Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Example and Explanation (2024)

The cash flow statement is one of the most important but often overlooked components of a firm’s financial statements. In its entirety, it lets an individual, whether they are an analyst, investor, credit provider, or auditor, learn the sources and uses of a company's cash.

Without proper cash management, regardless of how fast a firm’s sales or reported profits on the income statement are growing, a firm cannot survive without carefully ensuring that it takes in more cash than it sends out the door.

When analyzing a company's cash flow statement, it is important to consider each of the various sections that contribute to the overall change in cash position. In many cases, a firm may have negative cash flow overall for a given quarter, but if the company can generate positive cash flow from its business operations, the negative overall cash flow is not necessarily a bad thing.

Below, we will cover cash flow from financing activities, one of the three primary categories of cash flow statements. The other two sections are cash flow from operations and cash flow from investing activities. The cash flow from the financing section of the cash flow statement usually follows the operating activities and the investing activities sections.

Key Takeaways

  • The cash flow statement looks at the inflow and outflow of cash within a company.
  • If a company's business operations can generate positive cash flow, negative overall cash flow isn't necessarily bad.
  • Cash flow from financing activities is one of the three categories of cash flow statements.
  • The financing activity in the cash flow statement focuses on how a firm raises capital and pays it back to investors through capital markets.
  • The largest line items in the cash flow from financing activities statement are dividends paid, repurchase of common stock, and proceeds from the issuance of debt.
  • The cash flow from financing activities helps investors see how often and how much a company raises capital and the source of that capital.
  • If a company's cash is coming from normal business operations, that's a sign of a good investment. If the company is consistently issuing new stock or taking out debt, it might be an unattractive investment opportunity.

Cash Flow From Financing Activities

The financing activity in the cash flow statement focuses on how a firm raises capital and pays it back to investors through capital markets. These activities also include paying cash dividends, adding or changing loans, or issuing and selling more stock. This section of the statement of cash flows measures the flow of cash between a firm and its owners and creditors.

A positive number indicates that cash has come into the company, which boosts its asset levels. A negative figure indicates when the company has paid out capital, such as retiring or paying off long-term debt or making a dividend payment to shareholders.

Examples of common cash flow items stemming from a firm’s financing activities are:

  • Receiving cash from issuing stock or spending cash to repurchase shares
  • Receiving cash from issuing debt or paying down debt
  • Paying cash dividends to shareholders
  • Proceeds received from employees exercising stock options
  • Receiving cash from issuing hybrid securities, such as convertible debt

Negative overall cash flow is not always a bad thing if a company can generate positive cash flow from its operations.

Reasons for Financing

Financing activities show investors exactly how a company is funding its business. If a business requires additional capital to expand or maintain operations, it accesses the capital markets through the issuance of debt or equity. The decision between debt and equity financing is guided by factors including cost of capital, existing debt covenants, and financial health ratios.

Large, mature companies with limited growth prospects often decide to maximize shareholder value by returning capital to investors in the form of dividends. Companies hoping to return value to investors can also choose a stock buyback program rather than paying dividends. A business can buy its own shares, increasing future income and cash returns per share. If executive management feels shares are undervalued on the open market, repurchases are an attractive way to maximize shareholder value.

Consider Apple's (AAPL) 2014 10-K filing. The largest line items in the cash flow from the financing section are dividends paid, repurchase of common stock, and proceeds from the issuance of debt. Dividends paid and repurchase of common stock are uses of cash, and proceeds from the issuance of debt are a source of cash.

As a mature company, Apple decided that shareholder value was maximized if cash on hand was returned to shareholders rather than used to retire debt or fund growth initiatives. Though Apple was not in a high growth phase in 2014, executive management likely identified the low interest rate environment as an opportunity to acquire financing at a cost of capital below the projected rate of return on those assets.

Similarly, consider Kindred Healthcare's 2014 10-K filing. The company engaged in a number of financing activities during 2014 after announcing intentions to acquire other businesses. Noteworthy line items in the cash flow from financing section include proceeds from borrowing under a revolving credit facility, proceeds from the issuance of notes, proceeds from an equity offering, repayment of borrowings under a revolving credit facility, repayment of a term loan, and dividends paid.

While Kindred Healthcare paid a dividend, the equity offering and expansion of debt are larger components of financing activities. Kindred Healthcare's executive management team had identified growth opportunities requiring additional capital and positioned the company to take advantage through financing activities.

In 2018, Kindred Healthcare was acquired and became a private company.

Accounting Standards: IFRS vs.GAAP

U.S.-based companies are required to report under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are relied on by firms outside of the U.S. Below are some of the key distinctions between the two standards, which boils down to some different categorical choices for cash flow items. These are simply category differences that investors need to be made aware of when analyzing and comparing cash flow statements of a U.S.-based firm with an overseas company.

Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Example and Explanation (1)

Understanding the Balance Sheet

Analyzing the cash flow statement is extremely valuable because it provides a reconciliation of the beginning and ending cash on the balance sheet. This analysis is difficult for most publicly traded companies because of the thousands of line items that can go into financial statements, but the theory is important to understand.

A company’s cash flow from financing activities typically relates to the equity and long-term debt sections of the balance sheet. One of the better places to observe the changes in the financing section from cash flow is in the consolidated statement of equity. Here are the 2011 numbers from Covanta Holding Corporation:

Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Example and Explanation (2)

The common stock repurchase of $88 million is broken down into a paid-in capital and accumulated earnings reduction, as well as a $1 million decrease in treasury stock. In Covanta’s balance sheet, the treasury stock balance declined by $1 million, demonstrating the interplay of all major financial statements.

To summarize other linkages between a firm's balance sheet and cash flow from financing activities, changes in long-term debt can be found on the balance sheet, as well as notes to the financial statements. Dividends paid can be calculated from taking the beginning balance of retained earnings from the balance sheet, adding net income, and subtracting out the ending value of retained earnings on the balance sheet. This equals dividends paid during the year, which is found on the cash flow statement under financing activities.

What to Look For

An investor wants to closely analyze how much and how often a company raises capital and the sources of the capital. For instance, a company relying heavily on outside investors for large, frequent cash infusions could have an issue if capital markets seize up, as they did during the credit crisis in 2007.

It is also important to determine the maturity schedule for debt raised. Raising equity is generally seen as gaining access to stable, long-term capital. The same can be said for long-term debt, which gives a company flexibility to pay down debt (or off) over a longer time period. Short-term debt can be more of a burden as it must be paid back sooner.

The Bottom Line

A company's cash flow from financing activities refers to the cash inflows and outflows resulting from the issuance of debt, the issuance of equity, dividend payments, and the repurchase of existing stock. It's important to investors and creditors because it depicts how much of a company's cash flow is attributable to debt financing or equity financing, as well as its track record of paying interest, dividends, and other obligations. A firm’s cash flow from financing activities relates to how it works with the capital markets and investors.

Through this section of a cash flow statement, one can learn how often (and in what amounts) a company raises capital from debt and equity sources, as well as how it pays off these items over time. Investors are interested in understanding where a company's cash is coming from. If it's coming from normal business operations, that's a sign of a good investment. If the company is consistently issuing new stock or taking out debt, it might be an unattractive investment opportunity.

Creditors are interested in understanding a company's track record of repaying debt, as well as understanding how much debt the company has already taken out. If the company is highly leveraged and has not met monthly interest payments, a creditor should not loan any money. Alternatively, if a company has low debt and a good track record of debt repayment, creditors should consider lending it money.

Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Example and Explanation (2024)


Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Example and Explanation? ›

Examples of common cash flow items stemming from a firm's financing activities are: Receiving cash from issuing stock or spending cash to repurchase shares. Receiving cash from issuing debt or paying down debt. Paying cash dividends to shareholders.

What are some examples of financing activities? ›

Financing activities include:
  • Issuing and repurchasing equity.
  • Borrowing and repaying short-term and long-term debt. This activity includes principal payments to lenders and vendors for most capital purchases, as well as the cost to issue debt. ...
  • Paying dividends.
  • Other contributions from, or distributions to, owners.

What is cash flow from financing activities in simple words? ›

What is Cash Flow from Financing Activities? Cash Flow from Financing Activities is the net amount of funding a company generates in a given time period. Finance activities include the issuance and repayment of equity, payment of dividends, issuance and repayment of debt, and capital lease obligations.

Which of the following is an example of a financing activity on the cash flow statement under US GAAP? ›

As per U.S. GAAP, the payment of dividends is a financing activity on the cash flow statement.

What are three financing examples? ›

Types of financing include credit card financing, mortgage financing, and personal loans.

What is an example of a financing activity quizlet? ›

Issuance of notes payable, repayment of bonds, and payment of dividends are examples of financing activities. Lending with notes receivable is an investing activity and collection of accounts receivable is an operating activity.

Which of the following would be a cash flow from financing activities? ›

Cash flows from capital and related financing activities include acquiring and disposing of capital assets, borrowing money to acquire, construct or improve capital assets, repaying the principal and interest amounts and paying for capital assets obtained from vendors on credit.

What is an example of a cash inflow from financing activities quizlet? ›

issuing long-term debt or equity securities. For example, issuing bonds, notes payable, preferred stock, and common stock creates cash inflows from financing activities.

What does cash flows from financing activities do not include? ›

However, it does not include interest payments or any interest or dividends received by the corporation (interest income and expense and dividends received are included in cash flow from operations).

Which item may be of concern when analyzing cash flow from financing activities? ›

Explanation: It would be of concern if a company was borrowing additional money each year to repay debt from prior years. This means that they could not pay off their prior year debt without borrowing additional funds.

What is a real life example of financing? ›

Examples of Finance

This includes buying and selling, taking out a loan, maintaining accounts, investing, moving money from one account to another, refinancing and asset, going public.

What is an example of a financing decision in a company? ›

A firm has to decide the method of funding by assessing its financial situation and the characteristics of the source of finance. For example, interest on borrowed funds have to be paid whether or not a firm has made a profit. Likewise, borrowed funds have to be repaid at a fixed time.

What are the 4 common sources of financing? ›

The common financing sources used in developing economies can be classified into four categories: Family and Friends, Equity Providers, Debt Providers and Institutional Investors.

Which of the following is not an example of a financing activity? ›

Sale of investment is not a financing activity.

Is a bank loan a financing activity? ›

The cash inflows received through short-term bank loans and the cash outflows used to repay the principal amount of short-term bank loans are reported in the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows.

Which of the following activities will be classified as financing? ›

Raising long term funds through bonds, stocks, and other financial instruments, repaying or taking a loan, and payment of dividends are classified as financing activities.

What are 2 examples of cash inflow? ›

Some examples of cash inflow are:
  • Revenue from customer payments.
  • Cash receipts from sales.
  • Funding.
  • Taking out a loan.
  • Tax refunds.
  • Returns or dividend payments from investments.
  • Interest income.
Dec 1, 2022

What are two examples of cash inflows in a cash flow forecast? ›

cash inflows - all of the money coming into the business, which can be separated into different categories, for example sales, rent received and loans. cash outflows - all of the money moving out of the business to pay for its costs, for example suppliers, employees and overheads.

What financing activities on a statement of cash flows relate to quizlet? ›

-the last category listed on the statement of cash flows. -Financing activities include cash inflows and outflows involved in long-term liabilities and equity. -Financing activities include issuing stock, paying dividends, and buying and selling treasury stock.

What are the 7 activities of a finance function? ›

The seven popular functions are decisions and control, financial planning, resource allocation, cash flow management, surplus disposal, acquisitions, mergers, and capital budgeting.

What are the three main activities in finance? ›

There are three main types of business activities: operating, investing, and financing. The cash flows used and created by each of these activities are listed in the cash flow statement.

What are five activities of the finance function? ›

Financial management is associated with the effective management of an organisation's financial resources. Therefore, the scope of financial management extends to activities such as budgeting, financial planning, financial analysis, financial forecasting, financial reporting, and risk management.

What is an example of finance in daily life? ›

It comprises ways of managing money through investments, expenditure and savings, taking into consideration various life risks and events. Other facets of personal finance include budgeting, banking, planning for retirement, insurance, and more.

What is financial function with example? ›

Financial functions (reference)
PMT functionReturns the periodic payment for an annuity
PPMT functionReturns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period
PRICE functionReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest
52 more rows

What are the activities of the finance function? ›

A finance department is the unit of a business responsible for obtaining and handling any monies on behalf of the organization. The department controls the income and expenditure in addition to ensuring effective business running with minimum disruptions.

What are the 4 major functions of finance? ›

Finance Functions - Investment Decision, Financial Decision, Dividend Decision and Liquidity Decision.

What is not a financing activity? ›

Sale of investment is not a financing activity.

What is an example of financing and investment? ›

A few of the most common types of financial investments are CDs and bonds, which pay interest to the owners. A person can also make financial investments in stocks and mutual funds, which can appreciate in value and pay dividends. These are often held in individual and company retirement accounts.

Is borrowing money a financing activity? ›

If a company borrows money, this is a financing activity. There are some inflows from financing activities including borrowing money or selling common stock. Outflows from financing activities include paying the principal part of debt (a loan payment), buying back your own stock or paying a dividend to investors.

What are the 4 types of financial management? ›

What are the types of financial management?
  • Corporate Financial Management. This focuses on making decisions related to the financing and investment of an organization. ...
  • Personal Financial Management. ...
  • Public Financial Management. ...
  • International Financial Management. ...
  • Non-Profit Financial Management.
Feb 6, 2023

What are the 3 types of financial management decisions? ›

It deals in three main dimensions of financial decisions namely, Investment decisions, Financial decisions and Dividend decisions.
  • Investment Decisions. Investment decisions refer to the decisions regarding where to invest so as to earn the highest possible returns on investment. ...
  • Financial Decisions. ...
  • Dividend Decisions.

What are the three most common reasons firms fail financially? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

What is the most common type of finance used? ›

Debt financing is the most common type of business finance and encompasses traditional and alternative funding sources. You don't need to offer any equity in exchange for funding with debt financing, but you will typically need to repay the sum borrowed plus interest.

What is an example of finance income? ›

Examples of Finance Income in a sentence

Interest income is recognized in profit or loss and is included in 'Net Finance (Income) Expense'. The net gain or loss recognized in profit or loss incorporates any interest paid on the financial liabilities and is included in 'Net Finance (Income) Expense'.

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