Cell Phone Forensics (2024)

Carney Forensics’ cell phone experts began recovering text messages and contacts from old flip phones back in 2008. Over a decade has passed and hundreds of cell phones in our lab have given up their secrets. New powerful cell phone forensics tools have delivered breakthrough capabilities for evidence recovery from smartphones using iPhone and Android forensics services. Cell phones have become the new DNA with the power to recover compelling, truthful evidence in proof of cases in courts across America.

Cell Phones are Our Specialty

Our cell phone experts use cell phone forensics tools to recover evidence from over 39,000 makes and models of mobile devices. We also decode text messages, chat, and other evidence from over 731 unique mobile apps from our client’s iPhone or Android smartphones. We recover deleted and hidden evidence on every phone we examine. As a result, we have become experts at spoliation and fraud cases involving willful, intentional destruction of evidence.

We have learned to avoid reliance on just one mobile device forensics tool to recover evidence. One tool is never enough! So our cell phone experts use the four best cell phone forensics tools on the planet. They have different strengths to examine each cell phone that enters our lab to recover and decode absolutely all the mobile evidence on which your case may turn. If one tool can’t find it, another will.

What Evidence Can Cell Phone Forensics Recover?

Our cell phone investigators recover, analyze, and produce evidence of many types including these categories:

  • Text Messages and Attachments
  • Phone Book of Contacts
  • Voice Calls and Voice Mail Messages
  • Email Messages and Attachments
  • Social Media Posts, Direct Messages, Photos, and Videos
  • Device Locations, Location History, and Maps
  • Internet Accounts and Browser History
  • User Search Activity (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
  • Photographs and Videos with GPS Locations
  • Apps Data and Permissions
  • Fitness Activity and Health Information (Pulse and Energy)
  • Financial Accounts, Credentials, and Digital Documents
  • Cryptocurrency Assets like Bitcoin
See Also
Erase iPhone

Four Types of Cell Phone Evidence Starting with Phone Book of Contacts

Cell phone evidence is digital evidence recovered forensically from smartphones and tablets. Think Apple’s iPhones and iPads, also Android smartphones and tablets from manufacturers like Samsung, Motorola, and LG. The phone book of contacts is basic mobile evidence. A decade ago, feature phones, sometimes called flip phones, contained a trivial amount of contact evidence. Those contacts contained a person’s name, a cell phone number, and usually nothing else.

Today’s smartphones are a cornucopia of rich information about the phone user’s contacts. They can be complex, containing a person’s name but also aliases, credentials, many phone numbers, email addresses, website addresses, social media accounts, street addresses, employment information, and so on. The phone book of contacts becomes a directory of actors and players for use by the lawyer and his or her cell phone forensic expert during the pendency of the case.

Call Logs

Call log evidence is a record of phone call metadata, not a voice audio recording of the call. It contains phone numbers to and from the smartphone, often with a user’s name matching the phone number taken from the phone book of contacts. It also contains a date and time stamp and the duration of the phone call in minutes and seconds.

Voice Messages

When a phone user checks his or her voice messages, those messages are downloaded to the smartphone from the cell phone service provider. They are stored in the smartphone’s file system as live evidence, and when deleted by the phone user, they are often still recoverable. Sometimes the smartphone transcribes voice message recordings accurately and produces a textual record. When cases go to trial, our expert witnesses find recovered, admitted voice message audio is often persuasive in the courtroom, especially if deleted.

Device Locations

Device locations are important metadata from GPS evidence sourced from navigation satellites and stored in the smartphone. Cell phone investigators find them in photographs, videos, navigation apps, also Wi-Fi networks, and other mobile apps like Facebook and Foursquare. One of our best mobile device forensic tools enriches device location metadata by inspecting Wi-Fi networks and cell tower sites stored in the smartphone and returning device locations for them too.

We Specialize in Advanced iPhone Forensics

America’s most popular iPhone smartphone has become a materially important source of best evidence for civil and criminal litigation. But the effectiveness of iPhone forensics to recover probative evidence was declining for a decade until a major, transformational advance introduced in 2020 marked the return of iPhone forensics. This new forensic capability enables the recovery of vastly greater quantities of live and deleted iPhone evidence. It includes new forms of deeply probative evidence we now understand and apply successfully in court cases. Carney Forensics has invested heavily in several cellphone forensics tools to extract iOS evidence from the broadest range of iPhone and iPad models. Imagine how you might use breakthrough iPhone forensics to discover messages, email, documents, media, fitness and health, searches, Screen Time, and pattern of life evidence for advocacy on your next case.

We Offer Advanced Android Forensics

What about Android forensics? 2023 has also brought meaningful innovations to Google’s mobile platform available since 2005. We can now bypass many passwords and defeat encryption to get deeply probative extractions instead of relying on disappointing Android backups. And, like iPhones, cell phone experts can recover abundant, deleted evidence and new databases using Android forensics which exposes pattern of life and digital wellbeing evidence for judicial review. Carney Forensics has invested heavily in mobile device forensics tools to extract Android evidence from the broadest range of Samsung, LG, Motorola, OnePlus, and Google Pixel models. How might you take advantage of cutting-edge Android forensics to recover messages, emails, documents, media, fitness and health, searches, and more evidence for winning your next case?

We Can Handle Your Cell Phone, Glitches and All

Whatever cell phone your client or opposing counsel may present, cellphone experts at Carney Forensics can handle it. If it’s damaged, even waterlogged, we can repair it before the examination. We can recover or bypass most passcodes that lock smartphones using bootloaders or advanced techniques like JTAG, chip-off, and ISP. Our Android forensics services can often defeat an encrypted smartphone. And if the phone disappears, we have a long list of alternative evidence sources to discuss with you as we work together to develop a plan “B” for proving your case.

Cell Phone Forensics (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.