35 Common Home Security Mistakes (2024)

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35 Common Home Security Mistakes (1)Nick GerhardtUpdated: Dec. 20, 2023

    These not-so-obvious indicators will make your home a target for thieves.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (2)

    andresr/Getty Images

    Posting Pictures of Your Keys Online

    It’s a common photo-op for new homeowners. Post a picture of you with your new set of keys in front of your new home. This practice is also popular among thieves. There are apps and computer programs that can zero in on a picture of a key and easily replicate it. This puts your home security at risk. What’s more, all a would-be thief needs to do is upload that information to a key-cutting service and they can order a duplicate key to your home’s door lock.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (3)
    Kingfisher Productions/Getty Images

    Leaving Trash Visible in Garbage Cans

    Setting out the box from your new 60-inch HDTV or high-end gaming console on the curb is basically advertising the fact that those items are in your home. As electronics are the second thing burglars go for (cash is number one), this makes your home an attractive target, according to an article by A Secure Life. So one tip to keep homes safe from burglars would be to buy a cheap box cutter and invest the 30 seconds it takes to break down large boxes and bundle them together so their labels can’t be seen. Plus, your garbage man will thank you!


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (4)

    Frederick Bass/Getty Images

    Sometimes Just Living on Your Street

    Homes in high-visibility places, like on corner lots, are far less likely to be broken into. There are simply too many potential ways to be seen. But townhomes, houses in the middle of the block, or houses in a cul-de-sac are much better targets. This is especially true if your property backs up to a forest, open lot, or other unguarded area. The trick, according to Secure Life, is to make your house as difficultas possible to access. This means installing high fences and lots of lighting. But if you’re planning a trip and will be going away for a while, then try these ways to prevent garage break-ins or fool proof methods to trick burglars into thinking you’re at home.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (5)

    Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

    Posting Vacation Pics

    Forty percent of people admit posting pics while out of town, according to Nationwide. And while putting your vacation pictures online might get you a lot of likes, it also notifies your friends and acquaintances that you’re now far from home, making your house a prime target for anyone with ill intentions or just an opportunistic streak. Instead, make sure your social media profiles aren’t public, and wait to post your beautiful beach selfies until you get home.


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    It takes two minutes online or on the phone to put a hold on your mail while you’re gone and subvert the number one signal burglars look for: an overflowing porch or mailbox.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (7)

    V J Matthew/Shutterstock

    Your Yard Gives a Lot of Clues

    Love those flowers. That says you have taste…and taste means there are nice things inside. Those yard toys your kids leave out always make me wonder what type of gaming system they have.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (8)

    Allkindza/Getty Images

    Letting Newspapers and Flyers Build Up

    Yes, burglars really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway. And they might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long it takes you to remove it.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (9)

    byllwill/Getty Images

    Not Locking the Door

    According to SafeGuardTheWorld, a professional preventative security company, around 30 percent of burglaries involve a burglar entering through an unlocked door. It seems silly to have to say it but people forget to lock the door sometimes and it becomes ripe for the picking.


    Leaving a Window Cracked

    You might want to keep the house cool and save some money by not running the air conditioning but you’re setting your home up as a target even if the window is left open a crack.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (11)

    Elenathewise/Getty Images

    Having a Wide Open Backyard

    A backyard without a fence or one that opens up to a wooded area is prime for burglars to target. It’s relatively easy to move in and out of, plus the woods will make an escape easier.


    Keeping a Window A/C Unit

    Window units are great at cooling smaller spaces but they’re also great for thieves to knock out of the way and grab any loot inside a home.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (13)

    irina88w/Getty Images

    Leaving Expensive Stuff in Sight

    It should go without saying but anything of value shouldn’t be left in view from the outside. Burglars will often case a house before breaking in and if your home has valuable items out, the likelihood of it getting stolen just went up. Here’s what you should do if someone breaks into your home.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (14)

    Family Handyman

    Forgetting to Lock the Garage Door

    Be sure to lock each garage door, including the one that leads to the backyard because thieves will use any entry point to gain access.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (15)


    Leave Spare Keys in Obvious Places

    You might to consult this list of obvious hiding places before deciding where to keep a spare key because burglars are definitely going to check the cliche spots. Instead try these secret hiding places for spare keys and other valuables.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (16)

    Dmitriy Kiryushchenkov/Shutterstock

    Forgetting to Keep Up With Appearances

    If you normally leave your blinds or drapes open during the day and close them the day you leave for vacation, that could be a calling card for burglars that no one is home. “I recommend a mix of open, partially open, and close,” says Emily Long, safety expert atSafeWise. “Open blinds that provide full views of TVs, computers, and other valuables can tempt burglars, while partially open blinds provide privacy and security as well as let interior light out, giving the illusion that you are home.”


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (17)

    Muriel de Seze/Getty Images

    Leaving an Opening Through the Dog Door

    When burglars can’t get in through human entrances to your house, they may try to get in through the animal entrances. Robert Sollars, security expert and creator ofrobertdsollars.com, knows this all too well. “There are innumerable instances of doors being secured but the burglar coming in through the kitty door,” he advises. “Not all burglars are 6-foot-2 and 200 pounds. They can slither through those openings as well as a snake.” One of the burglaries Nancy Gretzinger experienced was committed in this way. “They came in a medium-small doggie door,” she said. So, pet owners, keep your pet doors secure as well.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (18)


    Leaving Fresh Snow

    If it snows while you’re out of town, get a neighbor to create car and foot tracks into the house. Virgin drifts in the driveway are a dead giveaway. Here’s another way to install a reliable security system in just one day.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (19)

    Brownie Harris/Getty Images

    Glass Doors are Thieves’ Best Friends

    If decorative glass is part of your front entrance, don’t let your alarm company install the control pad where a burglar can see if it’s set. That makes it too easy. Glass doors will rob you in energy costs, too.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (20)

    Somsak Sarabua/Shutterstock

    Close Your Blinds

    Burglars love looking in your windows. They’re looking for signs that you’re home or gaming systems they’d like. Burglars will drive or walk through your neighborhood at night, before you close the blinds, just to pick their targets.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (21)

    KM6064/Getty Images

    Forgetting to Secure Patio Doors

    Patio door locks are easy to pick. Placing a heavy-duty stick in the door track will bar the door closed, but it looks crude and it’s inconvenient to remove every time you want to open the door. Fortunately, there’s a better way to get the security you need.

    Andersen Corp.’s auxiliary foot lock fastens along the bottom of the door and has a bolt that fits into a grommet to hold the door secure. A similar lock, the Door Guardianattaches at the top of the door. Both locks allow the door to open 3 in. without compromising security. Installation takes about 10 minutes. Screw the bracket containing the pin to the door, then drill holes and insert grommets in the track for the pin to slide into.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (22)

    SeanPavonePhoto/Getty Images

    Keeping the Clicker in the Car

    A thief who breaks into your car can grab the remote for easy access to your garage. This isn’t just a problem when your car is parked in the driveway; the registration card in your glove box gives a crook your address.

    So get rid of the remote on your visor and buy a keychain remote. You can easily take it with you every time you leave the car. Home centers stock only a small selection of remotes, but you’ll find more online. Start your search by typing in the brand of your opener, followed by “remote.”


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (23)

    Cavan Images/Getty Images

    Flowers Start to Wilt

    While your friends and neighbors can pick up the mail, grab the paper, create tracks in the snow, etc. Your flowers might get overlooked. A thief in the area will wise up to what’s going on when they spot a few wilted flowers.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (24)


    Lawn Hasn’t Been Mowed For a While

    If you have someone routinely mow your lawn you don’t have to worry about it overgrowing while your on vacation but if you think you can get away with it for a long time, think again. Thieves will notice just as quickly as your neighbors what an eyesore your lawn has become. The neighbors might talk about it with each other but a thief is going to use it as an excuse to check in on the rest of your house.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (25)

    Wolfgang Zwanzger/Shutterstock

    Leaving the House Dim

    Some people want to leave a dim light on while they’re away on vacation as a deterrent to break-ins. The debate rages on whether it’s better to leave lights on or off but one thing’s for sure, those dim lights at night are going to be dim during the day and any smart burglar will notice that.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (26)

    Manuta/Getty Images

    Bushes Are Overgrown

    Overgrown bushes leave a lot of hiding spots for burglars who are planning a heist. It might be a pain to trim them back but it’ll make your yard look better and improve security.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (27)

    Julie Clopper/Shutterstock

    Home Business

    If you have a home business there are additional precautions to take since there will be an additional accumulation of assets, cash might be on hand, there might not be a safe or thousands of dollars of product might be sitting in a garage. A thief will spot a home business that does or doesn’t have signage.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (28)

    cagkansayin/Getty Images

    Leaving Stools in the Backyard

    Outdoor stools make reaching windows a lot easier for would-be thieves.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (29)

    FuzzMartin/Getty Images

    Leaving Radio On

    Just like with leaving the lights dimmed, leaving a radio on or even on a timer isn’t going to deter a thief. It might even attract them if the radio plays non-stop. Many thieves still knock on the door to make sure no one is home before they enter a house.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (30)

    rustycanuck/Getty Images

    Don’t Keep Keys on a Hook Next to the Door

    Keys in that close of proximity to a window is a terrible idea because that will give a burglar access to all sorts of goodies in addition to what’s in the house.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (31)

    Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

    Having Neighbors Over and Neighbors’ Friends

    Word can get out quickly who’s got what in a house. It might not be whoever was in the house is a burglar but word could get down to a person looking for some quick cash. If you like to have people over to watch big games, here are some great tips on how to fit everyone in so it’s not claustrophobic.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (32)

    Hill Street Studios/Getty Images

    Put Tools Away

    Don’t leave ladders next to the shed or next to the garage, don’t make the burglars job easier. Always bring them back into the garage or shed at the end of the night.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (33)

    fivepointsix/Getty Images

    Obituaries in the Paper

    A poster on Reddit mentioned that their deceased grandfather’s home got burglarized the day of the grandfather’s funeral. It might be helpful to have someone keep an eye on the house.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (34)

    Susan Law Cain/Shutterstock

    Corner House

    It might not seem obvious to most homeowners, but a house with one neighbor is a lot more attractive to a burglar than a house with two.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (35)

    Westend61/Getty Images

    Hired Help

    A housecleaner or tradesman could be giving out information about your place.


    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (36)

    athima tongloom/Getty Images

    Not Doing Anything After a Burglary in the Area

    Burglars often return to the same area after the initial burglary. Stay aware of what activity is happening in your neighborhood.

    Originally Published: March 20, 2021

    As an expert in home security, I can attest to the critical importance of being vigilant about various aspects that can make your home a target for thieves. The article you provided offers valuable insights into less obvious indicators that could compromise your home's security. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article and discuss preventive measures:

    1. Posting Pictures of Your Keys Online:

      • Explanation: Sharing photos with your new set of keys online can pose a security risk, as thieves can use apps and programs to replicate keys.
      • Expert Advice: Avoid posting pictures of your keys online to prevent unauthorized key duplication.
    2. Leaving Trash Visible in Garbage Cans:

      • Explanation: Discarding boxes of high-value items in plain sight advertises the contents of your home.
      • Expert Advice: Break down boxes and bundle them to conceal valuable item labels, enhancing home security.
    3. Living in High-Visibility Places:

      • Explanation: Homes in high-visibility areas are less likely to be targeted, while those in secluded areas may be at higher risk.
      • Expert Advice: Increase security for homes in less visible locations with measures like high fences and ample lighting.
    4. Posting Vacation Pics:

      • Explanation: Sharing vacation pictures online can signal that your home is unattended.
      • Expert Advice: Ensure social media profiles are private and delay posting vacation pictures until after returning home.
    5. Mailbox:

      • Explanation: An overflowing mailbox or porch signals an empty home.
      • Expert Advice: Temporarily hold mail delivery while away to prevent obvious signs of an unattended home.
    6. Yard Clues:

      • Explanation: Landscaping and visible items in the yard can indicate the presence of valuable items inside.
      • Expert Advice: Be mindful of the information your yard conveys and take steps to enhance privacy and security.
    7. Not Locking Doors and Windows:

      • Explanation: Unlocked doors and windows are common entry points for burglars.
      • Expert Advice: Always lock doors and windows to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
    8. Leaving a Window Cracked:

      • Explanation: Even a slightly open window can be an invitation for burglars.
      • Expert Advice: Avoid leaving windows partially open, especially when the home is unattended.
    9. Having a Wide Open Backyard:

      • Explanation: Unsecured backyard areas, especially those without fences, are attractive to burglars.
      • Expert Advice: Install fences and take measures to secure the backyard for better home protection.
    10. Leaving Expensive Items in Sight:

      • Explanation: Visible valuables can attract burglars.
      • Expert Advice: Keep valuable items out of sight from outside view to minimize the risk of theft.

    These concepts and expert advice highlight the importance of being mindful of various factors that can make your home vulnerable to theft. Implementing these preventive measures can significantly enhance your home security.

    35 Common Home Security Mistakes (2024)
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