What is the federal poverty level (FPL)? | healthinsurance.org (2024)

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What is the federal poverty level (FPL)?

What is the federal poverty level (FPL)?

The federal poverty level (FPL) is commonly used to refer to the federal poverty guidelines that HHS issues each year. (Although HHS notes that “federal poverty guidelines” is actually the correct terminology, and that “federal poverty level” should be avoided, the latter tends to be more frequently used.)

It’s specified as an income amount that is used to determine eligibility for various income-based public programs, such as Medicaid, health insurance premium tax credits, and cost-sharing reductions. The specific dollar amount varies based on the number of people in the household and whether the household is in Alaska, Hawaii, or the continental U.S.

The following charts show federal poverty guidelines for 2022 and 2023, both of which are in use for various healthcare programs in 2023 and 2024 (more details below in terms of which numbers are used for which programs).

2022 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Persons in family / household48 contiguous states and DCAlaskaHawaii
9+If more than 8 in household / family, add $4,720 per additional person.If more than 8 in household / family, add $5,900 per additional person.If more than 8 in household / family, add $5,430 per additional person.
2023 Federal Poverty Guidelines
Persons in family / household48 contiguous states and DCAlaskaHawaii
9+If more than 8 in household / family, add $5,140 per additional person.If more than 8 in household / family, add $6,430 per additional person.If more than 8 in household / family, add $5,910 per additional person.

How is the FPL used in healthcare?

The federal poverty level is used to determine

Medicaid and CHIP:

  • In states that have expanded Medicaid, adults under the age of 65 will qualify for Medicaid if they earn up to 138% of the FPL. (Note that although you’ll often see this written as 133%; there’s a 5% income disregard that effectively brings it up to 138%.)
  • Children and people who are pregnant are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP at higher income levels; the specific thresholds vary by state.
  • In states that haven’t expanded Medicaid, the eligibility guidelines are stricter, with much lower income limits for parents and coverage generally not available at all to non-disabled childless adults, regardless of how low their income is. This creates a coverage gap that exists in 10 states as of 2023 (this will drop to nine states once North Carolina expands Medicaid, which is expected by late 2023 or early 2024).
  • For people who are disabled or 65+, Medicaid eligibility also depends on assets (varies by state; click on a state on this map to see details).
  • CHIP eligibility is also based on the federal poverty level, but the specific thresholds vary from one state to another.
  • For Medicaid and CHIP eligibility determinations, the current year’s federal poverty level numbers are used (and are compared with the household’s current monthly or annual income — enrollees can use either one). The poverty level numbers are updated by HHS each year in mid-late January, although states typically don’t start to use the new numbers for Medicaid eligibility determination until March or April (states can begin even earlier; for example, Wisconsin switched to the 2023 poverty level numbers as of February 1, 2023).

Premium tax credits:

  • For premium tax credit eligibility determinations, the prior year’s FPL numbers are used, and are compared with the applicant’s projected total annual income for the year the coverage will be in force. So for a plan with a 2023 effective date, the household’s projected total 2023 income is compared with the 2022 poverty level numbers. For 2024 coverage, the household’s projected 2024 income will be compared with the 2023 poverty level numbers.
  • If you’re in a state that has expanded eligibility for Medicaid, premium tax credit (premium subsidy) eligibility in the marketplace/exchange starts above 138% of the federal poverty level (ie, where Medicaid ends). It used to end at 400% of the poverty level (or lower, if the coverage was already considered affordable without a subsidy) but the American Rescue Plan temporarily eliminated that income limit, and the Inflation Reduction Act has extended that provision through 2025. So for the time being, premium tax credits are available regardless of income, if the cost of the benchmark plan would otherwise be more than 8.5% of the household’s income.
  • If you’re in a state that has not expanded Medicaid (there are 11 states that have not expanded Medicaid as of mid-2023; North Carolina is expected to expand Medicaid by late 2023 or early 2024), premium tax credit eligibility starts at 100% of the federal poverty level. And as is the case in the rest of the states, there is not an upper income limit for premium subsidy eligibility through 2025. So a person who earns 120% of the poverty level would qualify for Medicaid in some states (ie, states that have expanded Medicaid) and for premium subsidies in others (ie, states that have not expanded Medicaid).
  • It’s important to note thatchildren are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP at much higher household incomesthan the Medicaid eligibility limits for adults. So it’s common to see households where the kids are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, while the parents are eligible for premium tax credits instead. If the family chooses to enroll the kids along with the parents on the private plan in the exchange, they have to pay full price for the kids’ coverage, since they could have enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP instead.
  • If you’re a recent immigrant who is not eligible for Medicaid due to your immigration status, eligibility for federal premium tax credits extends down to 0% of the poverty level.
  • Useour calculatorto estimate how much you could save on your ACA-compliant health insurance premiums.

Cost-sharing reductions:

  • Cost-sharing reductions are available to marketplace/exchange enrollees who select Silver plans and whose household income doesn’t exceed 250% of the FPL. But cost-sharing reductions are strongest for households with income that doesn’t exceed 200% of the poverty level.
  • As is the case with premium tax credits, the household’s projected income is compared with the prior year’s poverty level numbers to determine eligibility for cost-sharing reductions.
  • As is the case for premium tax credits, the lower eligibility threshold is 100% of the poverty level in states that have not expanded Medicaid, and above 138% in states that have.
  • For coverage effective in 2023, 250% of the federal poverty level in the continental U.S. is $33,975 for a single individual, $57,575 for a family of three, and $92,975 for a family of six. (The amounts are higher in Alaska and Hawaii, since they have higher federal poverty levels).
  • For coverage effective in 2024, 250% of the federal poverty level in the Continental U.S. will be $36,450 for a single individual, $62,150 for a family of three, and $100,700 for a family of six.

Medicare Savings Programs and Part D Low-Income Subsidy:

  • Medicare beneficiaries with limited financial means can qualify for Medicare Savings Programs, with eligibility that depends on income being within a specified percentage of the FPL, as well as asset limits.
  • The Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (Extra Help) is available either partially or in-full, depending on income (relative to the poverty level) and assets. As of 2024, under the Inflation Reduction Act, people who were previously eligible only for partial Extra Help will be eligible for full Extra Help.

Federal poverty level calculator


of Federal Poverty Level

The federal poverty guidelines are set each year by the Department of Health and Human Services (as opposed to the poverty threshold, which is set by the Census Bureau and used for statistical purposes rather than for the administration of income-based federal programs).

The federal poverty level is higher in Alaska and Hawaii. HHS sets three different amounts each year: One for the continental United States, a higher level for Hawaii, and an even higher level for Alaska. But within the continental U.S., the federal poverty level does not vary.

HHS publishes updated FPL numbers in mid-January each year. Agencies use this new amount soon thereafter (no later than April 1) to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP. But the prior year’s FPL numbers continue to be used to determine eligibility for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions until open enrollment starts again in the fall.

So for example, if a person applies for Medicaid in April 2023, their current household income would be compared with the 2023 FPL amount. But if they qualify for a special enrollment period and apply for an individual-market plan through the marketplace, the marketplace will compare their total projected 2023 household income (including what they’ve already earned in 2023 and what they expect to earn for the rest of the year) with the 2022 FPL amount for their household size.

When a consumer applies for a plan in the marketplace, the marketplace checks the applicant’s eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP eligibility first. If a person is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, they are not eligible for premium subsidies for a marketplace plan. But assuming they’re not eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, the marketplace will then determine whether they’re eligible for premium subsidies, and if so, the size of the subsidy.

The 2022 poverty level numbers, published in January, 2022, and are used to determine subsidy eligibility for 2023 coverage. For a single person in the continental United States, the 2022 federal poverty level is $13,590. For each additional person in the household, the federal poverty level increased by $4,720. (So for a household of three, for example, the 2022 federal poverty level is $23,030.)

Marketplaces began using these numbers to determine Medicaid and CHIP eligibility by the spring of 2022. Marketplaces didn’t start using the numbers to determine subsidy eligibility for plans in the marketplace/exchange until open enrollment for 2023 coverage began in November 2022.

The FPL numbers are higher in Alaska and Hawaii than they are in the rest of the United States. Both Alaska and Hawaii have expanded Medicaid eligibility under the ACA, so Medicaid is available to adults under the age of 65 if their household income doesn’t exceed 138% of FPL. Premium subsidy eligibility in both states starts above 138% of FPL, which is a different dollar amount in Alaska and Hawaii, since they have different federal poverty levels.

The 2022 federal poverty level for a single person in Hawaii is $15,630, with an increase of $5,430 for each additional member of the household. For a single person in Alaska, it’s $16,990, with an increase of $5,900 for each additional person in the household. These numbers are used to determine subsidy eligibility for 2023 coverage, and Medicaid/CHIP eligibility until the states transition to the new 2023 numbers in early 2023.

You can see the 2022 and 2023 federal poverty levels at the top of this page, with amounts based on family size and location. (The 2022 poverty level numbers are still used to determine subsidy eligibility for people who are enrolling in 2023 coverage due to a qualifying life event such as losing other coverage, getting married, or having a baby. The 2023 numbers will be used for Medicaid/CHIP eligibility determinations starting in early 2023 — no later than April 1 — and for marketplace subsidy eligibility starting November 1, 2023, during open enrollment for 2024 coverage.)

The federal poverty thresholds were first introduced in 1965, based on the work of the Social Security Administration’s Mollie Orshansky. The amounts were tied to the bare minimum amount that people needed in order to have adequate food, with a multiplier used to account for other necessary expenses. Orshansky noted at the time that the poverty thresholds were a measure of the amount of income that would be inadequate for people to live, as opposed to a minimum adequate amount.

By the late 1960s, the federal poverty guidelines began to be indexed based on the Consumer Price Index. And other changes have been made over the years as well, such as eliminating the separate poverty level guidelines for farm families in the early 1980s.

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As a seasoned expert in healthcare policy and insurance regulations, my in-depth understanding of the federal poverty level (FPL) and its implications in the context of income-based public programs allows me to provide comprehensive insights into the subject matter.

The federal poverty level, or FPL, is a critical metric used to assess eligibility for various income-based public programs, including Medicaid, health insurance premium tax credits, and cost-sharing reductions. This benchmark is established annually by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), with specific guidelines for the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii.

For the year 2022 and 2023, the FPL figures vary based on the number of individuals in a household and the geographic location. The FPL is crucial in determining eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), where, in states that have expanded Medicaid, adults under 65 may qualify if their income is up to 138% of the FPL.

Additionally, the FPL plays a pivotal role in the determination of eligibility for premium tax credits in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. Notably, the American Rescue Plan has temporarily eliminated the upper income limit for premium tax credits, extending eligibility beyond 400% of the poverty level through 2025.

Cost-sharing reductions, another aspect linked to the FPL, are available to marketplace enrollees with household incomes up to 250% of the FPL. The strength of these reductions is most significant for households with incomes not exceeding 200% of the poverty level.

Moreover, the FPL is a key factor in qualifying for Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) and the Low-Income Subsidy for Medicare Part D. Beneficiaries with limited financial means can qualify for these programs based on income percentages relative to the FPL.

Importantly, FPL figures are updated annually by HHS in mid-January, and agencies use these updated amounts to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP, typically starting from March or April. However, the prior year's FPL numbers continue to be used for determining eligibility for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions until the start of open enrollment in the fall.

The FPL, introduced in 1965, reflects the minimum income deemed necessary for individuals or families to meet basic needs. Over the years, it has undergone adjustments, including indexation based on the Consumer Price Index and the elimination of separate poverty level guidelines for farm families.

In summary, the federal poverty level serves as a cornerstone in the evaluation of eligibility for various healthcare programs, shaping access to critical services for individuals and families across different income brackets and geographic locations.

What is the federal poverty level (FPL)? | healthinsurance.org (2024)
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