China plans its first crewed mission to Mars in 2033 (2024)

BEIJING, June 24 (Reuters) - China aims to send its first crewed mission to Mars in 2033, with regular follow-up flights to follow, under a long-term plan to build a permanently inhabited base on the Red Planet and extract its resources.

The ambitious plan, which will intensify a race with the United States to plant humans on Mars, was disclosed in detail for the first time after China landed a robotic rover on Mars in mid-May in its inaugural mission to the planet.

Crewed launches to Mars are planned for 2033, 2035, 2037, 2041 and beyond, the head of China's main rocket maker, Wang Xiaojun, told a space exploration conference in Russia recently by video link.

Before the crewed missions begin, China will send robots to Mars to study possible sites for the base and to build systems to extract resources there, the official China Space News reported on Wednesday, citing Wang, who is head of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.

For human inhabitation on Mars, crews would have to be able to use the planet's resources, such as extracting any water beneath its surface, generating oxygen on-site and producing electricity.

China must also develop technology to fly astronauts back to Earth.

An uncrewed round-trip mission to acquire soil samples from the planet is expected by the end of 2030. read more

The U.S. space agency NASA has been developing technology to get a crew to Mars and back sometime in the 2030s.

China's Mars plan envisages fleets of spacecraft shuttling between Earth and Mars and major development of its resources, Wang said.

To shorten the travel time, spacecraft would have to tap energy released from nuclear reactions in the form of heat and electricity, in addition to traditional chemical propellants, Wang said.

China would have to accomplish round trips with a total flight time of "a few hundred days", he said.

China is also planning to set up a base in the south pole of the Moon and is deploying robotic expeditions to asteroids and Jupiter around 2030.

Last week, China sent three astronauts to an unfinished space station in its first crewed mission since 2016, expanding its growing near-Earth presence and challenging U.S. leadership in orbital space. read more

Reporting by Ryan Woo and Liangping GaoEditing by Robert Birsel

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

China plans its first crewed mission to Mars in 2033 (2024)


China plans its first crewed mission to Mars in 2033? ›

BEIJING, June 24 (Reuters) - China aims to send its first crewed mission to Mars in 2033, with regular follow-up flights to follow, under a long-term plan to build a permanently inhabited base on the Red Planet and extract its resources.

Is there a manned mission to Mars 2033? ›

NASA could take advantage of a rare planetary alignment in 2033 to send the first crewed mission to orbit Mars and, on the way back, Venus. The short trip—which would be the first interplanetary crew ever—could be a pathfinder mission for the first crewed landing on the red planet in 2037.

What is the space mission in China 2023? ›

China will have three space missions for its space station application and development in 2023, the CMSA said earlier this year. In addition to Tuesday's launch, those include the cargo craft Tianzhou-6, which was launched earlier this month, and the second crewed spaceship Shenzhou-17 later this year.

What is China's first mission to Mars? ›

Something may have gone very wrong for China's first-ever Mars mission. China launched Tianwen 1 in July 2020 and the mission's rover, named Zhurong, touched down on the Red Planet in May 2021. The duo explored Mars smoothly until May 2022, when Zhurong was put into hibernation, hunkering down for the harsh winter.

What is the mission to Mars 2023? ›

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is training four people to live on planet Mars this summer. While the endeavor to send humans to the neighbouring planet on the part of the US space agency is not new, the four 'Martians' will be part of NASA's human exploration expedition on Mars.

What year will we send humans to Mars? ›

In the coming decade, NASA and China plan to send the first crewed missions (astronauts and taikonauts) to Mars. Both agencies hope to begin sending missions by 2033, coinciding with a Mars Opposition, followed by additional missions in 2035, 2037, and after.

How long would a manned mission to Mars last? ›

This would be a 34-month trip. Shorter Mars mission plans have round-trip flight times of 400 to 450 days, or under 15 months, but would require significantly higher energy. A fast Mars mission of 245 days (8.0 months) round trip could be possible with on-orbit staging.

What is China's space goal? ›

China plans to land astronauts on moon before 2030, expand space station, bring on foreign partners. BEIJING (AP) — China's burgeoning space program plans to place astronauts on the moon before 2030 and expand the country's orbiting space station, officials said Monday.

What year did China launch a human into space? ›

On October 15, 2003, the first Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei (杨利伟) was launched aboard Shenzhou 5 (神舟五号) spacecraft atop a Long March 2F rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The spacecraft was inserted into orbit ten minutes after launch, making Yang the first Chinese in space.

How many people has China launched into space? ›

As of 2023, eighteen Chinese nationals have traveled in space.

Will China get to Mars before us? ›

According to Sun Zezhou, the lead designer of Tianwen 1 and the Chang'e 3 and Chang'e 4 lunar missions, China's schedule is two years ahead of the planned US-European Mars mission to return samples to Earth.

Did China send a human to Mars? ›

On 14 May 2021, the lander/rover portion of the mission successfully touched down on Mars, making China the third nation to make a soft landing on and establish communication from the Martian surface, after the Soviet Union and the United States.

What country will land on Mars first? ›

Soviet Union's Mars 3, which landed in 1971, was the first successful Mars landing. As of 2022, the Soviet Union, United States, and China have conducted Mars landings successfully.

Will the US claim Mars? ›

Article II of the Outer Space Treaty states, “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.” In short, nobody can claim ownership of Mars or land on Mars, or do so with any other ...

What is the name of the 2024 Mars mission? ›

Launch windows
YearWindowSpacecraft (launched or planned)
2024–2025(1) Mars Orbiter Mission 2 (MOM-2) (2) Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorer mission (EscaPADE)
4 more rows

What is the Mars One Way Mission 2024? ›

Origin. Mars One's original concept included launching a robotic Mars lander and Mars orbiter as early as 2020, to be followed by a human crew of four in 2024, and one in 2026 which would not be returning to Earth.

Has a human touched Mars yet? ›

So far, only uncrewed spacecraft have made the trip to the red planet, but that could soon change. NASA is hoping to land the first humans on Mars by the 2030s—and several new missions are launching before then to push exploration forward.

Will Elon Musk himself go to Mars? ›

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said he may join the first colonists on Mars. Before that happens, though, his Starship needs to complete its maiden orbital flight. Before SpaceX's Starship has even completed its first orbital flight successfully, Elon Musk is already dreaming of joining its maiden voyage to Mars.

Could humans bring life to Mars? ›

Could humans bring life to Mars? When sending spacecraft to Mars to look for signs of life, it's extremely important to make sure we don't bring microbes along with us. Even though it takes months for a spacecraft to travel to Mars, hardy microorganisms could potentially survive the journey.

Is one hour in space 7 years on Earth? ›

No, it is not true that one hour in space is 7 years on Earth. This claim is a popular myth that has been circulating for many years, but it has no scientific basis.

How much fuel does it take to get to Mars? ›

The main reason is that it takes a whole lot of rocket fuel to send supplies and astronauts to Mars. Even in favorable scenarios where Earth and Mars line up every 26 months, a humans-to-Mars mission still requires 1,000 to 4,000 metric tons of propellant.

How long would it take to survive on Mars? ›

If you tried to breathe on the surface of Mars without a spacesuit supplying your oxygen – bad idea – you would die in an instant. You would suffocate, and because of the low atmospheric pressure, your blood would boil, both at about the same time.

Does China have military in space? ›

As of 2023 the world's only independent space forces are the United States Space Force and China's People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, which also is China's cyber force.

Which country has the most advanced space technology? ›

List of Top Countries with Advanced Space Technology
  • USA. The United States' (NASA) is far and away the most active and productive space agency on the planet, with a budget that is almost double that of the next-largest agency. ...
  • Singapore. ...
  • Russia. ...
  • China. ...
  • European space agency countries. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • India. ...
  • Japan.
Apr 25, 2023

Why is China joining the space race? ›

Experiments conducted in space have resulted in numerous breakthroughs that have been used to address medical, environmental, and technological challenges back on Earth. China is seeking to enhance its capacity for scientific and technological innovation by building a large modular space station.

What is the Russian NASA called? ›

Roscosmos was established in 1992 as the Russian Space Agency (RSA). In 1999, RSA's mandate was expanded to include the aviation industry, at which time its name was changed to Rosaviakosmos. In 2004, responsibility for the aviation industry was moved to the Federal Agency for Industry.

Has China ever sent a man to space? ›

China's manned space flights began in 2003 when a former fighter pilot, Yang Liwei, was sent into orbit in a small bronze-coloured capsule, the Shenzhou-5, and became China's first man in space and an instant hero cheered by millions at home.

What is China's NASA called? ›

There are four departments under the CNSA: Department of General Planning. Department of System Engineering. Department of Science, Technology and Quality Control.

What do Chinese call astronauts? ›

Astronauts and cosmonauts are trained personnel who travel in space. “Astronaut” refers to an American or western European space traveler and “cosmonaut” refers to a Soviet or Russian space traveler. China calls its space travelers “taikonauts.”

Who was China first human in space? ›

Yang Liwei (Chinese: 杨利伟; born 21 June 1965) is a Chinese major general, former military pilot, and former taikonaut at the People's Liberation Army. In October 2003, Yang became the first person sent into space by the Chinese space program.

What are China's space capabilities? ›

China has capabilities that can target U.S. and allied satellites, according to the DNI report. “Beijing continues to train its military space elements and field new destructive and non-destructive ground- and space-based anti-satellite weapons,” the document said.

How many countries tried to reach Mars? ›

The United States and the Soviet Union are the only two countries to land a spacecraft on Mars.

Why does China want to go to Mars? ›

To be able to land on and develop a Martian strategy of space development augments China's space infrastructure. This infrastructure encompasses the development of cislunar capacity, comprising development of satellite presence in the Lagrange points, and robotic presence on the lunar surface.

What did the Chinese find on Mars? ›

Scientists studying data from China's Zhurong rover have for the first time found cracked layers on tiny Martian dunes, which imply the Red Planet was a salt-rich watery world as recently as 400,000 years ago.

Did Mars apologize to China? ›

Mars said in the apology that it has revised the language in the ad. "Mars Wrigley respects China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and conducts its business operations in strict compliance with local Chinese laws and regulations," the apology stated.

Why did Mars apologize to China? ›

Snickers parent company Mars Wrigley issues apology to China for suggesting Taiwan is an independent country. Viral imagery from a Snickers promotional event claiming Taiwan as a country sparked backlash from Chinese public. Mars Wrigley issued an apology on the Chinese social media platform Weibo.

What was China's failed Mars mission? ›

China's first Mars rover hasn't woken up from a scheduled months-long hibernation on the surface of the Red Planet, a Chinese scientist confirmed Tuesday.

What 5 countries reach Mars? ›

Mars 6Mars 6 landerSoviet Union
Mars 7Mars 7 (3MP No.51P)Soviet Union
Mars 7 lander
Viking 1Viking 1 orbiterNASA United States
52 more rows

Are there any plans to send humans to Mars? ›

The mission, set to launch toward the end of 2024, will be the first crewed flight of the Orion spacecraft, the vessel that has been tapped to send humans to Mars. Both the Orion and the Space Launch System (SLS) associated with it "are critical to NASA's exploration plans at the moon and beyond," the agency writes.

Where on Mars will humans land? ›

For longer-term missions, you'll be making fuel from local resources, but you'll still want to economize on fuel usage. So, it looks like for all criteria, landing near the equator is going to be the best choice, particularly for a first human “landfall on Mars”.

How much is an acre on Mars? ›

So I guess the first step toward owning a vacation home on Mars is buying a plot of land to build on. And while I'm no Martian real estate expert, it certainly seems like a buyer's market: Land on Mars starts at just $29.99 per acre.

Who is owner of Moon? ›

The Outer Space Treaty means therefore that - no matter whose national flags are planted on the lunar surface - no nation can 'own' the Moon.

Will SpaceX take us to Mars? ›

As of 2023, SpaceX is developing the Starship system with a fully-reusable two-stage launch vehicle, intended to replace all of its other launch vehicles and spacecraft for satellite delivery and human transport—Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon—and eventually support flights to the Moon and Mars.

Would a trip to Mars be one-way? ›

According to NASA, a one-way trip to the Red Planet would take about nine months. If you wanted to make it a round-trip, all in all, it would take about 21 months as you will need to wait about three months on Mars to make sure Earth and Mars are in a suitable location to make the trip back home.

What is the temperature on Mars? ›

The temperature on Mars can be as high as 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) or as low as about -225 degrees Fahrenheit (-153 degrees Celsius). And because the atmosphere is so thin, heat from the Sun easily escapes this planet.

How long is a year on Mars? ›

Why does Elon Musk want to go to Mars? ›

Musk, who is the CEO of SpaceX, said that a manned mission is to reach Mars this decade. He founded SpaceX in 2002 with the goal to reduce transportation costs and colonize Mars. Musk believes making life multi-planetary will ease life on an overcrowded earth.

What are the future Mars missions 2026? ›

WASHINGTON — Two companies are preparing for a 2026 launch of what they believe will be the first commercial robotic Mars lander mission, the start of what the companies plan to be a regular series of such missions.

Are there any future plans for missions to Mars? ›

NASA is planning to launch a mission to study Mars' magnetosphere in 2024, possibly paving the way for human missions as it aims to understand space weather. The space agency is also using its work on the Moon as a proving ground for crewed missions to Mars eventually.

Are people still going to Mars in 2024? ›

Two startup space companies in California, Relativity Space and Impulse Space, announced today (July 19) that they are teaming up to launch the first commercial mission to Mars in 2024, years before the first potential trip by the more established SpaceX, which is known for its long-term plans to establish a human ...

How much would a human Mars mission cost? ›

Transportation costs alone could total over $100 billion before the first Mars mission in 2035. A ballpark cost of the first Mars mission in 2035 would total $230 billion. Second and subsequent missions, occurring at three-year intervals, would cost about $142 billion each including SLS and Orion costs.

Could there still be life on Mars? ›

Mars is believed to have lost its water when it lost its magnetic field around 4 billion years ago. Without an atmosphere, there was nothing to prevent Mars' water from evaporating and then being lost to space. This radiation also made the existence of life at the surface of Mars unfeasible.

Is SpaceX still going to Mars? ›

As of 2023, SpaceX is developing the Starship system with a fully-reusable two-stage launch vehicle, intended to replace all of its other launch vehicles and spacecraft for satellite delivery and human transport—Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon—and eventually support flights to the Moon and Mars.

Why is it not a good idea to go to Mars? ›

Gravity on the Red Planet is 0.375 that of Earth's, which means a 180-pound person on Earth would weigh a scant 68 pounds on Mars. While that might sound appealing, this low-gravity environment would likely wreak havoc to human health in the long term, and possibly have negative impacts on human fertility.

How much is a SpaceX Mars ticket? ›

In the past, Mr Musk has estimated that a ticket to Mars on a SpaceX flight would cost between $100,000 and $500,00.

How much is Elon Musk going to Mars? ›

Elon Musk: Moving to Mars will cost less than $500,000, 'maybe even below $100,000' Elon Musk speaks near a Falcon 9 rocket during his announcement that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will be the first private passenger who will fly around the Moon aboard the SpaceX BFR launch vehicle.

Who can afford to go to Mars? ›

Speaking about SpaceX's plans to take humans to Mars, Elon Musk said that "almost anyone" can afford a $100,000 ticket to the Red Planet. In a recent interview, Elon Musk said that "almost anyone" can afford a $100,000 ticket to the Red Planet.

Could there be oil on Mars? ›

If Mars possessed an Earth-like biosphere in the past, Mars may contain subsurface deposits of oil and natural gas indicating past life. Life might still exist in these deposits.

Are there any creatures on Mars? ›

The possibility of life on Mars is a subject of interest in astrobiology due to the planet's proximity and similarities to Earth. To date, no proof of past or present life has been found on Mars.

Why did Mars lose its magnetic field? ›

As the martian interior cooled, leading theories hold, its magnetic field died out, leaving the atmosphere undefended and ending this warm and wet period, when the planet might have hosted life.

How long will it take for Elon Musk's Starship to get to Mars? ›

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk has once again said that it is "highly likely" man will go to Mars within 10 years, putting his timeframe down to the fact he is "congenitally optimistic".

Does Elon Musk have a hotel in Mars? ›

Having searched through the available evidence, Daily Trust can confirm that the posts and reports claiming that Elon Musk will soon open a hotel in Mars for 5 million dollars per night is false and misleading. So far, no proof exists of life on the red planet, popularly known as Mars.

How long would the shortest flight to Mars be? ›

Closest possible approach: 93 hours. Closest recorded approach: 95 hours. Farthest approach: 686 hours (28.5 days) On average: 384 hours (16 days)

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