Direct Investment by Country and Industry, 2021 (2024)



Direct investmentis a category of cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise resident in another economy. Ownership or control of 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an entity in another economy is the threshold for separating direct investment from other types of investment.

A foreign affiliate is a foreign business enterprise that is at least 10 percent owned by a single U.S. person or entity.

A U.S. parent is a U.S. person or entity that owns 10 percent or more of a foreign business enterprise.

A U.S. affiliate is a U.S. business enterprise that is at least 10 percent owned by a single foreign person or entity.

A foreign parent is the first person or entity outside the United States in a U.S. affiliate's ownership chain that has a direct investment interest in the affiliate.

The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) is the person or entity, proceeding up a U.S. affiliate's chain of majority ownership (where the entity above owns more than 50 percent of the entity below), beginning with the foreign parent, that is not owned more than 50 percent by another entity. The UBO ultimately owns or controls, and thus ultimately derives the benefits and assumes the risks from owning or controlling, an affiliate. The country of the UBO is often the same as that of the foreign parent, but it may be a different country or the United States.

The direct investment position is the value of direct investors' equity in, and net outstanding loans to, their affiliates. Changes in the position result from financial transactions and other changes, including capital gains and losses, currency-translation adjustments, and other changes in volume and valuation, such as adjustments to book value from affiliates' current sale or purchase price.

Direct investment financial transactions are financial transactions that increase or decrease financial claims and liabilities between the parent group and their affiliates. Direct investment financial transactions consist of reinvestment of earnings, equity investment other than reinvestment of earnings, and investment in debt instruments.

Reinvestment of earnings is an affiliate's total earnings less dividends paid to its parent. It represents the part of earnings that are reinvested in the affiliate rather than repatriated to the parent.

Equity investment other than reinvestment of earnings is measured as the difference between equity increases and decreases. Equity increases are transactions that result in the parent increasing their equity interest in their affiliate. Equity decreases are transactions that result in the parent reducing their equity interest in their affiliate.

Debt instruments investment reflects parent group lending to and borrowing from their affiliates.

Income earned on direct investment includes income on equity—whether profits or losses and whether distributed or reinvested—and net interest on debt.

Statistical conventions

BEA's direct investment statistics are primarily based on data reported in the Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (BE–577) and the Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (BE–605). Both surveys are conducted by BEA.

The countries identified in this release reflect the location of the immediate counterpart, unless otherwise noted. The countries identified for the U.S. direct investment abroad position may not reflect the ultimate destination of the funds. Likewise, the countries identified for the foreign direct investment position in the? United States may not reflect the ultimate source of the funds, which is often the ultimate beneficial owner.

The direct investment positions in this release are valued at historical cost. Positions reflect the book value of direct investors' equity in, and net outstanding loans to, their affiliates. This valuation is derived principally from the accounting records of affiliates, which are primarily compiled under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or International Financial Reporting Standards. This differs from the market value measure featured in the U.S. net International Investment Position (IIP) Accounts.

This release presents statistics on a directional basis rather than the on the asset/liability basis featured in the U.S. International Transactions Accounts (ITAs) and the U.S. net IIP Accounts. On a directional basis, direct investment claims and liabilities are classified according to whether the direct investor is a U.S. resident or a foreign resident. U.S. direct investment abroad occurs between a U.S. parent and its foreign affiliates. Foreign direct investment in the United States occurs between a foreign parent and its U.S. affiliates. On an asset/liability basis, direct investment statistics are organized according to whether the investment relates to an asset or liability for U.S. parents or for U.S. affiliates of foreign parents.

Related statistics

Statistics on direct investment by country and industry are one part of a broader set of U.S. International Economic Accounts that, taken together, provide a comprehensive, integrated, and detailed picture of U.S. international economic activities.

Statistics on direct investment and multinational enterprises (MNEs) include annual statistics on the activities of U.S. MNEs and U.S. affiliates of foreign MNEs as well as on new foreign direct investment in the United States.

The IIP Accounts are released quarterly. The IIP is a statistical balance sheet that presents the dollar value of U.S. financial assets and liabilities with respect to foreign residents at a specific point in time.

The ITAs are released quarterly. The ITAs are a statistical summary of economic activity between U.S. residents and the residents of other countries.

Statistics on international services, released annually, include detailed annual information on trade in services and on services supplied through the channel of direct investment by affiliates of MNEs.

U.S. international trade in goods and services, released by BEA and the U.S. Census Bureau, provides monthly statistics on trade in goods and services.

Direct Investment by Country and Industry, 2021 (2024)


Direct Investment by Country and Industry, 2021? ›

The United States recorded the largest increase of inward foreign direct investment of all economies in 2021. The latest release of the IMF's Coordinated Direct Investment Survey shows the US position increasing by $506 billion, or 11.3 percent, last year.

Which countries have the most foreign direct investment in 2021? ›

The United States recorded the largest increase of inward foreign direct investment of all economies in 2021. The latest release of the IMF's Coordinated Direct Investment Survey shows the US position increasing by $506 billion, or 11.3 percent, last year.

Which country has highest FDI in 2021 2022? ›

Nevertheless, the United States and China were the top two FDI destinations worldwide in 2022, followed by Brazil, receiving peak level of inflows partly due to increased reinvestment of earnings.

Which sector has highest foreign direct investment? ›

The correct answer is Services Sector. For economic growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been a major non-debt financial resource for the economic development of India.

Who are the 5 largest investors of foreign direct investment? ›

According to the latest results of our Coordinated Direct Investment Survey , and as shown in our Chart of the Week, the world's top ten recipients of foreign direct investment by end-2020 were the United States, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, China, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, Switzerland, Ireland, and ...

Which country invests most in USA? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

Which country has highest FDI in USA? ›

In 2021, no country had a higher foreign direct investment (FDI) position in the United States than Japan, followed by the Netherlands and Canada. At that time, Japan had over 690 billion U.S. dollars invested in the United States.

Is the United States the world's top destination for foreign direct investment? ›

UNCTAD reported last year's level exceeded pre-pandemic levels and was concentrated mostly in developed economies, like the United States. The United States was the world's top destination for FDI in 2021; and cumulatively, the United States remains the world's prime location for international investment.

What is the FDI of the United States? ›

According to BEA, FDI in the United States is defined as the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by one foreign person, or entity, of 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated U.S. business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated U.S. business enterprise.

Which country has highest FDI in 2023? ›

Download Table Data
Country2023 Population
United States339,996,563
222 more rows

What sectors that gained the most foreign investments? ›

Foreign direct investment in the United States was concentrated in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which accounted for 42.4 percent of the position. There was also sizable investment in finance and insurance (12.5 percent) and wholesale trade (9.7 percent).

Who has the highest outward FDI? ›

In 2021, the United States had the largest outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock worldwide, amounting to approximately 9.8 trillion U.S. dollars. China was second by a wide margin with around 2.58 trillion U.S. dollars.

Who is the biggest investor in US? ›

1. Warren Buffett. As one of the world's wealthiest investors, Warren Buffett almost needs no introduction. He's CEO and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, a $665 billion conglomerate that acts as the holding company for Buffett's investments, both its wholly-owned companies and its stocks.

Which country receives the most investment? ›

List of countries by received FDI
RankCountryStock of FDI at home (millions of USD)
European Union20,000,000
2United States4,084,000
3United Kingdom2,027,000
114 more rows

Why is Japan FDI so low? ›

Government restrictions on investment have played a major factor in limiting the FDI in Japan. Others factors include Japan's long history of life-time employment and the lack of local managerial talent.

Where in America has the best ROI? ›

1. Wyoming: 203% 5-year ROI on College. Wyoming has some of the highest wages for high school graduates: $31,936 a year, on average. This results in a 43 percent increase in pay for earning a bachelor's degree.

What country owns the most US businesses? ›

In terms of country of ownership, Japan holds the largest amount of U.S. portfolio assets, followed by China.

How much of America is owned by foreign investors? ›

Of the 1.3 billion acres of private agricultural land in the United States, foreign entities fully or partially owned roughly 40 million acres valued at $74 billion in 2021.

Why is the US FDI so high? ›

Free-trade agreements with 20 other countries provide access to hundreds of millions of additional consumers. A strong and robust consumer market is a key reason the U.S. ranks top in the world for FDI. The U.S. hosts the most developed, flexible and efficient financial markets in the world.

How much does the US invest in China? ›

U.S. companies spent about $11 billion in 2022 buying or investing in Chinese companies, according to the data service firm Dealogic.

What countries is the US investing in? ›

CharacteristicDirect investments in billion U.S. dollars
9 more rows
Sep 30, 2022

Who is China's largest foreign investor? ›

Singapore and China are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 2020. Since 2013, China has been Singapore's largest trading partner, and Singapore has been China's largest foreign investor.

Which of the following is an example of US foreign direct investment? ›

Foreign direct investment refers to capital investment that is owned and operated by foreigners. Therefore, a U.S. electronics company opens and operates a new factory in India is a foreign direct investment that increases net capital outflow.

Which country has lowest FDI? ›

Percent of world Foreign Direct Investment, 2020 - Country rankings: The average for 2020 based on 186 countries was 0.54 percent. The highest value was in China: 21.36 percent and the lowest value was in Switzerland: -21.72 percent. The indicator is available from 1993 to 2020.

What is Japan's attitude toward foreign investment? ›

The Japanese government actively welcomes and solicits foreign investment and has set ambitious goals for increasing inbound FDI. Despite Japan's wealth, high level of development, and general acceptance of foreign investment, inbound FDI stocks, as a share of GDP, are the lowest in the OECD.

What is an example of a direct investment? ›

Direct Investment implies financial capital invested by a person or company based in one nation into a company based in another. Portfolio investment examples are bonds, stocks, mutual funds, and depositary receipts are all types of investments that may comprise a foreign portfolio.

Why is Mexico attractive for FDI? ›

The proximity of Mexico to the United States, the special relations between the two countries under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and its strategic geographical location make Mexico a highly-attractive destination for many sectors, among them, manufacturing and services.

What countries invest most abroad? ›

Japan remained the top investing country with a position of $690.0 billion, followed by the Netherlands ($629.5 billion), Canada ($527.9 billion), the United Kingdom ($512.4 billion), and Germany ($403.6 billion).

What is the amount of foreign investment the US had with other countries in 2021? ›

Direct Investment by Country and Industry, 2021

The U.S. direct investment abroad position, or cumulative level of investment, increased $403.3 billion to $6.49 trillion at the end of 2021 from $6.09 trillion at the end of 2020, according to statistics released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

Which developing countries receive the most FDI? ›

Although the upward trend in 2021 was experienced across most subregions – South Asia was the only exception – just six countries attracted more than 80% of FDI inflows. China was the main recipient, followed by Hong Kong (China), Singapore, India, the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.

What is the US International investment Position 2021? ›

The U.S. net international investment position was –$18.10 trillion at the end of 2021, compared to –$14.01 trillion at the end of 2020. The net investment positions and components of assets and liabilities are presented in table 2.

Which country has highest return on investment? ›

Switzerland. Switzerland is one of the best countries to invest in. It has one of the lowest federal corporate tax rates in the world, at 8.5%, allowing businesses to save a significant amount of money on their profits.

Which country has the highest investment freedom? ›

#1 Singapore

Read More About SingaporeSingapore's economic freedom score is 83.9, making its economy the world's freest in the 2023 Index. Its score is about the same as last year.

Which country is best for impact investing? ›

North America. According to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), North America would top the statistical leaderboard amongst impact investing teams. The United States has loads of individual talent, capital, and superstars.

What percentage of the US stock market is owned by foreigners? ›

Our new analysis shows that foreign investors owned about 40 percent of US corporate equity in 2019, up substantially over the last few decades.

What percentage of US real estate is foreign investment? ›

For the 14th straight year, Florida remained the top destination for foreign buyers, accounting for 24% of all international purchases. California ranked second (11%), followed by Texas (8%), Arizona (7%), and New York and North Carolina, tied at 4%.

What is the trend in foreign direct investment? ›

Increasing FDI Inflow in Manufacturing Sectors:

India is rapidly emerging as a preferred country for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. FDI Equity inflow in Manufacturing Sectors have increased by 76% in FY 2021-22 (USD 21.34 billion) compared to previous FY 2020-21 (USD 12.09 billion).

Why is FDI high in the US? ›

The U.S. has the largest consumer market in the world, with a GDP of $20 trillion and 325 million people. Free-trade agreements with 20 other countries provide access to hundreds of millions of additional consumers. A strong and robust consumer market is a key reason the U.S. ranks top in the world for FDI.

Who is the major investor USA? ›

List of the Largest Investors with offices in United States
  • GIC | $360B.
  • The Carlyle Group | $201B.
  • KKR | $153B.
  • Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division | $150B.
  • Fiera Capital | $130B.
  • Oaktree Capital | $122B.
  • TPG Capital | $107B.
  • Bain Capital | $104B.

What is the international investment position of the United States? ›

The U.S. net international investment position was –$16.12 trillion at the end of 2022, compared to –$18.12 trillion at the end of 2021. The net investment position and components of assets and liabilities are presented in table 2 XLSX.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.