China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (2024)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress in October has led to meaningful volatility for China equities (Figure 1). Investors each have their own political views and a belief of how things should be. The Congress has shown further consolidation of power for President Xi Jinping, which came as a surprise to many. It’s therefore understandable why people have concerns over the future direction of China.

However, as investors, we think it is critical to separate one’s political views from investment decisions. Investing is all about analyzing “what is likely to happen,” then adapting and positioning accordingly to construct a portfolio with a favorable expected risk/reward ratio.

Since the October Congress, the government has gotten its act together to address the two key issues that have dragged China’s economy and market lower over the past 18 months. First, there is a clear pivot to COVID policy and better visibility on an exit strategy. Second, the 16 measures supporting property may help set a floor for the industry. At the same time, China’s leaders have a full agenda, meeting foreign leaders to reset and stabilize the geopolitical situation.

COVID: Preparing for Reopening in 2023

China’s zero-COVID policy was a success in 2020 and 2021, which resulted in a stable economy while keeping the number of infections low. However, coming into 2022, Omicron brought new challenges. A cost/benefit analysis of the zero-COVID strategy (ZCS) started to shift to the negative side, especially since the strict Shanghai lockdown, which began on February 28 and did not end until August 7. In 2022, the ZCS has led to suppressed consumer demand, high unemployment, and weak business investment.

"We think that China is on the path to reopening...."
China Stocks Are Historically Cheap, Offshore and Onshore

(Fig. 1) Forward P/E ratio with and without Chinese banks

China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (1)

As of September 30, 2022. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Actual outcomes may differ materially from estimates.
P/E = Price-to-Earnings Ratio. Cap-Weighted is Market Capitalization-weighted. S.d = Standard Deviation.
Sources: Bloomberg Finance L.P. and MSCI (see Additional Disclosures).

However, we think the announcement of “20 measures” on November 11 followed by more substantive relaxation measures on December 7 signals a clear turn in China’s zero COVID policy. We believe China is ready to move on from its zero-COVID policy and has embarked on the path to reopening, though the journey could be disruptive and chaotic, with possible zigzags on the way. We also think the issue is likely to be largely behind us a couple of quarters from now, enabling China to return to its potential growth path.Higher-frequency data should be the first to improve. In October, domestic flights were down 62% year on year, subway passenger revenues fell 20% year on year, and cinema takings were down 72% year on year.1

Property Sector: From “l Shaped” to “L Shaped”

China’s property marketdeclined sharply in 2022, with sales down 33%2 from their peak in the fourth quarter of 2020 and housing new starts down 37.8%3 in the first 10 months of 2022. Among China’s top 100 developers, over 90% are in a distressed situation, with bonds trading below 70 cents on the dollar. However, post-Congress we have seen more coordinated efforts to support the sector.4

China Property Sector Close to Bottoming

(Fig. 2) Housing new starts and property fixed asset investment

As of October 31, 2022.
Source: Macquarie Desk Strategy, China Macro, November 13, 2022.

China: A Different Stage of the Credit Cycle

(Fig. 3) Less inflation, more room for credit growth

China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (3)

As of August 31, 2022.
*Credit impulse equals annual change in new credit expressed as a share of GDP.
Sources: CEIC, PBoC, Morgan Stanley Research, FactSet Research.

Property is critical to China’s economy, contributing 10% to gross domestic product directly in 2021, or 25%5 if we include property‑related supply chains. We think that China’s property market has passed its peak and that long-term demand will probably be around half of the 2021 figure. However, a steep decline has already happened in 2022 (Figure 2). We don’t expect a V-shaped recovery in property but would expect to see a more stable situation in 2023.

The residential property slowdown will inevitably lead to slower economic growth for China over the next several years compared with the pre-pandemic trend. However, by proactively addressing the issues in property, it helps China to solve many structural problems and drive more sustainable growth in the longer term.

China Earnings Expected to Rebound in 2023 as U.S. and Global Earnings Slow

(Fig. 4) Year-on-year trailing EPS growth plus consensus forecasts

China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (4)

As of November 23, 2022. 2022 and 2023 values are consensus forecasts. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Actual outcomes may differ materially from estimates.
Sources: DataStream, FactSet, I/B/E/S, MSCI, Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research.

Geopolitics: China Remains an Essential Part of the Global Supply Chain

China’s supply chain strength is robust despite all the concerns on decoupling. Foreign direct investment into China has increased by about 20% year-to-date in 2022. China’s manufacturing capexin 2021 accounted for over 60% of the global total, and manufacturing output accounted for 30% of the global total, record-high percentage shares in both cases.

"China’s supply chain strength is robust despite all the concerns of decoupling."

China has lost share in labor-intensive industries such as apparel, furniture, and electronics assembly. On the other hand, it has been quickly gaining share in technology‑intensive areas like auto, equipment, electronic components, etc. China’s demographics has turned from tailwind to headwind, but its education/engineering dividend is just starting. Annual new STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) graduates in China are higher than for OECD (Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development) countries combined.

We do see selective decoupling happening in strategic high-tech industries, such as leading-edge semiconductors, biotech, and potentially electric vehicles also. That may slow down China’s development in certain areas, such as high-performance computing, Artificial Intelligence, etc. On the other hand, the concerns on supply chain security have helped to accelerate local substitution in power, semiconductors, analog, and medical devices, etc.

Business Cycle at Unique Stage vs. Other Major Economies

China is currently at a very different stage of its business cycle compared with other major economies (Figure 3). While other major economies are tightening to fight decade-high inflation, China has room to ease as inflation remains moderate. The divergence in inflation is the result of the different response to the pandemic. China’s priority during COVID was to protect supply, while consumer demand and employment remained weak.

"...China has room to ease as inflation remains moderate."

The stable inflation outlook provides a favorable backdrop for liquidity. If we take the credit impulse as an indicator of China’s monetary cycle, the People’s Bank of China started to tighten in mid-2020 as the economy recovered strongly from the initial COVID lockdown. That was part of the reason for the slowdown we have been seeing in the economy over the past 18 months. The credit cycle turned at the beginning of 2022 when China began to loosen at the margin. But monetary policy has not flowed through to the real economy because of the extended COVID lockdowns as well as the property market correction. As both of these issues are expected to improvein 2023, the credit multiplier is likely to strengthen.

Investment Outlook

The past 18 months have been challenging for investors in Chinese equities. However, we have seen early signs of things turning around. With institutional holdings the lowest they have been in over five years and cyclically‑adjusted valuations far below average (Figure 1), the risk/reward ratio is favorable.

China’s corporate profits were suppressed in 2022 due to COVID and the property decline. However, we think they might have troughed. Consensus is expecting China’s 2023 earnings per share (EPS) growth to accelerate to 10% from 2% in 20226 (Figure 4). On the other hand, global EPS growth (MSCI ACWI) is expected to decelerate from 7.5% in 2022 to 3.7% in 2023.7

A Well-Balanced and Flexible Portfolio

In view of the considerable uncertainties in 2022, we have maintained a well‑balanced, diversified portfolio to navigate the market volatility. Themes that we are following closely include:

  • Best growth assets in China that emerge stronger from the economic downturn, in our view. Examples include online recruitment, shopping mall operators, and hotel chains. COVID has been a significant headwind for them in 2022, but we expect a good setup for 2023/2024.
  • Businesses with idiosyncratic drivers that are doing well despite the weak macro environment, such as auto parts and industrial companies levered to energy transition, shipbuilding, oil field services, etc.
  • Defensive businesses with a historically attractive total return and improving outlook in 2023. That includes GARPY “growth at a reasonable price and yield” and value names in consolidating industries.
"...we have maintained a well-balanced, diversified portfolio to navigate the market volatility."

With better visibility on COVID and property in 2023, we expect various domestic-related sectors–including consumer discretionary, business service, recruiting, advertising, etc.–to accelerate. These are areas where we tend of find some very strong business models. We expect to find more attractive opportunities in these areas as the economy improves.

China: Where We See the Opportunities in 2023

(Fig. 5) No shortage of key investment themes

China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (5)

As of September 30, 2022.
For illustrative purposes only. These charts are not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation to take any particular investment action. Using latest available data.
*The specific securities identified and described are provided for informational purposes only and do not represent recommendations.
Sources: Goldman Sachs, SolarZoom, CPIA, Jefferies estimates, Credit Suisse, SMIC, Hua Hong, TSMC, MIR Databank, T. Rowe Price analysis, and Euromonitor database. ICE = internal combustion engine. ICE vehicles are conventional vehicles powered solely by an internal combustion engine.

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Oppein Home had a weighting of 1.29% in the China Evolution Equity Fund as of September 30, 2022.

1 Figures from Macquarie, State of China’s Economy, November 6, 2022.

2 Source: Societe Generale, “On Our Minds – China,” Michelle Lam and Wei Yao, November 3, 2022.

3 Source: Global Times, November 15, 2022.

4 Source: The Straits Times, November 23, 2022.

5 Source: Rogoff and Yang, IMF WP 2022/196, 2022.

6 Source: GS China Weekly Kickstart, November 18, 2022.

7 Source: GS Global Weekly Kickstart, November 21, 2022.

Additional Disclosure

Source: MSCI. MSCI and its affiliates and third party sources and providers (collectively, “MSCI”) makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indices or any securities or financial products. This report is not approved, reviewed, or produced by MSCI. Historical MSCI data and analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance analysis, forecast or prediction. None of the MSCI data is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such.

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The views contained herein are those of the authors as of December 2022 and are subject to change without notice; these views may differ from those of other T.RowePrice associates.

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Information contained herein is based upon sources we consider to be reliable; we do not, however, guarantee its accuracy. Actual outcomes may differ materially from any estimates or forward-looking statements provided.

Investments in Chinese companies, whether listed in China or listed in another country, are subject to special risks, such as less developed or less efficient trading markets, currency fluctuations, nationalization of assets, limits on repatriation, and the effects of governmental control of markets. Foreign securities tend to be more volatile and have lower overall liquidity than investments in U.S. securities and may lose value because of adverse local, political, social, or economic developments overseas, or due to changes in the exchange rates between foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar. Diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.

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China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price (2024)


China Market Outlook 2023 | T. Rowe Price? ›

Consensus is expecting China's 2023 earnings per share (EPS) growth to accelerate to 10% from 2% in 20226 (Figure 4). On the other hand, global EPS growth (MSCI ACWI) is expected to decelerate from 7.5% in 2022 to 3.7% in 2023.

What is the market outlook for China in 2023? ›

Key points. Key points: We raise our 2023 GDP to be 5.2% from 5% previously, based on faster-than-expected “zero Covid” lift and better-than-expected economic resilience in US and EU.

What is the market prognosis for 2023? ›

The baseline forecast is for growth to fall from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, before settling at 3.0 percent in 2024. Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7 percent in 2022 to 1.3 percent in 2023.

How will markets be in 2023? ›

The Sensex and Nifty 50 indexes were expected to gain 3.8% and 4.6%, respectively, from Tuesday's close to end-2023, slightly downgraded from a February poll. Over 70% of analysts believe Indian stocks will trade in a narrow range for the next three months.

What is the stock market outlook for Hong Kong in 2023? ›

Deloitte's Capital Market Services Group forecasts that in 2023, Hong Kong will see 110 new listings raising about HK$230 billion ($29 billion).

Will market fall further in 2023? ›

Most experts predict a bullish market outlook for the Indian stock market in 2023. Positive economic growth and government policies are expected to drive up stock prices. Additionally, the low-interest rates and ample liquidity are expected to attract investors toward equities.

What is the outlook for CBRE China real estate market in 2023? ›

Low interest rates will provide a sound foundation for a rebound in the capital markets this year, while the active fund-raising environment will also provide liquidity for commercial real estate investment. CBRE expects commercial real estate investment volume to increase by 15%-20% y-o-y to RMB 250 billion.

What markets will boom in 2023? ›

Three Key Sectors in Which to Invest in 2023
  • Consumer staples. ...
  • Precious metals. ...
  • Healthcare.
Jan 12, 2023

What is the market outlook for 2023 2024? ›

We expect the economy to soften by late 2023, driven by a slowdown in consumer spending. We expect a very modest increase in the unemployment rate, peaking at 4.1 percent in 2024. We think that the fed funds rate has already reached its terminal range for this cycle at 5.0–5.25 percent.

Will 2023 be a good time to buy a house? › data analysis indicates that, for first-time home buyers, June 2023 is a good time to buy a house relative to later in the year. This article provides an unbiased look at current mortgage rates, housing market conditions, and market sentiment.

Will the stock market recover in 2024? ›

One of Wall Street's most vocal bears expects the stock market to fully recover its losses and trade to record highs in 2024. "This is not the end of the world.

Is 2023 a good year to invest? ›

U.S. equities may disappoint in 2023, but patient investors can find potential income and returns in other markets. A grueling bear market, touched off by decades-high inflation and an aggressive Federal Reserve response, made 2022 one of the most challenging years for investment returns in the last half century.

Is the stock market expected to rebound in 2023? ›

Looking ahead to second-quarter reports, analysts are calling for S&P 500 earnings to fall 6.4% compared to a year ago. Fortunately, analysts are projecting S&P 500 earnings growth will rebound back into positive territory in the second half of 2023.

Will China market recover in 2023? ›

China Earnings Expected to Rebound in 2023 as U.S. and Global Earnings Slow. As of November 23, 2022. 2022 and 2023 values are consensus forecasts. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

What will inflation be in 2023 Hong Kong? ›

The annual inflation rate in Hong Kong accelerated to 2.1% in April 2023, after steadying at 1.7% in the previous two months and was almost in line with market forecasts of 2%. Main upward pressures came from food (2.6% vs 1.6% in March), housing (0.5% vs -0.2%) and clothing & footwear (6.4% vs 6.3%).

What is the stock market predicting for 2024? ›

The stock market is poised for a strong 2024 as corporate earnings are poised to impress. "Earnings are likely to outpace the economy in 2024," Bank of America's Savita Subramanian said in a Monday note. Also helping the outlook for stocks is the trillions of dollars of sidelined cash that could get invested.

How will 2023 recession affect stock market? ›

Wall Street analysts expect companies in the S&P 500 to boost earnings by 1.5% in 2023, according to Refinitiv. “In a plain-vanilla recession, earnings go down 20%. We've never had a recession where earnings were up at all,” Rosenberg told MarketWatch, calling this year's forecasts a “glaring anomaly.”

Should you take your money out of the stock market? ›

While holding or moving to cash might feel good mentally and help avoid short-term stock market volatility, it is unlikely to be wise over the long term. Once you cash out a stock that's dropped in price, you move from a paper loss to an actual loss.

Why invest in real estate in 2023? ›

Despite what some may think, 2023 is still a good year to invest in real estate, thanks to advantages like long-term appreciation, steady rental income, and the opportunity to hedge against inflation. Mortgage rates are expected to decline, but the housing market is likely to remain competitive due to low supply.

What will CBRE cap rates be in 2023? ›

In Q1 2023, the average going-in cap rate, which is based on the first year of net operating income at the property purchase price, increased 23 basis points to 4.72%, “marking the first significant quarterly deceleration in cap rate expansion since the Fed began its latest round of rate hikes,” according to CBRE.

What is the outlook for real estate investors? ›

Following a 2.5% drop in the second half of 2022, the organization predicts a further 4.2% decline in 2023 and a 2.3% decline in 2024. However, this correction is considered mild, as national home prices are still projected to be up 29% by the end of 2024 compared to March 2020 levels.

Will 2023 be a bull or bear market? ›

“The bear [market] is almost over, and a new exciting bull market awaits in the second half of 2023,” he said, pointing to potential in technology stocks in particular.

What are the top 5 sectors to invest in 2023? ›

5 Investment Sectors That Will Soar in 2023
  • Consumer Staples. In times of economic downturn and inflation, industries driven by consumer needs often outperform the broad market. ...
  • The Healthcare Industry. ...
  • Energy Industry. ...
  • Information Technology. ...
  • Business Services.
May 19, 2023

What are the safest stocks to invest in 2023? ›

For the rest of 2023, investors should consider some safe stock winners like Walmart (NYSE:WMT), Home Depot (NYSE:HD) and O'Reilly Automotive (NASDAQ:ORLY). Today, these stocks still have substantial competitive advantages and unique business characteristics likely to support outperformance in this cycle.

Will house prices go down in 2023 usa? ›

Although home prices are expected to improve in the second half of the year, the California median home price is projected to decrease by 5.6 percent to $776,600 in 2023, down from the median price of $822,300 recorded in 2022.

How high will interest rates go in 2023? ›

Since the start of 2022, the Fed has hiked rates 10 times to combat rising inflation. As of May 2023, the federal funds rate ranges from 5.00% to 5.25%. If this prediction is correct, it won't be surprising to see some of the best high-yield savings accounts offering rates exceeding 4%.

Will 2023 be a better year to buy a car? ›

According to industry analysts from Cox Automotive and J.D. Power, some automotive market conditions are likely to improve in 2023, but perhaps not enough to trigger radical change. "We certainly do expect the market to get better than it's been," says Tyson Jominy, vice president of data and analytics at J.D. Power.

How bad will the 2024 recession be? ›

We know that recessions vary in severity – just how bad will the 2024 recession be? We expect the 2024 recession will be a relatively mild one for US Industrial Production. However, before breathing a sigh of relief, understand that the recession will not be mild for every industry.

What is the stock market forecast for 12 months? ›

The United States Stock Market Index (US30) is expected to trade at 32783.64 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 30011.72 in 12 months time.

Where will the S&P be at the end of 2024? ›

S&P 500 10 Years Forecast (Until 2032)
20244 900
20255 500
20265 750
20276 000
6 more rows

Where to invest $25,000 in 2023? ›

What are the best types of investments of 2023?
  • High Yield Savings Accounts. ...
  • Short-Term Certificates of Deposits. ...
  • Short-Term Government Bonds Funds. ...
  • S&P 500 Index Funds. ...
  • Dividend Stock Funds. ...
  • Real Estate & REITs. ...
  • Cryptocurrency.

Should I move my investments to cash 2023? ›

The answer is no, according to advisors and investment analysts. "Allocating more funds to high-yielding CDs, money market funds, or treasuries may seem prudent; however, this is a form of market timing and should be avoided," explained Jonathan Shenkman of Shenkman Wealth Management.

What stocks will explode in 2023? ›

3 Penny Stocks That Are Poised to Explode in 2023
EGYVaalco Energy's$3.69
May 15, 2023

At what age should you stop investing in the stock market? ›

You probably want to hang it up around the age of 70, if not before. That's not only because, by that age, you are aiming to conserve what you've got more than you are aiming to make more, so you're probably moving more money into bonds, or an immediate lifetime annuity.

How long will it take for the stock market to recover? ›

In a nutshell, nobody knows when the stock market will recover and start reaching new all-time highs. It could happen in a year or so if things go very well economically, or it could take several years. After the dot-com crash, it took some solid companies a long time to get back to where they were.

How much will stocks increase in 5 years? ›

5-year, 10-year, 20-year and 30-year S&P 500 returns
Period (start-of-year to end-of-2022)Average annual S&P 500 return
5 years (2018-2022)7.51%
10 years (2013-2022)10.41%
20 years (2003-2022)7.64%
30 years (1993-2022)7.52%
May 30, 2023

What will inflation be in China in 2023? ›

China's annual inflation rate fell to 0.1% in April 2023 from 0.7% in the previous month, missing market estimates of 0.4%. This was the lowest print since a deflation in February 2021 amid an uneven economic recovery after the removal of a zero-COVID policy, with prices of both food and non-food easing further.

What is the economic forecast for China in 2025? ›

The real total GDP (gross domestic product) in China is expected to grow by 7.38% by 2026. The GNI (gross national income) in China is forecast to amount to US$22.71tn in 2025.

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