Common Expat Challenges in 2023 | Allianz care (2024)

1. The Impact of COVID 19 for Expats

Travel restrictions due to Covid have thankfully subsided in most countries at this stage. But you may find some restrictions or requirements still active in some country’s borders. This can cause additional challenges for Expats. There may be vaccine mandates in place that require up to date COVID Vaccines or Vaccine passports. You might also face additional charges for PCR tests to enter the country. While in the grand scheme its only one more additional step, it can cause extra costs and delays in travelling to and from your new destination.

2. Expat Burnout Link

It is not uncommon for expats, or individuals living and working in a foreign country to experience burnout. From the stress and common challenges of living and working in a new environment. Statistics show that 98% of individuals currently experience symptoms of expat burnout, with 90% of global expats reporting high levels of stress. Burnout symptoms are commonly caused by feelings of being always switched on.

So, with the common challenges faced with expats and an always-on society it’s no doubt that expat burnout will still be a major challenge in 2023.

If you are an expat and are experiencing burnout, it is important to take care of yourself and seek support if needed. Some ways to manage burnout include:

  • Taking breaks and finding time to rest and relax
  • Engaging in activities that you enjoy and that help you to relax
  • Staying connected with friends and loved ones
  • Seeking support from colleagues, friends, or a professional counsellor if needed.

3. The cost of living

The rising cost of living is affecting everyone worldwide. All expats will be facing a spike in costs for their common expenses including food, energy bills and transportation. Inflation has risen worldwide so wherever you are based you will likely notice a difference.

Inflation increases first started in 2021 as the COVID pandemic impacted the world’s economies. This was followed by a shortage of supplies from the slower production rates in lockdown. Now the world grapples with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which has again impacted the inflation rate. In uncertain times comes a rise in the cost of living. unfortunately, expats are not exempt from experiencing this.

Managing your finances as an expat will help you lower your expenses. Try swapping dining out to home cooked meals or using public transport more often. Depending on where you are a living as an expat will also differ on how your affected by the cost of living crisis.

4. Secure housing

Finding affordable and safe accommodation for their families in a new country can be one of the biggest challenges expats face when settling abroad. It can be difficult to find a place without any local credit or rental history. Housing is commonly one of the biggest costs for new expats.

Recent surveys found that four fifths of companies provide allowances for housing to long term assignments. So it’s worth considering when moving to a new city with a high cost of living. For expats looking for accommodation on their own, they have to navigate online scams when finding accommodation online. Finding reputable sites is key to this.

5. Health insurance

Before moving abroad its vital to have health insurance coverage in place. Protect yourself and your family’s well-being when becoming an expat. With Allianz Care, our international health insurance for established families can help support you and your loved ones when transitioning overseas. Get your quote online today.

Common Expat Challenges in 2023 | Allianz care (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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