Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (2024)

At, we’ve tested out dozens of different home security cameras to see how well they work. However, many people aren’t convinced that security cameras can actually deter crime. If you’re one of these skeptics, we understand, which is why we did research on academic studies surrounding the effectiveness of home security cameras. Let’s get into it.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (1)

Do Security Cameras Deter Crime?

While it’s clear that security cameras can’t deter 100 percent of crime, in general, most academic studies have found them to reduce and deter crime overall. Still, we’ll get into both sides of the issue using data from the top criminology research centers around the world.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (2)

The Case For Cameras

  • KTVB7: A local television station in Oregon called KTVB7 interviewed 86 inmates serving time for burglary at the Oregon Department of Corrections. Asking them about their break-ins, they found that most inmates would leave immediately if a security alarm went off. And in general, security cameras were a deterrent to breaking into a home, although a minority admitted that they would actually indicate more valuables and encourage crime.1
  • Municipal Technical Advisory Service: A comprehensive look at multiple academic studies found that yes, CCTV cameras are effective in deterring crime. However, they’re more effective when paired with other elements like lighting2 (we’ll talk more about how to boost the effectiveness of your security cameras in a bit).
  • UNC Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology: Surveying 422 burglars across North Carolina, Ohio and Kentucky, the University of North Carolina’s Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology found that most burglars considered outdoor cameras and other surveillance signs and equipment when choosing which homes to burgle. 60 percent of burglars said that if they found an alarm, they’d choose another target, and half said they’ leave immediately if they found an alarm during the burglary.3
Deterrence Measure EffectivenessOverall % (rounded to nearest whole number)
Police nearby64%
Indications of alarms53%
Outdoor cameras50%
Outdoor lighting16%
Neighborhood watch13%
Security sign25%
  • Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice: A study of the nearby city Newark, New Jersey showed that residential burglar alarm systems decrease crime at homes and in the city overall. While many people believe that security cameras merely displace crime to other houses, the Rutgers study showed that they make entire neighborhoods safer. “Neighborhoods in which burglar alarms were densely installed have fewer incidents of residential burglaries than the neighborhoods with fewer burglar alarms,” said the study.4
  • FBI Uniform Crime Reporting: Another myth about security cameras is that even if they do deter crime, their prices still don’t make them worth it. However, the most affordable security cameras can cost as little as $20 like the Wyze Cam V2, and considering the fact that the average dollar loss per burglary was $2,416 in 2017 according to FBI data,5 these cameras can pay for themselves tenfold.
  • Urban Institute: Finally, a study from the Urban Institute placed cameras in Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. In downtown Baltimore specifically, the 500 cameras led to a huge reduction in crime by an average of 30 incidents per month, with no evidence of displacement. Similarly, the more than 8,000 cameras installed throughout Chicago were responsible for almost a 12 percent estimated reduction in crime.6 However, not all of the data was this positive, which brings us to our next point…
Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (3)

The Case Against Cameras

  • Queen’s University: While functioning security cameras have been proven to deter crime, that’s only the case when they function correctly. Looking at camera systems from 2001 to 2003, the Queen’s University Surveillance Studies Centre found 168 technical failures preventing evidence from being used in criminal trials.7 Of course, smart home technology has greatly improved since 2003, although of course, technical failures can still occur.
  • Lincoln Police Department: Not all security cameras have been shown to deter crime. For example, cameras placed in a downtown bar street in Lincoln, Nebraska didn’t help any police officers identify criminals, bolster their evidence or prevent crimes from happening. In fact, while the cameras were up and running, there were 128 assaults within 500 feet,8 so the cameras didn’t do anything to deter crime in this case.
  • Urban Institute: Even though there was crime deterrence in downtown Baltimore and in Chicago, the Urban Institute found that surveillance systems have their limitations. Whether it’s panning at the wrong time, failing to capture events in their entirety or losing a clear picture at night or in bad weather, security cameras aren’t foolproof. Plus, they didn’t affect crime rates in D.C or in other areas of Baltimore, so the study was mixed despite being positive overall.
Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (4)

Do Security Signs Deter Burglars?

Another option many people consider is to put up security signs, be them real or fake, to deter burglars. While they’re certainly not as effective as security cameras or alarms, security signs can deter some burglars, about 25 percent according to the UNC study. The KTVB7 survey also found mixed results regarding security signs as a crime deterrent; while signs didn’t faze some burglars, some took them as a sign to move on. All in all, security signs are inexpensive and it’s unlikely that they’ll encourage crime, so there’s no harm in placing one on your front lawn.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (5)

Should You Hide Your Security Camera?

When you think of security cameras, you may think of cameras covered behind trees, disguised as rocks or otherwise hidden from view. However, many studies have shown that burglars that see homes with security cameras are less likely to choose those homes to burgle, so having hidden cameras defeats this purpose. Keep your outdoor cameras visible so that they can prevent crime from taking place rather than just capturing it passively.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (6)

Pro Tip: Make sure that your security cameras are visible so that they can deter burglars from choosing your home to burgle.

How To Boost the Effectiveness of Security Cameras

Once you’ve placed your security cameras both inside and outside of your home, there are a few other steps you can take to deter crime even more.Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (7)

Boost Security Cameras Effectiveness

  1. Signs and systems: Just as two heads are better than one, a complete home security system with visible signs and alarms is better than just security cameras. If you’re looking for a comprehensive security system with signs and alarms, read our Frontpoint review and our Frontpoint pricing page.
  2. Visibility: While we don’t want to sound like a broken record, make sure that these security elements are visible to potential burglars, alerting them that your house isn’t worth the risk.
  3. Lights: Outdoor lighting, particularly motion-activated lighting, can literally shine a spotlight on criminals, increasing their visibility. Many cameras like the Ring Spotlight Cam Battery have spotlights built-in. This is a form of active deterrence, which means built-in audio and visual warnings from cameras.
  4. Sirens and voices: Other forms of active deterrence include cameras with built-in sirens and speakers. Vivint security cameras, such as the Vivint Outdoor Camera Pro, has a form of AI called Smart Sentry. In a nutshell, if anyone is loitering, it will turn on LED lights and play a tune. Similarly, the Deep Sentinel cameras have 104-decibel sirens, about as loud as a table saw, that can sound whenever the Live Sentinel Guards see fit. Throw in some strobing red and white lights and the criminal is sure to be, well, actively deterred.
  5. Night vision: Good night vision is imperative with security cameras. If they lack lights that enable color night vision, the security cameras should have infrared LED sensors to create a clear picture in the dark. Learn more about the best infrared cameras that we’ve tested.
  6. Durability: Last but certainly not least, look for a camera that can withstand the weather conditions in your area, checking for its temperature range along with its IP rating.
Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (8)

FYI: IP ratings measure how susceptible an object is to both solids and liquids. Look for a security camera with an IP rating of at least 65, meaning it’s dust-tight and resistant to low-pressure water jets.


While there is some evidence to the contrary, in general, studies suggest that security cameras can deter crime, even without displacing it elsewhere. Of course, it’s important to get high-quality security cameras that can shoot clear footage in any time of day or weather condition, so remember: your security is only as good as your security cameras.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (9)

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re not done yet! Here are the questions we get the most often about how security cameras, and other security elements, deter crime.

  • Do security signs deter crime?

    Security signs do deter crime. In a study from the University of North Carolina, 25 percent of burglars said that security signs would deter them from choosing a house. However, signs are a less effective deterrent than security cameras and systems, which would deter 53 percent of burglars.

  • How do burglars choose houses?

    Burglars choose houses based on a number of factors such as the presence of:

    • Cars in the driveway, especially if they’re luxury
    • Big fences
    • Overgrown bushes or trees
    • Old or cheap window frames and doors.

    They also consider the proximity to other homes, preferring more isolated homes to burgle. This data comes from a survey of 86 inmates for burglary at the Oregon Department of Corrections from local television station KTVB7.

  • Do CCTV cameras deter crime?

    Research from the University of North Carolina, Rutgers University, and the Urban Institute have found that CCTV cameras do deter crime.

  • Are cameras a good crime deterrent?

    Cameras are a good crime deterrent, as 60 percent of most burglars will choose another target if they find alarms or cameras, according to a study from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology.

Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? (2024)


Do Home Security Cameras Deter or Prevent Crime? ›

Do Security Cameras Deter Crime? While it's clear that security cameras can't deter 100 percent of crime, in general, most academic studies have found them to reduce and deter crime overall.

Do home security cameras prevent crime? ›

Security cameras will generally deter and reduce burglary. If you install a security camera, your home is 300 % safer from break-ins than a home without a camera. Criminals don't want to be watched or recorded-this is one of the major reasons they are so effective.

Do home security signs deter burglars? ›

But does that sign in your front yard actually deter burglars? The answer is “yes” a security yard sign helps keep some burglars at bay. According to a study that surveyed 422 incarcerated burglars, security signs were the 9th most considered security measure. Which makes sense from a burglar's perspective.

Do cameras help security? ›

Are Home Security Cameras Good for Home Protection? A home security camera system is an excellent tool for home protection, and it can work both as a deterrent and a recovery tool. Burglars are wary of properties with visible security cameras. Plus, if a crime does occur, security cameras can help gather evidence.

Do home security cameras invade privacy? ›

Utilizing a home security camera to spy on family or friends without their permission is an invasion of privacy. However, if the camera is employed for its intended purpose – securing your home – it does not infringe on privacy.

Do burglars target houses with cameras? ›

Are cameras a good crime deterrent? Cameras are a good crime deterrent, as 60 percent of most burglars will choose another target if they find alarms or cameras, according to a study from the University of North Carolina's Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology.

What is the best deterrent for burglars? ›

Hedges and plants - Prickly bushes and hedges around a garden can act as a deterrent to a burglar. Lighting and driveways - Get an outdoor light with a sensor that comes on when someone's around and don't underestimate the deterrent of a gravel drive. It makes quite a noise when walked on and can deter burglars.

What is the best way to protect your house from burglars? ›

10 tips to protect your home from break-ins - according to an ex-burglar!
  1. Make sure you've got two locks. ...
  2. Use both locks at all times. ...
  3. Don't display a 'beware of the dog' sticker. ...
  4. Invest in curtains. ...
  5. Invest in window locks. ...
  6. Get a cage for your letter box. ...
  7. Think about where you display things. ...
  8. Keep brooms and mops out of sight.
May 3, 2023

Which houses do burglars avoid? ›

Homes in high-visibility places, like on corner lots, are far less likely to be broken into. There are simply too many potential ways to be seen. But townhomes, houses in the middle of the block, or houses in a cul-de-sac are much better targets.

Is it better to have a security system or cameras? ›

While a security camera can display exactly what occurred during a break-in, it typically doesn't alert you of the crime as it happens. In contrast, an alarm system alerts you when a burglary occurs but can't give you video footage of the actual break-in.

What problems do security cameras solve? ›

Video surveillance helps solve the liability problem. It records all activities, which provide evidence to prove your company did not deliberately violate safety measures. The recordings will help with liability lawsuits and claims. Best of all, you may lower your insurance premiums.

What are the negative effects of cameras? ›

Photography and Videography Accessories Create Waste and Pollution. High tech camera equipment contains a wide range of minerals and rare earth elements. The mining of these rare earth minerals is often extremely polluting and causes a great deal of damage to the natural world.

Is it better to have wired or wireless security cameras? ›

If you want an affordable, flexible option that is convenient and accessible, then a wireless security camera is likely best for you. If you're looking for something a bit more permanent, with high-quality footage and 24/7 monitoring, then a wired security camera might better serve your needs.

Why wired security cameras are better than wireless? ›

Wired cameras have fewer issues with dropped signals or recording issues due to a weak internet connection. They're also harder to steal, since they're physically connected to your house. If you're picturing more of a CCTV camera surveillance system instead of a security system, traditional CCTV systems use wires.

What are the benefits of home security cameras? ›

Visible smart security cameras can often deter criminal activities, such as burglaries, theft, and vandalism. They can also assist law enforcement in identifying—and even apprehending—suspected perpetrators through cloud-based images and video stored within network video recorders (NVR).

Why security cameras are an invasion of privacy? ›

Here are a few times when a security camera may be an invasion of privacy: Your camera can see into a neighbor's home, especially if you can see private places like a bedroom or bathroom. You have a camera in a private place in your home. You use a hidden camera without consent in states where consent is required.

What are the dangers of surveillance? ›

Fourth, we must recognize that surveillance is harmful. Surveillance menaces intellectual privacy and increases the risk of blackmail, coercion, and discrimination; accordingly, we must recognize surveillance as a harm in constitutional standing doctrine.

Why are surveillance cameras bad? ›

"Unlike someone encountering a crime and capturing it on video in real-time, as you would with a smartphone, a CCTV camera is constantly engaged (though sometimes activated by movement), so 99.9% of the footage recorded will probably be useless, as it didn't detect anything of note.

How far does a home security camera see? ›

Generally speaking, security cameras have a range of anywhere between 10 and 70ft during the day. Alternatively, some night-vision security cameras have a range of 100-200ft!

Do ring cameras prevent crime? ›

One of the best ways to deter burglars is with motion-activated lighting/camera combos. Ring offers affordable and highly effective options in their Spotlight Cam and Floodlight Cam.

Do burglars rob houses with cameras? ›

Burglars work hard to identify easy targets. You could say it's their full time job to find houses worth breaking into. Many burglars will stake out a home for days to identify patterns in how people come and go. And they are especially interested in homes without dogs, alarm systems, and security cameras.

Do thieves care about cameras? ›

Security cameras don't attract burglars to your property; but at the same time, they probably won't keep burglars away from your property. More than likely, your security camera will go unnoticed by burglars.

What do burglars want? ›

Burglars are after anything valuable you have at home, like electronics, designer clothing, firearms and even furniture. If these items are easily accessible, it's possible a thief could steal them. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to protect your personal items from being stolen in a break-in.

Where are burglars the least likely to look? ›

Your attic is not likely to be visited by a burglar because they are usually hard to find and access. So, it is always a good idea to store valuables in attic storage containers. As an extra safety precaution make sure to mark them with labels like “winter clothes” or “old shoes” to throw a burglar off of your scent.

What kind of house do burglars target? ›

Here are some of the top things burglars look for when targeting homes. Single-family detached homes in the middle of the neighborhood (as opposed to corner units, which are less likely to be burglarized). Homes next to empty lots or without nearby neighbors. High privacy hedges, bushes, and walls around the property.

What is the most common ways burglars enter homes? ›

How Do Burglars Break into Houses?
  • Front door: 34% of burglars twist the doorknob and walk right in.
  • First-floor windows: 23% use a first-floor open window to break into your home.
  • Back door: 22% come in through the back door.
  • Garage doors: 9% gain entrance through the garage.

Why do burglars avoid corner houses? ›

Low-traffic areas.

Corner homes are iffy. They allow thieves to scope the area (including your habits) easily by simply driving by and naturally slowing or stopping for a turn. Depending on your neighborhood's layout, they may also be less visible to neighbors and police.

Is leaving lights on downstairs likely to deter burglars? ›

Leaving on lights at all times doesn't seem to be an effective way to deter crimes. With a little planning and some home automation equipment, you can use lighting to your advantage and get better peace of mind.

How do I burglar proof my front door? ›

6 Simple Ways to Make Your Door More Secure
  1. Upgrade the strike plate on your door to a sturdier model.
  2. Replace exterior hinges with interior hinges.
  3. Install a wide-angle peephole.
  4. Upgrade older locks into newer, upgraded models or add additional locks or deadbolts.

What time do most break-ins happen at night? ›

According to an analysis by Vivint Smart Home, 50.3% of burglaries occur at night between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. while the other half (49.7%) happen in daylight hours.

Does leaving TV on deter burglars? ›

Leave Your Radio and TV On. A loud radio or TV on can be an even better deterrent than an alarm (learn more burglar deterrent gadgets here )to prevent burglars and bandits from breaking into your home.

What time of the day do most burglaries occur? ›

The most common times for break-ins occur between 10 am and 3 pm. Rather than being guarded by night, most burglars choose the daytime to attempt a break-in, targeting homes when they believe no one will be present.

Is it better to have indoor or outdoor security cameras? ›

The build quality and robustness of outdoor security cameras is better than indoor counterparts. Even if the design of both the units appears same, there will be differences in the material and structure. This is assuming that both units are from the same manufacturer.

What are the disadvantages of wireless security cameras? ›

Wireless camera pros and cons
  • Internet-free options uncommon.
  • Cloud storage usually requires a monthly fee.
  • Must keep a close eye on batteries and recharge as needed.
  • More likely to use Wi-Fi, which can be unstable.
  • Poor Wi-Fi connections lower video quality.

Should I install my own security cameras? ›

For most cameras we recommend, you can install them yourself. If not, there's always a professional who can help— either from the security company itself or a third-party provider like HelloTech.

What is the main objection to security cameras? ›

The biggest objection concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around a shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices.

What are 2 disadvantages of a digital camera? ›

14 Cons of Digital Cameras
  • Photo File Management Difficulties.
  • Computer Skills Required.
  • Too Many Functions.
  • Too Many Photos Taken.
  • Film Photography Is More Forgiving.
  • Digital Cameras Use More Battery Power.
  • Digital cameras Can Be More Expensive.
  • More Sensitive to Heat, Cold and Moisture.
Feb 13, 2023

Which is more secure WiFi or wired? ›

An Ethernet connection is much more secure than a WiFi connection. Data on an Ethernet network can only be accessed by physically attaching a device to the network, while data on a WiFi network travels through the air and can be more easily intercepted.

Are wired cameras harder to hack? ›

Yes, wired security cameras are less susceptible to hacking than those wireless variants, but an intrusion is still possible. With wired cameras, hackers must physically access the camera to hack it. They will also have access to the network through a router or the recorder to gain control of the footage.

What are the pros and cons of wireless vs wired security cameras? ›

Wired cameras require more set-up time and effort but offer greater reliability. Wireless security cameras are inexpensive and they set up quickly. But network failure and on-site tampering are possible downsides.

How long do wired security cameras last? ›

Generally speaking, cameras will last anywhere from 5 years on up, keeping in mind the technology is only 20 years old. According to Security-Net, a new, current IP camera should last 2 NVR cycles. An NVR cycle is typically between 3-5 years.

Why is Wi-Fi less secure than wired? ›

Security – Wired networks are more secure than wireless networks. This is due to the fact that your network is only accessible with a physical cable connection. With wireless networks, the Wi-Fi signal is broadcasted outside of the building, leaving it open to the public and potential hackers.

Do fake security cameras deter burglars? ›

But that is a common misconception that you should never believe. Even though most burglars claim security cameras act as an effective deterrent, they also indicate that visible cameras signal that there are valuables inside. Like fake signs, fake security cameras don't offer any real protection to your home.

How do you scare burglars away? ›

10 Burglar Deterrents That Work
  1. Install a Burglar Alarm System. ...
  2. Motion-Activated Outdoor Lighting. ...
  3. Get a Guard Dog. ...
  4. Maintain Surrounding Landscape. ...
  5. Multiple Door Locks. ...
  6. Install a CCTV Surveillance System. ...
  7. Internal Timer-Operated Lighting. ...
  8. Double Glazing Security Glass.
Jul 28, 2020

Do video doorbells deter crime? ›

In the unfortunate event that porch piracy or even a home invasion does occur, footage from a doorbell camera and other security cameras can help your local law enforcement identify, arrest and charge the perpetrator, hopefully preventing them from committing more crimes in the future.

Do cameras stop thieves? ›

The same University of North Carolina study found that 53 percent of burglars would unquestionably skip a home that had visible security cameras present. Other studies from Rutgers University and the Urban Institute back up that idea.

Do motion lights deter burglars? ›

Do outside security lights deter burglars? Yes, they do – burglars tend to look for houses with no obvious security. And most break-ins happen at night when intruders can spend time getting into your house under the cloak of darkness. For both these reasons, outdoor light fixtures are a really effective deterrent.

What are burglars most afraid of? ›

Alarm Systems or Sirens — A Useful Burglar Deterrent

Burglar deterrent audio or sound would scare away those thieves. Burglars hate attention. That's the main reason why burglar alarms and sirens are effective on deterring thieves.

What type of houses get robbed the most? ›

Which homes do burglars target?
  • Single-family detached homes in the middle of the neighborhood (as opposed to corner units, which are less likely to be burglarized).
  • Homes next to empty lots or without nearby neighbors.
  • High privacy hedges, bushes, and walls around the property.

Does leaving outside lights on deter burglars? ›

When it comes to your home's security, porch lights are critical. They guide you into your house at night and keep burglars away. But they're most effective when you use them at the right times and combine them with other security products.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.