Cottage Q&A: RRSPs and buying a cottage (2024)

Can I use money from my RRSP to pay for a cottage?—Violet Pearl, via email

You can use money from your RRSP to pay for anything: a lambo. A year’s worth of Baby Duck. An expensive Shetland pony.

But you’ll be taxed on it. “You can withdraw money from your RRSP to purchase a cottage, but the amount of the withdrawal will be treated as a ‘payment of pension income’,” says Karen Slezak, a tax partner with Crowe Soberman in Toronto. “That means that there will be tax withheld at the time of the withdrawal: 10 per cent on the first $5,000, 20 per cent between $5,001 and $15,000, and 30 per cent on any amount above $15,000.” And, depending on your actual tax bracket, you may have to pay additional tax when you file your return.

If I rent out my cottage, do I need to include it as income when I file my taxes?

Another, possibly better option, is to take advantage of the Canada Revenue Agency’s Home Buyer’s Plan (HBP). “The plan allows for withdrawals of $35,000 or less from an RRSP as long as very specific criteria are met,” says Slezak. (It’s tax-free, and works a little like a loan: you have to pay the money back over a maximum of 15 years.)

And you have to qualify. “The main requirement is that the person has to be a first-time home buyer,” says Slezak. You can meet that requirement if, in the four years leading up to buying the cottage, you didn’t live in a home that you, your spouse, or your common-law partner owned. So, “if you’ve been renting your accommodation, the cottage may be considered a first-time home.”

If you’re interested in using the HBP, talk to a tax expert to help determine if you’ll qualify.

Seven deal-breakers to think about when buying a cottage

This article was originally published in the August/September 2021 issue of Cottage Life magazine.

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Cottage Q&A: RRSPs and buying a cottage (2024)


Can I use RRSP to buy house in USA? ›

With the federal government's Home Buyers' Plan, you can use up to $35,000 of your RRSP savings ($70,000 for a couple) to help finance your down payment on a home. To qualify, the RRSP funds you're using must be on deposit for at least 90 days.

Can you use RRSP to buy a house in Canada? ›

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to withdraw funds from your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a related person with a disability. The HBP allows you to pay back the withdrawn funds within a 15-year period.

Can you withdraw from RRSP at age 60? ›

A RRSP can be converted to a RRIF at any age. If we look at the RRIF minimum withdrawal tables, we have a series of withdrawal rates that increase with age. In the year a RRIF owner turns 60, their minimum withdrawal is 3.23% of the account value at the end of the previous year. At 65, the rate is 3.85%.

Can I borrow from my RRSP to pay off debt? ›

You will pay income tax : the amount withdrawn from your RRSP could move you into a higher tax bracket. You could jeopardize your retirement : by withdrawing funds from your RRSP before retirement, you're only postponing your debt problems.

What is RRSP equivalent in USA? ›

RRSPs and 401(k)s are both retirement savings accounts, and each has similar tax benefits. Where 401(k)s and RRSPs differ are in how they work and how they are set up. A 401(k) plan is set up and administered by an employer, while an individual can set up an RRSP.

Can Canadian citizens buy property in USA? ›

Yes. Canadians can own real property in the USA. In fact, anyone may own property in the United States, regardless of their citizenship. It is important to note that if you buy property in the U.S., you still must abide by laws about the length of your stay in America.

How can I withdraw my RRSP without paying tax Canada? ›

How to avoid withholding tax on an RRSP. The simplest way to make sure you don't pay RRSP withholding tax is to wait until you're ready to retire, then transfer the money in your RRSP to either a RRIF (registered retirement income fund) or an annuity.

Can I cash out my RRSP in Canada? ›

You can make a withdrawal from your RRSP any time1 as long as your funds are not in a locked-in plan. The withdrawal, however, is subject to withholding tax and the amount also needs to be included as income when filing your taxes. There are situations in which tax-deferred withdrawals can be made from your RRSP.

What is the best way to withdraw RRSP in Canada? ›

How to withdraw money from RRSP tax free? You can withdraw RRSP tax-free to buy a house or build a house through Home Buyers Plan (HBP) or to pay for your full-time education through Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP). To optimize tax savings when withdrawing RRSP funds, you should consult a financial advisor.

What should I do with my RRSP at age 70? ›

Your RRSP must be cashed out or converted by December 31 of the year you turn 71. Otherwise, the government will close your RRSP and your savings will be considered taxable income.

What age should you stop investing in RRSP? ›

December 31 of the year you turn 71 years old is the last day that you can contribute to your RRSPs.

Can a 72 year old contribute to an RRSP? ›

Even though you can no longer contribute to your RRSPs after the year you turn 71 years old, you can deduct unused RRSP contributions up to the amount of your RRSP deduction limit.

Does RRSP affect credit score? ›

Investment accounts such as RRSPs, RESPs, TFSAs and RDSPs are intended to help individuals build their personal savings. Although there may be tax implications when you move money out of these savings plans, these activities are not reported to the credit bureaus and therefore will not affect your credit scores.

How many times can you borrow from your RRSP? ›

You and your spouse each can borrow up to $20,000 from your RRSPs to pay for full-time or part-time education or training expenses under the government's Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP). The maximum you can take out in any year is $10,000.

How much can you take out from RRSP? ›

If you meet the applicable HBP conditions, you cannot withdraw more than $35,000. Your RRSP issuer will not withhold tax from the funds you withdraw that total $35,000 or less. An amount exceeding $35,000 will have to be reported as income on your income tax and benefit return for the year you received it.

What happens to RRSP if you move to USA? ›

Can I roll my RRSP/RRIF into a U.S. retirement plan? A tax-free rollover of your RRSP/ RRIF into a retirement plan in the U.S. is not permitted. Therefore, any transfer is considered a distribution under Canadian tax law and subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax.

Is Canadian RRSP taxable in the US? ›

The US Taxation of RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plans) is similar to the U.S. 401K. Just like a 401K in the U.S., the money you deposit into the Canadian RRSP is pre-taxed and grows tax-free until it is withdrawn.

Can a US citizen contribute to an RRSP? ›

As an American citizen or green card holder living in Canada, an investor isn't limited by what investments they can put into an RRSP. What this means is they can hold Canadian ETFs and Canadian mutual funds and will not face the PFIC restrictions as long as they are held in the RRSP.

How long can a Canadian stay in the U.S. if they own a house? ›

According to the U.S. Immigration Act, followed by the USCIS, a Canadian resident who is not a U.S. citizen, nor a green card holder, can stay in the U.S. for no more than 180 days a year.

Do Canadians have to pay tax on U.S. property? ›

If a Canadian resident sells real estate located in the United States, they are subject to a 10% or 15% withholding tax of the gross selling price under FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act).

What are the rules for Canadians buying U.S. property? ›

There are no restrictions on Canadians purchasing property in the United States. However, you will need to go through the same process as any other home buyer, including getting a mortgage, securing insurance, and paying closing costs. You may also be required to pay taxes on your purchase.

What happens to RRSP when you leave Canada? ›

Can I roll my RRSP/RRIF into a retirement plan in the other country? A tax-free rollover of your RRSP/RRIF to a retirement plan in another country is not permitted. Therefore, any transfer will be considered a distribution under Canadian tax law and subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax.

How much tax do you pay if you take out RRSP in Canada? ›

In Canada, the current withholding tax rates for withdrawing funds from an RRSP are as follows: 10% on amounts up-to $5,000; 20% on amounts over $5,000 up-to and including $15,000; and. 30% on amounts over $15,000.

Can I withdraw from RRSP as a non resident? ›

By withdrawing the RRSP funds while a non resident, generally the lower of the non resident withholding tax rate and the amount taxable under section 217 will apply, providing the individual with a unique opportunity to withdraw RRSP accumulations at much lower rates of tax than would otherwise be payable if they were ...

How much do I have to withdraw from my RRSP at age 71? ›

This rule applies whether you need the money or not. You must take out the annual minimum payment by December 31 of the year following the year you establish your RRIF. This gives your investments a bit more time to grow undisturbed. At the moment, the minimum withdrawal factor is 5.28% at age 71.

When can I withdraw from RRSP without penalty? ›

As long as your RRSP isn't a locked-in plan, you can take money out of your RRSP any time. However, any amount you withdraw will be included as income for tax purposes. You'll also pay withholding tax on the amount you withdraw (based on the amount of the withdrawal).

Can I contribute to RRSP if I live outside Canada? ›

A registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) allows savings for retirement in an account registered with the Canadian government. Canadian citizens that live and work in the United States may contribute to an RRSP if they have contribution room.

What is the biggest benefit of RRSP? ›

RRSP contributions reduce your taxable income

Money held within an RRSP — both the amount you contribute and any gains your investments realize — is also sheltered from tax until you withdraw. If you take your RRSP funds out when you retire, it's likely you'll be in a lower tax bracket and will have to pay less tax.

Who has the best RRSP rates in Canada? ›

The WealthOne RRSP Savings Account pays a market-leading 3.40% interest rate with no monthly fee or minimum balance required. Wealth One offers some of the country's best interest rates on RRSP GICs as well.

Can you close out an RRSP? ›

You can close your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) and take cash (as long as the investments are liquid) before you retire.

What happens if you don't convert RRSP to RRIF? ›

If you don't transfer your RRSP to another registered plan, like an annuity or registered retirement income fund (RRIF) before then, the CRA will treat your entire RRSP savings as income in that year. The tax hit could be substantial.

What is the 3 year rule for RRSP? ›

Three-year attribution rule

From the time a spousal RRSP contribution is made, it must stay in the account for the rest of the calendar year plus 2 more years before money can be withdrawn as the annuitant's taxable income. If money is withdrawn within 3 years, it will be included in the contributor's taxable income.

Why not to invest in RRSP? ›

If you earn a yearly salary of $50,000 or less, then an RRSP might not be the best option available to you. This is because your tax savings will drop significantly as well as your allotted contribution amount. In this case, a TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account) may be a better choice.

Should I withdraw money from my RRSP before I turn 71? ›

To try and avoid the problem of your income ballooning when you hit 71, consider retiring earlier than you planned and taking the money out of your RRSP early so it'll get taxed at a lower rate. When it comes to when you should withdraw from your RRSP, a balanced approach is usually best.

Do I have to convert RRSP to RRIF at 71? ›

You must convert a RRSP to a retirement income option such as a RRIF by December 31 of the year that you turn 71. If instead of transferring into a RRIF, you choose to withdraw your RRSP as a lump sum, then it is treated as taxable income – which could result in a substantial tax hit.

What is the difference between an annuity and a RRIF? ›

An RRIF is a collection of investments such as stocks or bonds, similar to your RRSP. In contrast, an annuity is essentially an insurance policy that provides you with a set amount of money annually or monthly for a contracted period of time.

What is the advantage of an RRIF? ›

Its main advantage is that it allows you to keep some of the tax benefits of RRSPs. When you use a RRIF to hold the money you've saved up over the years in plans like RRSPs, you don't pay tax on that money until you withdraw it.

What is not allowed in RRSP? ›

RRSPs are not allowed to own certain "non-qualifying" or "prohibited" investments. For example, cryptocurrencies cannot be held in a RRSP directly, although it is possible to hold them in a RRSP indirectly through an exchange traded fund or similar securities. The RRSP itself is exempt from income tax.

What Cannot be held in an RRSP? ›

Ineligible RRSP Investments:

Business investments in small business. Commodity futures. Investments/stocks within a private company in which you are a designated shareholder. Personal assets (jewelry/art)

What is the interest rate on RRSP loan? ›

Potential Savings with an RRSP Loan
Amount You Want to Borrow:$5,000.00
Your Marginal Tax Rate:40%
Loan Interest Rate:6.45%(1)
Loan Term:12 months
Your Monthly Loan Payment (including LoanProtector® premium):$439.57

Can I transfer my RRSP to my chequing account? ›

You are free to transfer your RRSPs between financial institutions at any time without being subject to tax. You can also move some or all of your money between eligible investments within your RRSP.

Can I withdraw $20000 from bank? ›

Unless your bank has set a withdrawal limit of its own, you are free to take as much out of your bank account as you would like. It is, after all, your money. Here's the catch: If you withdraw $10,000 or more, it will trigger federal reporting requirements.

Can you transfer RRSP to USA? ›

Can I roll my RRSP/RRIF into a U.S. retirement plan? A tax-free rollover of your RRSP/ RRIF into a retirement plan in the U.S. is not permitted. Therefore, any transfer is considered a distribution under Canadian tax law and subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax.

Is RRSP recognized in the US? ›

An RRSP is recognized by the IRS and part of the Canada/US Tax treaty. Therefore, a US person does not have to report or pay tax on the growth each year.

Can I contribute to RRSP while in the US? ›

Canadian citizens that live and work in the United States may contribute to an RRSP if they have contribution room. For 2023, the RRSP contribution limit is 18% of the earned income reported on the tax return in the previous year, up to a maximum of CAD 30,780.

Is RRSP taxable in USA? ›


In general, RRSP contributions are not tax-deductible in the U.S. like they are in Canada. However, contributions to certain company-sponsored group RRSPs are deductible in the U.S. under the Treaty. Contributions made to your RRSP are not subject to U.S. gift tax.

How do I transfer my RRSP from Canada to USA? ›

Expert Answer: The U.S. equivalent of an RRSP is known as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Unfortunately, RRSP assets cannot be rolled over to a U.S. IRA. If you withdraw funds from your RRSP, the entire amount of the withdrawal is subject to Canadian withholding tax.

What happens to my RRSP when I leave Canada? ›

Can I roll my RRSP/RRIF into a retirement plan in the other country? A tax-free rollover of your RRSP/RRIF to a retirement plan in another country is not permitted. Therefore, any transfer will be considered a distribution under Canadian tax law and subject to Canadian non-resident withholding tax.

How are Canadian pensions taxed in USA? ›

By provision of the income tax treaty between the U.S. and Canada, benefits paid under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), and Old Age Security (OAS) program to a U.S. resident are taxable, if at all, only in the United States.

Do I have to pay double tax for Canada and US? ›

The U.S./Canada tax treaty helps prevent U.S. expats living in Canada from paying taxes twice on the same income. Learn more about this treaty and how it can help.

Do Canadian citizens working in US pay taxes to both countries? ›

Yes, if you are a citizen or resident alien of the United States, you have a U.S. tax obligation, even if you're a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. is one of two countries in the world that taxes based on citizenship, not place of residency.

Is Canadian income taxable in the US? ›

In the US, you're taxed based on your citizenship rather than residency. This means that if you are living in a foreign country but are a US citizen, you'll have to pay taxes on your worldwide income.

Do I need to report my RRSP to the IRS? ›

The RRSP is a Registered Retirement Savings Plan. The RRSP reporting requirements for FBAR & FATCA Form 8938 are relatively straightforward, as is the tax filing requirements. A few years back, the IRS did away with the annual reporting required on Form 8891, and the RRSP is exempt from Form 3520 reporting.

What happens to my Social Security if I move to Canada? ›

If you have Social Security credits in both the United States and Canada, you may be eligible for benefits from one or both countries. If you meet all the basic requirements under one country's system, you will get a regular benefit from that country.

What is the foreign limit for RRSP? ›

The February 23, 2005 budget eliminated the foreign content limit completely for RRSPs and RRIFs, for 2005 and later years. If desired, RRSPs can now consist of 100% foreign content. Tax Tip: Diversify by owning at least 50% foreign investments.

Does Canada tax U.S. Social Security? ›

Under the terms of the Canadian/U.S. tax treaty, you do not have to pay Canadian income tax on the entirety of your Social Security payments. Instead, you may claim an exemption on 15 percent of this income.

What happens to RRSP when you turn 70? ›

Your RRSP must be cashed out or converted by December 31 of the year you turn 71. Otherwise, the government will close your RRSP and your savings will be considered taxable income.

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