Country: Jamaica (2024)

Country: Jamaica

Country: Jamaica (1)

Event: Pearl-MUN 2004

Student: Sayed Al-Rifae

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Jamaica Eternal Father, Bless our Land Guide us with thy mighty hand Keep us free from evil powers Be our light through countless hours To our leaders, great defender Grant true wisdom from above Justice, truth be ours forever Jamaica, land we love Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love Teach us true respect for all Stir response to duty's call Strengthen us the weak to cherish Give us vision lest we perish Knowledge send us Heavenly Father Grant true wisdom from above Justice, truth be ours forever Jamaica, land we love Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love


Country: Jamaica (7)

Political Structure:

Jamaica is a constitutional parliamentary democratic country. Its independence day was in August,6,1962. It has an executive governor general, and a prime minister. In Jamaica they have a parliament that includes 21 appointed senators, and 60 elected representatives. Jamaica has five political parties. These five are Peoples National Party (PNP), Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), National Democratic Movement (NDM), and lastly United Peoples Party (UPP).

Now I will talk to you about the political history of Jamaica. In 1962 the U.K. established a parliamentary system to Jamaica based on the U.K. way, where it all started with Queen Elizabeth as chief of state. The Queen chose a governor general as her representative in Jamaica. The governor general’s role is basically traditional. The Jamaican parliament is basically created of an appointed Senate and an elected House of Representatives. The elections for the formation of the new government must be held within five years. Jamaica is also a great country that has no internal conflicts with countries through out the world.


Jamaica is an island in the West Indies, it is south of Cuba and west of Haiti. It has an area of 10,911 square kilometers, Jamaica is the largest island of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Although it is not big considered to other countries, you could barley see it on the map. It’s temperatures are fairly constant throughout the year, Jamaica has rich and fertile soil. Jamaica experiences lots of hurricanes through out the year. Even though it’s known for it’s hot and humid weather.

Natural Resources:

Jamaica features a wide variety of natural resources. Jamaica’s land is an excellent land for healthy food, like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cocoa beans, coffee, honey, sisal, sugar cane, tobacco, and different types of meats. Jamaica has great seas that attract tourists from all the world. Other natural resources include paperboards, and sand-wood. Thanks to all these natural resources Jamaica earns over $2 million annually each year from these products alone. Not to mention bauxite, gypsum, and limestone to being one of the most famous natural resources in Jamaica.

Jamaica exports$1.14 billion from alumina, bauxite, sugar, bananas, garments, citrus fruits, rum, and coffee. They have seven major markets and they are U.S., U.K , Canada, Netherlands, Norway, CARICOM, and Japan. Jamaica’s biggest exporter is the U.S. and it’s least exporter is Japan.

Cultural Factors:

The population of Jamaica is made up of African or mixed African- European origin, who were brought to the island centuries ago. Others are East Indians, Europeans or Chinese. The people who moved to Jamaica brought beats to the island. This gave rise to Reggae, which inspired music that emerged during 1960s. During the 1970s reggae themes gave rise to a new national conciseness. Music developed all over the world, and the well known reggae was Bob Marley. Through his music and religious beliefs he gained a large following of Jamaicans.


Jamaica’s trade partners are with the United States and the U.K.. Also countries of the English-speaking Caribbean are linked with Jamaica and are its trade partners. In 1958 Jamaica joined nine other U.K. territories in the West Indies Federation, but left at 1961 because Jamaican voters rejected the membership. Later in 1962 Jamaica got its independence and remained a member of the Commonwealth.

Jamaica has natural resources as any other country, water supplies, and a helpful climate to help the countries agriculture and to attract tourists. There was a discovery of bauxite in the 1940s and an industry, called the bauxite-alumina industry, shifted Jamaica’s economy from sugar to bananas. Jamaica started to emerge until it became as a world leader in export of these minerals.

Four years of negative economic growth led to serious financial problems, the inflation fell from 25% to 7.0% in 2001. Banks banned any sudden drop in exchange rate. Ever since the potential growth and modernization the Jamaican dollar has been dropping and is resulting in and average exchange rate of 47 Jamaican dollars to 1.00 U.S dollars (2001). Although the interest rates are declining they are still high averaging 26.8% (Dec, 2001).


Jamaica has a military that consists of 730,000 soldiers. America helped Jamaica with their soldiers, weapons and helped in developing its military in every way possible. Jamaica pays about 30 million dollars for the Jamaican military. The military hasn’t faced any war yet since Jamaica is known for its kindness and helpfulness. America helped in supplying weapons for the Jamaican military for example: providing air planes, and military tanks and many other weapons.

View on World Problems:

Every country has allies and enemies. Jamaica’s allies are the United States of America, and the U.K.. The United States of America is a good ally economically and politically. While the U.K is an important ally because it was the former of Jamaica. Jamaica is a peaceful and loving country having no enemies .

Jamaica is part of the United Nations and the Organization of American states. It is also considered a very active member of these organizations and also in the British Commonwealth Organization. Jamaica is also the receiver of the Cotonou Convention. Last but not least Jamaica is in the Association of Caribbean States.


Arawaks settled in 1494. Spain started to occupy the island since the 1510, and the Arawaks were either exterminated by a disease, slavery, or a war. African slaves were brought by Spain to Jamaica in 1517. British forces to control of the island in 1655, and Great Britain gained formal control.

Issue # 1: Generic Problems:

Pharmacists say that generic problems can create more problems than solve any. Generic drugs are less expensive drugs that are called by their chemical name. These generic drugs are found in markets. There are complaints from people that suffer from a specific kind of allergy, which are often prescribed for chronic diseases for example: diabetes and asthma. Jamaica is against this issue of generic drugs therefore Jamaica forbids it in it’s country. Jamaica is against it along with its good ally the United States of America. However Canada allows generic drugs and is strongly with it.

Issue # 2: Displaced people:

Jamaica thinks that the United Nations should get involved to help displaced people. Jamaica believes that all displaced people should be well taken care of. Displaced people are refugees that are a result of conflicts or any other problem that occurred in a certain country. The number of displaced people is rising. Countries should help in solving this problem.

Jamaica does not suffer from this problem, however hopes that this conflict would be solved. Jamaica wishes that all nations would help to accomplish that objective. Jamaica is taking all possible events and hopes that it could solve this problem as soon as possible.

Issue # 3: Weapons of Mass destruction:

Jamaica recognized that weapons are being invented, and that every year they enlarge in the amount of mass destruction. Weapons has only led to more problems than solving any. humans escape from one place to another so that they wouldn’t get killed by these "mass destructive" weapons. Although there are countries that are trying to help in destroying these killing machines, yet other countries still keep inventing these weapons to kill humans and destroy nations.

Jamaica sees this as an important issue which caused many countries to make more and more weapons of destruction. Jamaica is next to a security powerhouse so it gets petrified as more weapons are being created. Some weapons are not for the countries own protection, but instead are being created especially for killing reasons and as a result the mass destruction of these weapons increase. Jamaica needs the help of all the countries to decrease the amount of mass destruction that is being produced.

Delegate: Sayed Yacoub Al RifaeForum: Generic DrugsCountry: JamaicaIssue: Generic Drugs

Defining generic drugs as, "less expensive drugs with unofficial brand names, they are made to help the poor communities,"

Aware that generic drugs is a problem that is abundant in most countries,

Aware that poor communities are buying these generic drugs,

Believing that, according to pharmacists generic drugs cause more problems than solve any,

Recognizing that generic drugs are stealing the real drugs brand names and selling them to poor communities where they are making a bad influence,

Asking the UN to make a committee to stop generic drugs, and to check every country if it has generic drugs or not,

1. Believes that if a country has generic drugs then it must be taken out of the country and the country would have to pay money to buy the real official drugs,

2. Resolves that the UN will form a committee called Against Generic Drugs (AGD);

3. Further Resolves saving hundreds of companies from being flat broke;

4. Notes that the AGD will form 6 sub-organizations:A. In USA, Washington DC to cover northern part of the American region,B. In Jamaica, Kingston to cover the southern part of the American region,C. In UK, London to cover the European region,D. In Egypt, Cairo to cover the African continent,E. In Saudi Arabia, Riyadh to cover the Middle Eastern countries,F. In Switzerland, Geneva to cover France, Italy, Spain and Germany;H. All of the 6 main sub-organizations will meet every 3 months in one of the cities from the sub-organizations;

5. Emphasizes that the AGD will create a monthly magazine including the goals of the year and what they have accomplished during that month;

6. Confirms that the AGD will study the case carefully and will put a stop to this problem;

7. Makes sure that all members will have access to any information from previous meetings;

8. Notes that there would be a website that will be updating news and answer any question;

9. Confirms that no other country out of the organization will have access to the website and these countries will only know information that is announced either on TV. or by the AGD Magazine.

Fellow delegates, and honorable chair.

Jamaica is a country known for its kindness and love for all countries. Jamaica is the center of world paradise. Not to mention, that we are the Shaggy in your songs. Jamaica is this tropical island that offers you relaxation in abundance. If you want to be relaxed you can always come to Jamaica. A country that wants peace in the world.

Country: Jamaica (2024)


What are 5 things Jamaica is known for? ›

What is Jamaica known for? Jamaica is known to be the birthplace of reggae, Bob Marley, world's fastest sprinters, Blue Mountain coffee, Red Stripe beer, Jamaican rum, beautiful beaches, jerk dishes, luxurious all-inclusive resorts and majestic waterfalls.

What is Jamaica country status? ›

Jamaica performs favourably in measures of press freedom, democratic governance and sustainable well-being. Politically it is a Commonwealth realm, with Charles III as its king. His appointed representative in the country is the Governor-General of Jamaica, an office held by Patrick Allen since 2009.

What are 3 interesting facts about Jamaica? ›

  • OFFICIAL NAME: Jamaica.
  • FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary democracy.
  • CAPITAL: Kingston.
  • POPULATION: 2,812,090.
  • MONEY: Jamaican dollar.
  • AREA: 4,411 square miles (10,992 square kilometers)
  • MAJOR MOUNTAIN RANGES: Blue Mountains, John Crow Mountains, Don Figuero Mountains, co*ckpit Country.

What food is Jamaica best known for? ›

10 best traditional Jamaican Food you must try while in Jamaica
  • Jerk Chicken. Synonymous with traditional Jamaican food, jerk chicken can be found on almost every street corner on the island. ...
  • Ackee & Saltfish. ...
  • Coconut Drops. ...
  • Fish and Festival. ...
  • Run Down or Dip and Fall Back. ...
  • Curry Goat. ...
  • Oxtail. ...
  • Pepper Pot Soup.
Apr 12, 2021

What is most famous in Jamaica? ›

Cultural icon and reggae star Bob Marley is arguably the most famous Jamaican there has ever been. So much so, his home was transformed into a museum dedicated to him and his work. Whether you are a fan of Marley's music or not, a visit to this site is a must!

What makes Jamaica culture unique? ›

Jamaican culture is a product of the interaction between Europe and Africa. Terms such as “Afro-centred” and “Euro-centred,” however, are often used to denote the perceived duality in Jamaican cultural traditions and values. European influences persist in public institutions, medicine, Christian worship, and the arts.

What races make up Jamaicans? ›

The majority of the population (90 per cent, 2006 Census) is of Jamaica is of West African origin. The rest are people of mixed heritage with combinations that include European-African, Afro-indigenous, Chinese-African and East Indian-African.

What was the original name of Jamaica? ›

They came from South America 2,500 years ago and named the island Xaymaca, which meant ““land of wood and water”.

What religion do Jamaicans practice? ›

Though more than 60% of the island's population subscribes to Christianity, our heterogeneous background has also meant the coexistence of other religions including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Rastafarianism.

How rich or poor is Jamaica? ›

Economy of Jamaica
GDP$15.461 billion (nominal, 2018) $27.092 billion (PPP, 2018)
GDP rank118th (nominal, 2019) 133rd (PPP, 2019)
GDP growth1.9% (2018) 0.7% (2019e) −6.2% (2020f) 2.7% (2021f)
GDP per capita$5,582 (nominal, 2019 est.) $9,473 (PPP, 2018 est.)
37 more rows

What is one thing Jamaica doesn t have? ›

Jamaica is one of only two countries in the world that has no common colors with the flag of the United States of America. The other country is Mauritania (green and yellow).

What is a basic fact about Jamaica? ›

Jamaica is the third largest of the Caribbean islands, and the largest English-speaking island in the Caribbean Sea. Situated 90 miles south of Cuba, 600 miles south of Florida, USA, and 100 miles south-west of Haiti, Jamaica is approximately 146 miles long, 51 miles wide, and has an area of 4,411 square miles.

What fruit is Jamaica known for? ›

Jamaica's national fruit, the ackee is commonly used as the main ingredient in the island's traditional food dish, ackee and saltfish. This pear-shaped produce features a mild, nutty taste, which is why it is commonly curried over rice or cooked with tomatoes, onions, and codfish.

What is the national fruit of Jamaica? ›

Ackee (Blighia Sapida) is the national fruit of Jamaica as well as a component of the national dish – ackee and codfish. Although the ackee is not indigenous to Jamaica, it has remarkable historic associations. Originally, it was imported to the island from West Africa, probably on a slave ship.

What do Jamaicans eat for breakfast? ›

Jamaicans pride themselves on their delicious food that's prepared with love. Some favorite breakfast items include foods such as porridge, ackee and saltfish (Jamaica's national dish), and local fruits.

Why do Jamaicans not eat pork? ›

Meat is considered dead and therefore works against Livity and the elevation of Life Energy. Most Rastas avoid eating pork as well as shellfish, as they are considered to be meat derived from scavengers. Many Rastas denounce the use of cigarettes as well as alcohol due to their harmful effects on one's health.

What is Jamaica traditional clothing? ›

Quadrille Dress - Jamaica

The Quadrille dress is a folk costume worn by women for celebrations and dances. Cotton and linen are the fibers used to make this traditional garment. It is also known as Jamaica's national dress and includes a bandanna skirt, blouse, head tie and ruffled sleeves.

What kind of meat do Jamaicans eat? ›

Jamaicans eat most kinds of meat, with chicken, pork and beef being popular everyday meals. Goat, mutton and oxtail are served in most Jamaican restaurants or cooked in Jamaican homes. Seafood such as fish, lobster, and shrimp are cooked in a variety of ways.

How do jamaicans say beautiful? ›

Criss: Jamaican expression meaning “Pretty;” “fine;” or “o*kay.”

How do you show respect in Jamaican? ›

Etiquette and Manners in Jamaica

Men often pat each other's shoulder or arm during the greeting process or while conversing. Address people by their honorific title (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) and their surname until a personal relationship has developed. Always wait until invited before using someone's first name.

What jewelry is Jamaica known for? ›

Statement earrings and intricately beaded necklaces and bracelets are staples of Jamaican fashion. In true island style, Jamaican jewelry incorporates many natural elements such as stones, carved wood, woven twine, and bones.

What is the nicest area in Jamaica? ›

Montego Bay in a nutshell: Montego Bay, the capital of Saint James Parish, is often associated with luxury vacations in Jamaica, as some of the most opulent all-inclusive resorts on the island can be found in this area. It's lively, colorful, and a tourist hotspot that's here to stay.

Why are Jamaicans so strong? ›

A second gene linked to Jamaica's athletic prowess is the 577RR variant of the ACTN3 gene. This gene encodes instructions to create a protein called alpha-actinin-3, which helps “fast-twitch” muscles generate strong, repetitive contractions.

What is a nine night meaning? ›

Nine night is a separate event to the funeral itself. It's like the Irish wake and takes place nine days after the death of the person. You have a celebration of their life at the point at which their spirit traditionally leaves the body. It's a Jamaican practice with roots in an African tradition.

What are Jamaicans mixed with? ›

The vast majority of Jamaicans are of Sub-Saharan African descent, with minorities of Europeans, East Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and others of mixed ancestry.

Where are Jamaicans originally from? ›

The first Jamaicans were the Taino Indians who settled in Jamaica around 600 AD. They were stone–age peoples who had migrated to Jamaica from the northern coast of South America.

What is the most popular religion in Jamaica? ›

65% of the Jamaican population are Protestants. Jamaican Protestantism is composed of several denominations: 24% Church of God, 11% Seventh-day Adventist, 10% Pentecostal, 7% Baptist, 4% Anglican, 2% United Church, 2% Methodist, 1% Moravian and 1% Brethren Christian.

How to please a Jamaican woman? ›

7 Tips on Getting a Jamaican Girlfriend and Keeping Her
  1. Be Sincere. All women have a second sense but this is very strong in Jamaican women, perhaps more than anyone in the world. ...
  2. Learn about the culture. ...
  3. Be romantic. ...
  4. Learn to dance. ...
  5. Respect her family. ...
  6. Have ambition. ...
  7. Love her for who she is.

When did Jamaica become black? ›

The ethnogenesis of the Black Jamaican people stemmed from the Atlantic slave trade of the 16th century, when enslaved Africans were transported as slaves to Jamaica and other parts of the Americas. The first Africans to arrive in Jamaica came in 1513 from the Iberian Peninsula.

Who brought slaves to Jamaica? ›

The Spaniards also introduced the first African slaves into the island. By the early 17th century, when most of the Taino had died out, the population of the island was about 3,000, including a small number of African slaves.

Who are native Jamaicans? ›

The original inhabitants of Jamaica were the indigenous Taíno, an Arawak-speaking people who began arriving on Hispaniola by canoe from the Belize and the Yucatan peninsula sometime before 2000 BCE.

Do jamaicans celebrate christmas? ›

Christmas is a very special time in Jamaica and like a lot of other countries, radio stations play carols all through the Christmas period. Lots of people paint their houses and hang new curtains and decorations for Christmas. Most families spend Christmas Day at home with friends and family members.

What sport is most popular in Jamaica? ›

The most popular sports are athletics, cricket and association football; other popular sports include basketball and netball (usually for women). Out of all the top five sports, Mixed martial arts, rugby league and rugby union are also considered growing sports in Jamaica.

Do jamaicans believe in santa claus? ›

Jamaicans also believe in Santa Claus and he's called Father Christmas or Kris Kringle. He usually leave gifts for children under the Christmas tree on Christmas eve.

Who is richer Jamaica or Dominican Republic? ›

GDP per capita in Jamaica was $9,200 in 2017, while in the Dominican Republic, it was $17,000, according to the MyLifeElsewhere website. You are also more likely to find a job in the Dominican Republic, if you want to.

What are some problems in Jamaica? ›

Crime and corruption remain significant concerns in Jamaica, with the security measures associated with the former adding to the cost of doing business. The Jamaican judicial system has a long tradition of being fair but court cases can take years or even decades to resolve.

What is minimum wage in Jamaica? ›

Jamaica's minimum salary will rise from $9,000 to $13,000 per 40-hour work week beginning June 1, 2023. The statement was made by Prime Minister Andrew Holness during his contribution to the 2023/24 Budget Debate in the House of Representatives on Thursday.

What is illegal to bring to Jamaica? ›

Indecent and obscene prints, paintings, photographs, cinematograph films, lithographs, engravings, books, cards or written communications or any indecent or obscene articles whether similar to the above or not and any parcels, packages or packets having thereon, or on the cover thereof, any words, marks or designs ...

What is the biggest problem in Jamaica? ›

Crime Rate

Undoubtedly, crime is one of the most pervasive and damaging societal problems an island may experience, and we are not exempt from it. Remember that the term "crime" refers to a variety of violent acts, including murder, rape, theft, and assault, to mention a few. Criminal activity is a problem in Jamaica.

Can you drink the water in Jamaica? ›

Over the years, we have developed extensive water treatment and supply systems islandwide, so all drinking water in Jamaica is purified and filtered by modern methods. Our water is safe for you to drink, clean your teeth, bathe and wash clothing in.

Why should people visit Jamaica? ›

You may be wondering why Jamaica is the preferred vacation destination for many people across the globe. Simply put, the island is home to the best of the best - natural attractions, cultural festivals, beaches, food, and the warmest, most fun-loving people you'll find on the planet.

What is Jamaica special? ›

A highly sought-after tourist destination, Jamaica is known for its captivating sandy beaches, dynamic culture, and effervescent atmosphere. As the birthplace of reggae music, the island exudes a unique blend of musical flair, Caribbean rum, and African allure.

What culture is Jamaica known for? ›

Jamaican culture is a product of the interaction between Europe and Africa. Terms such as “Afro-centred” and “Euro-centred,” however, are often used to denote the perceived duality in Jamaican cultural traditions and values. European influences persist in public institutions, medicine, Christian worship, and the arts.

What is the national dish of Jamaica? ›

Ackee and Saltfish is Jamaica's National Dish. Everyone loves this traditional meal.

What does Jamaica sell the most of? ›

The principal exports are aluminum and bauxite, which account for approximately one-third of export earnings; sugar, bananas, coffee, and other agricultural products, beverages and tobacco, and chemicals constitute most of the remainder. The United States is, by far, Jamaica's main trading partner.

Why do people visit Jamaica? ›

Jamaica is famous for being the birthplace of reggae and jerk, but there are so many more sides to the island. The country is home to some of the best beaches in the Caribbean, has eye-widening natural sites including waterfalls and lagoons, and produces one of the rarest coffees in the world.

What are Jamaicans called? ›

Jamaicans are the citizens of Jamaica and their descendants in the Jamaican diaspora. The vast majority of Jamaicans are of Sub-Saharan African descent, with minorities of Europeans, East Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and others of mixed ancestry.

What religion do Jamaicans believe in? ›

Though more than 60% of the island's population subscribes to Christianity, our heterogeneous background has also meant the coexistence of other religions including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Rastafarianism.

What stone is only found in Jamaica? ›

Larimar is a type of pectolite or a rock composed largely of pectolite, an acid silicate hydrate of calcium and sodium. Pectolite is found in many locations, but larimar has a unique volcanic blue coloration, which is the result of copper substitution for calcium.

What is Jamaican culture clothing called? ›

The quadrille dress is the folk costume of Jamaica, Dominica and Haiti. It is known by a different name in each country. The dress is particularly worn during the quadrille dance, but also other occasions.

What symbol represents Jamaica? ›

The doctor bird remains a colorful national symbol of Jamaica! The Lignum Vitae was found here by Christopher Columbus. Its name, when translated from Latin, means “wood of life” – probably adopted because of its medicinal qualities.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.