Despite major advances, Korea still behind Japan in basic sciences: report (2024)

Despite major advances, Korea still behind Japan in basic sciences: report (1)

Flags of Japan and South Korea (123rf)

South Korea surpassed Japan in major economic indicators over the past 30 years, but still lags behind in technological competitiveness, a report published by the Federation of Korean Industries said Thursday.

The report, which compared the economic development of the two countries from the early 1990s onward, cited several international rankings to back up its claim for Korea’s advances.

The 2020 IMD Competitiveness Ranking, for one, placed South Korea at 23rd place and Japan at 34th. It was a major overturn from 1995, when South Korea, at 26th, was far behind the 4th-placed Japan.

In the Competitive Industrial Performance list, created by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and used to measure a country’s industrial productivity, Korea shot up to 3rd place in 2018 from 17th in 1990, while Japan climbed down from 2nd place in 1990 to 5th in 2018.

Three major credit rating agencies – Standards & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings – valued South Korea’s sovereign credit rating two levels higher than that of Japan’s, the report showed.

The gap between the two economies also narrowed in macroeconomic figures.

Korea’s nominal GDP grew 476.3 percent from 1990 and reached $1.6 trillion in 2020, which is about a third of Japan. But 30 years ago, the size of Korea’s economy was less than 9 percent of Japan’s nominal GDP.

In international trade, South Korea rapidly caught up with Japan, but was still falling largely behind the amount of overseas investments.

Korea posted $513 billion in exports and $468 billion won in imports in 2020, which is 80 percent and 74 percent the level of of Japan, respectively. However, Japan’s total direct investment overseas was 3.6 times that of Korea, the report showed.

While Korea caught up with and even surpassed Japan in many areas, it still fell far short in science and technological fields, the report said.

Korea’s deficit with Japan in materials and parts trades nearly doubled from $8.3 billion in 1994 to $15.4 billion in 2020, signaling a deepened dependence on the neighboring country for the critical parts and components.

Especially vulnerable was Korea’s competitiveness in the field of basic sciences. While Japan has produced 24 Nobel Prize winners over the past 30 years, South Korea has had none.

The KFI called for the government to provide aggressive and long-term support for research and development for Korea’s economy to maintain growth in the future.

“Korea’s accomplishment over the past 30 years is astonishing. We are seeing the gap narrowing down or even being overturned in major economic indicators,” said an official from the KFI. “However, we are still seeing a disparity in the investment and competitiveness in the field of basic sciences.”

By Kang Jae-eun (

Despite major advances, Korea still behind Japan in basic sciences: report (2024)


What happened in Korea as a result of the Japanese invasions? ›

In 1592 Japan's Hideyoshi regime invaded Chosŏn Korea (1392-1910). Later, Ming China sent an army to Korea to repel the Japanese invaders and, as a result, the war evolved into a major international conflict. The war ended in 1598 as the Japanese troops retreated empty-handed back to their country.

Which is more advanced Japan or South Korea? ›

At present, it seems that South Korea's economic development prospects are much better than Japan's, but if it is only compared to economic strength, Japan is the undisputed winner.

What were the main cause behind the conflict between Japan and Korea? ›

The areas of historical tension between South Korea and Japan range widely, including over the name of the body of water separating Japan and the Korean Peninsula (Sea of Japan or East Sea); sovereignty over a group of rocky islets between the two countries (Dokdo/Takeshima); the legality of Japan's colonization of ...

How did Korea influence the development of Japan? ›

Notable examples of Korean influence on Japanese culture include the prehistoric migration of Korean peninsular peoples to Japan near the end of Japan's Jōmon period and the introduction of Buddhism to Japan via the Kingdom of Baekje in 538 AD.

What is the dispute between Japan and Korea? ›

On August 22, 1910, Japan had formally annexed Korea through the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty. In 1910, Japan annexed Korea. The legality of the annexation and the subsequent 35-years of occupation of the Korean Peninsula by Japan are controversial.

Which is more important Korean or Japanese? ›

If you want to learn a language for business or travel, then Japanese is probably the better choice. However, if you're interested in Korean pop culture or want to be able to communicate with family or friends who speak Korean, then learning Korean would be a better option.

Is Japan the most advanced country in the world? ›

Japan is the most technologically advanced country in the world in 2023. This country is popular for breathtaking and innovative inventions and scientific research. Without a doubt, Japan is also one of the best countries that have made massive returns to investments in research.

Why Japan is the most advanced country? ›

Japan was one of the first countries to understand the true power of technology and has embraced its benefits. Therefore, the country has started to invest in technological innovation early in time. That is how nowadays Japan is qualified as one of the most powerful tech giants all over the world.

How was Korea treated by Japan? ›

Japan set up a government in Korea with the governor-generalship filled by generals or admirals appointed by the Japanese emperor. The Koreans were deprived of freedom of assembly, association, the press, and speech. Many private schools were closed because they did not meet certain arbitrary standards.

Why did Korea want independence from Japan? ›

Koreans were concerned with alien domination and Korea's state as a colony. They desired to restore Korea's independent political sovereignty after Japan invaded the weakened and partially modernized Korean Empire.

Who caused the war between Korea and Japan? ›

In 1910, Korea was annexed by the Empire of Japan after years of war, intimidation and political machinations; the country would be considered a part of Japan until 1945. In order to establish control over its new protectorate, the Empire of Japan waged an all-out war on Korean culture.

What were Japan and Korea both strongly influenced by in their early history? ›

It is a region that is heavily influenced by Chinese culture. Japan's culture is substantially derived from Tang Dynasty China. Korea's was strongly influenced by China's art and religion. Same holds true for Southeast Asia, Vietnam in particular.

What was the relationship between Japan and Korea? ›

After the division of Korea, Japan and South Korea established diplomatic relations in December 1965, under the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea. In this treaty, Japan recognized South Korea as the only legitimate government in the Korean peninsula.

What were the 3 main influences that China and Korea had on Japan? ›

China and Korea have influenced Japanese cultural, social, and religious development.

Did Japan apologize to Korea? ›

June 22, 1965: Minister of Foreign Affairs Shiina Etsusaburo said to the people of South Korea: "In our two countries' long history there have been unfortunate times, it is truly regrettable and we are deeply remorseful" (Signing of the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and South Korea).

What was the conflict between China and Japan over control of Korea? ›

The First Sino-Japanese War was the conflict between Japan and China in 1894–95 that marked the emergence of Japan as a major world power and demonstrated the weakness of the Chinese empire. The war grew out of the conflict between the two countries for supremacy in Korea.

Did Japan support South Korea in the Korean War? ›

Japan's participation in the Korean War is not a secret. It helped defend South Korea, sending crews and minesweepers into actual combat during the crucial first six months of that war. The Korean War started on June 25, 1950.

Is there a big difference between Korean and Japanese? ›

Although Japan and Korea are only 587 miles (945 km) away from each other, the two languages are vastly different. The sounds, writing, and culture all differ. The big one people seem to think connects the two is that they both have unique scripts. The Korean alphabet is Hangul, and the Japanese alphabet is Kanji.

Is Japanese food better or Korean? ›

Korean dishes use more meat. Japanese food also tends to use less sugar. However that isn't to say that Korean food isn't healthy — it's brimming with colourful fruit and vegetables — like any country's cuisine, there are healthy options to choose from.

What's the hardest language to learn? ›

Across multiple sources, Mandarin Chinese is the number one language listed as the most challenging to learn. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center puts Mandarin in Category IV, which is the list of the most difficult languages to learn for English speakers.

Is Japan more developed than the US? ›

GDP per capita is considered a baseline when comparing two economies. Using this measure, Trump's comments are founded, with the US ahead of Japan in rankings from both the International Monetary Fund (US:11th place, Japan:28th place) and the World Bank (US:9th place, Japan:22nd place).

Is Japan the most liked country? ›

Japan is the most popular destination for people in 13 countries and regions. A closer look at the ranking shows that Japan is the first choice for people from the United States and Canada as well as Australia and most of Southeast Asia.

What country is #1 in technology? ›

Because which country is more advanced than another is subjective, we used the rankings of Global Finance's list for the Most Technologically Advanced Countries In The World 2022 with the only difference being we put the United States in the first spot since it leads the world in technology and it is the home to ...

Is Japan still a leader in technology? ›

Japan is still a world leader in technological innovation based on another metric. It filed more intellectual property patents per capita than any other country in 2018, according to a report released last month by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

What makes Japan stand out from other countries? ›

As Japan is an island, it was isolated from other countries and cultures for centuries. This allowed it to create its own, unique customs and traditions. Even though Japan takes ideas and influences from other countries now, it remains to be one of the most unique places in the world.

How did Korea get free from Japan? ›

This incident succeeded in getting the Japanese to surrender and sign the Potsdam Declaration. The Potsdam Declaration included provisions of the Cairo Declaration adopted in 1943, guaranteeing the freedom of Korea from colonization. The Korean Peninsula was finally liberated on Aug. 15, 1945.

When did Japan stop colonizing Korea? ›

Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945) was a contradictory experience for Koreans. On the one hand, Japanese colonialism was often quite harsh.

Who colonized Japan? ›

Japan's first encounter with Western colonialism was with Portugal in the mid-sixteenth century. The Portuguese brought Catholicism and the new technology of gun and gunpowder into Japan. The latter changed the way samurai rulers fought wars, and accelerated the process of national unification.

How did Korea benefit from Japanese rule? ›

Japanese rule prioritized Korea's Japanization, accelerated the industrialization started during the Gwangmu Reform era of 1897 to 1907, built public works, and suppressed the Korean independence movement.

Why did Korea get colonized by Japan? ›

Japan was able to annex Korea in 1910 due to its military strength. Contrary to the later claims of Makoto Saito, the union of Korea and Japan was not “peacefully accomplished by the mutual consent of the people.”The looming presence of the military enabled the annexation.

When did Korea end slavery? ›

The hereditary nobi system was officially abolished around 1886 and 1887, and the rest of the nobi system was abolished with the Gabo Reform of 1894. However, slavery did not completely disappear in Korea until 1930, during Imperial Japanese rule.

How many times Japan invaded Korea? ›

The Japanese invasions of Korea, commonly known as the Imjin War, involved two separate yet linked invasions: an initial invasion in 1592 (Korean: 임진왜란; Hanja: 壬辰倭亂), a brief truce in 1596, and a second invasion in 1597 (Korean: 정유재란; Hanja: 丁酉再亂).

Who ruled Korea before Japan? ›

Unified Silla lasted for 267 years until falling to Goryeo, under the leadership King Gyeongsun, in 935. Joseon, born out of the collapsed Goryeo in 1392, also ruled the entire peninsula, that rule lasting until Japan annexed Korea in 1910.

What two influences arrived in Japan from China and Korea? ›

Religion Buddhism, which began in India, came to Japan from China by way of Korea. Buddhism strongly influenced Japanese religion, art, and architecture. Writing and Literature Koreans introduced Chinese writing to Japan. The Japanese invented kanji and kana to write Japanese words and sounds with Chinese characters.

What are things that Korea and Japan have in common? ›

Culturally, Korea and Japan share many similarities – societal structure, work culture, collectivist mindset. But they are also polar opposites in many ways, from cuisine and preferences in design, to general stereotypes about personality traits.

What country influenced Japan the most? ›

During its classical period, Japan was highly influenced by Chinese culture. The influence of Buddhism, Confucianism, and other elements of Chinese culture had a profound impact on the development of Japanese culture.

Who is Japan's biggest ally? ›

LONE ALLY. For the past seven decades, Japan, which gave up the right to wage war after its defeat in World War Two, has relied on the United States for protection. In return for its promise to defend the country, the U.S. gets bases that allow it to maintain a major military presence in East Asia.

Why might Japan be heavily influenced by China and Korea? ›

The other areas to greatly impact Japan were the kingdoms of Korea, which was the closest culture to Japan and therefore the main point of contact between Japan and mainland Asia. Through Korea, the major Asian religion Buddhism travelled from China to Japan and became a major influence on Japanese culture.

Which idea imported from China and Korea was most important to Japan Why? ›

Both Korea and Japan adopted Confucianism as a set of principles for the ordering of state and society, and this is perhaps the most significant borrowing, as it was really the “operating system” for elites in these societies, as it was in China.

What important cultural aspect spread from China and Korea and was later adopted by the Japanese? ›

Buddhism was brought over to Japan through China and Korea in 552 CE. Furthermore, Buddhism was encouraged by those in power, such as Prince Shōtoku.

What happened to Korea after the Japanese surrendered in 1945? ›

Instead, Japan tried to seek out Russian assistance to end the war, in which Japan schemed to drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and the United States. This delayed Japan's surrender, allowing the Soviets to enter into the war, which in turn resulted in the division of Korea.

What happened to Korea after the Sino Japanese war? ›

The First Sino-Japanese War ended with the Treaty of Shimonoseki, in which China recognized the independence of Korea and ceded Taiwan, the adjoining Pescadores, and the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria to Japan.

How was Korea affected by the Russo Japanese war? ›

The Treaty ultimately gave Japan control of Korea and much of South Manchuria, including Port Arthur and the railway that connected it with the rest of the region, along with the southern half of Sakhalin Island; Russian power was curtailed in the region, but it was not required to pay Japan's war costs.

When did Korea regain independence from Japan? ›

Korean nationalists formally declared Korea's independence from the government of Japan on March 1, 1919.

When did Korea gain independence from Japan after ww2? ›

On August 15, 1945, Koreans finally received what they had looked forward to for so long: the country's liberation as a result of Japan's surrender in the Pacific War.

What happened to Korea after the Korean War ended? ›

A new border between North and South Korea was drawn, which gave South Korea some additional territory and demilitarized the zone between the two nations. The war cost the lives of millions of Koreans and Chinese, as well as almost 40,000 Americans.

Did Japan benefit from the Korean War? ›

Economically, Japan was able to benefit vastly from the war, and the Korean War greatly helped the rise of Japan's economy and its development into a world power.

How many times did Japan invade Korea? ›

The Japanese invasions of Korea, commonly known as the Imjin War, involved two separate yet linked invasions: an initial invasion in 1592 (Korean: 임진왜란; Hanja: 壬辰倭亂), a brief truce in 1596, and a second invasion in 1597 (Korean: 정유재란; Hanja: 丁酉再亂).

Did Japan support Korean War? ›

Japan's participation in the Korean War is not a secret. It helped defend South Korea, sending crews and minesweepers into actual combat during the crucial first six months of that war. The Korean War started on June 25, 1950.

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