Chapter 3: Net Worth by Type of Asset (2024)

The net worth of a household depends on the types of assets it owns, the value of those assets and the claims on those assets. For example, the typical American household owns a home. The market price of that home determines its value but it may have a claim against it in the form of a mortgage loan. The difference between the value of the house and the amount owed on the mortgage—home equity—is the contribution of this asset to household net worth.

Changes in the net worth of a household over time depend on the same factors. The mix of assets owned by a household, for example, determines whether the drop in the value of an asset matters to it. A household with little stock ownership is less sensitive to fluctuations in the stock market. But the wealth of a household that depends on home ownership, and little else, would be very sensitive to real estate fluctuations.

This section of the report presents estimates of the typical amount of equity held by households in different types of assets. Subsequent sections of the report focus on the rates of ownership of assets and the contributions of individual assets to household net worth.

The conclusion that emerges from the asset-based analysis is that developments in the housing market are the principal agents of change in household wealth from 2005 to 2009. A home is one of the most commonly owned assets, and home equity is the single largest contributor to household wealth. Thus, plummeting housing prices had a profound impact on the net worth of most households. The effect was more pronounced for minorities because, relative to whites, housing assumes a larger share of their portfolios. Also, Hispanics and Asians were deeply affected because their population is relatively more concentrated in California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona, which experienced among the greatest declines in home prices.

Asset ownership rates also edged downward from 2005 to 2009, but in small measure. The drop in asset ownership was generally modest in comparison with the fall in the net worth of assets. Overall, declining value, not declining ownership, is at the heart of the loss in household wealth.

Median Net Worth of Individual Assets

Chapter 3: Net Worth by Type of Asset (1)Real estate, for either personal use or rental purposes, is the most highly valued asset owned by households. Financial assets, in the form of stocks, mutual funds, bonds and retirement accounts are also a key part of the portfolio. Of these two major groups of assets, net worth eroded the most for real estate holdings. The value of financial assets moved in different ways, depending on the specific asset and subpopulation examined.

Homeowners—65% of all U.S. householders in 2009—experienced a sharp decline in home equity from 2005 to 2009. The greatest losses were felt by Hispanic and Asian homeowners. For Hispanics, the median level of home equity fell by half (51%), from $99,983 in 2005 to $49,145 in 2009. Median home equity for Asian homeowners dropped from $219,742 in 2005 to $150,000 in 2009, a loss of 32%.

Losses for black and white homeowners were less severe. Black homeowners lost 23% of their home equity, from $76,910 in 2005 to $59,000 in 2009. Median home equity for white homeowners eroded 18%, from $115,364 to $95,000.

The median value of directly held stock and mutual funds declined the most for Hispanics and blacks. Hispanics who owned stocks and mutual funds lost 32% of their value, down from $21,974 in 2005 to $15,000 in 2009. Losses for black stockholders were more than twice as high. Their holdings of stock and mutual funds fell from $27,468 in 2005 to $8,000 in 2009, a loss of 71%.

The median value of stocks and mutual funds owned by whites dropped modestly, falling 9% from $30,984 in 2005. Stocks and mutual funds owned by Asians actually increased in value, rising 19% from $25,270 in 2005 to $30,000 in 2009.

Chapter 3: Net Worth by Type of Asset (2)Retirement plans are also an important source of wealth accumulation for households. Black householders experienced significant losses in their pension savings. The value of IRA and Keogh accounts held by black householders fell from $17,319 in 2005 to $15,000 in 2009, a drop of 13%. Likewise, the value of their 401(k) and thrift accounts shrank from $15,382 to $11,000, a loss of 28%.

Hispanic and white households with pension savings experienced relative stability in their IRA, Keogh, 401(k) and thrift accounts. For both groups, the median value of IRA and Keogh accounts increased modestly from 2005 to 2009 and the median value of 401(k) and thrift accounts decreased slightly. Asian households experienced a 12% decline in the value of their 401(k) and thrift accounts and little change in their IRA and Keogh accounts.

Chapter 3: Net Worth by Type of Asset (3)In light of the economic downturn, it is notable that business owners, regardless of race and ethnicity, reported large losses in the equity they hold in their businesses. The loss in business equity was highest among minority households, all losing about half the value they started with in 2005. For Hispanics, business equity fell

from $32,961 in 2005 to $15,000 in 2009; for blacks, equity in their businesses decreased from $23,403 to $10,000; and, for Asians, business equity dropped from

$54,935 to $27,000. White households experienced a loss of 24%, the median equity in their business falling from $32,961 in 2005 to $25,000 in 2009.

Even as the net value of most assets was on the decline, the unsecured liabilities of households (credit card debt, education loans and other loans not secured by assets) were on the rise from 2005 to 2009. The increase was greatest for Hispanics, their unsecured debt growing from $4,994 in 2005 to $7,000 in 2009, or by 42%. White households have higher levels of unsecured debt, $6,043 in 2005 and $8,000 in 2009. However, the increase for them, 32%, was not as great as for Hispanics. Blacks and Asians have identical levels of unsecured liabilities, and the median values for them rose the least, from $5,494 to $7,000, or by 27%.

Chapter 3: Net Worth by Type of Asset (2024)


What assets count toward net worth? ›

Your net worth is what you own minus what you owe. It's the total value of all your assets—including your house, cars, investments and cash—minus your liabilities (things like credit card debt, student loans, and what you still owe on your mortgage).

What are the 4 types of financial assets? ›

financial asset

a contractual claim to something of value; modern economies have four main types of financial assets: bank deposits, stocks, bonds, and loans.

What is the net worth excluding primary residence? ›

Investors with a net worth, excluding their primary residence, of at least $1 million—either alone or together with their spouse—are "accredited investors" in the eyes of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and, therefore, permitted to invest in unregistered securities offerings.

Is your primary residence an asset? ›

Your primary residence is an expense, not an asset. It's not as liquid as you think and many people hold onto their homes later or sell earlier than their plan dictates so they can try to time the real estate market. Investment properties or REITs are a better way to have real estate exposure in your overall portfolio.

Is 401k included in net worth? ›

Market value of your investment accounts: Balances of your brokerage accounts. Your 401(k) and IRA should be included in your net worth calculation.

Does high net worth include 401k? ›

Do you include a 401(k) in a net worth calculation? All of your retirement accounts are included as assets in your net worth calculation. That includes 401(k)s, IRAs and taxable savings accounts.

What are the 5 key asset types? ›

Key Takeaways

There are five crucial asset categories: derivatives, fixed income, real estate, cash & cash equivalents, and equity.

What are the 5 types of assets? ›

Common types of assets include current, non-current, physical, intangible, operating, and non-operating.

What are the 3 main categories of assets asked for? ›

There are broadly three types of asset distribution – 1) based on Convertibility (Current and Noncurrent Assets), 2) Physical Existence (Tangible and Intangible Assets), and 3) Usage (Operating and Non-Operating Assets).

Is $3 million enough to retire at 65? ›

If you retire at age 65 and expect to live to the average life expectancy of 79 years, your three million would need to last for about 14 years. However, if you retire at 55 and expect to live to the average life expectancy, your nest egg would need to last for about 24 years.

What is excluded from net worth? ›

Tangible net worth is typically the net worth of a company excluding intangible assets such as copyrights, patents, and intellectual property. The tangible net worth calculation for a company is total assets minus total liabilities minus intangible assets.

What is the minimum net worth you have to have to be in the wealthiest 1% of people in the world? ›

Monaco tops the list. You need $12.4 million to be in the European country's richest 1%. In the US you need $5.1 million. It's $3.3 million in the UK, $1.6 million in the UAE, and $960,000 in mainland China.

How much of my home is considered an asset? ›

Your home falls in the asset category even if you have not paid it entirely off. The value assigned to your home can be the amount you paid to purchase it, the taxable value or the current market value based on how other houses are selling in your neighborhood.

What is not an asset? ›

While an asset is something with economic value that's owned or controlled by a person or company, a liability is something that is owed by a person or company. A liability could be a loan, taxes payable, or accounts payable.

What type of asset is a residential property? ›

Residential property is simply real estate for living. It includes single-family homes, townhouses, condos, and vacation houses. Residential real estate properties are considered an investment if the asset is not owner-occupied, and it is owned for financial gain—either via rent or the appreciation in value.

How much is a $30000 pension worth? ›

As an example, examine how much an earned pension income of $30,000 would add to a person's net worth. A defined benefit plan income of $30,000 annually is $2,500 per month, which is 25 times $100.

Do you include mortgage in net worth? ›

For example, if you own a house, car, furnishings, jewelry, and anything else of intrinsic value, those are your assets. Then you have to subtract everything you owe, such as mortgage payments, car loans, student loans, credit card debt, etc. The difference is your net worth.

Does home equity count towards net worth? ›

The more equity you have in your home, the more it will increase your net worth. Keep in mind that when you determine your net worth, you must subtract your liabilities—including your mortgage.

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

What percentage of US population has $5 million dollars? ›

Somewhere around 4,473,836 households have $4 million or more in wealth, while around 3,592,054 have at least $5 million. Respectively, that is 3.48% and 2.79% of all households in America.

What net worth puts you in the top 5%? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million.

What are 5 assets that constitute wealth? ›

Therefore, net worth can be comprised of liquid savings, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, real estate, vehicles, retirement accounts (IRAs, pensions), and many other types of assets.

Which assets are most liquid? ›

Cash is the most liquid asset possible as it is already in the form of money. This includes physical cash, savings account balances, and checking account balances.

What are your 6 best assets? ›

Being able to adapt when an extra hand is needed or when a transition happens is a great soft skill.
  • Teamwork. Working with others, especially being able to respect others' different opinions, is an important component of teamwork. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Time Management Skills. ...
  • Interpersonal Skills.

What are your top 3 assets? ›

Your 3 greatest assets are not what you sell, it's not your customers, it's not your territory. Your three greatest assets are your time, your mind, and your network.

What are the 6 financial assets? ›

Cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and bank deposits are all are examples of financial assets. Unlike land, property, commodities, or other tangible physical assets, financial assets do not necessarily have inherent physical worth or even a physical form.

What is a Level 3 asset? ›

What Are Level 3 Assets? Level 3 assets are financial assets and liabilities considered to be the most illiquid and hardest to value. They are not traded frequently, so it is difficult to give them a reliable and accurate market price.

What are the 3 types of assets? ›

  • Based on convertibility (current assets and non current assets)
  • Based on physical existence (tangible and intangible assets)
  • Based on usage (Operating and non-operating assets)

What are 3 types of current assets? ›

What Are 3 Types of Current Assets? Of the many types of Current Assets accounts, three are Cash and Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities, and Prepaid Expenses.

How much money do you need to retire with $100000 a year income? ›

This means that if you make $100,000 shortly before retirement, you can start to plan using the ballpark expectation that you'll need about $75,000 a year to live on in retirement. You'll likely need less income in retirement than during your working years because: Most people spend less in retirement.

What percentage of people retire with over $1000000? ›

Putting that much aside could make it easier to live your preferred lifestyle when you retire, without having to worry about running short of money. However, not a huge percentage of retirees end up having that much money. In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings.

Can I retire at 67 with $1 million dollars? ›

It's definitely possible, but there are several factors to consider—including cost of living, the taxes you'll owe on your withdrawals, and how you want to live in retirement—when thinking about how much money you'll need to retire in the future.

What is the net worth of a sophisticated investor? ›

Traditionally, an investor qualifies as accredited if they are: An individual with more than $200,000 in annual income for at least two years. A married couple with more than $300,000 in annual income. A household with more than $1 million in assets.

Do you include pension in net worth? ›

Pensions are generally not included in your Net Worth, but do play an important role in retirement planning. Future income streams, such as defined benefit pension plans and social security, primarily impact your retirement planning by lowering your projected income needs in retirement.

What is the average net worth excluding billionaires? ›

The average net worth of American families is $748,800, according to the most recent data from the Federal Reserve's 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances. The Federal Reserve conducts the survey every three years, and it announced in a February press release that it will publish its 2022 study in late 2023.

What is a respectable net worth? ›

A common rule of thumb for determining what your net worth should be at any given age is to divide your age by 10, then multiple that by your gross annual income. So if you're 40 years old making $100,000 a year then you should have a net worth of $400,000.

What is a typical high net worth individual? ›

A high-net-worth individual (HNWI) is someone with liquid assets of at least $1 million. These individuals often seek the assistance of financial professionals to manage their money, and their high net worth qualifies them for additional benefits and investing opportunities that are closed to most.

What does your net worth have to be to be a millionaire? ›

An asset millionaire is someone who, if they had to sell everything and pay off any liabilities, would have $1,000,000 left over. A net-worth millionaire is someone who has a net worth of at least $1,000,000. Net worth is a fancy way to say 'what you own minus what you owe.

Is credit card balance an asset? ›

If it holds value and could be used to offset your liabilities, it's an asset. Liabilities are debts. Loans, mortgages and credit card balances all fit into this category.

Is a credit card debt an asset? ›

It appears under liabilities on the balance sheet. Credit card debt is a current liability, which means businesses must pay it within a normal operating cycle, (typically less than 12 months).

Is a car considered an asset? ›

In accounting terms, your car is a depreciating asset. This means your vehicle may have value right now and you could sell it. However, while you own the car, that value usually goes down over time.

Is a retirement account an asset? ›

Retirement account: Retirement accounts include 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, IRAs and pension plans, to name a few. These are important asset accounts to grow, and they're held in a financial institution. There may be penalties for removing funds from these accounts before a certain time.

Is jewelry an asset? ›

Tangible assets: These are physical objects, or the assets you can touch. Examples include your home, business property, car, boat, art and jewelry.

Which of the following would not be considered a real asset? ›

Business assets include money in the bank, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable and other sums that are owed to the company. Hence, a building that has been taken on rent by the business for its use would not be regarded as an assets because company have no ownership of that building.

What is the riskiest asset class in real estate? ›

Land. Land is one of the riskiest types of commercial real estate to invest in, but can also offer the highest return.

What makes a house an asset? ›

At a very basic level, an asset is something that provides future economic benefit, while a liability is an obligation. Using this framework, a house could be viewed as an asset, but a mortgage would definitely be a liability. Most people who own a home have a mortgage but also have equity built up in that home.

Is my house an asset if I have a mortgage? ›

Given the financial definitions of asset and liability, a home still falls into the asset category. Therefore, it's always important to think of your home and your mortgage as two separate entities (an asset and a liability, respectively).

Is a pension included in net worth? ›

Pensions are generally not included in your Net Worth, but do play an important role in retirement planning. Future income streams, such as defined benefit pension plans and social security, primarily impact your retirement planning by lowering your projected income needs in retirement.

Is life insurance included in net worth? ›

The death benefit of a life insurance policy is not considered an asset, but some policies have a cash value, which is considered an asset. Only permanent life insurance policies, like whole life, can grow cash value.

How can I double my net worth in 5 years? ›

Following some or all of these steps will allow you to increase your net worth and ultimately meet your financial goals.
  1. Boost your retirement contributions. ...
  2. Trim your expenses. ...
  3. Pay off high-interest debt. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Renegotiate/consolidate loans. ...
  6. Keep your cars for as long as possible. ...
  7. Increase your salary.
Feb 24, 2023

Why owning a house is not an asset? ›

Unfortunately, your primary residence is not really an asset. That's because you are living there and will be unable to realize any appreciation gains. The answer may change if you have a plan to sell your house within a set period of time.

What percentage of the population has a net worth over 2 million? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What is not included in net worth calculation? ›

There are three steps to calculating net worth: Step 1: List your financial and physical assets and their values. Your total assets will be calculated automatically. We do not include the value of intangible productive assets (such as a college degree) when calculating net worth.

What is a good net worth by age? ›

Between 35 to 44, the average net worth is $436,200, while between 45 to 54 that number increases to $833,200. Average net worth cracks the $1 million mark between 55 to 64, reaching $1,175,900. Average net worth again rises for those ages 65 to 74, to $1,217,700, before falling to $977,600 for someone over age 75.

Does net worth include your bank account? ›

To figure out your net worth add up your assets (the cash you've got in bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, etc. as well as the value of any properties you own) and then subtract any liabilities (debt, including student loans, credit card, your mortgage, etc.) that you owe.

How much net worth do you need to be in top 10%? ›

Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice - straight to your e-mail.
  • People with the top 1% of net worth in the U.S. in 2022 had $10,815,000 in net worth.
  • The top 2% had a net worth of $2,472,000.
  • The top 5% had $1,030,000.
  • The top 10% had $854,900.
  • The top 50% had $522,210.
Dec 13, 2022

What is a high net worth retirement? ›

What is Considered a High Net Worth in Retirement? A high-net-worth individual or HNWI is generally anyone with at least $1 million in cash or assets that can be easily converted into cash, including stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares and other investments.

Is $500,000 a high net worth? ›

Key Takeaways. A high-net-worth individual is a person with at least $1 million in liquid financial assets.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.