Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (2024)

An American naval expert has warned US military planners that the US Navy might lose to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, which enjoys a substantial numerical advantage over the US, saying, “the side with the most ships almost always wins.”

However, the Washington DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently simulated a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2026 and published its results on January 9, which suggest that a conflict over Taiwan would result in thousands of casualties among Chinese, US, Taiwanese and Japanese forces, and China would likely lose the war.

According to the results of the simulations, the US might emerge victorious in the conflict, but its military would be left in a crippled state just as much as the defeated PLA forces.

The simulation predicted that at the end of the conflict, at least two US aircraft carriers would be sunk in the Pacific, while China’s modernized People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, the largest naval force in the world, would be in “shambles.”

Although, in a January issue of the US Naval Institute’s (USNI’s) Proceedings magazine, Sam Tangredi, the Leidos Chair of Future Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College and a former US Navy captain, shared an even more bleak outlook toward a future potential US-China conflict in the Pacific.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (1)

Superior Numbers Almost Always Defeat Superior Technology!

According to Tangredi, China’s numerical superiority will probably lead to defeat for the US Navy in any potential future conflict with China.

He looked at 28 naval wars in history, returning to the Greco-Persian Wars of 500 BC, and found that superior technology defeated bigger numbers in only three instances.

“Using technological advantage as an indicator of quality, historical research on 28 naval wars (or wars with significant and protracted naval combat) indicates that the side won 25 with the larger fleet,” wrote Tangredi, while noting that in cases where fleet size was roughly equal, superior strategy and substantially better trained and motivated crews carried the day.

“Only three could be said to have been won by a smaller fleet with superior technology,” according to Tangredi’s findings.

Citing the example of Napoleonic wars, Tangredi wrote that Great Britain dominated the war at sea because of a larger fleet; it could amass or disperse as per the requirements of the conditions at the time.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (2)

“French warships were superior in the technology of ship design and construction, but ultimately, it was the large numbers of Royal Navy ships that prevented Napoleon from crossing the channel,” wrote Tangredi.

A more recent example Tangredi cited was World War II (WWII) in the Pacific, where Japanese technology was initially better than America’s.

“Imperial Japan entered the war with some superior technologies: the Zero fighter, Long Lance torpedo, and aerial torpedoes that could strike in shallow water,” Tangredi wrote. However, according to Tangredi, “it was the overall might of US industry and the size of the US fleet (particularly its logistics and amphibious ships) that ground out victory over the Imperial Japanese Navy.”

Tangredi pointed out that both Imperial Japan and the US began WWII with eight aircraft carriers—although the US carrier force was split between the Atlantic and Pacific, giving Japan an operational advantage.

During the war, Imperial Japan built 18 carrier-equivalents (fleet, light, and escort carriers) while the US constructed 144, and therefore, Japan never had a chance.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (3)

Will China Defeat The US With Its Superior Numbers?

Coming to the issue of a potential future conflict with China, Tangredi says that a naval war against China in the western Pacific in this decade would see a smaller US Naval force against a large PLA Navy and that too in waters near China, inside the range of PLA’s air and rocket forces.

“US leaders must ask themselves to what extent they are willing to bet on technological—without numerical—superiority in that fight,” wrote Tangredi.

China boasts the world’s largest navy numerically after overtaking the US Navy sometime between 2015 and 2020. Currently, the PLA Navy has around 340 warships, according to the Pentagon’s 2022 China Military Power Report, released in November, which estimates the growth of up to 400 ships in the PLA Navy’s fleet in the next two years.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (4)

The US naval fleet is currently under 300 ships, and the Pentagon aims to have 350 manned vessels by 2045, according to the US Navy’s Navigation Plan 2022 released last summer, which is still way behind China.

Tangredi’s work was appreciated by Alessio Patalano, professor of war and strategy at King’s College in London, who said that Tangredi’s research is a very good way to push back on the silly assumption that mass does not matter in war at sea.

Patalano stressed two important points. The first one is about the size of the fleet, saying the larger size means more leaders seeking to gain the edge in their commands.

“A larger fleet tends to be more competitive in training personnel development and operational capacity,” Patalano said.

Secondly, Patalano stressed the importance of a large industrial base, particularly for building new units after suffering casualties in battle. “In naval war, attrition is real, so the ability to replace is vital,” he said.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (5)

Last week, Admiral Daryl Caudle, commander of US Fleet Forces Command, chastised the nation’s defense industries for their shortcomings, saying, “they’re not delivering the ordnance we need.”

“All this stuff about COVID this, parts, supply chain — I just don’t care,” Caudle said at the Surface Navy Association’s annual symposium earlier this month. “We’ve all got tough jobs,” he added after the applause from the audience.

“I need SM-6 [missiles] delivered on time. I need Mk-48 torpedoes delivered on time. We’re talking about war-fighting, national security, and going against a competitor here and a potential adversary [China] that is like nothing we’ve ever seen. We can’t be dilly-dallying around with these deliveries,” Claudie said.

“It’s so essential to winning. And I can’t do that without the ordnance … that’s how we win,” Caudle further stressed.

In an online forum last week, Caudle’s boss, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday, also highlighted the numbers problem the US faces in a potential Pacific conflict, saying that the US Navy cannot match the PLA Navy missile for missile.

That said, Tangredi also wrote that when professional naval competence and strategic insight were “equal,” the larger fleet usually won, even when the smaller fleet possessed technological advantages at the beginning of the conflict.

China’s Mighty Navy Lacks Skilled Personnel And Commanders!

While China may have the world’s largest navy by the size of its fleet, and the country has also been strengthening its capability by modernizing and inducting cutting-edge vessels, it lacks the trained and skilled personnel needed to operate these technologically advanced vessels.

Last month, PLA Daily, the official publication of the PLA, admitted a shortage of trained and skilled troops required to operate the state-of-the-art military equipment.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (6)

“In recent years, as new warships have been commissioned and old ships retired, the problem of ‘equipment awaiting talent’ has become increasingly severe,” said the PLA Daily report titled, ‘Equipment Awaiting Talent,’ published on December 26.

“In particular, due to a training resources imbalance, it is difficult to organize the training of some commanders and key soldiers systematically; and it is difficult to organize the final training assessments as scheduled,” the report said.

The report also stated that the promotions of several personnel had been delayed because training and evaluation are necessary steps, meaning the PLA is facing a dual problem- a scarcity of skilled personnel and fewer people to assume commanding roles.

As a seasoned expert with a profound understanding of naval warfare, military strategy, and geopolitical dynamics, I bring a wealth of knowledge to dissect the intricacies of the article on the potential conflict between the US Navy and China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive analysis of historical naval conflicts, current geopolitical developments, and strategic considerations.

The crux of the article revolves around the warning from an American naval expert regarding the potential challenges the US Navy might face in a conflict with the PLA Navy, which boasts a significant numerical advantage. This assertion aligns with the principle that "the side with the most ships almost always wins." However, a recent simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) introduces a nuanced perspective, suggesting that a conflict over Taiwan might result in a complex scenario with casualties on both sides.

To support the notion of numerical advantage, the article references the work of Sam Tangredi, the Leidos Chair of Future Warfare Studies at the US Naval War College. Tangredi's research delves into 28 naval wars throughout history, revealing that superior technology prevailed over larger numbers in only three instances. Notable examples cited include the Napoleonic Wars and World War II, where the size of the fleet played a decisive role in determining the victor.

Tangredi's analysis of the potential US-China conflict in the Pacific emphasizes China's numerical superiority, drawing parallels with historical precedents. The article raises thought-provoking questions about the extent to which the US can rely on technological superiority without numerical parity in such a conflict.

A critical point highlighted in the article is the numerical disparity between the US and Chinese naval fleets. China has surpassed the US in fleet size, with approximately 340 warships compared to the US Navy's fleet of under 300 ships. The article also mentions the Pentagon's goal of reaching 350 manned vessels by 2045, but this projection lags behind China's naval expansion.

The article incorporates perspectives from other experts, such as Alessio Patalano, a professor of war and strategy at King's College in London. Patalano underscores the importance of fleet size, linking it to competitiveness, personnel development, and operational capacity. Additionally, the article addresses concerns raised by Admiral Daryl Caudle about the shortcomings in the US defense industry's ability to deliver essential ordnance on time, a critical factor in naval warfare.

Furthermore, the article touches upon China's challenges despite its numerical advantage, pointing out a shortage of trained and skilled personnel to operate its advanced naval equipment. The PLA Daily report acknowledges difficulties in organizing systematic training for commanders and key soldiers, highlighting a dual problem of scarcity of skilled personnel and delays in promotions.

In conclusion, this analysis sheds light on the multifaceted aspects of a potential conflict between the US Navy and China's PLA Navy, considering numerical superiority, technological capabilities, and strategic insights. The insights provided by experts like Tangredi and the simulation by CSIS contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in such geopolitical scenarios.

Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War (2024)


Citing UK-France War, US Naval Expert Warns Chinese Navy Could 'Defeat' Much Superior US Navy In Actual War? ›

An American naval expert has warned US military planners that the US Navy might lose to China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, which enjoys a substantial numerical advantage over the US, saying, “the side with the most ships almost always wins.”

Can the Chinese navy defeat the US navy? ›

Because bigger ships can move farther and carry more weapons and support systems than smaller ships, the U.S. Navy's advantage in displacement suggests that China still trails the United States in its ability to fight at sea.

Which country has the strongest navy? ›

The United States Navy (USN) is the biggest and most potent naval force on the planet, possessing unmatched operational capacity and worldwide reach. With more than 90,000 active members and a fleet of around 484 warships, the USN is essential to both American force projection and national security.

What was the largest navy in history? ›

By the end of World War II the U.S. Navy was by far the largest and most powerful navy in the world with 7,601 ships, including 28 aircraft carriers, 23 battleships, 71 escort carriers, 72 cruisers, over 232 submarines, 377 destroyers, and thousands of amphibious, supply and auxiliary ships.

Is China's navy any good? ›

China is frequently described as the world's largest navy. But the US has more of the most important types of major warships, which are suitable for maritime warfare. The count only shifts in China's favour for lighter and less heavily armed ships, such as frigates and coastal patrol vessels.

Can China surpass US military? ›

Not only does China have 2 million more personnel than the US military, but it also has the highest number of active-duty combatants in the world, counting 2,185,000 members. China is also poised to quadruple its stockpile of nuclear warheads by 2035, bringing it to close parity with the United States.

Is the US Navy still the most powerful in the world? ›

It is the world's most powerful navy and the largest by tonnage, at 4.5 million tons in 2021 and in 2009 an estimated battle fleet tonnage that exceeded the next 13 navies combined.

Which country has the best submarines? ›

Five attack submarines stand out as the best in the world today: Russia's Sierra II Class (Project 945A Kondor) and Yasen-Class (Project 885), the UK's Astute-class, and the U.S.'s Virginia-class and Seawolf-class.

Who has the most advanced warship? ›

The U.S. Navy's newest warship, USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) is the largest and most technologically advanced surface combatant in the world. Zumwalt is the lead ship of a class of next-generation multi-mission destroyers designed to strengthen naval power from the sea.

Who has the best army and navy in the world? ›

1. United States of America. The United States, one of the largest economies, has the most powerful military in the world. Its multifaceted strategy, combining land, air, sea, and space assets, is what gives it power.

Who had the strongest navy in WWII? ›

In the course of the war the United States Navy grew tremendously as the United States was faced with a two-front war on the seas. By the end of World War II the U.S Navy was larger than any other navy in the world.

What is the bloodiest naval battle in history? ›

Leyte Gulf commemorates the largest naval battle in modern history, fought 23-26 October 1944 in the Philippines, this battle virtually ended the Japanese Navy's capacity to fight as an organized force.

Who owns the largest navy? ›

China has the largest Navy with 730 military vessels, followed by Russia with 598 and North Korea with 519.

Is the Indian navy better than China? ›

According the Department of Defense, the Chinese navy is now the world's largest at 370 ships and submarines. This number is projected to grow to 435 by 2030. By comparison, growth in the Indian navy has been significantly less spectacular.

How good is China's special forces? ›

In a nutshell, in terms of mission sets, Chinese commandos are closer to World War II special-operations units than to modern US special operations. It's not that they aren't capable, but their scope is more limited, a reflection of the PLA's strategic priorities.

How many ships does China have vs. the US? ›

The Pentagon's 2023 China Military Power Report said China's navy had about 370 warships. The fleet is expected to grow to 395 ships by 2025 and 435 ships by 2030. The current U.S. fleet is smaller, with more than 280 vessels. The secretary of the Navy expects to reach 300 in the early 2030s.

Does the US Navy ever see combat? ›

In fact, fewer than 15 percent of enlisted personnel ever see combat or are assigned a combat role. How can one tell the difference between those who served in combat and who didn't? In 1969, the Department of the Navy established one of its most recognized awards: the Combat Action Ribbon.

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