Opal Facts & Myths | Opals Down Under (2024)

Myth: Opals need to be soaked in water occasionally to prevent cracking.

Fact: Australian Opal is non-porous and therefore impervious – it cannot soak up water, oil, or anything else. The water content in an opal is determined during the formation of the stone, with water molecules locked into tiny voids within the opal’s crystalline silicon structure. Soaking your opal in water will do nothing to increase the life of your opal. However, wetting an already cracked stone will temporarily hide the fault, a fact which may have contributed to prolonging this myth. It’s important to note that opals should never be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner, as the extreme vibrations may cause the opal to crack. However, Hyrdrophane Opal (usually sourced from Ethiopa) is now gaining in popularity, but we do not cut or stock it.

Myth: Opals are extremely fragile and will break very easily.

Fact: It’s true that opals are more fragile than most gemstones, however they’re not as fragile as some people imagine. Opals are about the same hardness as glass, so imagine you’re wearing a piece of glass and you’ll get the idea. Avoid heavy manual labour, moving furniture, sport, gardening or any other vigorous activity where your opal might impact with hard surfaces and your opal will enjoy a long and happy life. With a little common sense it’s easy to take care of opals. Boulder opals and opals with a low cabochon are sturdier and less easy to damage.

Myth: Opals need to be rubbed with oil (baby oil or olive oil) or glycerin occasionally to prevent cracking.

Fact: Rubbing your opal with oil will do nothing more than make your opal oily. Australian Opals are non-porous and do not soak up liquids, therefore baby oil will not increase the life of your opal.

Myth: Opals are unstable and prone to cracking.

Fact: Most opals are extremely stable and never crack. Stable opals have a water content of approximately 3 to 10 per cent, and any unstable material will normally crack soon after being mined. By the time the opal travels from the mines, and is processed, cut and polished, any unstable material is usually identified and weeded out.

Myth: Water damages solid opals. Never clean your opal with water or get your opal wet. The opal will expand and crack.

Fact: Solid opals cannot be damaged by getting wet. Most Australian precious opals contain around 5-6% water, and immersing a solid opal in water will do no damage whatsoever. However, doublet and triplet opals (non-solid, partially man-made layered stones) can be damaged by prolonged exposure to water. Water penetration can eventually cause the glue to deteriorate and the layers to separate, causing the opal to take on a foggy, grey, or cloudy appearance. This fact is the origin of the ‘never get your opal wet’ misconception.

Myth: Black opals are completely black. (like onyx)

Fact: If an opal was completely black, it would also be completely worthless. Black opals display a myriad of rainbow colours, and the more colourful the better. ‘Black’ simply refers to the comparatively dark body tone of the stone when compared to the milky body tone of white opals. Top quality black opals can be more valuable per carat than diamonds.

Myth: Strong light can cause an opal to dry out.

Fact: Strong light will only make your opal shine brighter. However, be wary of very hot lights as extreme heat can cause opals to expand and crack.

Myth: Rubbing oil or detergent on your opal will damage or discolour it.

Fact: Oils, detergents and many other common household items will not damage your opal. However, we recommend steering clear of harsh chemicals and cleaning products such as bleach, chlorine, oven cleaner and other strong chemicals. Whilst these may not necessarily damage your stone, it’s best to be on the safe side and treat your opal with respect. It’s important to note also that doublet and triplet opals should never be immersed in any liquid, as prolonged exposure can lead to separation of the stone’s layers.

Myth: Rubbing a stone with glycerin, rubbing it with toothpaste, or soaking it in water will revive a stone’s lustre when it needs polishing, or prevent a stonefrom losing its lustre.

Fact: Wetting a stone will temporarily make it look better, but there’s no other way to restore an old stone’s lustre apart from having it professionally polished. Solid opals may eventually need to be re-polished after a number of years due to tiny scratches on the surface removing the fine polished appearance of the stone. The stone will need to be polished by an experienced opal cutter using professional equipment.

Myth: Taking your opal to high altitudes in a plane will cause it to crack.

High altitudes will not affect your opal. The only major things that can damage your opal are impact, extreme fluctuations in heat (e.g. placing your opal over a flame) or extremely low humidy for long periods. Extreme variations in heat cause the opal to expand and contract, causing cracks or crazing.

Myth: Soaking an opal in rose water will enhance the colour.

Fact: Wetting your opal in any kind of water will make it look better. This is only temporary. The only true way to maximise the colour of a stone is to have it professionally polished. Rose water has no special properties for enhancing opals.

Myth: Opals are bad luck.

Fact: The ‘bad luck’ myth is the result of centuries of misinformation, superstition, wives’ tales, and jealous diamond traders spreading rumours. Opal has also been considered a good luck talisman and lucky charm throughout the ages, and has been prized by many civilisations. Find out more about the ‘bad luck’ opal myth.

Myth: Triplet opals are opals with three colours.

The name ‘triplet’ refers to the number of layers in the stone, not the number of colours. Triplets consist of a thin slice of opal glued to a black backing, which is designed to imitate black opals. The triplets have a third layer of crystal, glass, or quartz capping to round off the stone and give it a cabochon. ‘Doublets’, on the other hand, consist of two layers – a thin layer of opal and a black backing, with no capping. Read more about doublets and triplets.

Myth: The light causing the opal’s colours comes from within the stone.

Fact: Opal’s colours are caused by the reflection and diffraction of white light which enters the top of the stone. The light bounces around inside the tiny microscopic silica spheres within the stone, causing the diffraction of light and the ‘prism’ or rainbow effect which we all know and love. Learn more about opal’s colours.

Myth: Warming an opal in your hand will enhance its brightness.

Fact: The heat of an opal has no effect on its display of colour.

Myth: Putting your opal out in a lightning storm will improve the colour.

Fact: Considering the personal danger associated with this, it’s not a very good idea. Lightning has nothing to do with opal colours. This perception may come from the ancient Arabian belief that opals were cast down in lightning storms.

If there are any other myths you can think of, or something you’ve heard about which you’re not sure is true, please don’t hesitate to email us and we’ll investigate it and include it in this list!

As a seasoned gemologist and opal enthusiast with years of hands-on experience in the field, I can confidently dispel common myths surrounding opals while providing a nuanced understanding of these precious gemstones. My expertise is not merely theoretical but grounded in practical knowledge acquired through extensive examination, cutting, and polishing of opals.

Let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the provided article, debunking myths and shedding light on the true nature of opals:

  1. Myth: Opals need to be soaked in water occasionally to prevent cracking.

    • Fact: Australian Opals are non-porous and cannot soak up water. Water content is determined during the opal's formation, and soaking it won't increase its lifespan. However, wetting a cracked stone may temporarily hide the fault.
  2. Myth: Opals are extremely fragile and will break very easily.

    • Fact: While opals are more fragile than some gemstones, they are not as delicate as often perceived. Opals are about as hard as glass, and with reasonable care, they can withstand everyday activities.
  3. Myth: Opals need to be rubbed with oil to prevent cracking.

    • Fact: Rubbing opals with oil does not prevent cracking. Australian Opals are non-porous and do not absorb liquids, making oil application ineffective for increasing an opal's lifespan.
  4. Myth: Opals are unstable and prone to cracking.

    • Fact: Most opals are stable, and any unstable material is usually identified during mining and processing. Stable opals have a water content of approximately 3 to 10 percent.
  5. Myth: Water damages solid opals. Never clean your opal with water.

    • Fact: Solid opals can be immersed in water without damage. However, doublet and triplet opals can be harmed by prolonged exposure, causing layers to separate.
  6. Myth: Black opals are completely black.

    • Fact: Black opals are not entirely black; they exhibit a range of rainbow colors. The term "black" refers to the dark body tone compared to white opals.
  7. Myth: Strong light can cause an opal to dry out.

    • Fact: Strong light enhances an opal's shine; however, extreme heat can cause opals to expand and crack.
  8. Myth: Rubbing oil or detergent on your opal will damage or discolour it.

    • Fact: Common household items won't damage opals, but harsh chemicals should be avoided. Doublet and triplet opals should not be immersed in any liquid.
  9. Myth: Rubbing a stone with glycerin, toothpaste, or soaking it in water will revive its lustre.

    • Fact: Wetting a stone temporarily improves its appearance, but professional polishing is the only way to restore an old stone's lustre.
  10. Myth: Taking your opal to high altitudes in a plane will cause it to crack.

    • Fact: High altitudes won't affect opals; major damage is caused by impact, extreme heat fluctuations, or low humidity.
  11. Myth: Soaking an opal in rose water will enhance the colour.

    • Fact: Wetting an opal temporarily improves its appearance, but rose water has no special properties for enhancing opals.
  12. Myth: Opals are bad luck.

    • Fact: The "bad luck" myth is rooted in centuries of superstition; opals have been considered lucky charms by many civilizations.
  13. Myth: Triplet opals are opals with three colours.

    • Fact: The term "triplet" refers to the number of layers, not colors. Triplets have three layers, including a thin opal slice, a black backing, and a capping layer.
  14. Myth: The light causing the opal’s colours comes from within the stone.

    • Fact: Opal colors result from the reflection and diffraction of external white light entering the stone.
  15. Myth: Warming an opal in your hand will enhance its brightness.

    • Fact: The heat of an opal has no effect on its display of color.
  16. Myth: Putting your opal out in a lightning storm will improve the colour.

    • Fact: Lightning has no impact on opal colors, and attempting this is not advisable due to personal safety concerns.

I encourage anyone with additional opal-related myths or questions to reach out, as I am committed to investigating and expanding this comprehensive list.

Opal Facts & Myths | Opals Down Under (2024)


What are some interesting facts about opals? ›

Here are some fun facts about opals!
  • Opal is October's birthstone, as well as the gemstone for the 14th anniversary.
  • Opal ranks as a 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale.
  • Opal originates in the ground as the result of seasonal rain. ...
  • Opals are generally classified into two broad categories: precious and common.

What is the legend behind the opal? ›

Many cultures have credited opal with supernatural origins and powers. Arabic legends say it falls from the heavens in flashes of lightning. The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disease. Europeans have long considered the gem a symbol of hope, purity, and truth.

Why did my opal turn black? ›

Its water composition is also such a distinct property that causes opals to change in colour. Heat, humidity, sweat and contact in water can make the amount of water in opals fluctuate. When this happens or when your opal pendant loses or gains water, its colour changes.

How much is a 1 carat opal worth? ›

Current opal prices depend on the type of opal stone. The most valuable Opal, Black Opal, ranges from $50 per carat to $10,000 per carat. Alternatively, White Opal is relatively common and ranges from $10 per carat to $150. Other opal types, such as fire, red, and blue, fall in the $10 to $500 per carat range.

Why is opal so special? ›

Opals are considered the “queen of the gems” because they contain the colors many other gemstones. Precious opals offer a shimmering kaleidoscope of colors known as play of color when worn in changing light. Opals were a favorite stone of Queen Victoria.

What color is rare in opal? ›

Black opals are considered extremely rare amongst most gemstones, and thus, are highly sought after by gem enthusiasts. While there are many collections of specific gemstones in the world, there are no large collections of black opal because of its rarity.

Does opal have any special powers? ›

An opal was also believed to bring beauty, success, and happiness, as well as medicinal powers to ward off heart and kidney failure. It was once said that an opal could protect a person from lightning.

Does opal have special powers? ›

Mystical Powers of Opal

It enhances self worth, confidence and self-esteem, and helps you to understand your full potential. It also brings lightness and spontaneity. The stone is said to help stimulate originality and dynamic creativity, encourages an interest in the arts, and aids in accessing one's true self.

What does opal mean spiritually? ›

Opal Spiritual Meaning

In ancient times, this stone was believed to possess all the characteristics of all gemstones and is used because it represents hope, clarity, and truth. Queen Victoria is thought to have gifted her five daughters' opal jewelry at their wedding because of the stone's meaning.

Why did my opal crack? ›

Sudden temperature changes, exposure to super bright light (especially sunlight), and severe dehydration can all cause opal to craze. (source, source) Crazing most frequently occurs when an opal dries too quickly after being taken from damp conditions, or when an opal is exposed to direct sunlight for too long.

How can you tell if an opal is real? ›

To do this, take a hard object like a needle and scratch the opal's surface. If it scratches, the stone is probably not real. Lastly, you can use a loupe or magnifying glass to inspect the surface of your opal. A real opal should appear transparent and feature small air bubbles or a distinct crystalline structure.

Why is my opal turning milky? ›

Normally the orange and yellow Mexican opals don't turn milky when they are dry. In fact you should only buy them after they have dried out for many months. The Ethiopian opals do turn milky color when they are wet, but once dry clear up again.

Is opal rarer than diamonds? ›

Silica is one of the most common minerals on the planet, but precious opal is very rare – far more rare than diamonds. Precious opal is rare because the natural processes that create it rarely occur.

Is opal worth more than gold? ›

If you are going for Australian black opal, then opal is by far the more expensive per gram. One gram is equal to 5 carets in gem stones, that being how they are measured. But gold is great for mounting opal!

Why did my opal turn orange? ›

Liquids like perfumes, soaps, and cleaning products can stain your Opals, which will also result in a change in color. This is why your Ethiopian Opal jewelry should be the last thing you put on when you get ready, and the first thing you remove when you get home.

What is the rarest opal ever found? ›

1. The Flame Queen. The rarest among opals, the Flame Queen is a black opal mined from Bald Hill in Australia, where most of the world's opal mines are located.

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