable to certain burglars (like the ones mentioned above), you won’t have the peace of mind that comes with a security system.

Summary: Security signs are helpful but not foolproof

A security yard sign can keep many burglars at bay—but not all.

The smarter burglars will find out if you’re faking it. And the inebriated ones won’t care. In both those cases, you need a rock-solid security system to keep your family safe.

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Do Security System Yard Signs Really Keep Burglars Away? (2024)


Do Security System Yard Signs Really Keep Burglars Away? ›

Do Yard Signs Work? when setting up a security system in your home, you usually get one of those nice signs to place in your front yard. But does that sign in your front yard actually deter burglars? The answer is “yes” a security yard sign helps keep some burglars at bay.

Do yard signs deter burglars? ›

Do Security Signs Deter Burglars? Security signs can sometimes deter burglars since they're more likely to rob a home near yours that has no signs on its lawn or windows than yours which does. However, many burglars are aware of the fact that people use fake signs now.

Do security signs actually deter crime? ›

Think beyond burglary: Security signs deter more than just break-ins. The National Crime Prevention Council found that homes with security signage experienced 24% fewer incidents of vandalism. It's a branding game: Not all security brands are created equal.

Are security camera signs effective? ›

Security signs do deter crime. In a study from the University of North Carolina, 25 percent of burglars said that security signs would deter them from choosing a house. However, signs are a less effective deterrent than security cameras and systems, which would deter 53 percent of burglars.

What actually deters burglars? ›

Top 7 Burglar Deterrents to Keep Your Property Safe from Crime
  • Visible alarm systems. An intruder alarm should head up your priority list if you are looking to prevent break-ins. ...
  • CCTV cameras. ...
  • Locked doors and windows. ...
  • Thorny borders. ...
  • Lighting. ...
  • Barking dog. ...
  • Gravel. ...
  • Barry Bros Security – helping deter intruders for 70 years.
Jun 2, 2023

What is the biggest deterrent for burglars? ›

Home Security Cameras

Our best deterrent for burglars is the presence of an outdoor security camera. Having cameras mounted around your exterior home is a great way to prevent burglars from entering your home! This immediately makes it look as though burgling your home will be more of a risk.

What security system do burglars hate? ›

Alarm Systems or Sirens — A Useful Burglar Deterrent

Burglar deterrent audio or sound would scare away those thieves. Burglars hate attention. That's the main reason why burglar alarms and sirens are effective on deterring thieves.

Does ring really deter burglars? ›

Stickle and other researchers are not convinced that Ring video doorbells are an effective deterrent. “The number of steps that it would take for video footage to be useful in a criminal case is pretty substantial,” noted Stickle.

Do burglars avoid houses with cameras? ›

Security cameras will generally deter and reduce burglary. If you install a security camera, your home is 300 % safer from break-ins than a home without a camera. Criminals don't want to be watched or recorded-this is one of the major reasons they are so effective.

Do security cameras attract thieves? ›

Security cameras don't attract burglars to your property; but at the same time, they probably won't keep burglars away from your property. More than likely, your security camera will go unnoticed by burglars. Here's the bottom line: security cameras, for the most part, aren't designed to deter crime.

Do security stickers deter thieves? ›

A complete security system can also alert you of power outages, floods and fires that could damage your house or endanger your loved ones. Fake signs and stickers may be an affordable and easy fix that at least makes you feel secure, but they cannot prevent break-ins.

What do thieves hate most? ›

This list of tips can help you roll out the "unwelcome mat" to would-be thieves.
  • Hidden valuables. Most thieves tend to head right to the master bedroom when they are looking for valuables. ...
  • Strategic landscaping. ...
  • Lights – inside or out. ...
  • A car in the driveway. ...
  • Dowel rods. ...
  • Caution. ...
  • Misdirection.

Do burglars avoid homes with security systems? ›

In another study from the University of North Carolina's Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, they found that 83% of burglars took the time to look for a home security system. Another 60% said that if there was a burglar alarm in the home, they would choose another target.

What do burglars look for when breaking in? ›

Easy Entry Points: Burglars look for easy entry points such as unlocked doors and windows, weak or damaged locks, or open garage doors. They may also check for hidden spare keys. Lack of Security Measures: Homes without visible security measures.

Do burglars avoid houses with lights on? ›

For the average break-in, the presence of lighting is not even a factor as daylight would overshadow any security lighting. So do outdoor lights deter crime? They can, but only for a small portion of potential burglaries.

Does leaving your porch light on deter burglars? ›

It's a fairly common home security tip that is passed around, but you may be wondering if leaving the outside lights on deters burglars. The truth is that it helps a small portion of potential burglaries, but overall, it's not an effective method to rely on.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.