Capitalization Rate: Cap Rate Defined With Formula and Examples (2024)

What Is the Capitalization Rate?

The capitalization rate (also known as cap rate) is usedin the world of commercial real estate to indicate therate of returnthat is expected to be generated on areal estate investmentproperty.

This measure is computed based on thenet incomewhich the property is expected to generate and is calculated by dividing net operating income by property asset value and is expressed as a percentage. It is used to estimate the investor's potential return on their investment in the real estate market.

While the cap rate can be useful for quickly comparing the relative value of similar real estate investments in the market, it should not be used as the sole indicator of an investment’s strength because it does not take into account leverage, the time value of money, and future cash flows from property improvements, among other factors.

Key Takeaways

  • The capitalization rate is calculated by dividing a property's net operating income by the current market value.
  • This ratio, expressed as a percentage, is an estimation of an investor's potential return on a real estate investment.
  • The cap rate is most useful as a comparison of the relative value of similar real estate investments.

Understanding the Capitalization Rate

The cap rate is the most popular measure through which real estate investments are assessed for their profitability and return potential. The cap rate simply represents the yield of a property over a one-year time horizon assuming the property is purchased on cash and not on loan.The capitalization rate indicates the property’s intrinsic, natural, and un-levered rate of return.

Formula for the Capitalization Rate

Several versions exist for the computation of the capitalization rate. In the most popular formula, the capitalization rate of a real estate investment is calculated by dividing the property'snet operating income (NOI) by the currentmarket value. Mathematically,

Capitalization Rate = Net Operating Income / Current Market Value


The net operating income is the (expected) annual income generated by the property (like rentals) and is arrived at by deducting all the expenses incurred for managing the property. These expenses include the cost paid towards the regular upkeep of the facility as well as the property taxes.

The current market value of the asset is the present-day value of the property as per the prevailing market rates.

In another version, the figure is computed based on the original capital cost or the acquisition cost of aproperty.

Capitalization Rate = Net Operating Income / Purchase Price

However, the second version is not very popular for two reasons. First, it gives unrealistic results for old properties that were purchased several years/decades ago at low prices, and second, it cannot be applied to the inherited property as their purchase price is zero, making the division impossible.

Additionally, since property prices fluctuate widely, the first version using the current market price is a more accurate representation as compared to the second one which uses the fixed value original purchase price.

Those interested in learning more about capitalization rates may want to consider enrolling in one of the best online real estate schools.

Interpreting the Capitalization Rate

Since cap rates are based on the projected estimates of the future income, they are subject to high variance. It then becomes important to understand what constitutes a good cap rate for an investment property.

The rate also indicates the duration of time it will take to recover the invested amount in a property. For instance, a property having a cap rate of 10% will take around 10 years for recovering the investment.

Different cap rates among different properties, or different cap rates across different time horizons on the same property, represent different levels of risk. A look at the formula indicates that the cap rate value will be higher for properties that generate higher net operating income and have a lower valuation, and vice versa.

There are no clear ranges for a good or bad cap rate, and they largely depend on the context of the property and the market.

Say, there are two properties that are similar in all attributes except for being geographically apart. One is in a posh city center area while the other is on the outskirts of the city.

All things being equal, the first property will generate a higher rental compared to the second one, but those will be partially offset by the higher cost of maintenance and higher taxes. The city center property will have a relatively lower cap rate compared to the second one owing to its significantly high market value.

It indicates that a lower value cap rate corresponds to better valuation and a better prospect of returns with a lower level of risk. On the other hand, a higher value of cap rate implies relatively lower prospects of return on property investment, and hence a higher level of risk.

While the above hypothetical example makes it an easy choice for an investor to go with the property in the city center, real-world scenarios may not be that straightforward. The investor assessing a property on the basis of the cap rate faces the challenging task to determine the suitable cap rate for a given level of risk.

Gordon Model Representation for Cap Rate

Another representation of the cap rate comes from the Gordon Growth Model, which is also called the dividend discount model (DDM). It is a method for calculating the intrinsic value of a company’s stock price independent of the current market conditions, and the stock value is calculated as the present value of a stock's future dividends. Mathematically,

Stock Value = Expected Annual Dividend Cash Flow / (Investor's Required Rate of Return - Expected Dividend Growth Rate)

Rearranging the equation and generalizing the formula beyond dividend,

(Required Rate of Return - Expected Growth Rate) = Expected Cash Flow / Asset Value

The above representation matches the basic formula of the capitalization rate mentioned in the earlier section. The expected cash flow value represents the net operating income and the asset value matches the current market price of the property.

This leads to the capitalization rate being equivalent to the difference between the required rate of return and the expected growth rate. That is, the cap rate is simply the required rate of return minus the growth rate.

This can be used to assess the valuation of a property for a given rate of return expected by the investor. For instance, say the net operating income of a property is $50,000, and it is expected to rise by 2% annually.

If the investor’s expected rate of return is 10% per annum, then the net cap rate will come to (10% - 2%) = 8%. Using it in the above formula, the asset valuation comes to ($50,000 / 8%) = $625,000.

Limitations of the Cap Rate

Although capitalization rate can be a useful metric for properties that provide stable income, it is less reliable if a property has irregular or inconsistent cash flows. In these circ*mstances, a discounted cash flow model might be a better way to measure the returns from an investment property.

The capitalization rate is only useful to the extent that a property's income will remain stable over the long term. It does not take into account future risks, such as depreciation, or structural changes in the rental market that could cause income fluctuations. Investors should take these risks into account when relying on cap rate calculations.

What Is a Good Cap Rate?

There is no single value for what makes an "ideal" capitalization rate, and investors should consider their own risk appetites when evaluating a property. Generally, a high capitalization rate will indicate a higher level of risk, while a lower capitalization rate indicates lower returns but lower risk.

That said, many analysts consider a "good" cap rate to be around 5% to 10%, while a 4% cap rate indicates lower risk but a longer timeline to recoup an investment. There are also other factors to consider, like the features of a local property market, and it is important not to rely on cap rate or any other single metric.

What Affects the Cap Rate?

There are many potential market factors that can affect the capitalization rate of a property. As with other rental properties, location plays a major factor in determining the returns of commercial properties, with high-traffic areas likely to come with a higher capitalization rate.

It is also important to consider other features of the local market, such as competing properties. Generally, properties in a large, well-developed market will tend to have lower capitalization rates, due to competitive pressures from other businesses. Future trends, such as local market growth, can also affect the long-term capitalization rate for a property.

Finally, the amount of capital you invest in a property can also affect the cap rate. A renovation that makes a property more attractive could command higher rents, increasing the owner's operating income.

Examples of the Capitalization Rate

Assume that John has $1 million and he is considering investing in one of the two available investment options: one, he can invest in government-issued Treasury bonds that offer a nominal 3% annual interest and are considered the safest investments, or two, he can purchase a commercial building that has multiple tenants who are expected to pay regular rent.

In the second case, assume that the total rent received per year is $90,000 and the investor needs to pay a total of $20,000 towards various maintenance costs and property taxes. It leaves the net income from the property investment at $70,000. Assume that during the first year, the property value remains steady at the original buy price of $1 million.

The capitalization rate will be computed as (Net Operating Income/Property Value) = $70,000/$1 million = 7%.

This return of 7% generated from the property investment fares better than the standard return of 3% available from the risk-free Treasury bonds. The extra 4% represents the return for the risk taken by the investor by investing in the property market as against investing in the safest Treasury bonds which come with zero risk.

Capitalization Rate on Property

Property investment is risky, and there can be several scenarios where the return, as represented by the capitalization rate measure, can vary widely.

For instance, a few of the tenants may move out and the rental income from the property may diminish to $40,000. Reducing the $20,000 towards various maintenance costs and property taxes, and assuming that property value stays at $1 million, the capitalization rate comes to ($20,000 / $1 million) = 2%. This value is less than the return available from risk-free bonds.

In another scenario, assume that the rental income stays at the original $90,000, but the maintenance cost and/or the property tax increases significantly, to say $50,000. The capitalization rate will then be ($40,000/$1 million) = 4%.

Pay attention to rates. In general, cap rates increase when interest rates go up.

In another case, if the current market value of the property itself diminishes, to say $800,000, with the rental income and various costs remaining the same, the capitalization rate will increase to $70,000/$800,000 = 8.75%.

In essence, varying levels of income that get generated from the property, expenses related to the property, and the current market valuation of the property can significantly change the capitalization rate.

The surplus return, which is theoretically available to property investors over and above the Treasury bond investments, can be attributed to the associated risks that lead to the above-mentioned scenarios. The risk factors include:

  • Age, location, and status of the property
  • Property type: multifamily, office, industrial, retail, or recreational
  • Tenants’ solvency and regular receipts of rentals
  • Term and structure of tenant lease(s)
  • The overall market rate of the property and the factors affecting its valuation
  • Macroeconomic fundamentals of the region as well as factors impacting tenants’ businesses

What Should My Capitalization Rate Be?

The capitalization rate for an investment property should be between 4% and 10%. The exact number will depend on the location of the property as well as the rate of return required to make the investment worthwhile.

Is a Higher or Lower Capitalization Rate Better?

Generally, the capitalization rate can be viewed as a measure of risk. So determining whether a higher or lower cap rate is better will depend on the investor and their risk profile. A higher cap rate means that the investment holds more risk whereas a low cap risk means an investment holds less risk.

What Is the Difference Between the Capitalization Rate and Return on Investment?

Return on investment indicates what the potential return of an investment could be over a specific time horizon. The capitalization rate will tell you what the return of an investment is currently or what it should actually be.

The Bottom Line

The capitalization rate is used to measure the profitability of commercial rental properties. A high cap rate indicates a relatively high income, relative to the size of the initial investment. However, there are also other factors to consider, such as risk and local market dynamics. Investors should be careful to consider a wide range of metrics in addition to the capitalization rate.

Capitalization Rate: Cap Rate Defined With Formula and Examples (2024)


What is cap rate formula examples? ›

The formula for a cap rate is simple: cap rate is the annual NOI divided by the market value of the property. For example, a property worth $10 million generating $500,000 of NOI would have a cap rate of 5%.

How the capitalization cap rate is calculated? ›

The cap rate formula

Calculated by dividing a property's net operating income by its asset value, the cap rate is an assessment of the yield of a property over one year. For example, a property worth $14 million generating $600,000 of NOI would have a cap rate of 4.3%.

What is cap rate and formula? ›

In the most popular formula, the capitalization rate of a real estate investment is calculated by dividing the property's net operating income (NOI) by the current market value. Mathematically, Capitalization Rate = Net Operating Income / Current Market Value.

What does 7.5% cap rate mean? ›

A 7.5 cap rate means that you can expect a 7.5% annual gross income on the value of your property or investment. If your property's value is $150,000, a 7.5 cap rate will mean a yearly return of $11,250.

What is the formula for cap rate in Excel? ›

Capitalization Rate is calculated using the below formula. Capitalization Rate = Net Operating Income / Current Market Value of the property.

What is the formula for income capitalization? ›

IRV – notation for the basic capitalization formula used in the income approach where: Income divided by Rate equals Value. V = I ÷R • Know this income approach formula!

What is a cap rate calculator? ›

A cap rate calculator is used in real estate to find the comparative value of a piece of property in order to determine if it would be a good investment. It's calculated by balancing the costs of owning and maintaining a property, the property's market value, and the direct earnings received from that property.

What expenses are used to calculate cap rate? ›

For real estate investments, Cap Rates are calculated by dividing your Net Operating Income (NOI), or Rent minus Expenses, by the market value of a property. Your expenses include everything except mortgage payments.

How do you calculate the capitalization cap rate of a commercial property? ›

How To Calculate a Cap Rate. To determine the cap rate of an asset, divide the property's net operating income (NOI) by its market value. The resulting figure, expressed as a percentage, is the capitalization rate of the property.

What is a 10% cap rate? ›

For example, if the property generates $500,000 in income after expenses, and the current value is $5,000,000, then the cap rate is 10%. In other words, the investor is earning 10% of their investment on an annual basis.

What determines a good cap rate? ›

A “good” cap rate varies depending on the investor and the property. Generally, the higher the cap rate, the higher the risk and return. Market analysts say an ideal cap rate is between five and 10 percent; the exact number will depend on the property type and location.

Is cap rate the same as 1% rule? ›

The 1% rule is a strategy used in real estate investing to determine your cap rate. It states that when evaluating properties, investors should calculate monthly rent to be at least 1% of the total purchase price.

What does a 20% cap rate mean? ›

Assuming that the average capitalization rate of the market in which this property is located is 18%. The investor can conclude that a 20% CAP rate means the property is overperforming the market by 2%. Based on the property's market value, the investor is generating 20% of his property's value per year.

Is 12% a good cap rate? ›

A good cap rate hovers somewhere between 8% and 12%, but the real answer is: It depends. While a 10% cap rate might be solid for some rentals, your percentage is not the only factor in determining whether taking on an Airbnb investment is right for you.

Is 20% a good cap rate? ›

However, aside from large funds and institutional investors willing to park capital at low 4% to 8% cap rates, most frontline individual investors and real estate pros are seeking opportunities that can offer 10% to 20% cap rates.

What is the difference between cap rate and yield? ›

A property's yield, while similar to its capitalization (cap) rate, can differ in that yield measures income / total cost, while cap rate measures income / price or value.

What are the two ways of capitalizing income? ›

The two primary methods of income capitalization are direct capitalization and yield capitalization.

What are the methods of capitalization? ›

Capitalization is any method used to convert an income stream into value. There are two primary income capitalization methods: direct capitalization and yield capitalization. (A capitalization rate is any rate used to convert an estimate of future income into an estimate of market value.

What is 6% cap rate? ›

Calculating a Cap Rate in Commercial Real Estate

If you invested $1,000,000 in a property, with a 6% CAP rate, you would receive $60,000, at year-end.

What is a 4% cap rate? ›

For example, a property with a 4 percent cap rate will take four years to recover the investment. Overall, cap rate is an important way for investors to estimate the level of risk associated with a given property.

What does an 8% cap rate mean? ›

Cap rates give investors a glance at the investment opportunity presented by a property. If the investment is offered at a 10% cap, you can expect to yield a 10% return; an 8% cap would yield an 8% return (both assuming you paid cash without financing).

What expenses are excluded from cap rate? ›

Mortgage expenses, interest rates, down payments, or any debt-related expenses are not included. The cap rate calculation focuses on the property and not on the finance type used to obtain the property. As for taxes, property taxes are included because they remain the same.

Is cap rate calculated before or after tax? ›

It is calculated as net operating income divided by the current market value of the property. Net operating income, which is one of the inputs in the cap rate formula, is a pre-tax metric which means that the cap rate is also a pre-tax metric.

Is cap rate the same as cost of capital? ›

The cap rate bears a close relation to the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) as defined in the corporate finance literature (Copeland and Weston, 1988). The WACC is the rate of discount that reflects the average costs of debt and equity capital employed by a firm.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

2% Rule. The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000.

Is 7% a good cap rate? ›

Average cap rates range from 4% to 10%. Generally, the higher the cap rate, the higher the risk. A cap rate above 7% may be perceived as a riskier investment, whereas a cap rate below 5% may be seen as a safer bet. If a property has a 10% cap rate, you should expect to recover your investment in about 10 years.

What cap rate is too high? ›

In real estate, a low (less than 5%) cap rate often reflects a lower risk profile, whereas a higher cap rate (greater than 7%) is often considered a riskier investment. Whether an investor deems a cap rate “good” is a direct reflection of whether or not they think the investment's return matches to the perceived risk.

What is the cap rate for multifamily housing in 2023? ›

In Q1 2023, the average going-in cap rate, which is based on the first year of net operating income at the property purchase price, increased 23 basis points to 4.72%, “marking the first significant quarterly deceleration in cap rate expansion since the Fed began its latest round of rate hikes,” according to CBRE.

Is cash on cash the same as cap rate? ›

Cap rate measures the potential profit from an investment without factoring in financing. Cash on cash return tells you how much profit you receive for each dollar invested. Rental property investors use both calculations to determine the best potential real estate investments.

Does cap rate affect value? ›

The interrelationship of NOI, cap rate and property value means that a property's value can be determined using the NOI and the cap rate — property value equals the NOI divided by the cap rate. A higher cap rate will therefore result in a lower property value, NOI being equal.

Is cap rate and IRR the same? ›

The most important distinction between cap rates and IRR are that cap rates provide only a snapshot of the value of a property at a given moment in the investment lifecycle, whereas IRR provides for an overall view of the total returns on the investment on an annualized basis.

Is cap rate the most important? ›

The capitalization rate is the most commonly used baseline for comparing investment properties. It is analogous to the estimated effective rate of return on security investments. For example, a $100,000 all-cash property with a cap rate of 4.5% will produce the same returns as a $100,000 invested in securities at 4.5%.

Why is a lower cap rate better? ›

It's generally better to have a lower cap rate than a higher one. A lower cap rate implies that the property is more valuable and less risky due to type, class, and market. While a higher cap rate offers investors a higher return, that property investment typically has a higher risk profile.

What is a good ROI for rental property? ›

Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns. It's important to remember that ROI isn't the only factor to consider while evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

What is the standard cap rate? ›

In commercial real estate, a capitalization rate (“cap rate”) is a formula used to estimate the potential return an investor will make on a property. The cap rate is expressed as a percentage, usually somewhere between 3% and 20%. Cap rates generally have an inverse relationship to the property value.

What is a 25% cap rate? ›

In real estate parlance, that 4x earnings multiple is called a 25% cap rate. It seems like a great cap rate assuming earnings remain steady.

Do you want a higher cap rate? ›

Beyond a simple math formula, a cap rate is best understood as a measure of risk. So in theory, a higher cap rate means an investment is more risky. A lower cap rate means an investment is less risky.

Is 7.5% a good cap rate? ›

Investors hoping for deals with a lower purchase price may, therefore, want a high cap rate. Following this logic, a cap rate between four and ten percent may be considered a “good” investment. According to Rasti Nikolic, a financial consultant at Loan Advisor, “in general though, 5% to 10% rate is considered good.

What is considered a good cap rate? ›

Market analysts say an ideal cap rate is between five and 10 percent; the exact number will depend on the property type and location. In comparison, a cap rate lower than five percent denotes lesser risk but a more extended period to recover an investment.

What is 10% cap rate? ›

For example, a 10% cap rate is the same as a 10-multiple. An investor who pays $10 million for a building at a 10% cap rate would expect to generate $1 million of net operating income from that property each year.

What is a typical cap rate? ›

Cap rates are measured as percentages, typically from 3-20%. This risk is measured based on the amount of time it takes for an investor to recover their initial investment. When a cap rate is low, the property has a relatively higher value and lower risk.

What does 15% cap rate mean? ›

It's used to identify the return an investor can expect to receive from an investment property. So, as a quick example, if a property were listed at $500,000.00 with an NOI of $75,000.00, the cap rate would be 15% (75,000.00/500,000.00 = . 15).

What is the difference between cap rate and ROI? ›

The cap rate tells you what to expect from a property should you pay cash and puts all properties on the same playing field. The ROI focuses on your individual investment based on how much you invest in the property and can guide you with your down payment.

Why is lower cap rate better? ›

It's generally better to have a lower cap rate than a higher one. A lower cap rate implies that the property is more valuable and less risky due to type, class, and market. While a higher cap rate offers investors a higher return, that property investment typically has a higher risk profile.

What is a good cap rate for multifamily property? ›

That said, a “good” cap rate for multifamily properties is at least 4% but can extend up to 8% to 12%. Regardless of market or property condition, multifamily properties tend to have a lower cap rate than other real estate investments.

How do you use cap rate to determine value? ›

The Capitalization Rate or Cap Rate is a ratio used to estimate the value of income producing properties. Put simply, the cap rate is the net operating income divided by the sales price or value of a property expressed as a percentage.

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