Council Post: Do College Grades Predict Future Success? (2024)

By Jack Tai, CEO and co-founder of OneClass.

Each year, millions of students will ask why it matters if they get an A or a C in calculus class. Still, students work hard to complete the required course with the best grade possible.

It's been drilled into the heads of all students: Doing well in school is important to future success. But how true is it? Are good grades statistically shown to precede career success, high earnings and entrepreneurial leadership?

An increasing number of research papers show the complicated relationship between academic achievement and career success. Here's what we know.

Does A Good GPA In College Lead To Career Success?

Earning a good grade is not only a measure of subject matter knowledge or intelligence. Instead, it's a composite of knowledge, skills and personality traits.

For example, a student with a good work ethic and discipline could help their grades because they turn in homework assignments on time and have good class attendance. Similarly, a student who is driven would be willing to do additional research for assignments or to seek out learning resources if they were struggling.

Because grades are a composite measurement of student performance, they can be a better predictor of success than other narrow measures, such as IQ.

A research paper co-authored by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman found that personality is one of the most important predictors of success. Grades capture personality traits like perseverance, diligence and self-discipline, three helpful traits that can lead to success. On the other hand, IQ alone only accounts for 1% to 2% of income differences.

Even while there are links between academic and career success, there are still notable gaps. For example, grades don't measure leadership or comfort with risk, two traits that are essential to the highest echelon of business success. Additionally, a grade point average (GPA) isn't an indicator of emotional intelligence or interpersonal skills like networking. It'd be hard to go far in a career without these critical skills.

How Are Recent Graduates Affected By Their GPA?

Despite the limitations of how academic success can predict career success, college grades remain a key factor for a student's trajectory after college.

College grades are evaluated by the gatekeepers for many opportunities, including graduate school, internships, fellowships and job applications. GPA is also an easy way to sort candidates and identify likely prospects.

For college graduates in the class of 2019, 73% of potential employers have screened job candidates by GPA, according to the Job Outlook 2019 survey. Moreover, most industries had a GPA cutoff, and students needed at least a B average before their résumé was considered.

Recent graduates with a good GPA could be more likely to land a job interview or have a chance to prove their qualifications. Conversely, those with a lower GPA could be forced to shift their job search to smaller markets or smaller companies and to accept lower salaries.

Notably, early career struggles can have a long-term impact on career trajectory. Students who graduate during a recession can struggle to break free of underemployment and have lower earnings for about a decade after entering the workforce.

Students who earn good grades in college don't face the same downward pressure as those who scrape by, so top students may have a leg up when setting their path to career success.

Do Future Entrepreneurs Do Well In School?

Entrepreneurs, innovators and those in creative industries build their success by breaking the mold. In other words, the best entrepreneurs may not have turned their homework in on time. Classic examples of this phenomenon include Steve Jobs graduating high school with a 2.65 GPA or Bill Gates dropping out of college.

For decades, psychologists have noted the divergence between academic success and outcomes in creative careers. An analysis of the most creative architects found that even though the group had an overall B average, there was a wide range of grades among individual courses. In courses that these industry leaders found interesting, the creative students earned top grades. But "in courses that failed to strike their imagination, they were quite willing to do no work at all," said the researchers (paywall).

The inverse correlation between grades and creativity was further demonstrated in a 2016 NYU study of 10,000 college students. Researchers found that as GPA went down, innovation tended to go up. This is because innovators tend to be intrinsically motivated. Unlike grades, which are an external validation, the most creative entrepreneurs could be focused on their own types of problem-solving.

How Is College GPA Related To Income Potential?

While good grades do offer an upward lift for recent graduates entering the job market, there is inconclusive evidence to connect college GPA to long-term earnings. However, there is a strong link between income and which school a student attends.

A study by the American Sociological Association found that after 10 years in the workforce, graduates of the most competitive colleges earn 19% more than those who graduate from colleges without a competitive admissions process.

Based on this, earning a B average at a top college could be more likely to result in better career earnings than an A average at a mediocre college.

This underscores that focus on a good GPA should not be limited to college. High school students with good grades could be accepted to more competitive colleges and could potentially see the related income boost.

As students in every grade level face the challenge of demonstrating their potential for success, modern academic resources can help students punch above their weight. For example, 90% of users of my company's note-sharing platform see a one-letter-grade increase, according to my company’s findings. One potential cause? Students who are seeking out learning resources are demonstrating academic grit, a solid predictor of future success.

Council Post: Do College Grades Predict Future Success? (2024)


Council Post: Do College Grades Predict Future Success? ›

While good grades do offer an upward lift for recent graduates entering the job market, there is inconclusive evidence to connect college GPA to long-term earnings. However, there is a strong link between income and which school a student attends.

Are college grades a predictor of success? ›

Good grades signal an ability to learn, and that is one of many qualities for which colleges and employers are looking. However, grades are not the only sign, and in fact once grades are deemed good enough, many factors will trump them in determining success.

Do grades determine your future? ›

Your grades can help you plan for your future. In fact, you can use your GPA a lot like your GPS to determine where you are and where you are going. The more you know about your strengths and opportunities for improvement, the better you'll know where you need to apply yourself more.

What is the biggest predictor of success in college? ›

In nearly all the research that's been done on student success in college, the most predictive indicator, time and again, is a student's high school GPA.

Do you think your grades are an indication of your future success? ›

Example #1. Yes, I feel my grades are a very accurate indication of my success in college and graduate school. I took my academics very seriously and worked very hard for the grades I received. I am proud of the achievements I have made.

How much do college grades really matter? ›

Do Good Grades Matter in College? Yes! As stated previously, grades absolutely matter while you're in college – just like they did in high school! Just because you're paying for this education does not mean you won't reap consequences simply because you're earning less than stellar grades in the class.

Why are C students more successful? ›

C students love learning. They just prefer to dictate the direction of their own learning — they don't want someone else to tell them how to think. They prefer to explore and discover for themselves, to study what they are naturally drawn to. They don't try to force things, but instead lean into their passions.

What years do grades matter the most? ›

When you apply for college in the fall of your senior year, your junior year transcript will be the recent ones available to colleges. Your junior year grades are essential: it's the grade a college will look at most, along with your senior year. Your grades predetermine your academic performance for your final year.

How does GPA affect life after college? ›

Your GPA can impact your earning potential after you graduate. Although GPA often indicates intelligence and work ethic, it is not required to secure a job after college in many industries. Google, for example, does not ask for GPAs or test scores unless you're fresh out of college.

Are grades a good indicator of intelligence? ›

Although grades are not a true reflection of one's intelligence, they do show the amount of work ethic each student has, and who is willing to apply themselves even when they do not want to.

What is the strongest predictor of success? ›

The most significant predictor of success is “Grit”. This combines passion and perseverance. “We have to be willing to fail, to be wrong, to start over again with lessons learned.” “Failure is not a permanent condition.”

What percent of college students are successful? ›

Average graduation rates

The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center found that 62.3 percent of full-time students at all four-year institutions graduate within six years.

Do colleges care more about GPA or SAT? ›

Why is Your SAT Score More Important? There are several reasons that the SAT is a more valuable admissions tool than your GPA. Most obviously, it's because the SAT is a standardized test. While your GPA compares you to the rest of your school, the SAT compares you to the rest of the country.

Do grades really affect your life? ›

Grades by no means define a student, but that doesn't mean they aren't very important. They can influence your class, college, scholarship, and career opportunities.

Are people with better grades more successful in life? ›

People can be successful without good grades.

Having good grades can help you in the future, but it's not a guarantee of success. Many successful people never got perfect grades in school. Some of the most successful people didn't even finish college.

Do bad grades determine your future? ›

Grades are a matter of concern to take admission in best college or institution but don't define success or opportunities. Success is defined by knowledge, skills, competence and emotional intelligence. These traits can be found in a good graded student or a bad graded student.

Do jobs care about college grades? ›

While some employers ask for your GPA, most will not solely rely on it when making hiring decisions. If you feel uncomfortable, you do not need to include it unless it is specifically requested. You can emphasize other academic achievements you received to showcase your talents as a student.

Do employers care about your college GPA? ›

Most employers won't check your GPA unless they're hiring for an entry-level job where they're looking for extra qualifiers. For entry-level jobs where candidates may not have much experience to show their work ethic, a GPA can serve as a valuable substitute.

What grade is the most important for college? ›

Most college admissions committees consider your 11th-grade transcript to be the most important.

Is it normal to get C's in college? ›

A “C” simply means “satisfactory performance” or “average.” It is the bare minimum of good work – you're completing all of your assignments, handing in your homework, and answering a majority of questions on your tests correctly.

Which type of students are most successful? ›

What Are Successful Students Doing Well?
  • They have a growth mindset. ...
  • They are brave. ...
  • They are organised. ...
  • They are consistent and persistent. ...
  • They can deal with failure. ...
  • They set goals. ...
  • They connect learning to life. ...
  • They have a positive approach to mental health.
Aug 9, 2021

Is it true that a students work for C students? ›

Most “A” students are people who excelled at specific subjects. “C” students on the other hand became generalists who can see the big picture. They are more likely to end up on the path to financial freedom in the “B” and “I” quadrants. That's why “A” students work for “C” students.

What year is usually the hardest in college? ›

Although junior year often holds the most challenging classes, it is not always the most difficult. Students are able to take what they have learned from their previous two years of schooling to better prepare themselves for the more strenuous classes.

What grade year is the hardest? ›

While each year of high school will have its own stressors, many will say junior year is the most challenging. Junior year can be the hardest for several reasons, but with the right prep and expectations, high school students can make the hardest year just a little easier.

What is the hardest year level in college? ›

Everyone's college experience is different. Many people including myself have found the third year to be the most difficult. This is the year in which you will start to take classes that are specifically for your major. The classes for your major tend to be more challenging than core classes.

What was Steve jobs GPA? ›

The business genius was a late bloomer, having graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino, Calif., with a 2.65 GPA.

Do most jobs care about GPA? ›

GPA only really matters for entry-level roles

Once you start to build up a work history your GPA will quickly start to not matter very much as employers tend to value work experience above all else when assessing job applicants.

What is the average GPA in America? ›

The average high school GPA in the US is 3.0, which also accounts for roughly 35% of students who don't end up applying for college. However, for college applicants, the average GPA is more likely between 3.5 and 4.0.

Does high IQ correlate with grades? ›

They found that the two measures correlated about 0.8 with each other, showing intelligence at age 11 is predictive of grades at age 16. In this instance, children had received the same level of education, suggesting the variance is explained primarily by differences in intelligence rather than education.

What is the best indicator of high intelligence? ›

Positive signs of high intelligence
  1. Good memory and thinking ability. ...
  2. Good attitude and hard-working nature. ...
  3. General and Tacit Knowledge. ...
  4. Good language proficiency and reasoning skills. ...
  5. Reliable decision-making. ...
  6. Trusted by others. ...
  7. High Creativity. ...
  8. High Achievements.
Feb 10, 2023

Does GPA correlate with IQ? ›

Both the GPA scores and IQ ratings are measured using an ordinal scale of measurement due to no absolute zero. GPA and IQ scores show a positive correlation with an average strength of co-relation. In other words, a higher GPA is linked to superior IQ scores among the ninth-graders, as shown in the figure below.

Which two traits best predict success? ›

But research suggests there are two traits that are common to the majority of successful leaders: extroversion and conscientiousness.

What is the strongest predictor of intelligence? ›

The single strongest predictor of a person's IQ is the IQ of his or her mother. Also interesting: However, once you get beyond the school environment, it's not a very reliable predictor of performance. Controlling for other factors, people with high IQs do not have better relationships and better marriages.

Who is the best predictor of the future? ›

“The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour”, has been attributed to everyone from psychologists, such as Albert Ellis, Walter Michel, and B.F. Skinner, to writers such as Mark Twain.

What is the most educated race in the United States? ›

Asian Americans had the highest educational attainment of any race, followed by whites who had a higher percentage of high school graduates but a lower percentage of college graduates. Persons identifying as Hispanic or Latino, without regard to race, had the lowest educational attainment.

What is the average college dropout rate? ›

While high school dropout rates are decreasing, the United States experiences a daunting 40% college dropout rate every year. With only 41% of students graduating after four years without delay, American universities tend to pale at the scale of this recurring issue (ThinkImpact, 2021).

What percentage of the US population has a master's degree? ›

10.5% had an associate degree as their highest level of school completed. 23.5% had a bachelor's degree as their highest degree. 14.4% had completed an advanced degree such as a master's degree, professional degree or doctoral degree.

Is a 2.7 GPA in college bad? ›

The national average GPA is 3.0 which means a 2.7 is below average, and so you may have to work harder to catch up.

Do senior year grades matter? ›

The important thing to know is that colleges do look at your senior year grades. So, a weaker performance in senior year than in previous grades can impact your application and college admissions decisions.

What do colleges look at besides grades? ›

Besides grades, colleges look at SAT® and/or ACT® scores, leadership experience, course load difficulty, letters of recommendation, application essays, and more. So, it's important for students to realize that good grades require time and dedication, but so do many other important factors.

Is it OK to get bad grades in college? ›

Although it may have been easy to shrug off the occasional mediocre or terrible grade in high school, getting one or several bad grades in college can influence your career path for the future. Whether you've received less than perfect scores or totally bombed on your last test or report card, don't panic.

Will one C ruin my GPA in high school? ›

Will one “C” ruin my GPA in high school? While receiving a “C” will impact your GPA, it will certainly not ruin it. That “C” won't ruin your chances of getting into college either. However, how leniently colleges view the “C” will largely depend on what grade you received it in.

How much do grades matter in college? ›

Do Good Grades Matter in College? Yes! As stated previously, grades absolutely matter while you're in college – just like they did in high school! Just because you're paying for this education does not mean you won't reap consequences simply because you're earning less than stellar grades in the class.

Do grades determine your worth? ›

The value that students place on their external achievements has a negative impact on their mental health, academic achievement and overall happiness. For some college students, this information is revolutionary. Many students' grades are the ultimate determination of their self-worth.

What is a better predictor of college success? ›

Research has shown that grades are the best single predictor of college performance and aren't as heavily influenced as the standardized exams by income, parent education levels and race.

Do employers care about college grades? ›

Do employers look at overall or major GPA? Generally, employees want to see your overall or cumulative GPA as an indication of your abilities as a student. Some employers will ask for a transcript, which means you need to include the exact GPA shown there.

Is academic achievement an indicator of how successful you will be? ›

Skills such as critical thinking, decision-making, and conflict resolution are essential for success in any walk of life. Academic achievement is important for the successful development of young people in society.

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